4 December 2009 Thought for the Week: Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'? Manipulation of evidence: I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. Private doubts about whether the world really is heating up: The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate. Suppression of evidence: Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis. Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address. We will be getting Caspar to do likewise…” James Delingpole, 20 November 2009. - - Source: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100017393/climategate-the-final-nail-in-the-coffin-of-anthropogenic-global-warming/ ONLINE PETITION - Senator Barnaby Joyce, Leader of the Nationals in the Senate The Liberal members of Parliament who have stood up to Malcolm Turnbull on the Emmissions Trading Scheme are to be congratulated. Two in particular stand out and should be commended and encouraged. We urge our readers to email, phone or write telling them they have your support on this issue. Senator the Hon Nick Minchin 36 Grenfell Street, Kent Town SA 5067 (PO Box 2141, Kent Town SA 5071) 08/8362 8600 1300 301 647 08/8362 8579 (fax) E-mail: senator.minchin@aph.gov.au |
WHAT YOU DIDN 'T KNOW: CARBON POLLUTION REDUCTION SCHEMEThe now relabelled "Emissions Trading Scheme" federal legislation can be found on: https://www.climatechange.gov.au/government/initiatives/cprs/cprs-progress/legislation.aspx The re-labelled "Emissions Trading Scheme" to now be the "Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme". Suspected as a propaganda exercise as ‘emissions’ was too vague to galvanise the nation to action whereas ‘pollution’ might… On March 12, 2009 the federal government unveiled its climate change legislation. Do suspected terrorists now have more rights than carbon emitters? Right to privacy abolished: But wait ... there's more! The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is a treaty that most world governments are expected to sign in Copenhagen in December 2009 -- including Britain and the United States. Lord Monckton told the audience that the 181-page working document of the treaty, which contains the word "government" in its Annex I, paragraph 38, transfers enormous powers, greater than any other governments' powers, to the unelected bureaucratic entity, which will be in charge of managing the most important aspect of Western societies without elections and polls. It does not mention the words "election", "ballot", "elected official" or "vote" anywhere in it. According to Lord Monckton, by signing this document, all the industrial countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States, will forever take responsibility for the ills of other countries. Page 6 of the document states: "PP.15 Further acknowledging that developed countries have a historical responsibility for their disproportionate contribution to the causes and consequences of climate change, reflecting their disproportionate historical use of a shared global carbon space since 1850 as well as their proposed continuing disproportional use of the remaining global carbon space ... Warming of the climate system, as a consequence of human activity, is unequivocal." Page 38, "28. The adverse effects of climate change and response measures, due to the historical cumulative GHG emissions of developed countries, constitute an additional burden on all developing country Parties (particularly low-lying and other small island countries, countries with low-lying coastal, arid and semi-arid areas or areas liable to floods, drought and desertification, and developing countries with fragile mountainous ecosystems) in reducing poverty, developing strategies to address social vulnerabilities and attaining sustainable development and a threat to achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals." Page 122, "17. (a) Compensate for damage to the LDC's economy and also compensate for lost opportunities, resources, lives, land and dignity ...’ Page 27, "(b) Particularly vulnerable populations, groups and communities, [or] All vulnerable groups whose adaptive capacity is low, [or] Groups requiring special protection ..." Page 43, "41. (a) Assessed contributions of at least 0.7% of annual GDP of developed country Parties." These funds will go directly to governments and "community organisations". Page 39, "33. [The financial burden] must be at least USD 67 billion (in the range of USD 70-140 billion) per year." The commitments of the developed countries are "economy wide". Page 58, DVD JUST OUT! “Apocalypse - No!” filmed at the Climate Change Symposium. We have just received from the Minnesota Free Market Institute a one- and-a-half hour DVD of Lord Monkton’s speech on 14th October, 2009, Vital viewing! Special price $10 posted. Another DVD 'must view' - "Fall of the Republic”: American folk have produced over two hours of viewing. They warn the viewers the one-worlders will dump the American dollar when they think the timing is right – with resulting hyperinflation, thus wiping out the American (and Australian) middle class. |
