Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

3 May 2013 Thought for the Week:

ANZAC DAY, 25 April "We Will Remember Them"

It's not much different from this. Making War from “Wag the Dog” movie.
This you’ve just got to see. It shows just how modern technology is used to present ‘news’ of the day.
Comment on YouTube: Great movie about manipulation in media, what you see is actually NOT what's happening...
Same old story all over the world.

Boston Bombing: Made for TV Movie, but not necessarily what happened?
The claim is "Police story violates Reality. You've either fired a gun or your haven't. You've either been in a combat situation (people shooting at you and trying to kill you) or your haven't. No amount of TV fantasy can make up for the lack of experience. Here we have an experienced combat veteran covering much of the same ground. Viewers can make up their own minds.

BBC reported collapse of 9/11 WTC 7 20 minutes before it occurred:
UK man wins court case against BBC for 9/11 cover-up. Tony Rooke refused to pay a TV licence fee because, he alleged, the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks. It is widely known that the BBC reported the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 over 20 minutes before it occurred. WTC 7 was a 47-story skyscraper that was not hit by a plane on 9/11 but collapsed at free-fall speed later that day.
So, Rooke said, the BBC had to have had prior knowledge to a terror attack, making them complicit in the attack. He presented the BBC footage to the judge along with a slew of other evidence, and the judge agreed that Rooke had a reasonable case to protest. Rooke was found not guilty and he was not fined for failure to pay the licensing fee. Must watch…

The Gonski Plan - he who pays the piper calls the tune !
The Premier of Western Australia said today that signing up for the Gonski plan means handing over control of state education to Canberra bureaucrats. Premier Farrell of New South Wales, while signing up for the totalitarian scheme, said that 'different systems are now history'. Gillard is just delighted to follow Stalin of USSR and Mao of Red China down the totalitarian path to hell.
- - Olga Scully, Tasmania April 2013.  


That is, pay for immigration’s infrastructure costs? by Peter West
Rupert Murdoch has been busy, busy, busy. He has called for the development of the north of Australia, with tax breaks and various incentives for migrants to populate the north. (The Australian 13 April 2013 p.2) Why stop there – how about cutting out the middleman and just giving it lock, stock and barrel to China?

And then, Rupert has been calling for immigration reform in the United States: it is cost-prohibitive to expel 12 million illegal migrants, just give them visas and citizenship. Hell, why bother with border protection at all – just merge Southern USA into Mexico, which is what is happening anyway! New York mayor and gun control advocate, Michael Bloomberg, said that the USA would become a second-rate power without fixing immigration (= ensuring continuing mass migration). Funny China isn’t addicted to immigration, but immigration is a drug, the more western elites have, the more they want. The same rhetoric echoes throughout the West.

Freeloading on the Tax Payer
As for Gillard’s rhetoric about 457 visa holders, this, according to Rupert, is “pretty disgraceful and racist”. And “I’m a big one for encouraging immigration”. As well, Rupert has come out proclaiming that “economic freedom” (of capitalism of course) yields both growth and “justice and fairness”. (The Weekend Australian 6-7 April 2013, Inquirer, p.19)
But how about Big Business meeting the infrastructure costs of these migrants instead of free-loading on the tax payer – infrastructure costs of over $200,000 per Australian resident. If capitalists had to meet the real costs of their schemes they would be less gung ho.

Remember the NT's Trade Development Zones?
The elites seem to have forgotten the lessons of the Northern Territory government’s Trade Development Zones from 1985-2003. Here skilled Asian workers were shipped in – only to escape south into the capital cities! The Zones were especially labour camps and failed dismally, the Trade Development Act being repealed in 2003. What further disaster will “develop the north” produce?  


by Peter Ewer
Once all of Australia’s minerals have been dug up and shipped off to Asia at fire-sale prices, what do the ruling elites do for an encore? Why, give over our food, that’s what!

