Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

11 May 2012 Thought for the Week:

Classic Left-Right Conflict “Reagan vs Obama - Social Economics”
While the Left would not hesitate to confiscate, the Right would recognize no right to consumption other than through work. Do watch the video on Youtube.
The presentation is a clever rehash and a good example of the classic and impossible historic Left-Right conflict-duality which is socially divisive and economically destructive. The Left would attempt to solve economic inequity through redistribution of wealth and the Right would ignore the problem while wealth gravitated into fewer and fewer hands. Both approaches attempt the impossible task of making a sufficiency of an inherent and intrinsic insufficiency [of finance] and consequently, both stop-up the Abundance of the Kingdom.

That is why I am an advocate of Social Credit because it provides economic security and encourages initiative and creativity through retention of freedom while diminishing the wealth of no one. Social credit is integrative and resolves the futile Left-Right dialectic rather than exacerbating it. Unfortunately, as always, the conflict-duality leaves out the Cultural Heritage, identified by C. H. Douglas, as an added factor of production and consequently the Left-Right conflict fails the test of reality.

Presumably if technology largely replaced the need for human labour, resulting in a surfeit of consumer goods, the Right would build a wall around this mountain of consumer wealth and deny general access to it. The Left would shrink the overall economic "pie" due to demoralization and inefficiency, while the Right would insist on work as the only justification for consumption - even though technology displaces human labour and, increasingly, displaces the need for it.

C. H. Douglas resolved this impasse by analyzing the financial price-system and discovering it to be unbalanced and non-self-liquidating - putting forward realistic recommendations for solving the problem of imbalance through methods of distribution which provided an additional income for all citizens without diminishing the assets of anyone.

- - Wallace Klinck, Canada April 2012
Both main political parties have compromised. Compromise is of the very devil! The solution lies in the replacement of compromise with the reconciling of ideas. And this is what Social Credit does.  


It is with great sadness that I convey to you the news that Jeremy W. Lee of Ravensbourne Queensland has passed away after a long battle with illness. Jeremy went to be with his Maker on Saturday evening, 28th April, 2012. To know Jeremy was a particular privilege. His playful sense of humour a delight to any audience and to meet him once brought forth the deepest respect. Well done true and faithful servant
- - L
ouis Cook, National Director.

The Passing of Another of Its Magnificent Sons - The Social Credit family has again received sorrowful news of the passing of another of its magnificent sons. Jeremy Lee departed this mortal world on Saturday evening the 28th April, 2012. To know him was to hold him in the deepest respect. So many will understand what I mean, when I say Jeremy was the type of man that you held not only in your memory, but in a very special place in your heart for all your days.
- - Tom Cleary, Queensland.


from Gustaf Skulason, Iceland:
Dear Betty, This email is just to let you know about the outcome of the trial against Iceland’s former PM Mr. Geir Haarde.
In the beginning, the Landsdomur court laid six charges against Geir Haarde. Two were withdrawn and of the remaining four charges he was found ‘not guilty’ of three of them.

On all the main issues he was found not guilty. In spite of being political, the judges did not dare to judge Mr. Geir Haarde guilty. On the contrary, it seemed that the judges were a little ashamed of this issue; they took all the responsibility of the trial costs themselves i.e. the Icelandic tax payers.

The fourth point on which he was found "guilty" was for not having had Government meetings - at least it was not found in the protocols - to talk about the coming bank crisis. But this judgement did not lead to any punishment. Mr. Geir Haarde was himself relieved, but not so happy for being judged “guilty” by following the well-established routines concerning Government protocols.

There is now a debate in Iceland as to whether
[1] the Government should rewrite those particular protocols, and
[2] if so, [a] will it lead to a more bureaucratic protocol or [b] will it lead to better protection of and for the people.

However, in my opinion, the ruling of the Landsdomur court is rather strange
It was because of the special emergency legislation in the face of the devastating financial crisis that the Geir Haarde Government managed to meet the threatened bankruptcy of the main banks. That legislation saved the country from total bankruptcy.

* Check out this interview with Mr. Geir Haarde on Irish radio the day after the verdict:

All the best, and good wishes to you and all Australians.
- - Gustaf Skulason, Iceland.

