Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

12 August 2011 Thought for the Week:

Financial Credit Versus Real Credit We must not let the ruling elite panic us into a world ‘currency’ as ‘the markets’ continue to wobble and threaten to collapse under the present debt-burden. We were told to ‘consider the lilies of the field, they neither sow nor reap – and yet Solomon in all his glory (Money Power of the time) wasn’t arrayed like one of the lilies…’.
What does that mean for us in this present situation? Take time to watch Jeremy Lee as he speaks of the vital difference between the ‘house of cards’ (financial credit) and the real credit of our nation(s). The real credits are the lilies of the field.

This paper “argues that, in contemporary market economies, most production is debt financed. In order to pay off these debts, there is a necessity for economic growth that results in enormous waste of human effort and a misuse of the earth’s resources…”
- - “Towards a New Approach to Income Distribution and Environmental Sustainability” by Frances Hutchinson and Brian Burkitt University of Bradford UK. 1999  

This morning I received the government's climate change propaganda and we can see from the second page: -
• 9 in 10 households are expected to be affected and will receive some kind of support... read that again... it is 90% affected!
• Over 1 million extra Australians will no longer need to lodge a tax return ... hard to pay tax if you have no money because government has taken all!!
• Almost 6 million households will be assisted to meet their average price impact.
• Over 4 million households will get assistance that is at least 20 per cent more than their average price impact. Vote buying/snake oil!
It looks like the THICK edge of the wedge of the socialist welfare state... the socialists are not under the bed but IN the bed and if you know anything of bedroom antics then you know what is coming next!
You can find more at and download the booklet "What a carbon price means for you" and I warn you, it is the greatest load of rubbish/propaganda you are likely to come across. So, beware of "redheads" bearing tax breaks and start opposing BIG OPPRESSIVE government NOW.

- - Lou Cook, Numurkah, Victoria 2011

Axe the Tax Action: Here are two effective ways that the Galileo Movement endorses to protest against the threatened carbon dioxide tax:

1. When one of the Gillard/Combet 4 million booklets with its promises of “carbon” tax compensation arrives, don’t open it, just mark it “return to sender”.
To be absolutely sure it can’t be refused by Australia Post, put a stamp on it. If it comes as a junk mail leaflet, put it (or part of it) in an envelope and send it to:
The Hon. Greg Combet, Minister for Climate Change, House of Representatives Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
A hundred thousand or more of such items in the mail must give a message to our Government that would be hard to ignore.
2. Another good protest move is to join Barnaby Joyce’s petition by clicking on the following: Politicians do take notice of numbers (remember the effectiveness of the anti CPRS/ETS campaign in 2009) Help us make our voices heard! Send this notice on to as many people as you can.

- - Sponsored by the Galileo Movement (  


by James Reed
Here is the next big, oppressive thing from the UN: climate change peacekeeping (Natural News, July 21, 2011) Switching their blue helmets to green, the UN New World Order army will wage “peace” in a world of shrinking resources. As Mike Adams points out “This would give the UN justification to place a “peacekeeping” force on US [and Australian) soil of course.

Virtually the entire US Southeast from Texas all the way to DC is currently sweltering under a severe heat wave combined with a hundred-year drought in many areas. Under the UN’s new “climate change peacekeeping initiatives, if crop failures result in riots, they could drop in a few thousand UN troops – all wearing GREEN helmets – and then explain they’re here to save us from “conflicts caused by shrinking resources”.” 

Tony Abbott MP was asked at a meeting on 20.7.11 if he knew of any Labour MP’s who might be amenable to some electoral pressure in regards to the Carbon Tax. He said that a number of members of the Cabinet are not happy about the tax.
Here is a list of Cabinet Members, please write to as many as possible, giving your reasons why the carbon tax should be dropped.