The Global Food Forum, presented by The Australian and supported by The Wall Street Journal, has just been held in Melbourne, where the elites have fallen over themselves, excited about the prospects of Australia becoming a food “superpower” cashing in on a $2 trillion export opportunity in Asia (= China). (The Australian 18 April, 2013, p.1)
Yes, Australia will quadruple its exports and feed 200 million people. Of course the same elite want Australia to also have a massive population through record immigration, primarily from Asia. You tell me how this will all come together.

Asia has a “looming food crisis”, caused by, surprise, surprise, overpopulation and environmental destruction, as well as changes in diet produced by affluence. But, Australia will go from a “mining boom” to a “dining boom” to feed them. Part of the vision is the development of “the north”, something that has proved difficult to do given poorish soils and the fast run-off of the water. But the elites will have a go and probably destroy Australia’s food security in the process. This process will probably involve China’s further buying up of massive quantities of Australian agricultural land and shipping the food back to China in a self-contained process.

There is a good reason why food security is concerning Asia - and Australia is headed down the same path. By 2030, I predict, Australia will have poor and starving people as can now be found on the Horn of Africa. The elites, as always, will be well fed or would have long ago left a ravaged, burnt out land.  


by Peter West
Good for Peter Van Onselen (“Beware the Dangers of Fawning an Untamed China”, The Weekend Australian 13-14 April, 2013, p.20) for pointing out the obvious - “A capitalist country whose people have no political voice is a strange ally”.

“Fawning over China has fast become a staple of political discourse” given China’s economic rise. But China is not a democracy and is an authoritarian state, and there are “risks attached to the untamed, uncaged beast an undemocratic China may become.” For a start, China is showing few signs of becoming a democracy, gaols people without a fair trial, has a disregard for political rights and the rule of law. Capitalism without democracy is an embrace of greed, not prosperity.”

I agree, true indeed, but that is the path Australian mining and migration capitalists who run the show have taken. The capitalists have no problem dealing with a regime which is continuous with Mao Zedong, whose cultural revolution led to the deaths of an estimated 50 million + Chinese people. Where’s the guilt?

The problem lies with the capitalist mindset which is only concerned with profit making in the short term. The decision has been made that today’s generation of rulers will live as kings, if not gods, and the planet tomorrow can die. As for feeding a dragon, China, well, there is money to be made from the “food bowl”. If we get eaten or roasted tomorrow – that’s just tough luck!  


by Mrs Vera West
There is no cold like that miserable Melbourne cold, which chills right to the bones. Winter is coming and with it, influenza. At the present time a deadly new strain of bird flu, H7N9, has evolved in China and has already killed 13 people. Fortunately the Chinese government has ordered that thousands of chickens be slaughtered to contain the virus.

The sale of chicken meat has crashed, although from what I can work out, the virus is not transmitted by eating cooked chicken meat: it is an influenza that attacks the respiratory system. However, people are panicking and believe that a pandemic is about to sweep across China. It hopefully will not because the Chinese have been swift to act. But in our globalised world diseases can rapidly be spread across the globe within hours. In the name of money, we have globalised disease and it is only a matter of time before, in our age of superbugs, a new more deadly “Spanish Flu” arises and we pay the ultimate price. This is not the first time the League has warned of the dangers arising from industrial farming.

“Social Credit and the Land Question”, The New Times, 3 June 1955
“Douglas emphasised the importance of the land question when he wrote his "Land For the (Chosen) People Racket" in late 1942 and early 1943; he addressed this problem long before the epidemic of de-natured food and soil destruction we see round the world today.

Two Irreconcilable Ideas in Conflict:
"At the bottom, there is little doubt that there are two irreconcilable ideas in conflict. The first of these is that the world in which we live is an organism (life form) and that men and animals have intricate relations with the earth—not amorphous but specific and infinitely varied, which can only be disregarded at the peril both of men and the earth they live on. I do not mean in the least by this that a universal back to the land movement is either necessary or even desirable, but I do think that the idea that the earth is merely something to be exploited and 'lived on' is quite fatal.