PS. The ruling politicians in Iceland, whose actions awoke the sleeping Landsdomur court, are now talking about closing it down for good. Some of them seem afraid what might happen to them should they step into Mr. Haarde’s shoess.  


by James Reed
I hope that you haven’t forgotten about the spin-off from the Queensland election which led to the Queensland Labor Party members now being able to meet in one small mini-van. Bill Hayden, for one, is worried about the future of the Party (“Hayden Fears Labor’s Time has Passed”, The Weekend Australian, 31 March–1 April, 2012, p.4) “Unless this party gets out of this suffocating thing we have created, I fear we may have had it.” And: “It may be that Labor has had its time.”

Let us hope so. What began as the party for the working White Australian has become the politically correct party of globalism and cosmopolitanism, just like the even more corporate Liberals.
The Greens have a family difference, being critical of the corporates, but they make up for it in an even more fanatical support of globalism in the form of world government. Just like capitalism and communism, in the end it will all be the same loss of freedom for the individual.


Dear Editor:
I was wondering whether ALOR in the On Target newsletter could place something about Brendon O'Connell please. He is the first and only man in Australia to have been incarcerated as a result of one of the (in his case WA's) racial vilification legislation.
Mainstream media has not covered the fact that he was on a hunger strike prior to Easter, or that after a break, he still is on a hunger strike. There has only been snippets of information that have been made available concerning his current plight, and I think considering the urgency of the matter, and the relevance to the League and to the general freedom and health of our nation it ought to be given a mention.

It has been a little hard tracking down on the Net where he's at with his hunger strike but it appears that he is in the middle of a second long hunger strike - Mark Glenn being in regular contact with him.
I have written to Brendon, and he has written back (his letter was dated the 11th of April). It is also published presently on the blogsites, mainly: -- if by the time you look at that site, it has gone -Google 'hunger striker brendon o'connell writes from Aussie jail' - or Google -- brendon o'connell makow --- and you'll see that and another article(s) on the subject.

I have noticed sadly by looking through websites that there seems to be more interest in Brendon O'Connell on Canadian websites, than Australian. Again, it would be appreciated if you or your team could put something up in On Target, or another ALOR publication shortly.

- -
Signed: with kind regards, Matthew Adcock.

What were Brendon’s “Hate Crimes”? Judge for yourself.
Here is the video that got him in jail (in 2 parts): and here

Professor Kevin MacDonald's (Occidental Observer) Brief on Behalf of Brendon--
“Finally, readers should realize that O'Connell is not at all a White advocate and, as he wrote in an email, has "zero ties with 'neo-nazi' or other such groups."
He describes himself as a Christian -- "Catholic but with strong ties to the Russian Orthodox Christian Church."

Interestingly, he writes that "If I was in Ireland I would most definitely be a White Nationalist of some type. However, I still feel a stranger in this land -- 3 generations on -- I cannot bring myself to feel I have a right to this land while my fellow Australians refuse to acknowledge the injustices done to the native people's…”

Mr. O'Connell also has a very blunt, street-fighter style that doubtless makes his statements offensive and unappealing to educated people. For example, in the video, he repeatedly calls his accuser "a racist, homicidal maniac."

Nevertheless, a careful perusal of Mr. O'Connell's work shows that he is well-informed on the issues. As I write at the end of my brief, we need more people like him -- people willing to be assertive and in-your-face about the outrages surrounding us.
Most White Americans would rather munch on snack food while watching TV and then move away when the neighbourhood gets overrun by non-Whites. They cower in fear at the thought of offending the powers that be. Of course, Brendon is living proof that those fears are well founded."

* * For those who would like to write to Brendon O'Connell his address is:
c/- Locked Bag 1, Kwinana, West Australia, 6966.  


by Gilad Atzmon
While his style may be less confronting than Brendon O’Connell’s, among ‘other things Jewish’, Gilad Atzmon also seeks to defend the Palestinians. His book “The Wandering Who?” is available from the Heritage Bookshop Services $23.00 plus postage.
He writes:
“Jewish identity is tied up with some of the most difficult and contentious issues of today. The purpose in this book is to open many of these issues up for discussion. Since Israel defines itself openly as the ‘Jewish State’, we should ask what the notions of ’Judaism’, ‘Jewishness’, ‘Jewish culture’ and ‘Jewish ideology’ stand for”?
Atzmon examines the tribal aspects embedded in Jewish secular discourse, both Zionist and anti Zionist; the ‘holocaust religion’; the meaning of ‘history’ and ‘time’ within the Jewish political discourse; the anti-Gentile ideologies entangled within different forms of secular Jewish political discourse and even within the Jewish left.
He questions what it is that leads Diaspora Jews to identify themselves with Israel and affiliate with its politics. The devastating state of our world affairs raises an immediate demand for a conceptual shift in our intellectual and philosophical attitude towards politics, identity politics and history.”

