22 August 1969. Thought for the week: "Power
in many hands is power in safe hands."
Mr. G.Freudenstein. N.S.W. Country Party Minister assisting the Premier and Treasurer, Mr. Askin. |
BUDGET BRIBERY"In reply to some Labor jeers, Mr. McMahon replied: "Wait a moment and you will find all your propaganda for the next elections is ruined." - The Advertiser, (Adelaide) August 13. The Federal Treasurer's comment was one of the most revealing statements he made during his budget speech. It provided further confirmation of the truth that elections are increasingly becoming cynical contests in attempting to bribe the electors with their own money. But a price must be paid for every new step towards more welfare under the Welfare State - continuing inflation is inevitable. It is hard to believe that the Federal Treasurer who, presenting the "good-time" budget last week, is the same man who only last month was speaking on the dangers of inflation. His White Paper on the state of the economy was precise in warning on the "elements of danger". But in Mr. McMahon's budget speech these dangers became nothing more than "clear possibilities." Under present financial policies the only alternative to inflation is deflation by slowing down the rate of new credit creation. Prime Minister Gorton is well aware that the last time the credit screw was turned down, serious unemployment started to develop. The political result of this was that at the 1961 Federal elections the Menzies Government was nearly swept from office, which it retained with a majority of one. Prime Minister Menzies had during the election campaign scathingly denounced the Labor Party's proposal to inject £100 million new credit through a deficit budget, but lost no time after the elections to introduce a deficit budget of £118 million. This overcame the unemployment problem but set inflation in motion once again. Prime Minister Gorton is determined to win the elections with a programme, which inevitably must increase inflation. But having captured the power prize, he can then turn down the credit screw. What the electors feel about this will not matter. So long as the Liberal-Country Party coalition attempts to operate the credit mechanism within the framework of a financial policy which has the full endorsement of the Fabian Socialists, it must continue to move Australia as a nation progressively towards the Centralist State which it once said it opposed. There is now little to distinguish between the centralist welfare programmes of Fabian Socialist Whitlam or Liberal Socialist Gorton. Mr. Whitlam can perhaps offer a little more electoral bribery than Mr. McMahon has offered. But basically all that he can claim is that he and his party can administer much better the programme, which he and the Government are agreed about. There are, of course, large numbers of Liberal and Country Party supporters, and a number of MPs. from these parties, who still reject centralism irrespective of the label. These anti-centralists have little time left in which to take effective action to prevent the original character of their parties from being destroyed. Electors should lose no opportunity before the coming Federal elections to ask these people to stand up and be counted. |
AUSTRALIA MEEKLY ACCEPTS THE SOVIET ADVANCE"Australia and the Soviet Union have begun talks on Asian security, the Minister for External Affairs (Mr. Freeth) announced last night in Parliament. " - The Age, August 15. The thinking, which has brought the cut in our defence budget, was evident in the above announcement by Mr. Freeth. Either this Government is so gullible that it is incapable of understanding simple reality, or it is deliberately appeasing the Communists in the hope of surviving in the absence of any real allies. Whatever the thinking, it is a policy of defeat bordering upon treachery. Mr. Freeth in explanation shows that he has completely
swallowed the Soviet propaganda on China as the main threat. It was
less than twelve months ago that a unanimous resolution was passed in
Parliament condemning the Soviet for the rape of Czechoslovakia where
the Soviet has since consolidated its grip on the country. Now we are
to meekly accept the same intrusion of Soviet power into our own front
garden, and discuss "security" pacts when no indication whatsoever has
been given by the Soviet that it has ever altered its fundamental objective
of world conquest. On what basis is any pact to be signed on agreed upon. When one party says "Treaties are like pie crusts, made to be broken, " and has a record of cynically breaking every pact she has made when it suits her designs and has never given up one inch of territory gained by similar "diplomatic aggression", it should be clear to even the most dimwitted that the Soviet will use any "pact" to advance to the Marx-Lenin objective of the world communist state. We may well ask Mr. Freeth, and all the members
of the Government parties responsible for what could be if persisted
in, a shameful betrayal of not only the Asian peoples, but our own;
to heed the warning of former Czechoslovak Olympic champion, Emil Zatopek,
reported in The Age, August 18, that the Soviet will never give
the Czechs their freedom, and the threat from China would make no difference.
