Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

13 December 2013:


Peace on Earth To Men of Good Will

The Canon of Right(eous)ness: The canon is a spiritual thing and the forms embodying it are of infinite variety. I am confident that just as departure from the canon has produced the appalling condition of the world at the present time, so the existence of a growing body of people who are aware of the situation, and singly devoted to bringing back understanding into realtionship with Reality, constitutes not only the great, but the only certainty that eventually a world system founded upon lies will give way to one which is formed on Truth.

- - Clifford Hugh Douglas

Listen to Pie Jesu


by James Reed
With this Christmas Season almost upon us, it is time to give some “good news”. Things of course on the secular front indicate intense fighting over every issue. For all of human history it has been the same. People live and die; civilisations rise and fall. That of the flesh will eventually pass away. But all great thinkers, East and West, have seen something permanent behind the shadow play of reality. There must be a cause of the shadows seen on Plato’s cave, and that cause is spiritual, thinkers from Plato to Steiner have told us.

The Christian message through the birth and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is one about ultimate victory over the forces of darkness, degeneracy and death. At the end of the great epic movie of human existence, the bad guys lose. It doesn’t mean that there will be no suffering, before that, or that the forces of darkness will not win local, but not lasting victories. It does mean that all their evil visions of communism, “one world”, a “New World Order” and the like, will not succeed. In time these grand ideas will be but dust in the wind, the erosion of mind. These goals are perversions of human nature and reality.
At Christmas time it is time to reflect that there is hope because the good guys do win – and from God’s atemporal position, the battle is already over.  


by Brian Simpson
My review of French identitarian philosopher Guillame Faye’s “Convergence of Catastrophes”, (Arktos, 2012), attracted some criticism, or at least Faye’s position did. Faye sees a multitude of catastrophes simultaneously facing the West, from environmental destruction, to population swamping, to demographic collapse. He accepts that climate change is one of our environmental problems, but if you want to drop that one from the list – well, there are plenty more. Faye sees an ultimate collapse of modern civilisation occurring but he is hopeful in seeing that when “the machine stops” – as Arnis Luks puts it – people can rebuild a better world.

One critic says: “I have little patience with these faithless and despairing predictions and prognostications of gloom, inexorable degradation and inevitable destruction”. If events are “undesirable” then fix them. Do this by replacing or circumventing “the existing organs of misinformation” and “dehypnotize” the people. Educate them about Social Credit. Without an alternative financial system “there can be, and will be, no effective remedy for the ultimate destruction of civilization”.

I agree in general with all of this. As I pointed out in my review of Faye, his failure to consider the flawed nature of the financial system is a major fault in his book. However, there are deeper issues for debate within the social credit family. Correcting the misinformation issue means dealing with the brainwashed effects of the Establishment media. De-hypnotizing the masses presupposes that one has the mechanism, the “army” and man-power to do this.

Thinking scientifically, hope is really about force. Think of our battle as a fight between two forces. In any battle we require full information, however grim, because planning and strategy requires it. Dismissing “bad news” out of hand merely because it doesn’t make the troops “happy, happy, happy” is a way of ensuring defeat. Worse than gloom is false optimism: just look at military history. Further, reporting “bad news” even about the demise of industrial civilisation, that the machine will stop, is not necessarily about fatalistic acceptance of doom. Doom, yes, if this techno-industrial world is everything, but doom, no, if there is an alternative that can be built. In human terms, industrialism has only been a small fraction of our history.

Finally, de-hypnotizing the masses requires a mass movement of people to actively get out there and win the war, soul-by-soul, similar to evangelical movements. More is required than just putting great literature on the over-crowded internet and hoping people know where to look. It also assumes that the sheeple are not too dumbed down to understand. Hopefully 0.05% retain an active brain and with hard work we may be able to reach them. If we can, we have “hope”. But if not, then maybe even Faye is too optimistic.

In the worst case scenario, that we are truly finished, then as a movement of truth, we should at least openly debate this and have the guts to face whatever Reality throws at us. My opinion is that at this point of time we simply “don’t know” - but we should fight on as if life itself is at stake. (Spoiler alert – it is!)  


