Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

3 June 2011 Thought for the Week:

Value Adding in Australia – the Beginning of the End? Smelting and Refining of Mount Isa copper in Queensland to cease.

The first industries of Australia were farming and mining and these two have been the backbone of the nation ever since. Both are threatened by the taxaholics in Canberra. Shorthorn and Brahman cattle arrived with the first fleet and coal was discovered by convict at Newcastle in 1791, just three years after the First Fleet arrived. The first Merino sheep arrived in 1797 and coal mining started in 1798. Since then mining and farming have earned the majority of Australia's income. Wool and wheat, gold and silver, butter and cheese, copper and lead-zinc, leather and tallow, iron and steel, sugar and wine, coal and hydro-carbons, meat and mutton, aluminium and uranium, timber and fish, nickel and titanium – these comprise Australia's Magic Pudding.

But the Gillard/Green/Garnaut Carbon Tax Coalition hate our primary industries because they all depend on carbon fuels and produce the carbon dioxide that feeds our crops. Our backbone industries are seen as dreaded "polluters" and treated like noxious weeds and serpents to be removed from the green Garden of Eden. …

The recent Xstrata decision to phase out their world-class copper smelting and refining operations in Australia tells us that the taxes, processing, transport and energy costs that Xstrata expects in Australia are already uncompetitive. The dreamers in the Canberra cocoon always drool about "value adding". Their carbon tax will surely cause all mineral processing plants in Australia to lose value, and some will surely close. Low cost coal and diesel power will no longer support our high wages. The value adding will take place in Asia. We are watching a slow tragedy unfold - the end of an era.

Once the mineral processing plants leave, they will never come back. We will be back to the pioneering era of mining - dig it out and ship it off. And the final tragic irony of the Isa story is this – sending partly processed copper concentrate overseas, instead of smelting it at Mount Isa, will about triple the transport burden and do the same to carbon dioxide emissions.

- - Viv Forbes, Carbon Sense 


by Peter West
For a little while the media dwelt on the significance of the hackers into the PlayStation network at Sony, who escaped with a mass of personal details. All this shows the vulnerability of our cyber world. But beyond all of this, what about the mind numbing, soul destroying games produced by such companies which typically involve shooting and killing people – if not people then zombies?

Our boys love this and whereas the older generations explored a world outdoors, this generation is content to live in an electronic world. Boys have become gameboys. And, waiting just down the track, according to “Discover” science magazine, April 2011, “Silent Warrior”, the US military is experimenting with synthetic telepathy that will allow soldiers to communicate just by “thinking”. But the problem will be that “thinking” is on the verge of extinction and there will be soon only a vacant space between the ears where an endless computer game eternally plays on. 


You might ask why we are writing about biologist, philosopher and social crediter Geoffrey Dobbs. Well, in the 20th century he drew attention to what was happening within the fields of science, (he was a biologist who studied fungi) and one of the threads he ‘discovered’ led on to the 21st century push for a global carbon tax (currency?) and world government.

In “The Local World: Part II The Distortion of Sciene” he noted:
“Two scientists, Drs. Virginia Huszagh and Juan Infante, of the Institute for Theoretical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Ithaca, New York, writing in Nature in April 1989 gave a somewhat crude example of the superiority-complex of the physicist and chemist towards the biologist, although in fact they are described as 'biologists,' presumably because they apply these elemental sciences to material derived from the living.
They describe biologists as fundamentally uneducated people who do not understand how science works; few of whom can appreciate the need for revolutionary hypotheses and fewer still can generate them. Biologists, they say, write innumerable papers presenting excruciatingly boring collections of data, in contrast with physicists, in whom speculation is encouraged. Physics, they say, grew out of philosophy, while biology grew from medicine and bird-watching!...”

Geoffrey continues: “This whole trend towards speculation with the minimum of data, as indeed in the most advanced mathematical physics, but also in every school where the teaching of 'facts' is derided, and children are encouraged to form opinions based upon ignorance, is dragging us increasingly away from the reality of the actual world in which we live, into a never-never land of mental images which can be brought down to earth only by the most brutal collision with the real…”

Life's Multiple Universes: “What the 'elemental' scientists with their speculative striving after some simple unifying theory do not scorn to realise is that in biology we have a multitude of universes some of which we have scarcely started to study, because most of the money and careerism was channelled elsewhere. For instance, the soil beneath our feet is one such universe of a complexity exceeding the astronomical.
The lichens, those remarkable examples of successful symbiosis to be seen on almost every rock and tree, were, except by a few pioneers, scarcely studied seriously until 1958, when the first (the British) Lichen Society was launched. There is indeed a vast mass of detail to be apprehended before we can make sense of it, but there is as much scope for imaginative speculation in each one of the numerous major branches of biology as in the whole of inorganic science.