The second and antithetic idea, is that the world is merely the raw material for a factory, that the nearer agriculture approximates to Mr. Ford's conveyor belt principles, and towns emulate Stalingrad, the better we shall be. I do not think I am unduly squeamish, but I have to plead guilty to a wave of real nausea at the description, as progress, of egg factories in which hundreds of thousands of hens are kept under electric light from birth to death, confined in little boxes, never allowed out, laying eggs. I don't want to eat those eggs, and I have a strong conviction that they are not good to eat, whatever their superficial taste may be. The idea —the Encyclopaedist idea—that everything can be put into a nice watertight compartment, and card indexed, is the philosophy of a frozen Hell."

Jeremy Lee took the matter up again in 2002:
“In times past Australia has been vigilant in quarantine programmes that kept us free of exotic human and animal diseases endemic in other parts of the world. It was the late Sir Raphael Cilento, a world-renowned expert in tropical medicine, who warned that Asian immigration – and by implication large numbers of refugees – could re-introduce into Australia diseases previously eliminated.
But the issue goes further. Large-scale factory farming and monoculture, with the elimination of rotational cropping and the fallowing of land, breaks down soil structure and health, which in turn results in depleted crops.”


By Brian Simpson
I came across an article through ‘web surfing’ at “What’s Bugging Your Meat?” The article deals with US meat, and alarmingly notes that much supermarket meat tests positive for a vast array of ‘normal’ and antibiotic resistant forms of bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella. This indicates that the meat at some point has been in contact with faecal matter.

Worst of all, the bacteria include antibiotic resistant superbugs. Agri-business cannot afford to cut back on the levels of antibiotics fed to farm animals given the disease-ridden environments in which the animals are raised. But, it has been such over-dosing that has produced superbugs in the first place. Again, all for just a few dollars more. Project things forward and not only do we see disease rapidly spreading through society, but also Big Agri also ‘biting the dust’.

* “Fresh”: An important DVD which explains the cosy relationships between Agri-Business and Government is named simply “Fresh”. It explains how Agri-Business is subsidised and supported by Big Government. Organic farmers simply don’t get a look in. Ask Doug and Jean Holmes to source you a copy– phone 8396 1245.  


ONLINE Opinion joined the discussion with Queensland farmer Charles Nason. “Food Bowl or Food Quarry”, Monday, 22 April 2013. He writes: “The articles in The Australian (18-4-13) summarising papers to be presented to the global food forum should be read with great concern by all farmers and Australians. They display a very concerning level of “ ignorance” (the ultimate rural putdown) about the current agricultural situation in Australia.

Mr. Nason continues: On Monday (15-4-13) 1000 wheat farmers met at Merredin in WA to show their concern about their future and to ask Governments to address the unsustainable financial position of the WA wheat industry. The Premier (Colin Barnett) replied by saying some must go. How many more farmers does Australia wish to go? The beef market seems to be in free fall and the beef industry will probably be facing the same issues in the near future. Other industries such as dairy and veg seem to be in a similar precarious position. The global food forum articles portray a very rosy future for agriculture, one even suggesting Australia could feed 200M people.

The Australian's editorial heading was “Australia has a comparative advantage in agriculture”. Maybe, but why are so many farmers in such dire financial positions? The remaining farmers have been the survivors of the most rigid Darwinian selection process possible. A generation of a purist philosophic pursuit of free trade has selected out the toughest of the toughest. The survivors must be on the very extremes of the bell curve and should be awarded a PhD of hard knocks.

The pursuit of economies of scale or the “ get bigger or get out “ philosophy should have resulted in a lean mean profitable corporatized agricultural sector. I see little evidence of this rather I suggest the family farm is probably in a marginally better position. Too many are saying our present farming systems are unsustainable.

On any of the 5 criteria of sustainability (productive, financial, environmental, social and cultural), agriculture fails dramatically. Rising rural debt, degrading soils and an aging rural population alone suggest that agriculture requires urgent remedial attention, yet no one seems to address these strategic issues… (emphasis added…ed)
Read further here…


In Economic Democracy (1919), Credit- Power and Democracy (1920), The Control and Distribution of Production (1922) and Social Credit (1924), Douglas spelled out with great precision the role of debt in the determination of social and economic policies, predicting that unless the community as a whole took conscious control of its credit, trade depression and international economic competition would lead inexorably to another world war. Listen further…

OR Listen here… Debt Driven Globalism by Jeremy Lee

“We have before us the greatest question that has yet been submitted for our consideration. It involves Australia’s national supremacy in finance, and the peace, good government and prosperity of generations yet unborn ….”