It seems as though the ‘penny is finally dropping’. Machines, technology and automation have taken over from human labour – and finally people are waking up to the fact. It has only taken them a hundred years to wake up – but still, better late than never. In the article below Matthew C. Klein discusses the implications – even though he finds it hard to get his mind around the concept. Most Americans do. They have grown up with the Puritan work ethic instilled into their thinking.

Wallace Klinck wrote on the Puritan ethic
To the “intelligentsia” Souls and God(s) are merely delusions or fabrications of the mind, or hallucinogenic nonsense believed in by simple-minded folk who are not, in their view, competent or capable of administering their affairs in a rational and scientific manner. Someone of superior intellect has to do it for them. Guess who?

My friend Oran Johnson has given “monetary reform” seminars for years and some university students have come to hear what “nonsense” he was spouting. One of them, a senior student or perhaps an instructor, obviously convinced of his own elevated intellect, was clearly not pleased with what he was hearing. He started to criticize until I told him Social Credit was not supportive of work for its own sake and advocated for increased leisure rather than “full-employment”.
He seemed momentarily phased and then blurted out, “Well I certainly wouldn’t want the people having sufficient money to be able to buy everything as it comes off the production line!” One might spend some time analyzing that interesting statement!
Perhaps he would rather they be kept busy building war materials than being free to play with the “toys” of their own choice.

It is the old Puritanical philosophy again which seems to have such a destructive strangle-hold on society at large—not least at the “top”. They are all slaves to Works and have never conceived Life. But then, increased leisure for individuals would deal a deadly blow to the centralization of power.  


Matthew C. Klein of Bloomberg, writes 12 Nov. 20l 3:
Most economists will tell you that workers displaced by technological progress and globalization should be able to find comparable employment elsewhere -- or at least that the income losses of those who lose their jobs are more than offset by the broader gains to consumers as a whole.

Yet you have to wonder if that's quite right. Is it possible that machines and trade might eventually polarize the rich world's labour force into two distinct classes: servants and elites? If we want to prevent that, we may need to reconsider how we think about work and income in an age of abundance.
Two recent articles in the Wall Street Journal provide some nice context. One describes how the recovery's meagre gains have been concentrated among those who were already the best-off. The other describes the rising demand for high-end butlers, maids and housekeepers. These jobs pay as much as $200,000 a year and, unlike many other lines of work, odds are against butlers being replaced by machines. After all, the people who like having human servants probably won't want to part with the one luxury that never goes out of style. (This also suggests that few people will be able to get well-paying jobs as butlers to the super-rich.)

You might brush this off as a consequence of the recent recession, but it fits into an alarming trend that began about 25 years ago. According to recent research by the World Bank, members of the global upper-middle class (in practice, the middle-class in developed countries) were the only people who missed out on substantial real income gains from 1988 through 2008. Trade and mechanization obliterated well-paying manufacturing jobs, and the health-care and education jobs that replaced them paid much less.

Economists have found that there was basically no net job creation between 1990 and 2008 in those parts of the U.S. economy subject to foreign competition. The growth that did occur in the period was in finance, government, health care and education -— sectors where it's difficult to measure productivity, or where productivity is very low.
No wonder anthropologist David Graeber was tempted to speculate that there may be someone "out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working."
Just think of finance, where many innovations mostly seem to be about devising clever new ways to extract fees. And how much health-care employment would really be necessary in a world where big companies didn't relentlessly ply children with sugar?

Consider that, in the not-too-distant future, we may not need very many people to produce most physical goods. Manufacturing employment has been in decline almost everywhere thanks to the rise of the machines. Even in China, the share of people working in factories seems to have been in decline since the mid-1990s.
Perhaps, eventually, "working" will no longer be considered a necessary requirement for a basic standard of living, something Switzerland is considering. (On the other hand, many of us seem hardwired to need the stimulation of a job in order to stay sane.)
Maybe we already have enough stuff and not enough leisure time to enjoy it. And if that doesn't work out, let's devote some human ingenuity to creating better pointless jobs.

Some pleasant holiday reading…. “Leisure in Christian Thought and Practice” by David Purcell…


“Tax Havens, the Euro Dollar and ‘They’ Who Own the World”
by Christopher M. Quigley B.Sc., M.M.I.I., M.A.