* * * Of course the classic work “The Controversy of Zion” by Douglas Reed is still the most historically comprehensive to read, $30.00 plus postage.  


by James Reed
It’s all happening in Europe. Anti-Muslim sentiment is on the rise in France, and the ordinary bloke dining on sausages is prepared to say to the media: “It’s the same all over Europe. Within a few years, nationalist movements such as the National Front are going to be in power.” (The Australian 28-29 April 2012, p.12).

Ms le Pen of France’s National Front took 18 per cent of the vote in the first round of the French presidential election. “The battle for France has only just begun…” Even Nicolas Sarkozy moved quickly to say: “This anxiety, this suffering, I know them, I understand them. They concern our borders, outsourcing, control of immigration, work, security for them and their families. I know that in this fast moving world, the concern of our patriots to preserve their way of life is the key issue in this election.” (The Australian 24 April, 2012, p.10).

In the Netherlands a far-right party brought down the Dutch government and EU-ocrats are worried. Now why is there not a glimmer of this nationalism in Australia? Why can’t we produce a Marine le Pen - or doesn’t our nation have the spirit for it? Australians seem content to be shafted with not a trace of political resistance. Can you prove me wrong?


by Peter West
Norway gunman Anders Breivik is on trial for the killing of 77 people. He has begun his defence arguing that Norwegian and European governments, through embracing multiculturalism and mass migration, especially of Muslims, is threatening traditional European societies. Breivik claimed to be the leader of a resistance movement called the Knights Templar, which is acting to prevent a civil war. As he claims to be acting out of “goodness not evil” the attacks were preventative attacks without criminal guilt.
Breivik also went on to compare his actions to the Americans bombing Japan. As we all know, anyone who thinks like this may well be “deeply lacking in a sense of reality.” Robert M. Kaplan “Breivik Evokes Quisling Trial”, The Australian, April 17, 2012, p.16 compares the Breivik trial to the Quisling trial, where the issue of sanity remains controversial; this “is a dilemma that forensic psychiatry has never and, in all likelihood, will never be able to resolve.”

But does it really matter if abstract “justice” is done for Breivik? After all, he engaged in military action against the multicultural state. Thinking as he does, that he has a transcendentally just cause is not the way things are done. Justice for the Establishment is a social construction and is relevant to nations. Nations who are powerful, such as the United States, can kill whom they want in wars for resources. Individuals within a society are bound by “The Law” and its power.
His defence is no defence within the system to his acts of murder and maybe he knows it and just wants to have his time on the stage. But he killed the kids and he will be found guilty. Meanwhile anyone critical of Islam, immigration and multiculturalism will have the Breivik mud slung against them by the cultural Marxists who rule us.

Breivik no doubt thinks that he is a warrior hero but his cowardly and murderous acts have damaged nationalism and genuine peaceful objections to immigration and multiculturalism. Warfare and murder is the way of brutal state systems and it should not be our way.  


from Edward Spalton, United Kingdom: 26 April, 2012
As sent to Christian Voice:
I hope you have heard that we in CIB (Campaign for an Independent Britain) are asking the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey, the place where our kings have been crowned for almost a thousand years, not to install a memorial to the late Sir Edward Heath. We now have a "Heath's Corner" in the "resources" section of our website There is also a group of CIB members who undertake to write regularly to their local papers - and we have urged them to write to the Dean, as well. This is my most recent "epistle" to them.

Evil in the Abbey: I recently wrote to you by post, asking you to oppose this proposal by the Dean and Chapter. It is worthwhile remembering that it is not customary for every Prime Minister to have a memorial in the abbey - therefore to single Heath out in this way can only be to honour the treachery and deceit by which he betrayed his sovereign and misled country into the European Economic Community - a structure which he later publicly admitted was designed to become "The United States of Europe".

I have since been reminded that the Abbey authorities have previous "form" in advocating allegiance to the European Union. In 2010, the Abbey celebrated "Europe Day" in a service which used this prayer:
"Lord God our Father, We affirm our commitment to the European Union as a force for good in your world. Guide us, we pray, by your Spirit: Give us wisdom, courage and hope, that we may serve you in the cause of justice and friendship, and remain united in your peace: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

The sermon preached at this service can be found by clicking the link

All beneficed clergy of the Church of England subscribe to the Church's Articles of Religion.
Article No XXXVII reads as follows -

Of the Civil Magistrates: “The King's Majesty hath the chief power in this Realm of England, and other his Dominions, unto whom the chief Government of all Estates of this Realm, whether they be Ecclesiastical or Civil, in all cases doth appertain, and is not, nor ought to be, subject to any Foreign Jurisdiction......”