Address letters to Parliament House, Canberra, ACT 2600 :
The Hon. R. McClelland MP : The Hon. M. Dreyfus QC. MP : Attorney-General Cabinet Secretary Senator The Hon. J Ludwig : Senator The Hon. S Conway Minister for Agriculture Minister for Communications : The Hon S. Smith MP : The Hon. J. Macklin MP Minister for Defence Minister for Community Services : The Hon. N Roxon MP : The Hon. C. Bowen MP Minister for Health Minister for Immigration : The Hon.Albanese MP Senator :The Hon. K Carr Minister for Transport Minister for Industry : The Hon. S. Crean MP : The Hon. M. Ferguson MP Minister for Regional Australia Minister for Resources and Enargy : The Hon. P. Garett AM MP : The Hon. T. Burke MP Minister for Education Minister for Sustainability Senator :The Hon. C. Evans Senator :The Hon. P. Wong Minister for rkplace Relations Minister for Finance : The Hon. Dr. C. Emmerson MP Minister for Trade.

I have left off some rather obvious names, the PM, Treasurer and Minister for Foreign Affairs...

- - Authorised by D.J. Auchterlonie, 145 Russell St. Melbourne 3001


by Chris Knight
This classic illustration of the insanity of liberal creations such as multiculturalism comes from View From the Right, “What Led to Texas Terrorist’s Arrest?” The reference is to Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari a Saudi terrorist living in Texas on a student visa. He contacted a North Carolina chemical supply company to purchase a large quantity of chemicals used in explosives. Someone in the company was suspicious and contacted the FBI. They investigated the Muslim and he was arrested.

It was President George W Bush who put into place anti-Muslim profiling and anti-discrimination legislation which could lead to the company being sued. And it was the intellectually and grammar-challenged Bush who ordered an increase in student visas for Saudis. This example well illustrates the self-destructing nature of liberal ideology.  


by Wallace Klinck, Canada
(The US) "Debt ceiling" legislation is a fraud and a chimera: State debts have been expanding exponentially for our purposes, since the fraudulent establishment of the Bank of England in 1694. (“The Enemy Within” by Eric D. Butler available Heritage Book Services). Nations require a growing source of money (in the modern age, viz., bank credit) in order not only to function, but to progress, and money today is only issued as a debt through bank lending. (Jeremy Lee) Certain critics are essentially correct in pointing out that such legislation does not at all accomplish its stated aims. It cannot - unless the public policy-makers decide to shut down the nation's economy with accompanying general ruination leading to blood in the streets.

Moreover, "reckless" Government spending is unavoidable and inevitable because a fundamental defect exists in the financial system which leads to an ever widening chasm between consumer incomes and industrial costs and prices. Increasingly redundant, irrelevant and destructive activity is required in order to feed "incomes" into this bogus financial chasm, so that goods can be sold and industry may continue to recover its costs and function as a provider of goods and services.

Of course this necessarily requires increased physical waste, continuous inflation of the general price level, increasing debt and taxation to service it (with accompanying expansion of state intervention) and increasing economic insecurity as technology (quite properly) replaces human input into production processes. So long as we maintain the current defective system of finance we have not seen anything yet. We are given a choice of being shot or boiled in oil and the time has long since passed when the general public must call an end to this monstrous fraud and abuse with its ultimate goal of centralised world political and economic power.

The monopoly of credit creation as debt by the banking system must be broken by a supplementary flow of debt-free consumer credit introduced extraneously into the price-making system, in order that the latter may be properly balanced with adequate effective consumer demand, to allow all goods to be obtained with falling retail prices and without debt as these goods emanate from the production line. A mass production system requires a mass distribution system in order to function.

The question of derivatives and debt-financed speculation must not be allowed to cloud our understanding of the more fundamental defect in the basic price-system, where, due to erroneous cost-accounting the existing price-system generates financial costs and prices in an ever greater volume relative to its distribution of effective consumer income capable of liquidating those costs of production--a chasm which expands increasingly with the replacement of human labour by non-human factors of production in the modernizing economy.  


by Mrs Susan Knight
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, one day head of the International Monetary Fund and someone expected to be France’s next (Socialist) president, is now in a New York gaol on rape charges. What is interesting about his attitude is how he thought he could just force his grubby attentions on some female immigrant.

It is all symbolic; symbolic of the way the financiers treat the little people of the world. I, for one, hope that justice is done. A good start certainly has been made. Finally, note as well how there is for these elites no problem in being a financier and a socialist. This well proves what Eric Butler always said about capitalism and socialism being two sides of the one coin.  

