25 October 2013 Thought for the Week: Distributism and Social Credit: Social Credit is predicated on the belief that there have always been two forces in conflict in human history: the Will to Power - "Ye shall be as God" and the Will to Freedom - "God, in whose service, there is Perfect Freedom." After the industrial revolution control of machinery became more important than ownership of land. The introduction of limited liability made a distinction between ownership and control which made it possible for a relatively small number of persons to effectively control the investments of millions , and this hastened the drive toward monopoly: From the beginning of the nineteenth century control of credit became of increasing importance, and the Bank Charter Act of 1835 gave the Bank of England a monopoly of credit. The Federal Reserve System established the same monopoly in the USA. The keystone of the arch of the Will to Power is the World Bank, originally established as the Bank of International Settlement and its system of ‘paper gold’. - - Anthony Cooney in “Distributism” |
WORSHIPPING AT THE ALTAR OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMYby James Reed The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a good illustration of the dangers of Robb’s corporate-controlled free trade world. The TPP aims to essentially end national sovereignty over the environment, workers rights, medicine costs, internet freedom, food safety and financial regulation. We the citizens know little about it because is has been negotiated in utter secrecy with even politicians not seeing drafts of the agreement. Write to Andrew Robb and see what his response is. Obviously the intention of the elites is not to let us know the details of the agreement until it has been set in concrete. Write to the newly elected senators in each state and ask them to seek the views of their constituents on the secretive plans for the TPP. After all, they were elected to act as REPRESENTATIVES of the People of the various States! One of the most sinister aspects of the TPP is the creation of an Investor Disputes Settlement System (ISDS). This will allow the corporates to sue governments in supra-national tribunals if laws are made threatening its profits. The tribunal is above Australian law and can impose fines on nations. This is effectively making the corporates the rulers of the world. Before our freedom is gone, write to Tony Abbott, Andrew Robb and the Independents and get their position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Then let’s get to work with others across the globe to raise awareness about it and – squash it! Comment: Some folk have complained they don’t like James Reed referring to Tony Abbott as Tony Rabbit. In the light of the Coalition’s sell out of the Australian people to the One World Globalists – what do readers suggest he be called? |
HYPOCRISY ON FOREIGN INVESTMENTby Peter Ewer The elites are excited about the “promise of the great north”. But this is not a programme of nation building – they are looking to complete the programme that globalists suggested over 100 years ago of simply giving the north to Asia – in that case it was Japan, but now it is Indonesia and China who are colonising us. This globalist mentality is clearly seen in coloured ads The Australian has been running for some time featuring masses of Chinese, say the army, or people swimming, the people jam-packed like sardines in a can. “See Why We Sink or Swim with China’s Middle Class” one ad says. In other words, accept your role as a slave. To hell with that, I say! What about you? |
WONG AND THE BINDING GAY VOTE: THE PHILOSOPHICAL SIGNIFICANCEby Mrs Vera West Don’t you like how the issue of homosexual ‘marriage’ has been transformed by the elites into a civil rights issue, one of “marriage equality”? Labor is set to block any attempt by the Abbott government to overturn the ACT’s “marriage equality laws”, which have obviously been implemented as the first shot in this cultural war. Not so long ago “gay liberation” opposed marriage as a politically oppressive institution, but now, as a show of power, the political class want it, no doubt to further deconstruct and relativise conventional heterosexual marriage. And it will not stop there, for next ‘cab off the rank’ is group marriage. All of the things which we complain about in these pages occur because ordinary folk do nothing, so that over time the elites win victory after victory. In a few years the culture changes almost beyond recognition. Only by organised, persistent, resistance do we have even an atom of chance to save our world. |
