15 February 2013 Thought for the Week: Farmer Power Meeting 13 February 2013 - AUSBUY is giving the farmers their support. The meeting is planned to follow on from the highly successful meeting held in Western Victoria attended by around 600 members of the local community consisting of farmers and local business owners with grave concerns for the future of the Australian dairy industry and the businesses and rural communities that depend on it for their survival.
Objectives to date are to achieve a resolution to the key factors raised and any further issues that are relevant to the industry, for example: A key focus to the meeting is the impact on the community at large if Australian dairying and agriculture is allowed to decline any further, and to communicate the importance of protecting the Australian industries and food supplies into the future for all Australians. They also plan to try and offer advice and support to those who attend who are suffering severe anxiety at a personal level due to the stresses placed on them due to poor returns. In a few short weeks since Farmer Power’s creation by grass roots farmers, the name is now registered and has a webpage (www.farmerpower.com.au
To date they have had extensive interest from the media in the development of this group with at this point the print media of the Weekly Times, Stock and Land and the Shepparton News farming supplement Country News which is distributed throughout the Goulburn Valley… - - Keeping the Decisions, Profits, and Jobs Here FLAG Australia "THE STORY OF 'BANKWATCH' NEEDS TO BE RETOLD" Contents The Eyre Peninsula Action Group - the beginnings of Bankwatch AS the farmers rally once again in their efforts to obtain some justice in all of this sea of troubles, we think "The story of the Bankwatch campaign needs to be retold. The Eyre Peninsula, known in South Australia as the West Coast, had came through a number of droughts and adverse grain years during the 1980s. But none was as bad as 1988. It was the worst drought ever remembered in this area and ultimately caused terrible financial hardship It was not only the drought that cut income, but the viciously high interest rates; and grain prices (wheat in particular) had dropped as well. The awful prospect for many farmers of being forced off their land was too terrible to contemplate. Young people were leaving farms and towns in droves to find work elsewhere. There was a great parallel looming in this present situation to that which took place in the depression years of the 1930's on the Eyre Peninsula when large numbers of farmers simply had to quit and walk off their land, However in that era the small community of Chandada produced men and women who became leaders and fought for farmers' and people's rights. One such person was Ron Loveday, an Englishman. A former RAF World War I pilot who was battling to develop a scrub block at Chandada, Ron Loveday led the local branch of the Wheatgrowers Protection Association and was Secretary for the Eyre Peninsula. This was also at a time when the 'harsh debt adjustment act' was being administrated in its worst form, when banks suddenly recalled loans, and wheat prices fell to 15c a bushel. Loveday knew action had to be taken to oppose the 'seize and sell' syndrome of the banks which ruled the day. In pursuit of this end he ultimately became Minister for Education in the Dunstan Government as Labor member for Whyalla. Ron Loveday was motivated simply by the desire to help other people out of their difficulties and was determined to see others do well for themselves without fear or favour. Chandada also had the only Women's Wheatgrowers Auxiliary group in Australia and was led by the courageous Mrs. Ardee Cash, an Irish-born schoolteacher. These farmers and their wives were prepared to stay and fight as they did even if there was only half a chance to survive. They didn't mind the hardships and primitive living conditions because they held visions of a better future. But after toiling for many years during the depression hope ultimately faded for them because it was felt the financial system was loaded against them and they felt cheated. It was the iniquitous treatment handed out by both government and banks that took these groups to the steps of Parliament House to fight for justice to be done. The Debt Adjustment Board, which was initially set up under Judge Paine to deal with the 1930s situation, was completely despised in what was an unforgettable period of ten years when these ordinary people cried out for help. Imagine the mentality of banks when the mother of a new born baby was given a five pound ($10) 'baby bonus' by the