- - King O’Malley M.H.R. speaking on the need for the Commonwealth Bank as a ‘peoples’ bank’, House of Representatives, September 1909.  


by Betty Luks
The UK Guardian reported on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s recent address to the Bible Society:
"Historically, the great failures in banking have led to very, very long periods of recession at best. I would argue that what we are in at the moment is not a recession but essentially some kind of depression. It therefore takes something very, very major to get us out of it in the same way as it took something very major to get us into it."

Welby, a former oil executive who is serving on the parliamentary commission into banking, said no one had all the answers, but a key move to rebuild confidence was making sure people could no longer "drift" into senior banking positions. Problems were created when banks became distant from the communities they served, he said. "At least part of the banking system should be local". The Anglican leader said the simplest solution to recreate a local banking system was "recapitalising at least one of our major banks and breaking it up into regional banks"…”

The Independent (22 April 2013) had this to say:
“The Archbishop, who is a member of the Parliamentary Banking Commission, was speaking at an event in Westminster organised by the Bible Society… Stressing he was speaking in a personal capacity, he argued that banks needed to become more “moral” institutions with roots in their local communities.”

He continued: “The easiest way to do that would be to kill two birds with one stone and recapitalise one of our major banks and break it up into regional banks.”

One wonders who would create the new money to ‘recapitalise’ the bank, would it be created as a debt to government, and if so, would it be the people, again, who would be charged with its repayment by future taxation? I’m afraid the present Primate of the Church of England, would not gain my confidence as a spiritual and moral leader. Geoffrey Dobbs warned us over sixty years ago that Christian church leaders had no understanding of the traditional Christian view of money and taxes, etc., and were just as active as the rest of us within the fraudulent system.

Church leaders - no understanding of how The System works
It is now over 60 years since Geoffrey Dobbs wrote “The Just Tax” , in which he explained Christian Church leaders of that time had no understanding of the fraudulent-immoral nature of inflation, let alone the fraudulent basis of the modern money system.
And yet, in the New Testament it is recorded the Lord was scathing of the Scribes and Pharisees, describing them as 'clippers and cutters', the ancient means of inflating the money system, thereby reducing the purchasing power of the people 's gold or silver coins.

Dr. Dobbs concluded the updated version (1994) of “The Just Tax” with these words:
“It is not the straits to which the Church may be reduced, along with the rest of us, which disheartens us; united in faith we could endure and achieve anything. It is the ready accommodation to, even the anticipation of the will of Mammon, both on the parochial and on the World scale.

I pray that this tiny spark may take fire somewhere in the minds of those who are wiser and better fitted than I am to face these realities.”

Further reading: “Social Credit and National Accounting” by Victor J. Bridger


Taken from Rev. Henry Swabey's book, "Usury and the Church of England".
Thanks to the painstaking research by Rev. Henry Swabey we now have a means of studying the Church IN England’s approach to the teaching on the question of Usury over the last thousand years.

Chapter 5. Church Mints
The prohibition of usury was a negative way of protecting the social order that had been achieved. But positive action was also taken by Church and State to render usury unnecessary. In our century it has, broadly speaking, been assumed that money can only be issued - and pound notes etc. printed - to represent a fixed quantity of gold held by certain individuals or companies, the bankers. These notes - or a credit for so many hundred or thousand pounds - are, we have been led to suppose, lent by the owners (the Bankers) and after the money has assisted a cycle of production to take place, it must be repaid and the debts contracted be cancelled.

Such ideas are deeply embedded in our thinking about money and are not much affected by nationalization. The nation, we are again apt to imagine, had merely bought the gold or cover for money from the private bankers. But we shall have to rid ourselves of all such theories if we are to understand the significance of Church Mints.

