James Reed From Eric Butler and Jeremy Lee to League writers such as Betty
Luks, Brian Simpson, Peter Ewer, Ian Wilson and myself (and others) There runs
a common thread: Western Civilisation is under severe threat and without action
and resistance, faces oblivion. A little Social Credit booklet "The Crime and
the Cure" (Sydney 1980) begins: "The signs are all round us of the collapse of
our civilisation." The problems discussed
each week are many and seen outside of a philosophical world view, may produce
in the individual feelings of despair and hopelessness. What can be done? Can
civilisation be saved? Many of us believe that we have degenerated to such
a degree that some nations cannot be saved. France, perhaps, South Africa and
Zimbabwe (once called Rhodesia) have fallen and have descended into chaos. The
Downfall of Beauty Social Credit writers have been well aware of the threat
to civilisation and even in the 1930s were addressing questions that social critics
and environmentalists are thinking about today. Norman Webb, writing in 1936
in the Social Credit journal "The Fig Tree" published an insightful essay
entitled "The Downfall of Beauty":
Industrialisation - and what today
we would call globalisation - fuelled by the pursuit of money and utility, has
reduced man to a machine, levelled traditional cultures and produced a world crippling
ugliness. "This present civilisation is not only failing in the achievement
of the object for which it came into being, the enjoyment of the increment of
association, but it is fast losing consciousness of what that object is - is actually
ceasing to know for what it is in association. There is no Canon today other than
that of Finance - a static, book-keeping theory, related at no point to the spiritual,
dynamic facts of existence. The lover of beauty
looks at the pre-industrial world and recognises that in some particular denied
to us, it was good; it was right. In those days, in spite of the fact that there
were wars and pestilence, cruelty and hunger
, there was a focus; there was homogeneity;
there was unity in diversity; there was fitness; there was taste." "Even if
he caught only fleeting glimpses of it, man still knew what he was concerned to
achieve. The present industrialised world has forfeited all this, not because
it has been mechanised, as artists have thought, but for the single, simple reason
that it has been beguiled by an artificially imposed condition into desiring an
abstraction - money - in place of the substantial things it can make. Realism
and beauty are one, and the age that has lost the sense of what it wants to such
a degree that it mistakes the shadow for the substance, is incapable of creating
real beauty." C.H. Douglas also observed the
process of the levelling of community. In the "Big Idea" he said: "There is,
a memory-history of still greater importance [than personal experience], and that
is heredity. Many of the country villages of England and Scotland were full of
it. The first essential of its growth is stability
Family-traditional history
may have taken the form of 'feeling for the land', water divining, boat-building,
or anything else which has been carried on in the same place by the same families
over a considerable period. For the purpose of a 'feeling for a policy', which
is really a subconscious memory of trial and error, the same consideration is
equally true, if we are to accept the theory of a continuous policy [as we do
boat building]."
Along with this, the ruthless pursuit of growth at all
costs to serve the financial system, grounded upon the creation of credit from
nothing as a debt to the financial money-men, was leading to the devastation of
the countryside. In "The Land for the Chosen
People Racket" Douglas said of one once-beautiful town: "Two hundred years
ago it was a lovely little country borough beside a sparkling salmon river, surrounded
by wooded hills with hundreds of modest manor houses within an hour's canter,
and a half dozen famous mansions within a radius of fifteen miles, each of them
a little community in itself." However now it must "be well in the running
for pre-eminence as a faithful similitude of Dante's Inferno
There are hundreds
of such districts in various parts of Great Britain. The general deterioration
has been more rapid in the last fifty years than in the previous century, and
a wide extension of this deterioration is threatened." Douglas
would not be surprised at what the forces of globalisation - the last battle of
financial capital over the soul of man - have done to China and most of Asia.
Choking pollution, the by-products of de-humanised economic growth at all cost,
unconnected with real human need, is poisoning rivers, the land and the air. Ultimately
the people themselves, being reduced to the level of robot workers, face destruction.