AND NOW TO THE EUSource: Christopher Booker, Telegraph, UK:
21 Nov 2009. But it would be wrong to underestimate Herman Van Rompuy, the first permanent president of the European Council. This Belgian economist is a clever and ruthless political operator. To absorb ever more of national governments: Much of his wish list may have been drearily familiar ever since the Addenino report of 1985: more flying of the "ring of stars" flag, more singing of the "European anthem", EU number plates on cars, EU identity cards. But the one thing the EU has needed to make its powers complete, and which not even its Constitution could give, was the power to levy its own direct taxes. It is no accident that this is now at the top of Mr Van Rompouy's list – nor that the way in which he plans to raise those taxes is by levying new charges on every kind of activity that emits CO2. Way back in1991, Brussels first proclaimed its intention to give a "moral lead" to the world in "combating climate change". The following year it published plans for an EU-wide "carbon tax". Ever since, saving the planet has risen steadily higher on the EU's agenda, as the perfect idealistic cause to justify more new laws – from the landfill directive that has reduced our rubbish collection to chaos, to the legislation that forces us to encumber our countryside with useless wind turbines, and to use nasty, inefficient, mercury-filled light bulbs. Unfortunately for the President, this has come to pass at just the moment when the scare over global warming is beginning to run out of steam. The science behind it looks increasingly shaky as the world heads for a Copenhagen conference which, as even its organisers admit, is unlikely to produce anything resembling the much tougher successor to Kyoto that they have striven for so long. In other words, just when little Mr Rumpy imagines that he has found the Holy Grail of Brussels – an income source that will give the EU more money than it could ever have dreamed of – the cause he is relying on to provide the unlimited bonanza is itself beginning to disintegrate. As many might think, how neat it would be if both of these great edifices founded on wishful thinking should collapse together, leaving our new Mr President gazing forlornly from the bridge of his slowly sinking ship.” |
IS ALL THAT GLITTERS NOT SOLID GOLD - - BUT TUNGSTEN ...?by Betty Luks But that shadowy world is being exposed to the light more and more as their fraudulent ponzi schemes unravel. This time the internet is agog with rumours of a great gold-tungsten scam. We will let some of those involved in the bullion markets give an outline of just what has happened. We have checked on some of the addresses given and yes they are the websites of gold traders. One website reads - Harvey Organ's: have you already ordered your tungsten Bar? There are two foreign depositories for gold: Here is Jennifer Barry's account on these findings by Rob Kirby: And this, from Dave Kranzler on the Kirby findings: From GoldTrends: |
THE MURDER OF BRITISH AUSTRALIAby James Reed But not mentioned is the republican movements’ master weapon: immigration. Changing the ethnic, racial and demographic profile of the population is a guaranteed method of ultimately producing a monarch-free Australia. Just reduce British Australians to a minority and then to extinction. That is why opposing immigration and multiculturalism must be our key issue. |
BIG NEWS: HUSBAND ALLOWED TO KEEP HIS FARM!by Ian Wilson LL.B. As it turned out, the asset pool was divided 70-30 between husband and wife. Mr Casper had to pay $1.7 million to his ex-wife but he got to keep the family farm. The moral of the story is to be legally prepared. Young farmers need prenuptial agreements to protect their assets before marriage. And: if she really loves you, then she will sign. If not, look elsewhere young farmers. |
THE COLOUR OF RAPEby Brian Simpson The liberal press did what they usually do: say that race had nothing to do with it. But the more they say that, the more obvious the lie becomes to the non-brain dead. Statistically, white men rape few black or Hispanic women; black men rape a disproportionate number of white women every year. Commenting on this, Lawrence Auster says: “the facts, stated plainly without cushions and buffers, would shatter the liberal mind.” But I don’t think so. Liberals swallow contradictions and refuting evidence effortlessly. They surf over contradictions because living with a corrupt philosophy, truth no longer matters. In short, the liberal no longer has a mind to shatter. |
ASSIMILATE TO MUSLIM ASIA OR BE SUBJUGATED & PERISHby James Reed Don’t be shocked: APEC is already way ahead of the Taliban and APEC elites are pushing for a further liberalisation of migration laws to create an open borders world. Given demographics, this capitalist greed and blindness will lead to the sort of world that the Taliban describes – and one where capitalism, which depends upon liberal freedoms – will cease to be. So the APEC philosophy of a borderless world joins up with the philosophy of the Taliban. |