17 July 2009 Thought for the Week: The SUPREME STATE, PLANNING, and SCARCITY: “....We are at the present time unquestionably under the domination of the financial system which rules us. It rules us in our most basic necessities; the necessity for bed, board and clothes, and the other things that go to make up the standard of living. But we do not want to transfer that domination from, let us say, what we can call the banking system under another name to something we call the State. We have no desire whatever if we will analyze what our objective is, to change one master for a still more powerful master. —Extracts from a speech by Major C. H. Douglas at Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April, 1934 |
ENCYCLICAL ON GLOBALISATIONby Betty Luks It states: Whatever happened to the concept of sovereign nation states ? |
THE SOCIAL CREDIT CONCEPT OF FREEDOMby Wallace Klinck, Canada The Social Credit "axiom" is that this orthodox contention is not true: It is the business of producers to pursue science so that they are enabled to deliver, at minimum cost with adequate volume and quality, to consumers, the goods and services they want as expressed by their "money votes" or purchasing patterns. Unfortunately the present defective financial system starves the economy increasingly of effective purchasing-power. This is no accident, but the outworking of deliberate policy designed to weaken all lesser elements of society, including local governments and nations driving them inexorably into larger and larger political and economic alliances and politico-economic unions--moving progressively toward an evermore repressive world state from which there will be refuge for no individual. Government will be so remote and entrenched that virtually no effective action to influence it will be possible for ordinary citizens. Financial reform as advocated by Social Credit would effectively reverse this trend by restoring to individuals and lesser governments increasing financial independence and ability to function with autonomy. |
FREEDOM SOON TO BE ONLY BUT A DISTANT MEMORY ?by Ian Wilson LL.B. Best of all, one does not even need to go through the old demands of the criminal justice system to do this. But break an ASBO and you may find yourself in a prison bound for the colonies – oops sorry, wrong century! One may compare such a Britain with George Orwell’s 1984, but really these sorts of laws are a logical conclusion of the multicultural communist society that Britain has become. Having once led the world in all things good, Britain now has the great liberal-left death wish and seeks its own dissolution. For the nation that gave us our modern conception of freedom, freedom may soon be only but a distant memory. |
COMMUNIST EQUALITY UK-STYLEby James Reed Of course I agree – but…the Churches have supported political correctness, immigrationism and all sorts of anti-white ideologies since the 1960’s. The Catholic Church has done this: it has supported, not resisted these political movements. |
THE END OF LONDONby Brian Simpson Oh no, whatever happens, the sky will fall in if anyone thinks you are ‘racist’! Don’t speculate about the racist origin of the attack: if “five white youths” did this hellish thing to a black girl, or an Indian girl, the whole of society would shake. And then we have the remarks of the Bishop of Rochester who said that some Muslim enclaves were “no-go areas” for “Christians”. As a writer in the Endeavour points out this absurdity, are we to suppose that somehow the Muslims distinguish between white Christians and white non-Christians? Not on your life – this is a racial issue. Moir goes on to say that “white flight is accelerating” as “Britain becomes increasingly polarised along ethnic lines”. Then incredibly Moir says: “London is a welcoming city, where home-grown and particularly international criminal networks are flourishing nicely. Somewhere in the city, a great termite nest of law-breaking and corruption grows by the day, nourished by immigrants, some of them illegal, from Algeria, Nigeria, Jamaica and Pakistan, among others. Is it racist to point that out too? I don’t know any more. All I know is that London has room to absorb them all, particularly as so many of its citizens have recently left in a hurry”. And why did they leave? Surely to avoid “the eternal cesspit of senseless urban crime” that London has become. Yes, the liberal has difficulty facing the grim reality of multiracialism/multiculturalism even when it slaps them in the face. |
RUDD 'S DUD STIMULUSby James Reed No doubt when Rudd first heard this, he would have thought: will this happen before the next election? Quick – where’s my spin doctor? And what PM would not be alarmed: “An extended period of stagnating economic activity could undermine the credibility of the policies in place. Governments may find it hard to place debt if market participants expect the underlying (budget) balance to remain negative for years to come”. Kev ’09 won’t be smiling then as Penny Wong takes his leadership. I look forward to the failure of such conventional economic strategies. Only then can the masses see the opportunity for social credit policies as Betty Luks brilliantly discussed in her article in The New Times Survey, June 2009. Their failure will be our success. |