Capital then moves on, on its rampage over the planet, until all that remains
of earth is a burnt-out shell, purposelessly orbiting the sun. Collectivism
and the Philosophical Anthropology of Social Credit: On the threat facing
Western Civilisation (and increasingly Oriental culture as well), Wilhelm Ropke
in "Civitas Humana" (William Hodge and Co. Ltd.) said: "If we then describe
the deadly danger which threatens our whole Western civilisation as Collectivism
we do not doubt that we shall be fully understood by everybody. We are surely
within our rights in speaking of Collectivism as the fundamental and mortal danger
of the West and in describing it as nothing less than political and economic tyranny,
regimentation, centralisation, the despotic organisation of every department of
life, the destruction of personality, totalitarianism and the rigid mechanisation
of human society. And we do not doubt that we can count upon general agreement
when we say that this resulting insect State would not only destroy most institutions
and values which comprise a development of three thousand years and which, with
a conscious pride, we designate Occidental civilisation. It would not only rob
society of that organic structure, and internal support which gives it its stability,
but above all it would take from the life of the individual just that essential
purpose which only freedom can bestow, and with the loss of individual liberty
every vestige of intrinsic worth and dignity would perish from the earth. In speaking
thus we are expressing convictions which comprise the very core of Christian thought
and which must perish with it." The Common
Good: The problem of de-humanisation of man by the global economy has
been dealt with by many, but usually in a limited fashion. Thus "The Common Good
and the Catholic Church's Social Teaching" (1996) Statement by the Catholic Bishop's
Conference of England and Wales contains valuable criticisms of collectivism and
laissez-faire economics, but does not address the key role of the monetary system
upon the production/consumption system. Money,
debt and credit do not essentially feature in the scheme of things of "The Common
Good". However the social credit movement addresses this deficiency. C.H.
Douglas writing in "The Control and Distribution of Production," was well aware
of the important links between the economy and the common good. Thus: "Society
exists for the individual, not the individual for society." And: "The root problem
of civilisation - not the only problem, but that which has to be disposed of before
any other - is the provision of bed, board and clothes, and this affects the ordinary
man in terms of effort. If he has to work hard and long hours to obtain a precarious
existence, then for him civilisation fails." C.H.
Douglas defined 'Social Credit' as "The Policy of a Philosophy" and held that
the philosophy was Christianity so that Social Credit was applied Christianity.
But what is 'applied Christianity'? It involved belief in a certain metaphysics
about the world and society, because all theories, be they scientific, mathematical
or social have metaphysical presuppositions. Michael
Lane in his article "Power and Freedom" neatly sums up Douglas' social metaphysics:
"The individual soul is the centre of the universe; the group derivative,
limited. Contingent. The -tion ending of association makes it an action word,
"associating". The individual soul is the substantial reality, whereas the association
is merely the doing of something by individuals. If the doing assumes a life of
its own, with needs and demands of its own (the result of some individuals' identifying
themselves with the 'group'), the group becomes a tyranny." Social credit itself
reflects the power of human beings in association to produce intended goals and
results, measured in terms of human satisfaction." Social
Credit Applied Christianity: Readers new to League material will do well
to purchase a number of 'big picture' booklets that put Social Credit into a clear
philosophical and spiritual context. "Social Credit and Catholicism" by George-Henri
Levesque (introduced by Eric D. Butler) is an excellent little booklet which shows
that monetary reform is only part of Social Credit. However
life is a Whole, not a set of disorganised atoms. As Pope Pius XI recognised the
international financial system has rendered life, "hard, horrible and cruel" and
economic conditions "make it difficult for an increasing number of men to operate
the capital work of their eternal salvation." Eric
D. Butler in his superb "Releasing Reality: Social Credit and the Kingdom of God"
gives an extremely clear introduction to the idea of Social Credit as applied
Christianity. He gives an extremely readable outline of C.H. Douglas' thought
on Christianity and the evolution of Western European civilisation. The
Jewish problem, something that is difficult to discuss today (since now, we
are the problem) is also concisely discussed. Reasons why the social credit idea
- of the individual receiving a dividend based upon the cultural heritage - has
been so ruthlessly attacked are also given. Commenting on the theme of this essay,
the survival of Western Christian civilisation, Mr. Butler said: "Traditional