Eurodollars are time deposits denominated in U.S. dollars at banks outside the United States, and thus are not under the jurisdiction of the Federal Reserve.
Consequently, such deposits are subject to much less regulation than similar deposits within the U.S., allowing for higher margins. The term was originally coined for U.S. dollars in European banks, but it expanded over the years to its present definition: U.S. dollar-denominated deposits residing in banks outside the Federal jurisdiction.

Please realise there is no connection between Euro Dollars and the euro currency or the euro zone. The first Eurodollars were created by deposits made by the Moscow Narodny bank in 1957 to its branch in London to protect Russian State foreign reserves during the cold war. Eurodollar deposits are a cheaper source of funds because they are free of reserve requirements and deposit insurance assessments, thus the Euro Dollar is a money launderers dream "currency".

Due to the secrecy and light regulation surrounding the Eurodollar market, based in London, an extraordinary situation has unfolded where the Euromarket, which has no physical embodiment in an exchange, is now the largest source of capital in the world. This state of affairs has developed because dollars held in “banks” overseas (i.e. Eurodollars) form the basis of new bank credit. This credit is issued with untold leverage due to no formal reserve requirement and little or no regulation. The fact that this “market” is based at the Corporation of London (otherwise known as “The City”) is one reason why this financial powerhouse is beginning to eclipse New York as the financial centre of the 21st. century.

The growth of the Eurodollar market has been further supported by the birth of Eurobonds. These instruments are in the main unregulated offshore bearer bonds. No record is kept of who owns them so they are perfect for tax evasion. Thus it is no shock to discover a great source of funds to the Eurobond market comes from The Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, Malta, Cyprus, The Cayman Islands, Barbados, Bermuda, The Virgin Islands, Gibraltar, Monte Carlo, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, the IFSC Dublin, Hong Kong, Panama and of course, the daddy of them all, Switzerland. These tax havens are all linked to “The City” by a myriad of interconnected accountants, lawyers, financial advisors, consultants and “boutique” banks where secrecy is paramount. It is estimated that wealthy individuals and multinational corporations hold more than 18 trillion dollars (that’s trillion with a capital “T”) “offshore” in these “tax havens”. (The rest is held in "custodial banks" where total wealth under management is circa 120 Trillion dollars).

As a result the Eurodollar has become a new form of money (if by money one means unregulated credit) and had exploded in size. By 1997 nearly 90% of all international loans were in this market. Today it has grown so large that the Bank of International Settlements has ceased to measure it independently because the scale of the "problem" was becoming an embarrassment.

The part the Eurodollar market has played in the Global financial collapse has not been fully analyzed or documented to date. I think such an analysis is long overdue. Our monetary system needs to be brought back to a solid steady state where economic value means solid capital investment. True "economic investment" creates real added value, real employment and real benefits for ordinary citizens and society. The current investment orthodoxy is based on a "smoke and mirror" paradigm that is hollowing out our national economies and if it is allowed to continue it will ensure the "system" will finally collapse under the weight of its cant, hypocrisy and sophistry.

Reference: “Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and The Men Who Stole The World” by Nicholas Shaxson. Wikipedia Online Encyclopaedia Nicholas Shaxson: "Treasure Islands: Uncovering the Damage of … - - As millions of Americans prepare to file their income taxes ahead of Monday's deadline, Democracy Now! interviews British journalist Nicholas Shaxson on how corporations and the wealthy use offshore banks and tax havens to avoid paying taxes and other governmental regulations.
"Tax havens have grown so fast in the era of globalization since the 1970s that they have become at the heart of the global economy and are absolutely huge," Shaxson says. "Anywhere between $10 trillion and $20 trillion are sitting offshore. Half the world trade is processed in one way or another through tax havens."
Shaxson is the author of the new book, "Treasure Islands: Uncovering the Damage of Offshore Banking and Tax Havens."