So it appears that a clergyman's solemn assent to the Articles is worth just as much as Edward Heath's solemn Privy Council Oath to maintain the sovereignty of the Queen's Majesty against all foreign powers whatsoever.

Comment from editor: Edward, it is not such a simple matter as you may believe. What of the claim “The King’s Majesty hath chief power…whether they be Ecclesiastical or Civil…”? That claim meant that in fact the Church OF England became an institution of the State, whereas, according to Magna Carta the Church IN England was to “be free, and enjoy her whole rights and liberties inviolable."

Clifford Douglas grasped the importance of that claim long ago:
In “The Realistic Position of the Church of England” he wrote: “This is, I think, much what most people feel about the Church of England as a whole; they love its exquisite liturgy, the mirror of a nobler day, and they would agree that it holds many good and able men; but it simply does not register. It is so tolerant that it is difficult to name anything to which it objects; its clergy in the main purr with satisfaction at every fresh robbery by taxation, it is so democratic that if you don't like its principles, and can get a majority vote, more particularly of the people, it will change them; and its only slight aversion appears to be from England and the English. There is a reason for this, and it is this reason which I feel brings the subject within the orbit of constitutionalism - a subject which must have attention, if we are to survive, as a preliminary to better things.

To indicate what I have in mind, consider the famous First Clause of Magna Carta: "Quod Ecclesia Anglicana libera sit et habeat omnia sua jura integra" which is translated by Mr. Ashton: "That the Church of England shall be free, and enjoy her whole rights and liberties inviolable."

It has been claimed that this clause, the importance of which must be realised as something basic to social life was a claim for independence of the Pope which is just plain nonsense. It was imposed upon King John, not upon the Pope who is expressly stated to have confirmed it, and was a declaration of independence in certain well defined areas from interference by the King or any other power in matters proper to the Church and religion - matters which are more familiarly known as Canon, and also to some extent Common, or Natural Law. We have here, in fact, an unequivocal declaration against monocracy.

It should be noticed that three partial sovereignties were present on that little island of Runnymede on a June morning in A.D. 1215, and it is important that Magna Carta strengthens and confirms all of them - the Church, the King, and a much more real democracy than anything we have nowadays… The contrast in the spirit of the law with that of current legislation is fundamental. The over-riding intention is to establish every man, of whatever degree, in his rights, not to take them away.

Clause 69 states that "All the aforesaid customs, privileges and liberties... as much as it belongs to us towards our people, all our subjects, as well clergy as laity shall observe as far as they are concerned towards their dependents."… Now, in order to constitute a sovereignty there must be present form, substance and sanction.

To say that the Church of England is the same church, and has the same kind of sovereignty, as the Church in England at the time of King John, is simply to ignore history…. And the post-Reformation Anglican Church owes its origin and existence to a series of Statutes which clearly indicate that it is a State institution and a State vassal. It has no sovereignty…

With some hesitation, I suggest that the question arising out of the Christian Church, is not the same, either in nature or degree, as that involved in the acceptance of what is vaguely called Christianity which for the most part is merely Liberal Judaism. It is the Doctrine of the Incarnation.

At bottom, what we have to make up our minds upon is whether human political action is subject to the same kind, or some kind, of compulsion to be "right" as we accept in doing a multiplication sum, and if so, whether the Christian Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, is the living incarnation of that "right "-ness…”

Yes, Edward Spalton, men such as Edward Heath “betrayed his Sovereign and misled [the] country into the European Economic Community” but the rot doesn’t stop there. Neither the United Kingdom, the Queen, the Church, nor the People, now have their sovereignty and the battles for our freedoms must be fought all over again.  


“We insist on the precautionary principle….” Cry the citizens.

Northern Rivers declared a CSG free region…. We’ve got something happening here! The People have taken on their responsibility to bring their politicians to account! Bravo!


by James Reed
Endeavour (April, 2012) Journal of the British Australian Community, quotes the Sydney Daily Telegraph (26 March, 2012) about a group of taxpayer-funded bureaucrats who have devoured almost $370,000. Their mission was to investigate the multicultural implications of ANZAC Day. The conclusion reached by consulting migrants who fought against Australia is that ANZAC Day is “potentially divisive” because of multiculturalism – ethnics who fought the enemy side may be offended.