Christian philosophy has always insisted that God reveals Himself through history;
through the continuous application of policies - economic, financial, political
and social - rooted in philosophies. The very chaos of today's world is a demonstration
of God's power; that God does not permit a violation of His truths to take place
without a price being paid. The disintegration of Civilisation is not a sin in
itself: it is the wages of sin. The individual defies God's truths at his own
peril." Social Credit opposes the disintegration
of civilisation. It has an economic programme for doing this of course, which
has been well discussed in a multitude of booklets. Some as an introduction
include: "The Crime and the Cure"; "Social Credit" by C.H. Douglas; "The Truth
About Social Credit," by Eric D. Butler; "Social Credit and Christian Philosophy"
by Eric D. Butler; "The ABC of Social Credit" by Elizabeth Holter and many more
books and booklets. Send for a list. Beyond
all of this though, the battle we are facing is a spiritual one, the archetypal
fight between good and evil. Both Douglas and Butler recognised that our age is
one where the anti-Christ is wreaking havoc upon the world. Mere economic reform
alone is not enough - there must be a spiritual regeneration. This is the real
challenge confronting us. As Mr. Butler concluded in "Releasing Reality" the
starting point for a genuine spiritual renewal is not found in mass rallies but
within the individual: "As the Kingdom of God
is within each individual, access to the Kingdom is available NOW. Regeneration
of Civilisation must start with regeneration of the individual. The development
of the Kingdom of God can start now with individuals seeking to use their initiative,
in association with others, who are also 'practical Christians', to resist wherever
possible the policies of evil. Refusal to act is a failure to strive to enter
the Kingdom." For Social Crediters: "The
future of Christianity now depends upon those who have grasped the truths - the
glimpse of reality - discovered and presented by Douglas." "Releasing
Reality: Social Credit and the Kingdom of God" by Eric D. Butler $7.00 posted
Luks In his essay, "Collapse of Marxist Orthodoxy and Triumph of American
Neo-Marxism," Eric D. Ross, Ph.D., explained the plotters and planners of the
New World Marxist Order realised that such blunt instruments of force Stalin used
would not work in the Western World. Another more subtle means was required. The
Italian Communist Gramsci taught that a Cultural Revolution would be more successful
- and so it was. One of the objectives of
Neo-Marxism was the destruction of Western Culture and the imposition of Neo-Marxism
was through the takeover of its institutions, i.e., the common law, education,
the family, the church, the mass media, and popular culture. They have done so.
The Rescued Generations: As witnessed this last week, the attack
and dumbing down on Westerners' pysche through the psychopolitical weapon of COLLECTIVE
GUILT and whipped up emotion has proved most effective. And those guilt-ridden
'weak sisters' in the Opposition, who have no strong convictions of the value
and worth of Western Christian heritage, have gone along with Rudd's 'weeping
sisters'. I wonder if Australians realise
such a psychopolitical campaign would not work in other cultures. It works in
Western cultures because over the centuries, freedom and the imagination it involves,
begot Conscience, and it is Conscience that is targeted. But because of the
devilishly-clever strategy of dumbing-down Judgment, Assessment, Discernment,
Critical Analysis, etc., those faculties have been sapped of their strength and
vitality! Australians are now sleep-walking into
a trap set for them many years ago. Do
you oppose what Rudd has done? Have you expressed your opposition to Rudd and
the Leader of the Opposition, Brendan Nelson? Have you written to your local paper
expressing your concerns and warning them of the consequences to such a move as
this 'apology'? |
IN THE PRESSTo the Editor, The
Advertiser (Adelaide): So Prime Minister Kevin Rudd believes that by saying
sorry, indigenous people will become full participants in society. They already
have this opportunity. However, because of the majority lacking incentive
and motivation, as well as the inability to resolve their own centuries-old ingrained
differences to speak in one voice, full participation will not occur. Governments
know this, yet still allow themselves to be led by the nose down this politically
correct path, driven by the media and minority groups. It will achieve nothing,
and I do not give Mr. Rudd permission to include me in his apology. - - Joy
Baluch, Port Augusta (South Australia) Editor's
note: Joy Baluch is Port Augusta's much loved and respected Mayor and has
been for many a year. The Rudd government has said compensation claims will not
be linked to the 'apology', but already hardliners such as Michael Mansell, and
a former minister in the Keating Labor government Michael Lavarch are calling
for compensation claims! Ho hum. What did we say? LETTER
the Editor: On Target. Dear Sir, The 'talk-back' radio has delivered
some of the sanest comments on the "Sorry" fiasco; far outclassing the politicians.