MEET OUR NEW PALMER UNITED SENATOR, ZHENYA WANGby Richard Miller Now, I am interested in what our first Chinese-born politician thinks about [1] Foreign investment [2] Chinese colonisation of Australia [3] Asian migration to Australia. Let’s ask him. The failure of “nationalists” to get their act together and actively campaign against immigration and foreign investment, as has been done in Europe, is little short of disgraceful. Hopefully young blood, what there is, will see that they have no future unless they fight, and do what our generation has failed - and is failing - to do. Andrew Bolt reported on his Blog 15 October, 2013 The parlous finances of the public company, which holds undeveloped mining tenements in Western Australia, are revealed in statutory annual accounts released to the Australian Securities Exchange three weeks after the election on September 7. The independent auditors of Australasian Resources, Ernst & Young, have alerted the financial regulator there is “material uncertainty regarding continuation as a going concern” of the company. Ernst & Young’s partner in Perth, Gavin Buckingham, warned in his auditor’s report that “there is significant uncertainty whether the consolidated entity will continue as a going concern, and therefore whether it will realise its assets and extinguish its liabilities in the normal course of business and at the amounts stated in the financial report"… Mr Palmer’s ... earlier public claim he receives earnings of $500 million in royalties from Chinese company CITIC Pacific has been shown to be incorrect, as Mr Palmer has not been receiving such royalties. |
READY FOR CAPITALISM ON STEROIDS? - THE HYPERMERITOCRACY?The ruling elites are excited about a book by Tyler Cowen, professor of economics at George Mason University, Virginia, USA, “Average is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation” (Dutton Adult, 2013). Cowen’s previous book was “The Great Stagnation : How America Ate All the Low-Hanging Fruit of Modern History, Got Sick and Will (Eventually) Feel Better”, (Dutton Adult, 2011). (“Do you want your child to have a job in 2033? If so, … they better start deferring to computers…” The Australian 5 October 2013, p.17). You see only 15 per cent of the population will have decent jobs. They will work with computers and IT in decision-making. The rest will rot and die, so to speak. Cowen sees computers rubbing out jobs everywhere – even truck drivers will go. But with Capitalism, this won’t be an age of leisure as social crediters imagined, but one of throwing most of society on the scrap pile. Get ready for Marxist Revolution 2.0. It is only fair, nay, poetic justice that if most of the human race is to be made redundant that the financial elites, the ultimate dark lords of Satan, be replaced as well by a supercomputer which could be known as E.V.I.L. – Evil, Vile, Idiots, Lived. In the end, they too were devoured by the meat grinder that they created. |
IS THERE A FOURTH WAY?by James Reed and Chris Knight The thesis of his book is that Marxism/Communism and Fascism have failed and passed into history (China?) and Liberalism now rules but has become tyrannical and is destructive of Tradition and culture.
Dugin’s book is no easy read, being clearly the work of a sociology professor. Dugin then argues that postmodernity ultimately kills off Liberalism and allows the “Radical Subject” to be reborn from the womb of materialist consumerism. For some reason I haven’t worked out, “linear time” is transcended and the “Radical Subject” (= authentic self) is once more free. Siryako Akda, reviewing Dugin’s book at Alternative Right.com has no trouble with such passages and proclaims that the Radical Subject is attempting to reveal itself, and I suppose even Hegel could be relevant here. Akda says that postmodernism has not eliminated Being/Dasein because even illusion has Dasein. Being must contain “nothingness”, so out of the postmodern world pops the “Kali Yuga”, the Hindu end times as a “matter of cosmic necessity”. Beats Dr. Who – I suppose. “The Fourth Political Theory” has been sympathetically reviewed at both Alternative Right.com and The Occidental Observer.com. I think though that such work is deeply flawed. Its fundamental esoteric philosophical concepts are lacking in justification as tends to be the case with much of continental philosophy, the product of French and German thinkers with too much affluence and time on their hands. Consider the passage from “The Fourth Political Theory” quoted above which basically says that the Self creates global capitalism. The concern with Dasein or being of course has justification but only if it is carefully defined, which neither Heidegger nor Dugin does. Dugin makes much of Heidegger’s idea of approaching Ereignis “the event”, when “being” returns. But if Being is defined as Heidegger defined it as the “totality of all existence”, this too is nonsense, and indeed, contradictory. Apart from these metaphysical objections, like a good Russian, Dugin sees the United States as the locus of globalism and liberalism and believes that only with the fall of the United States will an opportunity for restoring tradition come. The problem with the abstract metaphysical approach to things is that matters of real world importance just seem to get tossed out of the window in speculative “just so” stories. Sorry, “The Fourth Political Theory” is no aid for our struggle. * Wikipedia Martin Heidegger was a German philosopher known for his existential and phenomenological explorations of the "question of Being". |