This snippet of news from The Independent 20 November 2013 sparked my interest:
“First People to colonise the Americas before Christopher Columbus are linked to Europe by new DNA discovery”, Steve Connor, Science Editor.
Scientists studied the genome of a boy buried near Lake Baikal in Siberia and were amazed to find partly European ancestry.  View of Lake Baikal 

The report continues:
“DNA extracted from the arm bone of a child who died in southern Siberia about 24,000 years ago has shed light on the origins of the first people to colonise the Americas many thousands of years before Christopher Columbus. Scientists believe that the child belonged to a group of ancient Siberians who were the ancestors of the first Americans. Many scholars had thought that native Americans were descended solely from East Asians but now western Eurasians have been added to the mix.

Part of the child’s DNA sequence is shared only with the DNA of modern-day native Americans, and not with modern-day East Asians, indicating that a group of long-gone Siberians must have played a key role in colonising the Americas. The child lived at the Stone Age site of Mal’ta in south-central Siberia, near Lake Baikal. The bones are kept in the Hermitage State Museum in St Petersburg, along with Venus figurines excavated from the region, which are also found at similar sites as far away as Europe.

“When we sequenced this child’s genome something very strange appeared namely that this individual seems to be consisting of western Eurasians on one side and native Americans on the other side,” said Eske Willerslev of the Natural History Museum of Denmark, who led the study published in the journal Nature.
“So part of the genome you find today in western Eurasians and part of the genome you find today in native Americans, which is unique to native Americans. But we found no evidence of East Asians,” Professor Willerslev said.
“The result came as a complete surprise to us. Who would have thought that present day Native Americans, who we learned in school derive from East Asians, share recent evolutionary history with contemporary western Eurasians?” he said.

The conventional view of how America was first colonised suggested that East Asians had migrated across a land bridge from eastern Siberia to Alaska at the time when sea levels were much lower. This was backed up by a genetic similarity between modern native Americans and East Asians. “There had been gene flow from this Mal’ta population into those East Asians that were the ancestors of native Americans. So basically native Americans are composed of meeting of two populations, a group of East Asians and this Mal’ta western Eurasians,” Professor Willerslev said. “It could have happened in the Old World, somewhere in Siberia obviously. But it could also have happened in the New World,” he said.

However, there are rival theories based on the idea that ancient western Europeans could have crossed the ice-fringed Atlantic by boat or that Melanesians could have sailed across the Pacific to South America, and then migrated across Central America to colonise North America.
“Some people have argued that the first people were entering the Americas about 12,000 years ago but then there has been increasing evidence that people might have occupied the Americas earlier than that, maybe something like 14,000 or even 16,000 years ago,” Professor Willerslev said.
“The traditional view is that they were East Asians crossing the Bering land bridge so to speak entering the Americas and spreading through the continent. Then other people have argued that it is western Europeans who have crossed the Atlantic into the Americas,” he said.”

Ancient Trade Routes
"Cross-cultural trade is as old as the hills. In Neolithic Chatalhoyuk in ancient Anatolia, we find cowrie shells from Jericho, and in Jericho we find obsidian from Anatolia. A by-product of such trade in objects is an exchange of words, ideas, animals, even humans, both male and female."

Eurasian Trade: The commercial links which bound the ancient world were both extensive and sophisticated. Self-sustaining individual networks – the Saharan caravans, the Arab dhows plying the Indian Ocean, the fleets of Chinese junks coasting East Asia, and most famously the Silk Road traversing Central Asia, linked at entrepots such as Alexandria or Ctesiphon to form a truly intercontinental trading system. Let’s consider this news of European-native-American ancestry to Ancient Trading - we will link that semi-precious stone Lapis Lazuli to that trading.  

Wikipedia tells us: “Lapis lazuli is found in limestone in the Kokcha River valley of Badakhshan province in northeastern Afghanistan, where the Sar-e-Sang mine deposits have been worked for more than 6,000 years… In addition to the Afghan deposits, lapis is also extracted in the Andes (near Ovalle, Chile); and to the west of Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia, at the Tultui Lazurite deposit…”  

In “Programme for the Third World War “ by C.H. Douglas, the matter of ancient trading-links and the Money Power’s very extensive ‘intelligence” is discussed in relation to the early plans for America. Most Americans will be surprised the Money Power had plans for them so long ago. (Keep persevering you will come to see what I am leading up to.)

