25 June 2010 Thought for the Week: "Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognise it. Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded 'anti-American,' 'anti-semite' or 'conspiracy theorist'. Truth is an inconvenience for government and for the interest groups whose campaign contributions control government. Truth is an inconvenience for prosecutors who want convictions, not the discovery of innocence or guilt. Truth is inconvenient for ideologues." Unfortunately he casts the blame on the characters of people: "economists sell their souls for filthy lucre... medical
doctors who for money, have published in peer-reviewed journals concocted 'studies that hype this or that new medicine’… Economic Democracy: We must be careful not to fall into a dualistic or dialectic deception in discussing "capitalism" vs communism". This is the old trick of ‘C’ setting ‘A’ against ‘B’ – setting them against each other for its own advantage. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ should benefit through mutual co-operation rather than conflict. Real capital and labour should be enabled to co-exist and co-operate for the general social weal. |
RUDD MINING TAX REMINISCENT OF CHIFLEY'S BANKING ACT – AMLPhilip Benwell, National Chairman Australian Monarchist League (www.monarchist.org.au) “After six weeks of wrangling, there are no signs whatsoever of any sort of comprise on the Rudd Resource Super-Profits Tax, better known as 'the mining tax'. Indeed, it is unfathomable to think that a government with declining polls, so close to an election, would embark upon a tax proposal, bound to create an uproar from the mining community and bound to lead to claims that the tax is unconstitutional. One could say it is déjà vu. Chifley's 1947 Banking Act, similarly a socialist policy, caused a High Court challenge by some States and banks and had the effect of mobilising the banks to mount a well funded and well resourced campaign intent upon defeating the government at the 1949 election. In 2010, the ingredients are the same. Only the players are different. Whilst any proposed law would be carefully drafted, it will undoubtedly impinge upon one or another section of the Australian Constitution. According to Section 114: “nor shall the Commonwealth impose any tax on property of any kind belonging to a State” and to Section 118: Full faith and credit shall be given, throughout the Commonwealth to the laws, the public Acts and records, and the judicial proceeding of every State.” Other areas of the Constitution relating to taxation, such as Section 55, will also provide ammunition to those challenging the tax. If the proposed tax law is able to pass through the parliament, which is not at all certain, it will undoubtedly be challenged in the High Court. It may be that the Government will hold a referendum to empower the Commonwealth with sufficient powers, but any vote will be most certainly lost unless an agreement is reached with all States and with all major mining companies. Both a State and a consortium of mining companies will have sufficient resources to mount a major challenge and, as past referendums have shown, a well funded 'No' case will generally succeed. Whilst matters of taxation fall outside the ambit of the Australian Monarchist League, we would most certainly oppose any unnecessary transfer of powers from the States to the Commonwealth. Whilst the States have their own administrative problems, this is not the fault of State or Federal constitutions, but more with the calibre of politicians elected to their parliaments. Taking powers from the States and centralising them into Canberra can have the potential of upsetting the finely tuned checks and balances within our federal system. |
ACADEMIC ABSURDITIES: WHY FEMINISM IS “PURE POISON”by James Reed Left and feminist defenders responded by saying that Bolt was being personal and playing the man, or rather woman. This is a common strategy in the world of the soft logic of feminism. The key criticism is that there are more important issues in the world – even from a left perspective – than writing about toilets, poo or even some woman’s clitoris. Thinking from a politically correct “high moral ground”, how would the oppressed and poor of the world feel about such use of resources? How can it be morally justified from their own perspective? |
YAWN… ANOTHER BORING ISRAEL “DEBATE”by Peter Ewer But, as soon as the Israeli commandos foolishly landed by helicopter on the ship, they were met by Muslims which the Turkish newspapers now say wanted to become martyrs, who then attacked the Israeli commandos with iron bars. Being “real, hairy-chested men” they just blasted them. A big PR mistake. They should have been better trained in martial arts combat and fought back, say, with sticks themselves rather than shooting. I am bored with the Israel v Muslim debate. Let us agree that Israel sets the world’s moral standards. Therefore there is no reason why Western countries can’t also take a hard-line with The Camp of the Saints style invasions of their homeland. |
MEXICO DECLARES DEMOGRAPHIC WAR ON THE U.S.by James Reed This shows that by this double standard he considers that the southern part of the US is ripe for the immigration invasion. At the US state dinner for President Calderon, singer Beyonce bounced the night away with a high tech lighting pop concert. Obama got out on the dance floor and bopped away. His ancestors would be proud of him – a fine, fit dancer. Too bad though that his country is going down the gurgler. |
