11 October 2009 Thought for the Week: “A party of economists was climbing the Alps. After several hours they became hopelessly lost. One of them studied the map for some time, turning it up and down, sighting distant landmarks, consulting his compass, and finally the sun. - - The Social Crediter, Volume 85 No 3 Autumn 2009. |
ANOTHER VIEW ON THE IMMIGRATION 'REVOLUTION 'The immigration revolution: can Europe be the same with different people in it? It enriched our lives, it boosted our economy, it made us better people morally and it was a continuation of our countries’ histories of immigration, and anyone who disagrees is a racist bigot. The ruling class kitted the emperor out in his fancy new clothes and if people could not see them then there was something wrong with their eyes. Well, the emperor is butt-naked and Financial Times journalist Christopher Caldwell is the little boy. The publication of his book “Reflections on the Revolution in Europe” is a pivotal moment in the debate on immigration, and it heralds the start of a new era - an acceptance by the political mainstream that our system isn’t working, and that while a multi-racial society can work, the more multi-racial it is the less well it functions. Caldwell is a reasonable, moderate man who has studied Europe and Islam for a decade, which makes his conclusions all the more astonishing. He argues that mass immigration and the formation of large ethnic bodies makes us unhappier as people, it damages rather than helps the economy, and threatens the basic principles of freedom. Most alarming of all, he shows just how deluded are those liberal thinkers who believe large Muslim immigrant communities can be assimilated into Europe, especially a hedonistic atheist Europe which has recently adopted values at odds with the rest of humanity. Immigration of the sort we’ve had since the war is simply unprecedented. Part of the propaganda pumped out by the establishment is that Britain is a nation of immigrants. But, as Calwell writes: “Aside from the invasions of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes that started in the fourth century AD - and which brought, at the very most, 250,000 new settlers over a period of several centuries - British 'stock' has changed little. Only about 10,000 people arrived with the Norman Conquest. Tens of thousands more Huguenots came after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. But, all told, three-quarters of the ancestors of contemporary Britons and Irish were already present in the British Isles 7,500 years ago. DNA from people who arrived after that makes up only 12 per cent of the Irish gene pool.” In fact before 1945 there had only been one example of such immigration in Europe’s history and that was, ironically, produced by Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany is the key to all of this, the reason why we are unable to balance our Christian disdain for racism and our willingness to allow minority communities to live here with common sense. No society in history would ever have dreamed of doing what Europe did after 1945, inviting vastly different people over in such numbers, for the simple reason that no other society was so wracked with guilt and self-loathing for its “two historic misdeeds, colonialism and Nazism”. This, combined with pressure from big business, which wanted cheap labour to run heavy industry (most of which was on its last legs anyway), and a welfare state that discouraged natives from taking menial jobs, caused Europe’s leaders to invite people in such large numbers as to make future ethnic conflict inevitable. Caldwell continues: “If one abandons the idea that Western Europeans are rapacious and exploitative by nature, and that Africans, Asians, and other would-be immigrants are inevitably their victims, then the fundamental differences between colonisation and labour migration cease to be obvious.” And what we have in the suburbs of France and the inner cities of Holland and England is, whatever that word’s pejorative meaning, colonisation. Enoch Powell and his ‘rivers of blood’: And yet Powell’s population forecasts were spot on. He shocked his Rotary Club audience in 1968 by suggesting Britain’s non-white population would be 4.5 million in 2002 (in 2001 it was 4,635,296). |
ONE OF THOSE 'UNREHEARSED EVENTS OF HISTORY ?by Betty Luks The reason why? On the night the vote was taken, the parliamentary wine club was also meeting, and ten members of parliament (including Premier Mike Rann and Opposition leader Isobel Redmond) were not in the House for the vote! |
ADOLF RIDES AGAIN !from Len the Cleaner Why are these groups upset: after all, old Adolf is called a “mass murderer”? Would they be upset if the face was that of a Middle Eastern drug dealer, an Eskimo or Donald Duck? No, the idea that Adolf could get down and have the sort of sordid sex that trendoids have in gym centre car parks, is now politically incorrect. What will be their next complaint? |
THE MODERN GEN X WOMAN AND NEW AGE NONSENSEfrom Len the Cleaner Recently journalist/radio personality Amber Petty (“Seeing the Light”, The Advertiser, 10/9/09, p.18) addressed this topic. She took all of this stuff seriously but warned people that spiritual healers are human too and even your best friendly neighbourhood medium, sage, sooth etc. could slump it and slum it and do a bit of “indecent assault on his clients”. A fair warning I suppose. In times of genuine crisis, nonsense flourishes. It diverts attention from real, practical areas of concern such as economics, ecology, the sustainability of fresh water and the preservation of soil. These topics are not trendy and sexy enough to be dealt with, with the attention they deserve. |