“The changes which have occurred in the biological outlook during this (20th...ed) century have been quite as sweeping as those in physical science. The whole picture of the development of life on this planet has been altered almost as radically as Copernicus and Galileo upset the Ptolemaic System, or as Darwin and Huxley upset Archbishop Usher's biblical chronology...”

Further reading for a more realistic view of the world around us:
“The Development of World Dominion” by C.H. Douglas.
In the foreword to C.H. Douglas’ 1967 published notes, Tudor Jones wrote of the deluge of propaganda directed toward us all by the twin abstractions of “Science” and “The State”. Price: $5.00 + postage.

“The Brief for the Prosecution” by C.H. Douglas.

Douglas saw war was exalted into a ‘cause’ instead of a symptom of an even greater evil. Modern warfare is the pursuit of a diabolical policy - a policy by other means towards a diabolical end. $6.00 plus postage.

“The Big Idea” by C.H. Douglas.
Subsequent events have merely confirmed the facts exposed in this book. $5.50 plus postage.

“Thine is the Kingdom” by Ralph Laslett Duck.
One of the earlier pioneers in the study of health and soil, and the role micro fauna and flora play. Price: $6.50 + postage

“ABC’s of Disease” by Philip Day. Price: $35.00 + postage.

Contact Heritage Bookshop Services for a comprehensive list of relevant books.  


It is pleasing to discover the work of Dr. Christine Jones and her website Dr. Jones, a 21st century scientist, is writing and working on matters so dear to the hearts of many at the League as well as our supporters and social crediters whose interests in this field stretch back many years – i.e., the living soil and good health.

One paper presented by Mr. Ray O’Grady on the good doctor’s webpage is: “Importance of Soil Carbon”.

This paper reviews the historic loss of 50-60% of soil carbon, and its effects on crop yields, the physical, chemical and biological aspects of soil health and the health and wellbeing of the farming family. Farming practices that influence soil carbon dynamics and the methods and principles of increasing the carbon sink in the soil are discussed.

In the Introduction he issues a warning:
“Many will recall your earliest introductions to agriculture and the importance of organic matter, which is basically made up of soil organic carbon. Almost seventy years ago in the 1938 USDA Yearbook of Agriculture Soil and Men, William Albrecht wrote a chapter entitled ‘Loss of Soil Organic Matter and its Restoration’. Albrecht tells why soil organic matter is our most valuable natural resource and speculates that we should at the very least maintain the levels of soil organic matter (Kimble 2001).

Mother Nature must get very discouraged at how slow we are to learn from the legacies of the past. Even though we have long understood the importance of maintaining soil carbon, we continue to use land management practices that deplete the essential element of all life on Earth at an exponential rate. It is hard to visualise today that 4,000-5,000 years ago in what is now Iraq and Saudi Arabia, cities thrived and were surrounded by irrigation and intensive agriculture (Nova: Science in the news 2006 online).

Our history is littered with similar illustrations of civilisations that used non-sustainable farming methods. We must admit we are indeed slow learners. With all the knowledge we have at our disposal today we continue to use and abuse this life-giving resource along with our precious water. In Saudi Arabia for instance, deserts have replaced high carbon soils and the valuable underground liquid carbon is rapidly being exploited along with the ancient aquifers.
The ancient aquifers are being sucked dry at an alarming rate, by thousands of centre pivots, to grow wheat at cost of approximately US$480/t. It is anticipated that due to the lack of recharge, these 4000-year-old aquifers will run dry over the next 20 years. At the same time 1500 million cubic metres of effluent water are generated each year, most of which is discharged into the sea (Ishaq & Mahsood 2000).


A scientist who was once a top proponent of man-made global warming has said that he now believes the theory is not only false, but is being exploited by governments in hopes that riding energy fears “might even lead to world government.”