FREEDOM is the RIGHT to CHOOSE or REFUSE one thing at a time

by Betty Luks
Sorry Senator Joyce, you seem to be trying so hard, but it’s all smoke and mirrors from politicians these days. It is not enough that you put such efforts in to ‘fighting’ the carbon tax – but do nothing about exposing the present fraudulent money system impoverishing us all. What a joke it is to read the headlines that US President Obama is close to working out a deal with the fraudulent bankers. What’s the deal? The deal is the American government can increase its debt-ceiling-limit, in order to ‘get out of debt-jail’ and continue governing, by borrowing more debt.

And who are the suckers who will have to pay back not only the 'borrowed' money but the compound interest as well? Why the same suckers as those Julia Gillard has in her sights for her carbon taxes. Please listen carefully to Jeremy Lee on the “New World Order and Global Debt”, (1992) and then tell your fellow Australians what you are actually fighting for! I listened once more to Mark Steyn’s message to Andrew Bolt. Mark takes us all back to Magna Carta and hence to our British history and why the Barons were willing to ‘take on’ King John (along with his foreign ‘occupation force’ at the time) even unto death.

Mark Steyn on Free Speech – Mine, His and Yours” An important DVD:

In 1991 Canadian Barrister Douglas Christie came to Australia at the invitation of the League of Rights to explain what Australians could expect if they were negligent enough to let their politicians insert ‘human rights’ legislation into the legal framework of this land. Along with other Commonwealth countries, Australia shared a heritage of principles of justice and freedoms based upon British Common Law. Well, it happened, Australians had lost the interest and the will to defend their freedoms.
Twenty years later it can be seen to have spread like a cancerous growth entangling us all; recent examples being the experiences of journalist Andrew Bolt and Pastor Danny Nahila of Catch the Fire Ministries.

DVD: "War Crimes Threat to Christian Justice" speaker Douglas Christie. Price: $12.00 including postage.  


This film is about the customs and quarantine laws of Australia. The gentleman featured in the film is protesting that he is not under the same laws as other plane travellers and should not be subject to the same requirements. Result? He was found to be bringing into the country declared illegal foods and flora even though on the declaration form he declared he was not.

Is this another case of ‘all people are equal, but some are more equal than others’? I wonder what Aboriginal community groups such as the Yindjibarndi of West Australia (below) think of this situation as they fight for what they believe are their rights against the big mining companies – and want to protect their heritage?
- - 4/08/11 11:03 AM

YAC questions FMG Solomon leases, Rebecca Le May:
“Fortescue Metals Group insists it has all the approvals needed to proceed with its Solomon iron ore project, but Aboriginal landowners are questioning the validity of its mining leases. Construction is advancing rapidly and first ore production is slated for the March quarter of 2013, Fortescue's new chief executive, Neville Power, told the Diggers and Dealers mining conference in Kalgoorlie, WA, on Wednesday.

But Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC) says it's incorrect for Fortescue to refer to the Solomon mining leases as being valid. The objections to the leases being granted are centred on the mining activities disrupting the religious practises of the Yindjibarndi people and the damage to the social structure of their community.


by James Reed
Big Australia, pro-mass migrationist Bernard Salt, well known for his pieces in The Australian predicting disaster if Australia does not continue with its present sky-high immigration level, has a new book on the bookshelves "The Bit Tilt: What Happens When the Boomers Bust and Xers and Ys Inherit the Earth", (Hardie Grant Books, 2011). Obviously enough, this book is about the social demography of intergenerational change.

One would expect the author of such a book to be at least a demographer, with a PhD in demography and peer-reviewed publications. Stephen Lunn, Social Affairs Writer for The Australian describes Salt as a “demographer” (“The Demographer vs The Entrepreneur: Tackling Taboos in the Big Australia Debate”, The Weekend Australian, May 28-29, 2011, p.3)
In fact Salt has denied that he is a demographer, having a Master’s degree in urban history. Mark O’Connor, one of the authors of Overloading Australia, documents this at:
...Journalists however continue to call him “Australia’s leading demographer” even though Salt has never said this but they say this anyway, probably because he is singing their high population song.