Programme for the Third World War – April-August 1943:
“… The conclusion to be drawn from all this is the same conclusion at which one arrives, so far as I can see, by every route. The problem to be solved is not to provide a world for heroes, which by experience not merely requires a hero to live in it, but ensures that he shan't live in it long. It is to prevent the heroes from turning the world into a monopoly for heroes, so that old ladies can do a nice bit of knitting without being blown through the window by a hero practising.

Which brings us to Columbus and the ‘discovery’ of America
The curious myopia (possibly resulting from the exoteric interpretation of Genesis which was supposed to indicate the date of creation as about B.C. 4000) which regards history as the events subsequent to the landing of Norman William, with his select body of Jews, in A.D. 1066, enables the statement that "Christopher Columbus discovered America at the end of the fifteenth century" to be accepted as accurate. Apart from the fact that Columbus never saw America, the mainland of which was "discovered" by John Cabot, who sailed from Bristol in 1497, there is strong reason to believe that various Scandinavian peoples had fairly constant intercourse with the North American Continent hundreds, if not thousands, of years earlier. Their traditional name for it was Markland.

There are, however, certain features in regard to the rediscovery of America which are worth attention. Christopher Columbus was a Jew, and John Cabot, although his ship and crew were English, was a Venetian. But the extraordinary and significant fact is that there was in Bristol at that time a secret Jewish community 'who handed on their tradition by word of mouth' (Lord Melchett: “Thy Neighbour”, p. 90).

It is obvious that both Columbus and Cabot had information of a fairly definite character to guide them. Both of them set a compass course which was approximately correct. And both of them had connections with banking - Columbus with Jewish banking, and Cabot with the banking City-State of Venice, and almost certainly with this secret Bristol Jewry. The essence of banking has always been what in military circles is called "intelligence" - information in its widest sense, spying being an important component, and it seems highly probable that the existence of the American continent was known in banking circles when it was quite unknown outside them. If this was so, it is reasonable to assume that when action was taken in regard to this knowledge it was considered action. Quite a different type of individual is required to pioneer a new country from that required to develop it subsequently; and it is not without significance also that the original British settlers were followed by a wave of Dutch, who for the most part remained on the Atlantic seaboard as traders and bankers.

One of the real effects of the American War of Independence was that although a façade of the original settlers of British stock held most of the titular offices of Government, the control of development and policy rapidly passed to a tiny Dutch minority (not to be confused with the much larger German element frequently called Dutch in the United States by a corruption of the word Deutsch). Such names as Rooseveldt, Astor, Vanderbilt, Van Ranselaer, Van Cortlandt, etc., immediately occur to anyone in this connection. The Dutch were the Chosen Instrument of Finance.
(In relation to ‘the Chosen Instrument of Finance’, Eric Butler’s “A Short History of the Bank of England”, well worth reading…ed Here

This is not an attempt to write a history of the United States. It is a suggestion that the United States is a definite and very important item in a plan which was interrupted by the expulsion from England in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries of the Jews and their associates whom we now call Freemasons, but who were then called Knights Templars.
By common consent, the real framer of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson's mother was a Randolph - probably, with the Lees of Virginia, the most aristocratic family of the New World. There is quite indisputable evidence that Jefferson was an international Freemason, and that the revolutionary elements in America, who were greatly in the minority, were the same elements who were fomenting trouble in France (Jefferson was actually United States Ambassador to France at the time of the fall of the Bastille).

Life, Liberty and er…Happiness? No… it was Property!
The famous phrase "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" originally read "Every man is entitled to the possession of life, liberty and property," and Jefferson in person struck out "property" and inserted the quite meaningless abstraction "the pursuit of happiness".

Perfect example of aristocratic abstractionist
Jefferson was almost a perfect example of the aristocratic abstractionist—the man who is born with a power-complex which he inherits, who disdains apprenticeship to his constitution-making. He was a student and a lawyer from the age of seventeen, and nearly every one of his policies was in direct conflict with his own mode of life and fundamental sympathies, and conveys the suggestion of outside influence on inexperience.
Although he was President (a very different office to that now attached to the title) and is credited with the Louisiana Purchase, the picture presented of his Administration is that of a man with an inherited aptitude for dealing with large matters, but taking his instructions on them without much consciousness of the reality they embody.