LOVE CAN 'T BUY ME MONEY ! ALL YOU NEED IS CASH !by James Reed Daniel Finkelstein (“All You Need is Capitalism”, The Australian, 11/9/09, p.12) argues that the Beatles did not represent counterculture but capitalism. Jewish homosexual Brian Epstein packaged them in his management and channelled their sexual energy. Agreed. But Epstein overdosed on sleeping pills in 1967 and most of the Beatles’ drug-influenced records occurred after that. And of course we have the anti-Christian remarks of ego-maniac John Lennon, who liked to see himself as an alternative Marxist-Christ. Imagine is a hymn of globalisation and cosmopolitanism. But imagine… Imagine there are no pinkos, its easy if you try / no need to fight this insane fight, no reason now to die / imagine no immigration, people looking after their world / no more greed or financial hunger / no more brotherhood of man. You may say I’m a dreamer / and you would be right / but I hope that you will join us, and fight the good fight. |
THE INSANE SOCIETYby James Reed The femo-journalists were delighted with this news. Never mind that this idea has been tried and failed in Israel. For the femos, even if men on average are physically stronger than women, many women are stronger than the average man. So be it; I am tired of this argument. Put the Amazon warriors on the frontline but don’t give them a rifle, give them a spear! Let them prove their superiority by fighting with a traditional weapon. |
WHAT IS THE HEINER AFFAIR ?by James Reed See: https://www.samuelgriffith.org.au/papers/html/volume17/v17chap1.html. Before formulating a definite opinion I need to do more background research but the material I have seen indicates that something fishy went on. Why shred the papers? What was on them? And – is there another copy out there? To be continued… |
US HEALTH DEBATE: RACISM, RACISM EVERYWHERE!by Brian Simpson Pelosi is using the race card, not as skilfully as Obama, to defuse criticism of a socialist health program that will ration medical services and “pull the plug on grandma” – provided that grandma is white. As radio host Rush Limbaugh has said, in “Obama’s America”, “White kids are getting beat up on school buses now”. |
FALL OF THE FAMILY HERALDS COLLAPSE OF CIVILISATIONby James Reed Around one-third of all dependent children are living with a sole parent or parents in de facto relationships. De facto relationships break up more frequently than marriages, so the real divorce rate in Australia is very high. It has been said that the family is the foundation of society. If so, the foundation of our society is disintegrating and heralding the impending collapse of civilisation. |
AND NOW TO VACCINESby Betty Luks The following media release from the Institute of Science in Society could be of help to our readers: Now another serious candidate vaccine has appeared. It is produced by an Australian based company CSL Biotherapies. The CSL global seasonal influenza vaccine AFLURIA® is prepared from influenza virus propagated in the fluid of embryos in chicken eggs. The multi-dose formulation, however, contains thimerosal, as a preservative; each 0.5 mL dose contains 24.5 mcg of mercury [3]. The pandemic H1N1 vaccine has been prepared in the same way as the seasonal vaccine. However, CSL also licensed reverse genetic technology (see [2]) from Medimmune company and has indicated that some vaccine may be produced using that method [4]. Inactivation of the virus using beta-propiolactone is a common practice in virus inactivation for vaccines. However, there is some concern about the use of beta propiolactone because it is a potent cancer causing chemical [5]. |
IMMIGRATION AND THE DESTRUCTION OF AUSTRALIAby James Reed Australia thus will become a majority non-white country about the same time as America does. Once an Asian president takes over the Republic of Australia, the whole process of Asian immigration will spiral out of control. Now is the time for a strong-willed anti-immigration party along the lines of Australians Against Further Immigration. This time the party should explicitly defend the Anglo Saxon ethnic group. Otherwise, forget about any program for changing the economy. Will a majority Chinese-population Australia care? |
OH THOSE TERRIBLE 'RACIST' BOSSES !from Len the Cleaner By the way, is it also racist for Asian education agents to stack Asian international students, three to a room? (Asian Students Lived Three to a Room”, The Advertiser, 17/9/09, p.3) Apparently not. You see, only whites can be racist in our brave new politically correct world. |
IRAN AND THE NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST OF EUROPEby Peter Ewer Many Freedom Movement types seem to have a soft spot for Iran given its anti-Zionist murmurs. Yet an Israeli pre-emptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities could set in motion a nuclear holocaust in Europe, if the strike fails. Iran armed with a nuclear bomb is certain to use it on Israel and Israel will respond by unleashing its arsenal. The nuclear fallout alone will be an ecological disaster. The US is hoping that Russia may put pressure on Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions but that is in my opinion, an underestimation of the fanaticism and dangers of this regime.Unfortunately Obama’s Islamic sympathies will prevent the US taking the action that is needed. So the dangers of a nuclear holocaust in Europe will grow. 'Our side' of politics needs to recognise that there are other forces at work in the world other than Zionism and that some sort of secret hope for the end of Israel may have dangerous, unexpected nasty surprises. |
TAX CUTS INSTEAD OF 'STIMULUS' INJECTIONS ?Interestingly the Institute of Public Affairs has come out with the suggestion that if the Rudd government had introduced tax cuts instead of injecting more borrowed money into the system Australian families would have enjoyed some extra purchasing power. What can we say? This is a policy the Australian League of Rights suggested aeons ago. Better late than never it would seem. The IPA report stated:
Source; Institute of Public Affairs, www.ipa.org.au |
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