Dr. David Evans, an engineer and former consultant for the Australian Greenhouse Office (now the Department of Climate Change), told the Anti-Carbon-Tax Rally in Perth, Australia, on March 23 that the global warming debate “has reached ridiculous proportions and is full of micro-thin half-truths and misunderstandings.”

“I am a scientist who was on the carbon gravy train, understands the evidence, was once an alarmist, but am now a skeptic,” said Evans. The scientist said, “The whole idea that carbon dioxide is the main cause of the recent global warming is based on a guess that was proved false by empirical evidence during the 1990s.

“But the gravy train was too big, with too many jobs, industries, trading profits, political careers, and the possibility of world government and total control riding on the outcome. So rather than admit they were wrong, the governments, and their tame climate scientists, now outrageously maintain the fiction that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant.”

Evans claimed that a crucial tenet of global warming theory - that carbon dioxide could make the atmosphere retain extra moisture – has been debunked by the evidence. In addition, he claimed that official air temperature readings have been rigged by the placement of thermometers near artificial heating sources.

But although the alarmists’ theory of man-made global warming is “now a known falsehood,” said Evans, “Governments gleefully accept their advice, because the only ways to curb emissions are to impose taxes and extend government control over all energy use. And to curb emissions on a world scale might even lead to world government — how exciting for the political class!”


by James Reed
There I was glued to my telly, with a warm beer and fish ‘n’ chips, waving a Union Jack, watching with the zillions across the world all the glamour and majesty of the Royal Wedding. But there was an ugly side as well, in dark crevices across the globe, in damp places where even mushrooms don’t grow, there were exceedingly strange creatures known as… “Republicans”. Some tried to watch the Royal Wedding, to sneer and curse, but the light hurt their eyes, eyes which have evolved since the days of the French Revolution to function best in darkness.

Others, known as writers, dashed off vicious attacks on the Queen. In Britain, many of these Republican creatures decided to jump on board boats leaving Britain for far-away lands, falling over each other, many being lost in the murky waters of England’s coast. Yet despite all of this, the cultural wars and all that, the Monarchy survives and continues to be a lighthouse in the stormy night that engulfs us.  


by Brian Simpson
Former chairman of the Australian securities Exchange, Maurice Newman, has said that the world economy is on “life support” and living beyond its means. A “cataclysmic shock” is likely to come within eight years, if not sooner (The Australian, April 20, 2011, p.2). The coming global trade shock will be due to the policy failure of governments (e.g., the carbon tax), rising social costs and the volatility of the world financial market.

It seems that countries like India and China will benefit from the crisis. The US is set to go down the drain with an astronomical budget deficit of $US 1.65 trillion and rising. Europe and Britain are also in dire straits. What is not mentioned here is that the sunset of the Western world will also mean the end of India and China, who, like kites, have only risen against the winds of the West. In a globalised world, when one foundation stone crumbles, the rest will go. All the more reason for a decentralised social credit approach to economic life.  


by Ian Wilson LL.B.
Professor Gary Edmond of the University of New South Wales, who also sits on the Council of the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences has recently criticised the treatment of forensic evidence in court. (“’Junk Forensic Science’ Soiling Courtroom Evidence”, The Australian, April 15, 2011, p.29) There are evidential problems with fingerprints, bite marks, voice recognition and interpretation of closed-circuit TV footage.

Edmond said: “Judges have to realise the depth of the problem relating to forensic sciences – they are in something of a crisis. The judges are complicit in it because they have not policed it for a century and have just allowed all this rubbish in”. The issue of the robustness of evidence relates to a range of forensic fields including finger-prints. There is considerable scientific criticism of the use of fingerprint evidence in the uncritical fashion employed by most courts.

This is but one aspect of a field of legal criticism, well addressed by B. Sangha, K. Roach and R. Moles, "Forensic Investigations and Miscarriages of Justice: The Rhetoric Meets the Reality", (Irwin Law,Toronto, 2010). This highly readable book examines miscarriages of justice cases – cases where the legal system fails – and innocent people have been convicted. In some cases DNA evidence has exonerated people, but in other cases erroneous DNA evidence (e.g., contaminated in the laboratory) has led to the innocent being convicted. The best known case of forensic errors is that of Lindy Chamberlain, but in a number of cases, forensic scientists have acted in a way that the prosecution have wanted, regardless of scientific objectivity. Convictions by way of fraud, and even the torturing of suspects by police have occurred. For all of those out there wearing rose-coloured glasses in viewing the law, works such as Forensic Investigations and Miscarriages of Justice is a needed wake-up call to legal reality.  