FIFTY SHADES OF DEGENERACY: THE MEANING OF THE VAMPIRE AND ZOMBIE CULTSby Chris Knight Vampires today are different. Once they were just another parasite threat. Today in films vampires are sexy, far handsomer than the humans that oppose them. In fact, the white males that oppose them are depicted as undesirable, xenophobic and well, just white trash. The vampire film cult today is just another way of trashing European culture. The vampire, the blood sucker who once came to feed at night and was destroyed by light, is now the superhero, the replacement for the weak, white European male. Race mixing can thus be taken to a whole new level and a whole range of dark practices can be injected into film: sadism, blood lust, bondage and general debauchery. It’s enough to make even the Marquis de Sade* after whom we acquire the word “sadism”, sad. * Wikipedia: His is a philosophy of extreme licentiousness, unrestrained by ethics, religion or law, with the egotistical pursuit of personal pleasure being the highest principle. Sade was incarcerated in various prisons and in an insane asylum for about 32 years of his life. Much of his writing was done during his imprisonment. |
SELLING OFF OUR NATIONAL LIFE BLOOD: HOW CAN WE LET THIS….BECOME “NORMAL BUSINESS” ? from Len, the now 'profoundly disturbed'! Project this on and there will be no homes for young Aussies. I don’t now have a home myself anymore, now living in a friend’s shed. What disease of mind and spirit has allowed this to happen? The Chinese certainly don’t let their land get eaten up like this. Colonialism pure and simple. |
MARCH OF THE TITANS: THE SURVIVAL OF THE WHITE RACEby Brian Simpson In chapter 69: ‘Ragnarok – The Coming Fall of the West,’ Kemp addresses a theme long debated at this site. What can be done to save the White race? Kemp gives a number of common sense strategies. While all of this seems impossible, all that needs to be done is to hold on because the greatest enemy of the White race is liberals. But as Kemp concludes “the nature of modern liberalism is suicidal. Liberals will, given enough time, destroy themselves. They will stop having children; they will miscegenate, and they will then cease to exist.” Survival then requires pro-White activists having sufficient children and just fighting on. He also sees the possibility of “white Russia” and Eastern Europe being the basis for an in-gathering, a new racial homeland, where Whites can hopefully, finally learn the racial lessons of history. In conclusion “March of the Titans” is an excellent book for deprogramming white children from the politically correct brainwashing that calls itself modern education, and is a necessary read for us all, to grasp that we are fighting for the survival of our entire history. |
IS THERE A CURE FOR THE CANCER OF GROWTH? MEET THE HAPPY ECONOMISTby James Reed Humans pursue happiness because it contributes to our biological fitness. (pp. 36-37) Thus it is rational to chase after material things, but only up to a vaguely defined point, after which the quest for materialism becomes self-defeating. As Gittins says, money can buy happiness in a hedonistic sense up to this point, but “beyond that point it’s just not value for money”. (p.70) Humans require happiness beyond materialism, what Aristotle called ‘eudaimoni’, flourishing of those capacities within their nature. Eudaimonia arises from the satisfaction of human needs such as meaningful work and relationships, family, friendship and life goals. These things all transcend mere organic satisfactions and constitute higher order goods. It is the merit of “The Happy Economist”, that at last, someone from mainstream economics has asked the right fundamental questions of his discipline. Count “The Happy Economist” as yet another searching critique of economics. |
THE MILIBANDS, THE BBC AND THE PROLETARIATSource: Gilad Atzmon’s website, 13 October 2013. “Last week, The Daily Mail’s expose of Ralph Miliband’s political views provoked strong reactions from the Miliband family, the Labour Party, The Guardian and the BBC. The Mail article included a few quotes by Ralph Miliband, showing Miliband to be a radical cosmopolitan Marxist. So what else is new? Throughout his entire adult life Ralph had indeed been a radical cosmopolitan devoted to ‘progressive’ international working class politics and naturally opposed to any nationalism and local patriotism. However The Daily Mail was soon to learn, at its cost, that elaborating on the non-patriotic nature intrinsic to cosmopolitanism is practically forbidden in 2013 ‘free’ Britain. The Mail revealed that in 1940, when Ralph was 17-year-old he wrote in his diary: “The Englishman is a rabid nationalist. They are perhaps the most nationalist people in the world…you sometimes want them almost to lose (the war) to show them how things are. They have the greatest contempt for the Continent… To lose their empire