One of the best went like this: "Aborigines are one of the most privileged
groups in the world. They do not have to work for anybody else. The Government
sends them a cheque each fortnight, pays all their legal fees, rents and most
of their dental and health care, as well as providing adequate sums of money for
special occasions such as weddings and funerals. When are a fraction of these
handouts going to be available to the children of those white people who have
worked all their lives to make all these handouts possible? What about a big
"thank-you" from the recipients of this largesse, next time Parliament is opened?"
I would not dispute that argument. - - With best wishes, John Brett, Highfields
Queensland. |
Can we look to the established Churches for some spiritual and moral guidance
in these matters? Don't hold your breath. The ecclesiastics have been through
the same educational process of neo-Marxist indoctrination and 'dumbing down'
as have the rest of Australians. A hundred years ago, the infiltration of
the Church's own institutions was well under way; Christianity was becoming thoroughly
infected with the Marxist virus. In the middle
1930s, Malcolm Muggeridge, while stationed in Moscow as a journalist for The
Guardian newspaper had his own great awakening to the realities of Fabian
Socialism - and he spoke as one who had grown up within the movement. Malcolm
Muggeridge's father was one of the original Fabian Socialists, and the group would
meet in his father's home. Malcolm married the niece of the early Fabian Socialist
icons Sydney and Beatrice Webb. Malcolm wrote that what his father had imagined
to be the new brotherly way of life, was upon examination of its application in
Soviet Russia, an appalling tyranny, in which the only thing that mattered was
power. He wrote in "The Great Liberal Death
Wish": "The thing that impressed me, and the thing that touched off my
awareness of the great liberal death wish, my sense that western man was, as it
were, sleep-walking into his own ruin, was the extraordinary performance of the
liberal intelligentsia, who, in those days, flocked to Moscow like pilgrims to
Mecca. And they were one and all thoroughly delighted and excited by what they
saw there. Clergymen walked serenely and happily through the anti-God museums,
politicians claimed that no system of society could possibly be more equitable
and just
They all wrote articles in this sense which we resident journalists
knew were completely nonsensical
" Australians
are now going to have their own 'great awakening' - but at what cost? For those
who would earnestly seek to understand the important distinctions between the
two systems a good primer is: "The Australian Heritage Series". Price $7.00
posted. "The Great Liberal Death Wish" by Malcolm Muggeridge is available
- $3.00 posted. Further reading on the Neo-Marxist
plans for Australia: "Red Over Black" by Geoff MacDonald - $15.00 posted.
Doug Collins was hounded by the thought police and wrote of his experiences
to warn his fellow Canadians of what to expect in that country. "Here We Go Again,"
by Douglas Collins. $25.00 posted. "Truth
Out of Africa," by Ivor Benson. $15.00 posted. Read what happened to the African
peoples as the Communists took over former western colonies one after another.
Australia is now placed squarely in the front line in defence of what is left
of the free world. |