The Big Tilt continues the theme that Salt has pursued in articles in The Australian, namely that the ageing of the baby boom generation will result in a demographic catastrophe unless immigration is increased ever more. Specifically, in the early 2010s. Australia’s working-age population will contract by 30,000 – yes 30,000 – not 3,000,000. Salt says that this is the “essence” of the “big tilt” and denies that this is a “ “growth-ist plot” to ramp up the level of immigration.” (The Weekend Australian, May 28-29, 2011, p.5)
Who pays for these retiring baby boomers? At no point does Salt consider that Australians should take a good look at the costs of mass immigration and multiculturalism and by moving past immigration and multiculturalism, devote tens of billions of saved dollars to the future. No, mass immigration as always has the answer. Further, with the hundreds of thousands of people coming in year after year after year – how is this deficit possible?

The Australian devoted a page to Salt to outline The Big Tilt (but only a mention of Dick Smith’s more important "Population Crisis: The Dangers of Unsustainable Growth for Australia", (Allen and Unwin, 2011)). No mention was made of an extraordinary remark on page 272 of Salt’s book which predicts that at the end of the 21st century, even after mass immigration, Australia may be “commandeered” but not necessarily by foes. Salt does not elaborate but this refutes his entire project.

What is the point of “populate or perish” if after populating, Australia perishes? In fact Australia as we know it will have already ethno-racially perished long before that point, probably within 20 years if we continue our slumbers.  


by Chris Knight
Criticising technology is not done often from our side of politics, but it should be. Technology can create as many problems as it solves. No doubt you are in love with the internet, excited by its marvels. However what about the “singularity”? The what? The singularity is the moment when computers attain consciousness and exponential advances occur. This was seen in The Terminator movies. Superintelligent robots will have no use for life. And they will have no interest in money!

What will happen then when the present masters of the universe find themselves shoved off of No.1 bench? These supermachines will not be open to bribes or politically correct guilt. Armed with weapons far beyond our comprehension and an IQ to boot, the elites may find that they have bitten off more than they can chew, with choking an inevitability. I, for one, will not cry for them. 


by James Reed
Suddenly, given carbon/climate guru Ross Garnaut’s work on sweetening a carbon tax, opposition to any carbon tax a la Abbot is in a “spot of bother” as multiculturalist George Megalogenis puts it. (“Garnaut Puts Tony in a Spot of Bother”, The Australian, June 1, 2011, p.8)
Pensioners will get their compensation before their sky-high power bills. But once in, the screws will be put on like never before. Guru Garnaut has said that there will be job losses in areas such as the steel industry in South Australia (read: goodbye Port Pirie and Whyalla). And Garnaut (The Australian, June 2, 2011, p.6) has also said that his first priority is not to save jobs but rather to ease the cost squeeze on low-to-middle income earners (read: Labor voters).

Ultimately, a carbon tax is a carbon tax and we will at some point pay more for what we consume. Isn’t that the point of it all, to tax polluters? And we are all polluters, by definition. As with the GST, there will be much BS and economic black magic to lie to the great unwashed out there. But in the end, the economic vampires will feed on their life blood. It’s just the way politics is.  


by Peter Ewer
Daphne Lowe Kelley (Opinion, The Age, June 30, 2011) (“Chinese Australians Owed Apology for Discrimination Against Forebears”) says that the White Australia Policy for “nearly 120 years” treated the Chinese “in this country as lesser human beings”. No it did not. It excluded the Chinese from coming to Australia but the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 did not treat Chinese in Australia “as lesser human beings”. It did not diminish their rights.
The Chinese who came to Australia to mine the goldfields did not come to create a multicultural wonderland, but to get gold, get rich and then go home. Many did and profited from coming to Australia. All nations, including China, recognised the right to control immigration and especially the immigration of people of different races. Australia did nothing exceptional.

It is true that the New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark has apologised to the Chinese peoples’ descendants who had to pay a poll tax. Her government threw $NZ 5 million to establish a Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust, but “people who paid the tax were not personally compensated.” Yes, they were long dead. Not to be outdone Canada offered a “symbolic payment” of $C 70,000 to descendents of those who paid the tax. Apart from the question of proof, how exactly can this correct an accounting “wrong” because the descendents didn’t pay the tax?