THE GREAT FLU CONSPIRACYby James Reed Speaking of trust – it has been reported in various overseas newspapers, including The Washington Post, that the World Health Organization (WHO) exaggerated the threat posed by the virus H1N1 and did not disclose its intimate financial ties with drug companies which stood to benefit from vaccine production. Some key advisors who used their influence to have the WHO declare a pandemic, received money from the vaccine manufacturers. The disclosure is made in an investigation by the British Medical Journal’s Deborah Cohen and Philip Carter, 3 June, 2010. They state: “Key scientists advising the World Health Organization on planning for an influenza pandemic had done paid work for pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from the guidance they were preparing. These conflicts of interest have never been publicly disclosed by WHO, and WHO has dismissed inquiries into its handling of the A/H1N1 pandemic as “conspiracy theories”. All I can say in response is thank God for those exposing “conspiracy theories”. |
DANCING TO THE STRINGS OF THE DRUG COMPANIESby James Reed Yet as the cited article points out, what constitutes satisfactory sex for women differs from men and can’t be defined in simple mechanistic orgasmic terms. Yes, for most women there is that little thing called love. None of that though is going to stop the big bad drug companies who are looking for a pot of gold at the end of the sexual rainbow. Ray Maynihan is about to publish a book in September entitled "Sex, Lies and Pharmaceuticals", which documents the intimate involvement of the pharmaceutical industry in this “science” of sexual chemistry. |
THE GREAT BIG CANCER INDUSTRYby Peter West Also on the big medicine front, a report published in Archives of Internal Medicine is having a series called “less is more”: “Evidence suggests that providing excessive health care service is likely to occur in situations in which there is no strong evidence to document the benefit and harms of the service. The Archives aims to address this deficit by publishing articles that provide evidence that performing ‘more’ of certain health care activities results in ‘less’ health. |
MENTALLY ILL REFUGEES SEEK COMPENSATIONby Ian Wilson LL.B. “The only conclusion that can be drawn from the government’s dogged pursuit of a policy of suspended claims, desert prisons and indefinite detention is that it does not care about the emotional and psychological damage caused by that policy and the human cost that follows from it.” This shows, of course, that the Greens are primarily concerned about social issues rather than the environmental cost of immigration. It shows as well that a segment of the legal profession shares the same politically correct faith. |
THE MUSLIMS DID NOT SAVE CIVILISATION!by Peter Ewer Then there was the Muslim destruction of the Great Library at Alexandria. Muslims destroyed Greek Byzantine civilisation and the Persian Sassanid civilisation. And so it goes on. However, none of this history is readily available in our politically correct schools and universities. The splendours of ancient Islam are seemingly beyond question. How, then would they regard these words of Theodore Roosevelt in 1916: “The Greeks who triumphed at Marathon and Salamis did a work without which the world would have been deprived of the social value of Plato and Aristotle, of Aeschylus, Herodotus and Thucydides. The civilisation of Europe, America and Australia exists today at all only because of the victories of civilised man over the enemies of civilisation, because the victories stretching through the centuries from the days of Miltiades and Themistocles to those of Charles Martel in the eighth century and those of John Sobieski in the seventeenth century.” “During the thousand years that included the careers of the Frankish soldier and the Polish king, the Christians of Asia and Africa proved unable to wage successful war with the Moslem conquerors; and in consequence Christianity practically vanished from the two continents; and today nobody can find in them any “social values” whatever, in the sense in which we use the words, so far as the sphere of Mohammedan influence. There are such “social values” today in Europe, America and Australia only because during those thousand years the Christians of Europe possessed the warlike power to do what the Christians of Asia and Africa had failed to do – that is, to beat back the Moslem invader.” |
‘DEBT FOR EQUITY SWAPS’ - QLD’S ‘NOT FOR SALE’ CAMPAIGNWe thought the following campaign worth reporting on. It seems to be a union initiative - good for them. While we may not agree with all of their aims or claims, we certainly do agree that Queensland’s assets belong to the people and should not be sold off, as has happened in other parts of the Commonwealth under various traitorous governments. Now to quote the union website: “Send the Premier an Unhappy Anna-versary e-card! We STILL don't want our assets sold off. 7802 supporters have now joined the Queensland Not For Sale campaign - Thank you for your help in reaching our first target of 5000. Now let's get to 7500 supporters so this government knows how seriously Queenslanders oppose privatisation! Help to Stop the Sell-off… Privatisation Dangers… Introduction. Selling off Queensland’s public assets for infrastructure building is a short-term solution that will have long-term consequences for Queenslanders… Merchant bankers will be the only winners from Queensland’s fire sale of public assets. Consultants appointed for the sale stand to make more than $200 million in fees from the asset sale. The Government is more interested in handing out bonuses for bankers and multi-million dollar pay-days for executives than protecting jobs and services in regional areas. A major advertising strategy to win public support for privatisation is part of the consultants’ brief. QCU General Secretary Ron Monaghan said this was a sinister attempt to hoodwink Queenslanders using millions of taxpayer dollars. “Queenslanders know that privatisation is a stinker. No advertising spin is going to fool Queenslanders. Selling off our rail, ports, roads and forestry assets is a short-term decision that will harm Queensland’s regional economy. The $200m commission promised to consultants could pay for major work at regional hospitals, or for schools and roads in regional areas. Privatising public assets will deprive Queenslanders of revenue to keep building our state – you can act to keep our public assets working for us.” |