government to help nurture and clothe the infant, only to see the banks claim the five pounds ($10) against farm debts. This was changed however after great outcry but it reflects the thinking of banking organisations in their pursuit of profits and power then, and in the financial system still today, for which both Government and banks are responsible when interest rates rise in excess of 20%. The common thread through both eras has been the total disregard of ordinary people. If this campaign is not recorded and understood and acted upon, we could see a similar predicament emerge in the future - and this must be prevented. We trust this 'Bankwatch' story will assist great numbers of people, farmers, unionists, small businesses and people seeking secure jobs or affordable housing to understand the seemingly implacable forces organised against the interests of ordinary people. This story calls upon the broader Australian community to work together to build fairer and more democratic bank and finance system. We can move forward with the inspiration of such people as Ron Loveday, who was determined to help when he could and who continued to champion the rights of people against injustice even after the experience of losing his own farm, and knowing the pain of walking away from years of work and sacrifice, a person who knew how to fight for just reforms...." |
AUSTRALIA USED TO RIDE ON THE SHEEP’S BACK – NOW NRM RIDES OURSWrites Peter Manuel, FLAG Australia Spokesman. “Not only are our farmers under threat by cheap foreign imports, rising costs, and pressure to sell to corporate farming monopolies, they must also battle ever increasing Government regulation, which threatens to drive them off their land. Stop the Control! Farmers are increasingly expressing their frustrations at the excessive interference by the Government and its agencies, like Natural Resource Management Boards, in how they manage their properties, stock and water supply”. FLAG: Food Producers and Landowners Action Group Australia Listen to Mr. Peter Manuel of FLAG AUSTRALIA Inc. He spoke about the NRMA Act 2004 and the burdensome regulations together with Red and Green tape that is driving Primary Producers to the wall. Legislative Council of SA Ann Bressington MLC also spoke at recent Lord Monckton meeting: Watch her... ** Bravo Ann Bressington! You have the moral courage to speak out publically on Agenda 21 and the NWO. |
1935 ITEM RELATING TO ‘AUSTRALIA RIDING ON THE SHEEP’S BACK’It is a letter to, Mr. Harold W. Clapp, Chief Commissioner for Victorian Railways. We are living in a country, which produces a quarter of the world's entire output of wool. Trying to get rid of our surplus wool is becoming a desperate national problem. As the Right Honourable the Secretary for the Dominions said to the Right Honourable the Prime Minister of Australia in London the other day: "You know, Joe, as well as I do, you don't mind much where your wool goes so long as you sell it." There's the rub, Mr. Clapp—"sell it". Yet, Mr. Clapp, you are conducting a well-organised and up-to-date administration. Any shortcomings in it are not due either to inefficiency, to lack of willing workers, or to lack of railway tickets. They are due solely to lack of money tickets. And it is much the same with the graziers. The only thing needed is money in the hands of the consumers. Given this, we should soon have blankets for everyone without the stigma of public broadcast appeals. And you would have better freights and more passengers. Have you ever considered, Mr. Clapp, the possibility that our total money supply, no matter how distributed by taxation or by charity, is chronically insufficient to enable all the goods produced to be sold? And has it ever crossed your mind that such a deficiency could be made up as easily and as precisely as you overcome any shortage of railway tickets? Why not make your slogan "Money tickets for all", instead of "Blankets for all"? |