DOES KEVIN RUDD REALLY BELIEVE IN THE TOOTH FAIRY?by James Reed Nevertheless, a grinning Rudd and ‘Swanny’ were gloating about a meagre 0.4% growth in GDP in the March quarter. But even the economics editor of The Australian thought that this was stretching things a bit: “the economy is still in an actual recession by just about every other measure…[the] number of hours worked, the national wages bill, domestic spending…”, the list goes on. Only by making cash payments that will put the nation into the debt of bankers for years to come have Rudd-Swan managed to score on ‘good’ or not-bad economic tick. It is a very high price to pay. |
ISRAEL ATTACKS! SEIZES MEDICINE, TOYS & OLIVE TREES !by Peter Ewer According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Palestinians in Gaza are “trapped in despair”. Thousands of homes have been destroyed by Israel and people lack shelter. Israel refuses to allow comment and building materials into the Gaza Strip. Medical supplies are also disrupted (source: The Free Gaza Movement: “Israel Attacks Justice Boat; Kidnaps Human Rights Workers; Confiscates Medicine, Toys and Olive Trees”, at https://www.freegaza.org). All of this - from the violation of international law to human rights abuses – should be morally condemned by the high-minded journalists who are, oh so fast, to find the slightest hint of (gasp) “racism” in the dwindling Anglo Saxon population. But they are silent. Political correctness means that you, from the heights of your morally superior anthill, never have to say “sorry”. |
TRAVIS THE CHIMP VS B. HUSSEIN OBAMAby James Reed Controversy erupted in the US of A when the New York Post (The Australian, 20/2/09, p.8) compared Barack Hussein Obama to Travis. The cartoon shows two police officers talking after one of them has blasted the chimp. “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill”, one police officer says. The liberal-left were outraged that Obama could be compared to a chimp. Racism pure and simple they chanted. This is a mistake. Racism or not, it is wrong to equate Travis and Obama. Travis probably acted to protect, in his own chimp way, his owner and territory. Obama is slick and smart and is already moving on communist adventures never before contemplated in America such as an allegedly temporary nationalisation of some of the US’s ailing banks. |
OH ! NO !... NOT IMMIGRATION AND MULTICULTURAL UNREST IN CHINA !“Muslim unrest in China” from the Pakistan Daily, 8/7/09 (www.daily.pk): The Pakistan Daily gives us some of the background details Australians have not heard about – as yet. The article states: However, matters could change. The violence meted out to Uighur protesters in Urumchi, capital of Xinjiang, comes as a shock. It is unclear how many of them have died but there are reports of at least 140, with more than 800 injured. Hundreds more have been arrested. It is the most brutal act of violence against protesters since Tiananmen Square 20 years ago. It is bound to influence the way Muslims perceive China. The Turkic Muslim Uighurs are the indigenous inhabitants of Xinjiang. Meanwhile, the jobs have gone to the immigrants. It is a cocktail for bitterness and occasionally terrorism, as individuals seek to draw international attention to their plight. Just before last year's Beijing Olympic Games, two Uighurs attacked and killed 17 policemen in the historic city of Kashgar near the border with Kyrgyzstan. Till now, however, the rest of the world, including the rest of the Muslim world, has largely ignored their plight - in no small part, it has to be admitted, because of political considerations. Turning a blind eye is not going to be an option after this incident. Views on China's attitude toward its Muslim population will harden. Muslims (and others) are bound to question whether there is any difference between Israel trying to crush a people and create facts on the ground by building settlements and China doing the same with its policy of Han migration. China takes the view that its internal affairs are its private concern and that no one else has the right to express any views whatsoever - praise excepted - about what happens within its borders. The world is not like that any more, and China has to realize that persecution of its Muslims will not go unnoticed or uncommented upon. That does not mean that relations between China and the Muslim world are going to move into a freeze. They will remain as vital as those with Western countries accused of anti-Muslim policies. But the persecution could put a strain on Chinese-Muslim relations. |