Perhaps the most indisputable evidence that I am not unduly fanciful in this matter is provided by the Great Seal of the United States, which was the work of Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin, all Freemasons, the obverse of which consists of a truncated pyramid, with the headstone bearing a picture of the All-Seeing Eye, the symbol of Freemasonry, suspended above the Pyramid. The motto is "annuit coeptis" - "he prospers our origins."

World Government Symbol
The pyramid is the symbol of world-government. The rest of the symbolism is obvious. Seen in the light of this clue, the history of the United States is consistently bound up with Whiggism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, and with the "mergers," financial buccaneering, and political corruption of the super-capitalism which accompany Judaeo-Masonry. The political corruption is not adventitious - it is essential. The type of Government, and the type of legislator in the main prevalent in this country during the last half of the Victorian era, although very far from ideal, would never have tolerated for a week the financial piracy of the Vanderbilt-Harriman era, which co-existed with it in the United States. It is not brains of which the Plotters are afraid - it is integrity. This type of British Government was definitely one of tradition, not of expediency, and traditional Government imposes certain standards in much the same way that a Gothic Cathedral discourages ribaldry.

In 1935, a year which probably marked the disappearance of any real prospect of peace, the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury announced that in future the obverse of the Great Seal would be printed on the back of all U.S. paper money.
I should like to emphasise, for the benefit of those to whom it is necessary, that not only is the mass of the modem American people unconscious of the part it has been billed to play, but is very uneasy as to its part in world affairs.

Whether leading American statesmen understand the situation is also not plain. I rather doubt it. But that there is a small inner ring which does, I am confident. I have met at least one of them. One of our nineteenth century statesmen begged Englishmen to cultivate the habit of studying large maps. With a world war on our hands, we require above most other things, to realise that evil designs can be, and are, built up from innocuous components, and in consequence, short views of history may be very deceptive…”

And gentle reader, Clifford Hugh Douglas wrote that seventy years ago! Look at America today. It would seem America has served its purpose and will ‘fade from history’ if the Planners have their way, and China is now billed to play a starring role…. And all of the preceding was sparked by an interest in the news of a genetic link between pre-Columbus western Eurasians on one side and native Americans on the other! Read further here....

Pepe Escobar reports on recent events as the plans for the ‘TPP New Silk Road’ progress.
"It took "Sultan" Erdogan, as in Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to make it happen, when last month he inaugurated - on the 90th anniversary of the founding of Ataturk's Republic - the US$3 billion, 76-kilometer Marmaray rail system which, in the hardly hyperbolic words of Mustafa Kara, mayor of Istanbul's Uskudar district (where the tunnel comes out), will "eventually link London to Beijing, creating unimagined global connections". [1]
It certainly helps that this technological marvel fits right into China's extremely ambitious New Silk Road(s) strategy which, just like the original Silk Road, starts in Xian, and aims to cross to Europe via, where else, Istanbul. [2]


by Arnis Luks
Faith and the Honourable Art of Gleaning: Beata and I often walk in the evening and she is quick to spot any low-lying overhanging fruit. It could be wild olive, blueberry, fig or even the different edible grasses found in the paddock. It is a skill almost lost - but for a few of this generation, my daughter Narrah being another. It shows that with a keen eye there is an abundance of produce in the natural world, not just from the farm or home garden. Beata is also quick to bring out the needle and cotton to give a second life to a garment. Her artistic tendencies can turn furniture into a work of art. Our home is filled with her craftsmanship.
This caused a change of thinking on my part as I looked towards our solar oven, worm farm and beehives. I was able to secure all the materials to manufacture these items at no cost - only initiative and effort.

Adam Voysey’s recent lecture made mention of black molasses being added to the garden as inoculants, with additional benefits to humans as pre-biotic to feed the good bugs in our stomach. Companion planting has also long been known as beneficial for plants, but further, that herbs, good bugs and bug feeding is incrementally good for those humans who consume the produce. There is an increment of association for all life, if correctly tended in accordance with God’s natural laws.