Money had not in the distant days we are to consider attained to its later sanctity, and was rather considered as a convenience of man which man could create when he needed it. In fact, it is only as the Middle Ages advanced in England that money was used to a large degree and payment was often made by service.

King and Church worked together
Money was certainly not considered the monopoly of private bankers or even of a caucus in charge of a nationalized bank. The circulating medium - silver and gold - had a value in itself, but money was used as a measure of price and a claim, not as a means to power. Perhaps it was an unconscious dread of this that spurred our ancestors against the Usurer. For there can be no question but that Modern Banking is an adaptation of the Usurer's craft. In this matter of issuing coins, King and Church worked side by side for many centuries and not only kept out the Usurer but held the price level steady - an achievement that has baffled the modern specialists and experts. It might be easier to work backwards from the present to the times of the local mints, but the historical process will clarify itself if followed through from the beginning.

Julius Caesar is the first to mention currency in Britain but it is unknown when ‘pecunia’, money of any kind, was first used in this country. The earliest circulation medium - a step from barter towards convenience - may have been leather tokens. In the same way, numismatists have assigned a coin to Egbert, the seventh Archbishop of York (732-766), but cannot say when bishops first issued coins.

Egbert was the brother of Eadbert, King of Northumbria, so that this is an early instance of the co-operation of Church and State. There was no scarcity of metal, so the King allowed his brother to issue money for the benefit of his subjects. This showed that the Church's authority in business matters was acknowledged - business was not yet business, but part of a Christian man's life - and the Church's desire was not to make life more difficult but to facilitate the exchange of goods. If Henry VIII's Primate had been a strong brother, the divorce of Church and Business would not have been so complete.

“York Archiepiscopal Mint's earliest products were stycas of Archbishop Ecgberht, bearing his name and that of his brother Eadberht.”
writes Rawlings in Coins and How to Know Them.

Styca is old English for ‘piece’. Stycas were copper coins of uncertain value. Egbert issued a base silver ‘scatta’, and appears to have been the only Ecclesiastic to do so.

“York Archiepiscopal Mint's earliest products were stycas of Archbishop Ecgberht, bearing his name and that of his brother Eadberht,” writes Rawlings in “Coins and How to Know Them”. Styca is old English for ‘piece’. Stycas were copper coins of uncertain value. Egbert issued a base silver ‘scatta’, and appears to have been the only Ecclesiastic to do so. Egbert's successors probably issued coins when they were needed, and Wigmund struck a gold coin bearing his bust, and the words ‘Vigmund Arep’ and on the reverse a cross with the inscription ‘Munus Divinum’. Wigmund's gold coin was perhaps intended as a ‘solidus’.

In Canterbury, the same authority says, the earliest coins are those of Ianbert, who was Archbishop from 766 - 793, and these bear ‘Ianbert Arep’ and ‘Offa Rex’ on the reverse. The alliance between Bishop and King was close here also….”
(emphasis added…ed) Read further …


Excerpt: Outspoken article in London Chamber of Commerce Journal, January 1934.

“Humanity can have goodwill and peace, but it can’t have usury and peace; it must make its choice. It is quite a mistake to suppose that Shylock gave up his pound of flesh when Portia demonstrated that it would involve his drawing blood to which he was entitled neither in law nor equity.
Reappearing disguised as a kindly surgeon, intent only upon the welfare of the patient, he has performed the operation of taking the flesh and the blood on numerous occasions…”  


By Betty Luks
It seems last week’s article “The Significance of the Fish” stirred some lively discussion among readers. There are many websites devoted to the subject of ‘sacred geometry’ and I chose to link to one I thought was dealing with the subject from a position our readers could relate to and the world around us.