SENATOR BARNABY JOYCE – PRUDENCE IS NOT ENOUGH !In a recent radio interview with Alan Jones, 2GB Radio, Nationals leader in the Senate Barnaby Joyce touched on a number of issues of concern for Australians – but never, ever, mentioned the creation, the origin of our debt-money system. That is, who issues Australia’s ‘money’ as well as who controls Australia’s ‘money’ system. Yes, he did berate the fabian-socialist Gillard federal government at present in power, that is, for their wasteful spending. Senator Joyce is worried about Australia’s debt – so are we. But Senator, to whom do we owe this debt, and pray tell me, what is the nature of this financial debt? Is its nature, that is what is it made up of, in the form of gold or silver, is it paper notes, or maybe it is in the form of coins made out of cheap metals? Or is it in the modern version of ‘money’ – that is, blips on computers? How in God’s name did politicians ever come to believe computer blips were and are a form of debt that this nation has to borrow from the Money Lenders? The Uusurers. How did the world get itself into the present situation? How did the modern Usurers rise to such heights of power and control? In which case don’t you think one of the questions Australians should be asking of you: On the one hand, everything to do with industry and the possibility of substituting human labour by machinery has reached an unexampled pitch of perfection. But, when it comes to thinking in terms of distributing this wealth, when it is crucial that we think in terms of flow and rate of flow of Australia’s production, its real wealth, our so-called leaders and we ourselves, cannot even begin to rise to consider the abundance set before us. Listen to MP3 “The Root of All Evil” by Eric D. Butler. It is a classic.OR send for the DVD version of "Root of All Evil" $12.00 + postage. |
IT’S SATIRE, BUT OOOOH… SO REALThe right man for the job: Lanny Breuer, Department of Justice Cover Up Artist paves the way for the Wall Street get away What a perfect symbol for the self-propelled human garbage that occupies the Department of Justice. Of course, Assistant Attorney General of the United States never said these things, but if he had they would have been the only honest words that came from his mouth. |
DEATH BY CHINA: CHINA’S WAR HAS ALREADY BEGUNby James Reed Better be careful Julia or you might be hoisted by your own petard. (For some odd reason I thought a petard was some sort of pole arm like a halberd, but I looked it up and it turns out to mean a bomb for breaching walls in fortresses e.g., in the movie “The Two Towers” in the Helms Deep battle. But I still like the image of someone getting caught on their own spear, if that is possible, and just hanging there, whingeing.) Cyber crime is just the top of a rather large iceberg as Peter Navarro and Greg Autry show in “Death by China: Confronting the Dragon – A Global Call to Action”, (Pearson Education, 2011). The authors open their book by saying that China is “rapidly turning into the planet’s most efficient assassin” (p.1). There are of course numerous things governments must do, but they all involve developing national protection against China, and the cosmopolitan open borders ethos now rules. Obama, as I see it is incapable of following Navarro and Autry’s recommendations, and Gillard with decisions about foreign investment and Chinese migration is virtually a CEO for China. The Chinese threat is perhaps even greater than the internal undermining that Western countries face. |
THE ART OF WAR – THE RECONQUEST OF AFRICAWith the removal of Africa’s iron gate and crown -- the Libyan Jamahiriya -- and its fearless voice against foreign adventure -- Muammar Qadhafi -- the future is bleak for Africa with unfettered ‘intervention’ to plunder resources [now] underway.
The speed with which France launched the operation, ostensibly to protect the Mali from the advance of Islamic rebels, shows that it had long since been planned by France’s Socialist Party President Francois Hollande. The Western powers, whose multinational corporations vie with each other to grab markets and sources of raw materials, come together when their common interests are at stake, such as those in Africa endangered by popular uprisings and Chinese competition. Mali, one of the poorest countries in the world (with a per capita income one-sixtieth of Italy’s, and with more than half of the population below the poverty line), is rich in raw materials. Mali exports gold and Coltan, the proceeds of which, however, ends in the pockets of multinational corporations and the local elite. The same is true in neighbouring Niger, which is even poorer (with a per capita income less than one-one-hundredth Italy’s) despite being one of the richest countries in uranium, whose extraction and export is in the hands of the French multinational Areva. Not surprisingly, at the same time as the operation in Mali, Paris has sent special forces into Niger. A similar situation exists in Chad, whose rich oil deposits are exploited by the U.S. ExxonMobil and other corporations (but Chinese companies are also coming): what remains of the proceeds go into the pockets of the local elite. For criticizing such a mechanism, Bishop Comboni Michele Russo was expelled from Chad last October. At the same time, Niger and Chad are providing thousands of soldiers who, under French command, have been sent to Mali to open a second front. The invasion launched in Mali with French forces as spearhead is therefore one of vast range, extending from the Sahel extends to West and East Africa. It is joined to the one in North Africa that began with the destruction of the Libyan state and manoeuvres to stifle, in Egypt and elsewhere, the popular rebellions. |