would be the worst possible humiliation.” Well, I’d guess that many 17-year old Marxists at that time could have expressed such views. But Miliband remained a devoted Marxist into adulthood and indeed for his whole life and maintained this cosmopolitan ideology into old age right up to his death. This may be unusual but it is not a crime. What is concerning is the nature of the debate around the Mail’s article. Watching the BBC Newsnight discussion on the topic revealed that neither the BBC presenter (Emily Maitlis) nor infamous spinmeister Alastair Campbell, were even remotely familiar with British debating culture or had even the most minimal appreciation of pluralism, openness and freedom of thought. The BBC’s Maitlis seemed to have not even bothered to read the article. Her suggestions in the debate revealed an embarrassing unfamiliarity with both the general topic and the content of the article. Maitlis also failed to moderate the discussion and to silence Campbell who constantly went off topic. Instead of developing an argument, Campbell invested every last ounce of his rather limited intellectual resources in curtailing the discussion by imposing some vague notion of ‘correctness’ i.e., suggesting what we are entitled to say and who is entitled to say it. Watch the BBC ‘debate’ here.... Atzmon continues: “Yesterday on Guardian CIF, Paul Dacre, The Daily Mail’s Editor in Chief, addressed the controversy for the first time. Dacre wrote: “The Mail was deeply concerned that in 2013, after all the failures of socialism in the twentieth century, the leader of the Labour party (Ed Miliband) was announcing its return, complete with land seizures and price fixing.” Now, is this a legitimate concern or, is socialism, like Jewishness, beyond any criticism or scrutiny? Of course this is a rhetorical question. Apparently in Britain 2013, any attempt to question the intellectual foundations, history and meaning behind Marxism and socialist thinking is reduced simply to ‘antisemitism’. So, it looks like Marxism and cosmopolitanism, like Jewishness and Israeli racism, have been merged into one vague entity removed from our public discourse, let alone criticism. This shouldn’t surprise us being that it is entirely consistent with the Orwellian prophecy. After all, already in 1948, Orwell predicted where the British Left was headed and, since the late 1970’s, we can clearly detect an ongoing attempt by our progressive brothers, by means of political correctness and identity politics, to determine the boundaries of the discourse. Surprisingly enough, it is actually the ‘conservative’, ‘patriotic’ and ‘reactionary’ Mail that is producing a much-needed and well-overdue criticism of British society and politics. Obviously, Dacre knows his readers very well. He understands that the British working class read the Mail rather than The Guardian and this is for a reason. “It is that the Mail constantly dares to stand up to the liberal-left consensus that dominates so many areas of British life and instead represents the views of the ordinary people who are our readers and who don't have a voice in today's political landscape and are too often ignored by today's ruling elite.” Writing to Guardian readers, Dacre points at the ‘metropolitan classes’ who “despise our readers with their dreams (mostly unfulfilled) of a decent education and health service they can trust, their belief in the family, patriotism, self-reliance, and their over-riding suspicion of the state and the People Who Know Best.” Dacre offers a true and very sad image of isolated and detached British Left elitism. “These people mock our readers' scepticism over the European Union and a human rights court that seems to care more about the criminal than the victim… In other words, these people sneer at the decent working Britons – I'd argue they are the backbone of this country.”
If you’ve ever wondered why the Left, in the end, always finds itself in such a miserably aloof and irrelevant position, here is the answer: If The Guardian and the BBC want to stay relevant they should read Paul Dacre’s criticism closely and think about every word he utters. British society will benefit greatly if it finds the power to engage in a proper open and tolerant political debate devoid of any traces of correctness and gatekeeping.” Source: Watch: Newsnight, Alastair Campbell: "The Daily Mail is run by a bully and … IMPORTANT HISTORICAL FACT NOW CONFIRMED BY GENE SCIENCE and Watch "When Israel is Mighty" by Yossi Gurvit here Atzmon's book: "The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics" is available at Heritage Bookservices. More on Ralph Miliband: Editor’s comment: A quick search of the League’s archives and the following background information came up on a few of the names mentioned by Horowitz. |
2013 Annual New Times Dinner and Seminar ReportFrom the National Director Lou Cook Sunday morning started with a Divine Service led by Father Peter Coote and followed by the Action Conference where experiences and ideas were shared. |