This is the excuse Mr. Freeth advances for negotiating a collective
security pact in S.E, Asia with the Soviet. |
THE INTERNATIONAL CHESS BOARDEric Butler comments: Opponents of the Nixon Administration's Anti-Ballistic
Missile programme have gloatingly described the Senate's acceptance
of the programme by such a small majority as "what looks like a pyrrhic
victory." These opponents may be proved right. The ABM programme may
never even be implemented. Studying the opposition campaign against
the ABM while in Washington in May, I was struck by the masterly manner
in which those masterminding the campaign had established a type of
united-front between widely divergent groups. And I learned that the
Communist apparatus in the U.S.A. had significantly made the ABM issue
a top priority. They were at that time feverishly attempting
to mobilise American public opinion to get the maximum grassroots pressure
on to Senators. It was something that the grass-roots movement averted
- but only just, by 51 votes to 49 - threaten defeat. But the harsh
truth remains that in face of the continuing global strategy by the
Soviet Union, nearly 50 per cent, of the American Senate voted to deprive
the U.S.A. of a most moderate defence programme designed to protect
the U.S.A. from a major "firststrike" by the Soviet union. It is this deterioration, which has contributed
to the American retreat in Vietnam. The American collapse in Vietnam
will have far reaching implications for Australia. Speaking in Canberra
last week after his return from a briefing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian
High Commissioner Dato D. Stephens, said that his Government felt that
Australia was only "half-hearted" about its commitment to Malaysia and
Singapore. This is the type of news the Communists like to hear. Early last month Minister for Defence Fairhall made a significant address to a conference of Liberal Party candidates in N.S.W. in which he stressed the very points which the Australian League of Rights has been stressing for so long. Mr. Fairhall warned of the dangers of growing Soviet influence in South-East Asia and the thrust into the Indian Ocean. He stressed that with the withdrawal of Australia's traditional allies, the United Kingdom and the U.S.A., Australian defence policy was much more important than ever. I have no doubt that Rhodesians and South Africans will be interested in the fact that at long last Australia is beginning to realise the importance of the Indian Ocean. The Indian situation continues to worsen from the West's point of view. The Indian Prime Minister, Mrs. Gandhi has made it clear to her political opponents inside the Congress Party that she will brook no interference with her policy of increasing socialism. She has called on the Indian people for further sacrifices "if needed in the cause of achieving a socialistic pattern of society. " This has a familiar, and chilling ring to the student of totalitarianism. The Soviet must be pleased with the work of its agents in India. There has also been good news for the Soviet
strategists from the Middle East. What is described in the press as
"the new policy proposals of Israel's ruling Labor Party" - that Israel
should keep permanently large areas of Arab lands captured in the 1967
war - has caused wishful thinkers to express the hope that the Labor
Party statement might be more of an election gimmick than a definite
policy. The views expressed by the Labor Party are not new; they are
merely a reflection of the long-term programme, which can be studied
in the statements over the years by leading Political Zionists. With every day that passes the predictions of anti-Political Zionist Jews like Alfred Lilienthal in the United States, unfortunately become more obvious. Alfred Lilienthal predicted that to the extent the West took a biased attitude towards the aggressive policies of political Zionism and ignored the rights of the Arabs, it would be actively assisting the Soviet to take control of the Middle East. General political and press comment on the recent visit of President Nixon to Rumania, and the Rumanian tenth Communist Party Congress, provides further frightening evidence of the wishful and deluded thinking about Rumania. Rumania's blooded-handed Communist dictator, President Nicolai Ceausesca, is described as "independently- minded". He is a "moderate" Communist with whom the West can do business. But the Rumanian Communist leader made it clear that he would, if necessary, fulfill all his obligations under the Warsaw Pact. He also remains on friendly terms with the Red Chinese. He is also delighted to receive economic assistance from wishful Western political leaders. And all the while he remains a hard-line dedicated Communist. At last week's Anzus meeting in Canberra, U.S.A. Secretary of State Rogers (privately he has always been "soft" on the Vietnam stand) made clear some of the facts of life concerning coming American foreign policy in Vietnam. But I have seen no reference to the U.S.A's shifting policy on Red China. Only a massive grass-roots opposition inside the U.S.A. can now prevent this shift continuing. Australians who doubt that a shift is seriously contemplated are ill informed. But there is now no excuse for this since Mr. Rogers on the eve of leaving Hong Kong for the Anzus meeting said that his two day visit to Hong Kong had been "extremely useful in helping the Administration's re-evaluation of its China policy. |
WHAT'S BEHIND THE STUDENT RIOTS?This is one of the questions uppermost in the minds of most Australians today. Events at Monash and other Universities have shaken even the traditional Australian attitude that "It can't happen here. " This year's League of Rights Annual Seminar, to be held in Melbourne on Saturday. September 20 will enable those fortunate enough to attend with an opportunity to hear the student revolt movement discussed by three top experts. Former Royal Canadian Mounted Police undercover agent Pat Walsh will provide hard evidence of the international forces behind student unrest. Make a note of the date now. Tell all your friends. Watch for further details. |