BUT NOT UNDER THE SAME TYPE AND QUALITY OF LEADERS!The usurpers are undermining nations the world over. Older League supporters will remember the Rhodesian tragedy. The nation (now known as Zimbabwe) was sold out by the West. It was nigh on 45 years ago the following report appeared -16 December, 1966. Do take special note it was a UK fabian-socialist prime minister Harold Wilson who handed the peaceful Rhodesian nation over to the communists: Harold Wilson Demanded Rhodesian Surrender on H.M.S. Tiger: The essence of the Wilson concept of reaching an agreement with the Rhodesians is that the Rhodesians should first surrender control of their country for an indefinite period to [a] Quisling Government while a new Constitution was negotiated. It is not surprising that following the rejection of the Wilson demands by the Rhodesian Government, Prime Minister Ian Smith said that those demands were "repugnant" to the Rhodesians. He said that the Wilson proposals were a "departure of a major nature from the accepted principles of parliamentary democracy which has existed in this country for 43 years. Mr. Smith also said that to expect his Government to abandon the present Rhodesian Constitution before a new constitution had been finally secured and put to the test of public opinion "is utterly irresponsible. ... The Rhodesian Government would be extremely foolish were they to abandon the substance of the present Constitution for the shadow of a mythical constitution yet to be evolved". The "free" press of the world, which is so critical of press censorship in Rhodesia, has not seen fit to publicise the full truth about what really happened on H.M.S. Tiger. It has carried the Wilson propaganda line, which has projected a picture of the Socialist leader as a "moderate" man offering Mr. Smith honourable terms. What happened on H.M.S. Tiger was that Mr. Wilson demanded complete capitulation to his demands backed by the threat of worldwide mandatory sanctions. He also said to Mr. Smith: "I ask you to make no assumptions on the use of military force." Here was the real Harold Wilson, the Socialist totalitarian, serving the forces of world revolution. He must have known that the Rhodesians would never accept his surrender demand. The H.M.S. Tiger exercise was merely a smokescreen to mask his intention of placing the Rhodesian question under the control of the Communist-dominated UN. (emphasis added...ed) |
LABOR’S NEW VILIFICATION LAWS: “SECULAR VERSION OF INQUISITION”by Ian Wilson LL.B. The (former) attorney general Nicola Roxon “addressed” these concerns in her article “Protecting Speech is a Balancing Act”, The Australian 10 January 2013, p.10. Citing an example, the new law is needed to address cases such as a French woman in Melbourne subjected to racial abuse while riding a bus. But, clearly, cases like this can readily be dealt with under the existing law and even without a Racial Discrimination Act. The new law takes discrimination to relate conduct that “offends, insults or intimidates” a person(s) in relation to 18 different protected attributes e.g., race. A subjective test is applied, rather than a reasonableness test that exists at present under the Racial Discrimination Act. Hence it will be ridiculously easy to prosecute people along the lines of the Andrew Bolt case. Unlike, in that case, the burden of proof is now placed upon the accused. These examples indicate what the destroyers of free speech have in mind. Any criticism of a racial group will necessarily be caught. Tony Abbott’s support of traditional sex roles is regarded in Gillard’s speech as not just sexist, but misogynist, that is, hating women. Gillard said this in the context of defending House Speaker peter Slipper, who had made remarks about female genitalia that most people regarded as “sick”. So Slipper’s remarks are not illegal, but Abbott’s, in principle, are? What then to do? Clearly they won’t stop there and the law makers will grow bolder in their tyrannical destruction of our freedoms. The expression of opposition by Church and business leaders is good. However, as I see it, the arrogant new class will not back down and wants these sorts of laws. Consequently the laws need to be Constitutionally challenged. Ironically, the law is arguably in violation of our international obligations to maintain free speech. Laws which can trap anyone in daily life are ultimately unworkable. Will all Australia be put in gaol? Who will do the dirty work for the new class then? Anglo-Australians should, if the new law gets through, use this law to defend their tribe against all attacks, present and past, upon their ethno-racial group. I, for one, am offended that Anglo-Australians are not mentioned as founding “Australia” in the Constitution. Others will be offended by aspects of feminism and the attack on manhood. Whatever the “bee in your bonnet” get it done before we are all put in the concentration camps. |