In answering the question “What is 'Sacred' Geometry'? the site replies in a common sense manner:
“The synchronicity of the universe is determined by certain mathematical constants which express themselves in the form of 'patterns' and 'cycles' in nature. The outcome of this process can be seen throughout the natural world as the following examples demonstrate: The Passion-flower : Spiral galaxy M74 : Giant's causeway, Ireland : Spiral snail shells.
These displays of mathematical and geometric constants are confirmation that certain proportions are woven into the very fabric of nature. Recognising the significance of this simple fact offers us the means to understand how and why such matters were considered sacred. They and everything around us, are the product of the delicate balance between chaos and order.

The word 'geometry' can be traced through its component parts:
The word 'Geo-metry' comes from the Greek words Geos meaning 'Earth' and Metron meaning 'To measure', which together literally translate as the 'Measuring of the earth' or 'Earthly measurements', an art which was traditionally restricted to the priest-hood.
Sacred geometry has existed in many forms across the ages. It is often mistakenly said that geometry began with the Greeks, but before them were the Minoans, the Egyptians, Sumerians, Indus valley, Chinese, Phoenicians and of course, the builders of the western European megaliths all of whom left clear geometric fingerprints in their greatest constructions.
The Greeks may well have been the first to have offered geometry to the public at large, but they were by no means the first to realise it.”

Words (and Numbers) cannot convey the truth alone:
A number of correspondents wanted to discuss the importance of ‘sacred numbers’. It was Dr. Geoffrey Dobbs, biologist and philosopher who helped me grasp an important truth about words and numbers, in an article “Trinity and Reality” (1983).

He wrote: “Words cannot convey the truth alone. They can only point to it, like signposts, but unlike them, they are unattached, not firmly fixed in the ground pointing the right way. It is the hearer who has to pick them up, as you might a fallen signpost, and fix them correctly in the ground of his experience of the real world…”

As for numbers and mathematics:
I think that the BBC series “The History of Mathematics: Ep.1” gives a definition of numbers and mathematics that we can relate to: Mathematics is “The Language of the Universe”. (As a layman I would have said "mathematics is the language of science").
The Story of Math is an excellent documentary series about the history of mathematics, presented by Oxford professor Marcus du Sautoy. After showing how fundamental mathematics is to our lives, du Sautoy explores the mathematics of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece.
In Egypt, he uncovers use of a decimal system based on ten fingers of the hand, while in former Mesopotamia he discovers that the way we tell the time today is based on the Babylonian Base 60 number system.
In Greece, he looks at the contributions of some of the giants of mathematics including Plato, Euclid, Archimedes , and Pythagoras who is credited with beginning the transformation of mathematics from a tool for counting into the analytical subject we know today.


The 2013 National Weekend beginning with the 67th New Times Dinner on the Friday evening, 4th October will be held for the first time in Adelaide, South Australia.

The dates and events are as follows:
New Times Dinner, Friday 4th October :
Seminar, Saturday 5th October : Guest speakers will be announced at a later date.
Divine Service and Action Conference, Sunday 6th October.

The South Australian League members and supporters are looking forward to hosting this annual event and welcoming interstate visitors into their midst. The advance notice will help you plan a holiday along with attending our New Times Dinner, National Seminar and Action Conference. |
The Friday evening New Times Dinner will be held at the Public Schools’ Club (within Adelaide proper). The Saturday and Sunday events will be held at Lothlorien, Happy Valley (in Adelaide’s south).

The following accommodation addresses are within reasonable motoring distance of Lothlorien, Happy Valley. These are only suggestions, you may already know where you would like to stay.
• Tollgate Motel, Glen Osmond: Conveniently situated between the scenic hills and the shopping district of Glen Osmond Road. Tollgate Motel accommodation from $68 single. Phone Number 08 8379 1651 Website:
• Glenelg Lake Holiday Units, Glenelg North: Glenelg Lake Holiday Units are situated in the pleasant seaside town of Glenelg in South Australia. From $77. Address: 1 George St, Glenelg Nth. Ph: (08) 8322 6007.
• Mick O’Sheas Hotel/Motel, Main South Road, Hackam. Phone 8326 2939. $110 per night. Discount for early bookings.

The Internet-Google is very helpful for viewing the various accommodation venues.  

The South Australian State Weekend will be replaced by the National Weekend in October 2013. Please note the changes.