Kelley wants Australia to apologise to the Chinese. Well, how about the present communist Chinese government apologise for the cultural revolution of old Chairman Mao which led to the genocide of 100 million Chinese. Correct this injustice before talking about a poll tax injustice.  


by Peter Ewer
This is how Julia Gillard’s Malaysian solution “works”. Australia will pay and care for 800 asylum-seekers transferred to Malaysia for as long as they remain in Malaysia. In turn Australia gets 4000 refugees to resettle here.
What a deal! Somehow all of this is supposed to stop people smuggling, at a cost beginning at $296 million for the lucky 800. But the claims of the 800 will still be assessed while in Malaysia, so I suppose everybody will end up in sucker-land Australia after all. If not, future asylum-seekers will probably do better in Malaysia under this deal than at home. In a way, Australia is giving a “blank cheque” to the Third World.

Would ancient Greece, Rome, Sparta or even Europe of 200 years ago have contemplated anything like this? How do you think communist China of today would deal with this problem?  


by Peter West
A Research Report for the Centre for Population and Urban Research (July 2011) by Bob Birrell, Ernest Healy, Katharine Betts and Fred T. Smith, Immigration and the Resources Boom Mark 2, shows that the argument of Big Business for mass immigration is flawed. Big Business wants net overseas migration to be kept at 180,000 per year or higher and claims that otherwise there will not be enough skilled workers to sustain economic growth and keep the greedy capitalists’ profits sky-high. Here are Birrell et al’s main conclusions:

1. Alarmist claims about workforce growth if immigration were reduced are false. With net overseas migration at 90,000 a year, and labour force participation rates unchanged, the workforce will expand 1.0 million over the 11 years to 2021. CPUR workforce projections show that, if these participation rates increase (as they have over the past decade), workforce growth will be nearer to 1.7 million over this period

2. Australia needs a lower but better-targeted immigration program. The bulk of current migration has little to do with providing scarce skills to the resource industries. Rather, it is delivering two major streams. One is a predominantly professional flow to the big cities where the immigrants are being employed in people-servicing industries such as health and welfare. The demand for these services is, in turn, partly driven by migration-fuelled population growth. The other stream is a mass of people on temporary visas such as students and working holiday makers. Again, they go to the major cities, and work on a casual basis, reflecting their visa status.

3. The solution to the resource industry’s need for workers during the start-up construction phase of the resources boom is temporary workers. On this point, the report agrees with the government. However the report disagrees with the government’s policy relating to the length of stay of temporary workers on 457 visas. The government encourages them to seek permanent residence visas. About half of those issued with 457 visas in recent years have obtained permanent residence visas after a few years temporary residence. This policy must be changed if the temporary influx during the resources boom is not to become permanent, as occurred in Western Germany in the aftermath of its guest worker program in the 1960s.

4. As is now widely recognised, the resources boom Mark 2 will lead to the contraction of some metropolitan-based industries, such as manufacturing, mainly because of the appreciation of the Australian dollar. In this context, it makes little sense to pursue a high immigration policy which promotes rapid metropolitan population growth. The report documents this argument through a case study of Melbourne. If the current high-population growth pathway to promoting economic growth continues, the fiscal dividend that the Commonwealth will reap from the resources boom will be squandered on city-building. This dividend would be far better spent on training the domestic workforce and investing in knowledge-intensive industries.  


Behind the “need more workers argument” lies the resources boom and flogging Australian coal and minerals to China so that China can sell value-added products back to us and so that China can grow richer and be No.1, giving White liberals in the West warm and fuzzy feelings as they wallow in their false moral superiority like pigs rolling in their filth.
But even this is not good enough for China and China plans in the next 5-10 years plans to buy iron ore from Chinese-owned companies, especially West Africa. Like good colonial subjects, Australia is also permitting China to buy up Australian-listed resource companies. (The Australian, July 26, 2011, p.6)

All in all, Australia will deserve what is coming because of its pathetic lack of nationalism. Perhaps even after the collapse of the mineral export market our crop of capitalists will still be spluttering about the need for more magical migrants to kick start economic growth.  


All of the above assumes business as usual for the mighty god-like Chinese economy, something our less-than-potent capitalists look at with religious awe. Yet there are gathering dark clouds on the economic horizon, with the Australian Treasury warning about China’s difficulty in controlling inflation (“Treasury’s warning about China”, The Australian, July 21, 2011, p.1) as has the IMF. Perhaps it is time too for China to experience a bit of economic pain as it faces a “hard landing”..