OBAMA’S FOOD STAMP NATIONAt November 2012, 47.7 million Americans were “living” on food stamps, paid for by the American tax payer. That is one out of seven Americans living on food stamps and one out of every four children. And that number is expected to grow so that at least half of all American children will be on food stamps at least once before they turn 18. According to the US census Bureau the number of people living in poverty is now a record high of 49.7 million. One out of four workers earns a wage below the federal poverty level. America thus has almost 100 million poor. I am generally no fan of leftwing magazines such as New Internationalist, but credit where credit is due – the January/February 2013 issue on “The Feral Rich” is superb. While most of the world’s people are getting poorer, the High Net Worth Individuals, a global elite, get wealthier. The richest man in the world is Mexican Telecom tycoon Carlos Slim Helú worth $US 69 billion and the richest woman is Australian Gina Rinehart worth $US 29 billion. She has said that the minimum wage should be reduced. The new global super rich plutocrats are a breed that desire more money the more they have. Many millionaires and billionaires feel insecure about their wealth and want more, more, more! Collectively they have created what has been called “Totalitarian Capitalism” as their collective greed destroys communities, nations and the Earth. And, ultimately, it will destroy them as well. |
WHY SOCIOLOGY IS A PSEUDOSCIENCESociology, even more than neo-classical economics, is a creation of the Left. Its very origin is based in Marx, Weber and Durkheim’s analysis of capitalism. Excluded from this picture was any biologically-based view of human nature. Human beings were social constructions, pure creations of the environment. In his paper “Sociology as Alchemy”, biosocial theorist Frank Salter deals with the issue of sociology’s lack of scientificity. He clearly relates this to the discipline’s extreme environmentalism and social determinism. Sociology has deliberately eschewed the study of the biological and evolutionary basis of human behaviour and as such is flooded by a multitude of mutually inconsistent “theories” – if they can be called that. All of them see humans as radically distinct from the rest of nature. This philosophy also runs through neo-classical economics, which like sociology, is another form of reductionism. There is not much that can be done with disciplines as thoroughly corrupt as these: they need to die out, to be replaced by true science which sees man as a part of nature. |
KNOCKING ON HEAVEN’S DOORby Chris Knight During this period of death Alexander experienced reality at a deeper level than we do in daily life. His mind had not died, but was being liberated from his body. In his book, the distinguished neurologist comes to reject materialism, the idea that the mind is identical to the body. The fundamental reality is mental, not physical, he argues using quantum mechanics. The door is open for a rational acceptance of God, the Soul and Heaven. In the face of eternity, our concerns about what Queen Juliana is getting up to seem rather petty. |
THE MULTICULTURAL CULT OF DIVERSITYby Peter West Liberal Malcolm Turnbull, who would be more at home in the Labor Party, praised multiculturalism saying that Australia had created the “most successful multicultural society in the world” and despite “the asylum-seeker controversy, there remains contrary to most developed countries, strong support for our immigration program” which made Australians “global citizens”. Contrary to Turnbull, there is majority opposition to the present “Big Australia” immigration programme, to multiculturalism and foreign investment. This is a natural opposition without a vanguard party (as Australians Against Further Immigration once was) to articulate it. The time is ripe for another such party so that Australian immigration opposition is in line with Europe. |