No doubt, the uniting of traditional Anglo Saxon Australians on ANZAC Day is offensive to multiculturalism because multiculturalism, a product of mass non-Anglo migration is a policy crafted to ethnically and demographically dilute traditional Australia. The report then should not surprise us, but is further evidence of this thesis.  


by Peter West
First it was John Howard (remember him?) becoming “Dr Howard” getting his honorary doctorate and then Paul Keating getting his. Keating said the usual, that Australia’s greatest challenge was not to look back at the Anglosphere, but to go on to embrace its place in the Asia-Pacific. Presumably while each Asian country can embrace their own destiny, we have to eschew our Anglo one. Never mind the contradiction with multiculturalism, Asianisation is “cooler” I suppose.

Likewise, John Howard sung the praises of Asia but unlike Keating he said that we don’t have to “choose between our history and our geography, we can have the benefits of both.” As a matter of fact, we can’t. Howard himself massively Asianised Australia during his reign and like Keating contributed to the transformation of the complexion of the nation as it defected from the West.

Niki Savva has asked “Why are All Our Prime Ministers Crazy?” The Australian, April 10, 2012, p.10. Madness no doubt helps, but the real ingredient that makes these puppets of use to the global financial elite is that they are basically “hollow” men and women in the T.S. Eliot sense. They are essentially empty vessels that are filled with whatever brew the power elites choose to pump into them. They are, what they are told to be and made to be.  


by Peter West
“Chinese Shun Our Farming Controls” The Australian 23 April 2012, p.7, China’s ambassador to Canberra “has warned the Australian government not to impose new restrictions on Chinese investment in local agriculture.” In fact Australia needs to co-operate more in this new area of Chinese venture. Local concerns about such ownership are, of course, misplaced. After all, it is only small now and will get bigger.

Of course. We should believe all of this when China as well plays by the fair trade game. China would not allow Australia to colonise it, even if it could. The denationalisation represented by foreign investment is just the economic equivalent of mass migration and is imperialism in both cases.  


by James Reed
As I age my insomnia gets worse, but my fatigue also increases so there is a “perfect storm” leading to depression, more alcohol and so on. My doctor recommended sleeping tablets, which also led to more depression as well as dependency. But I threw the bottle in the bin and now live tired. Sleep has evaporated. Until now – maybe, just maybe there is an answer.

It seems that there is a 24-hour movie called The Clock. Apparently the movie is a surreal one with thousands of movie clips that refer to time in some fashion. These are synchronised with real viewing time. Hence at 12 noon, something 12 noonish happens.

But then one sleepless night I got thinking. How about a 24-hour movie with nothing but mind-numbing speeches of Julie Gillard and Tony Rabbit? Or a version of The Clock featuring nothing but images of Peter Slipper getting in and out of taxis? Would that help the insomnia or would it simply cause the blood pressure to rise?  

PROPERTY TAXES ON THE ‘UP’ – ‘Smart Company’

Property related taxes remain the largest source of revenue for local and state governments. Despite the deteriorating property market conditions in 2010-11 income from property taxes rose to new highs over the 2010/11 financial year. Over the 2010-11 financial year, state and local governments received more than $33 billion in taxes from property related channels which was a record amount.
Property related taxes accounted for 47.3% of all state and local government tax revenue, down from 48.2% over the previous financial year. Despite the softer housing market conditions and ongoing weakness in the commercial property sector, total property related tax revenue increased by 4.6% over the year. This was following a record increase of 14.3% over the 2009-10 financial year.

It is somewhat surprising to see that the total value of property related taxation revenue increased over the year, especially when you consider that the nation's largest asset class (residential property) recorded weaker conditions. Our data shows that the total value of residential property transactions in 2010-11 fell by -17% compared with the previous financial year. Data also shows that over the financial year capital city home values fell by -1.4% and transaction volumes for homes were -20% lower than over the previous year. So how did State and Local Government possibly lift revenue? Read further…

A reader asks: If property is around 47% revenue, then one would presume that property buyers have a prime position in upcoming elections in demanding SECURE PROPERTY RIGHTS.

Peter Spencer case coming up in June:
The ongoing case of Peter Spencer which is listed for 7th June in NSW Federal Court, is a prime example of the fundamental importance of secure property rights and issues of land deeds. Check out how much our beloved local councils rake in, yet we the ratepayers have no voice in West Australia.