by John Steele and Brian Simpson
The effects of the sex scandal at the Australian Defence Force Academy has not led the Gillard government to do the sensible thing that governments in the past would have done: revised and abandoned the flawed policy of women in the armed forces – that rather to do the opposite – put women in front-line combat roles. The feminist lobby has been waiting for this one for a long, long time. But where to go from there? Could they play the strategy of striving for an all-female Amazonian feminist army, with no men at all, as seems to be the goal at our universities? Perhaps then the goal of complete disarming and surrender would be made easier.

It is of no use arguing that lunatic left policies such as this have been tried in places like Israel and rejected. No, our culture needs to learn the hard lessons of “creative destruction”, a phrase first coined by Werner Sombart (1863-1941) and made famous by economist Joseph Schumpter (1863-1950).
It seems, like alcoholics, we have to hit rock bottom before we have the motivation to lift ourselves out of our self-dug ditch by our own bootstraps. Women on the frontlines: the folly of this will be demonstrated in the future. The brutality of combat, guts, pain and death will ultimately prevail over feminist logic. And those women on the frontline will get what they are seeking. Male soldiers, we hope, about to charge into battle, will retain their manners: feminists first, thank you very much!  


by Brian Simpson
Stealing food? The New York Times, “Price of Tomatoes has a Lot to Do with These Thefts”, (April 14, 2011) reports on a sign of the times, food theft. Thieves in the US are stealing trucks of vegetables and meat. Rising food prices have now made food well worth stealing.

In the future we are likely to see increasing numbers of individuals stealing food as well as people finding it increasingly difficult to eat. It is thought that people in the north found guilty of such offences, rather than crowding gaols, will be sent to Australia where they will be put in special camps and forced to watch DVDs of Julia Gillard’s speeches, day in, day out. They will steal no more.  


by Brian Simpson
A piece of paper fell from the cocky cage, detailing the TV show “East West 101”, Wednesday 8:30 SBS One. Here it reads:
“The third and final season of this excellent locally made police procedural series, which stars Don Hany, pictured, returned to our screens last week. The momentum is maintained tonight when a Somali teenager is found bashed to death in a railway tunnel. Evidence points to a group of white youths. Was it a premeditated racist murder?”

Oh yes yes yes! Those racists – where would script writers be without them? Don Hany, bearded, I think plays a Muslim cop, Detective Zane Malik. The head of the cops is a blonde Anglo feminist type. I am not sure if any members of the team are gay. There does not appear to be any disabled police which I find disturbing. The team seems to lack a resident Eskimo. Where can I complain about this oversight? SBS, hear this, I am dissatisfied with your level of cultural diversity and require more more more! Lift your game!  


by John Steele
“An emotional Police Minister [of South Australia] Kevin Foley has broken down in tears after revealing he was grabbed by the jaw and slammed against a toilet wall in a city wine bar”, The Advertiser, April 5, 2011, p.7. Thus goes the continuing saga of Kevin Foley, the minister who visits bars to “have a life”. And observe how South Australians treat their politicians!

Mr Foley, join a gym and start to lift heavy iron! Get into the martial arts! Don’t let the bullies kick sand into your face! As Police Minister, go down the Charles Atlas path!  


by Ian Wilson LL.B.
Among the chattering class of lawyers, global legalism, the faith in the power of international law to produce peace and world order, is a standard ideology. Eric A. Posner, Professor of Law at the University of Chicago in "The Perils of Global Legalism", (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2009) has produced a challenging critique of the cosmopolitan point of view of law. Showing that much of the foundation of international law is an illusion being based on a circularity:
“International law is effective because states defer to it; they defer to it because it is effective.” (p.xiii) Although there is no de facto world government (Posner does not consider the government of high finance) the authority of international law itself can act as a quasi world government, performing many of its functions as long as nations consent to its authority. Or so the globalist story goes.