The machine failing has caused us to look differently at our world and from this we have rediscovered HIS abundance is there should we have eyes to see and ears to hear. This gives new meaning to the parable of the two fishes and five loaves of bread. Jesus demonstrated in quick time what God does every day for us in ordinary time. If we have two live fish and they are well tended and fed they will increase to a sufficient number to feed five thousand, the same for the heads of grain as for five loaves of bread.

Matthew 14:18-20: And he said, “Bring them here to me.” Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass; and taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over.  


To the Editor of The Australian, 2nd December 2013. What kind of a Trojan horse is this campaign for 'constitutional recognition' of 'the original inhabitants of our country'? Ben Wyatt's case ('Another step to reconciliation', 2/12) is a collection of sentimental pleadings which does not contain one single reason of substance to justify such an inequitable and racist tampering with the Constitution. No sub-section of the Australian people should receive privileged mention and affirmation in this document.
Nor would such a change be purely symbolic, as was made clear by Pat Dodson's call ('Treaty is needed, says Dodson', 27/11). He sees it as a 'first step' in a process that would lead to a 'treaty between indigenous people and the government'.
The end result would be the political division of our continent, something to which the great majority of citizens are strongly opposed.

- - Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic  


Dear Editor,
We would just like to say we agree with Robert Greggery’s view regarding personal ‘name calling’. First of all, we don’t think we should be following the example of the media in general who attempt to put down people by calling them names.
While we acknowledge that many politicians do not deserve our respect, it is a poor example to the younger generation and we should not allow ourselves to fall into the same trap. Secondly, it is good that one of the League’s supporters speaks his mind and gives his opinion, and it proves that some people read the On Target!

- - Doug and Jean Holmes, Modbury Heights, South Australia 23/11/13

The Editor, The Australian League of Rights, November I6, 2013
For our survival as a sovereign, independent and free nation, it is indeed vital to make a contribution in trying to understand true history and basic constitutional matters. I am referring to a letter by a Ms Walpole to the Weekly Times, reprinted in On Target of October I8.
Her concern about political corruption in Australia and public protest should be copied by many others in their respective electorates. Not being familiar with this particular case and its numerous candidates/councillors concerned, it is not easy to make a comment.
However, "community manipulation" in our country is not new and has been amply documented.
'People power' as mentioned by Weekly Times, seems to be a myth. Such a statement by popular media, is usually to placate the "people."
Of course, a 'brainwashed' but trusting, ignorant electorate, can easily be persuaded to do the bidding of some political opportunists but it takes more than that for people to unite for their and their nation's interest in the survival as a free, sovereign state, does it not? The behaviour of many politicians at all levels could be described as treasonous - meaning the betrayal of the people.
The age-old aim to dispossess individual land holders, as expressed by Karl Marx, is continually pursued and advanced by United Nation's Agencies (see Agenda 21).
The point to be made here is that supra-national aims are relentlessly followed, refined and carried out by political leaders through obscure advisers. There is no reason for any serious observer/activist to be ignorant of the ultimate outcome.
The Australian League of Rights has a vast store of information by revisionist historian researchers like Douglas Reed, Eric D. Butler, Ivor Benson, et al, telling us what is at stake for Western Nationhood and Christian Civilisation, if the present trend of betrayal continues.
It is therefore surprising that Ms Walpole gratuitously mentions Hitler (known as an 'ultra' Nationalist) and his Black, or was it Brown Shirts? Her concern and comparison with "community manipulation" in Hitler's time, who was seen by his and other European people to take a stand against an expanding Communist World-Revolution, seems a little out of place.
Much evil attributed to the latter by his enemies may or may not be true, but it could hardly be claimed that he was a traitor to his country.
Could that be said of our, mainly Western political 'pygmies' especially since I945? Would he have contemplated flooding his country with unassimilable aliens, sell off the assets and give away his nation's resources or shift its industries "off shore"?

- - G. Bethage, Devenport Tasmania  


The League ‘Hub’ in Melbourne will be closing from Friday 13th December, 2013 and re-opening Monday 6th January, 2014.

The hardworking League stalwarts will be taking their well-earned rest. Now is the time to get all book orders in.
The League carries an excellent range of topical books for that special Christmas gift.

We will be back 'online' earlyin the New Year. Meantime browse through the huge body of interesting material on our website!