But “Law cannot control behaviour unless legal institutions support it”; global legalism has no government, so in the end, global legalism is weak. (p. xiv) Using examples such as NATO’s invasion of Serbia and attempts to ban the use of land mines Posner reaches the common sense view that nations only accept international law so long as it serves their interests. If it doesn’t then they either don’t obey it or simply work around it. Global legalism is a myth that circulates around law schools in the West like a ghost. It mainly provides comfort to ageing baby-boom law professors, but that is about all.  


by James Reed
Here is Finance Minister Penny Wong waxing eloquent on ABC1’s Insiders program, April 10, 2011:
“Look this is going to be a tough budget. It’s going to be a tough budget because it needs to be a tough budget in the short term. It also has to be a tough budget because of the long term.

Barrie Cassidy: Are you prepared to upset a few people along the way?
Wong: Well I said it has to be a tough budget. It won’t necessarily be a popular budget.
Cassidy: You were told fairly recently that you’ve just lost another billion dollars.
Wong: Well, it does make what was a tough budget even more difficult.’

Be afraid. Be very afraid. This could be a replacement for Gillard. The Liberals though can match Wong. According to Julie Bishop, Australia needs to counteract the growing influence of China in the Asia-Pacific by…more aid! Yes, it’s give give give to win big influence among the people who care! My god, Australia and the West have been doing this for decades and where has it got us.  


by Abigail Wilson LL.B.
CBS foreign correspondent Lara Logan, an attractive blonde, blue eyed Nordic woman, suffered a “brutal and sustained sexual attack”, being raped for about three hours by Egyptian males in Tahir Square, Cairo. This brutal degradation was performed by the freedom loving Egyptians celebrated by the Western media.
The full details of the brutal rape was heavily censored by the mainstream media. Thus The Sydney Morning Herald, February 16, 2011, “US Reporter Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted and Beaten in Egypt: CBS” only says that “She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating”. And that’s all.
However internet sources report that she was vaginally and anally raped for three hours, masturbated on, urinated on, beaten with sticks and she may have had her left nipple bitten off. (The lady in question held just one media interview and revealed she was rescued by women in full Muslim attire. They formed a circle around her thus protecting her from further brutal degradation and she was then able to flee…ed)

Brutal rapes by Middle Eastern men of women of a similar racial profile have occurred across the West – in Sweden, where the rape rate is 20 times higher than that of some countries in southern and eastern Europe, in France and in Australia. In Australia sentences for rape are lenient compared to other countries, but the head of the pack of the Middle Eastern rapists from a few years back got 55 years and others – 25, 23, 18, 71, 11 and 15 years. That is an indication of how horrible the crimes were. Yet the crimes were never seen as racially based. Why?

Essentially women of our race have been deracinated by the Establishment. They have no identity as an ethno-racial group, whereas if these events occurred to any other group, we would never hear the end of it. To suppose that Nordics, especially Anglo-Saxons could be targeted and racially profiled is a great no-no because it just might give this dying ethnoracial group ideas about its own racial rights and the need to preserve its racial identity. Multiculturalism has been based on the dilution of Anglo Saxons so the Establishment will never, never, ever admit any racial crimes against Anglos. Their race doesn’t exist, therefore there can only be crimes against individuals. I think about this as I leave work late at night, hoping that I make it to my car and survive the long drive across this thing they call a capital city.  


The next gathering of the 1215 Luncheon Club will take place on Monday 6th June 2011. It will be held at the Public Schools’ Club, 207 East Terrace (cnr. Carrington) Adelaide. Luncheon will commence at 12.15 pm. Bookings are essential to Doug and Jean Holmes, 8258 7005 – no later than Thursday 2nd June. Both Doug Holmes and Betty Luks will present short papers on “Aspects of our Constitutional Monarchy”. Well done William and Catherine ! Recent events, i.e., the Royal Wedding have brought out the generally very good response to ‘the Royals’ – much to the dismay of the republicans.  


The South Australian State Weekend will be held on 13th and 14th of August 2011. We are delighted that the United Kingdom Chair of the Social Credit Secretariat Dr. Frances Hutchinson has agreed to participate in the two days of the State Weekend. The event will be filmed. Frances Hutchinson has published a number of books on the subject of economics and Social Credit. As an Economist in her own right, of particular note is her revelation that, as a general rule, economists do not study the financial system and accept the system as it now stands. In other words, they try to make the present economic system function – without understanding all that influences it.

Further details will be published as they come to hand. Remember 13th and 14th August, it will be a full program. The Public Schools’ Club has been booked for both days.