18 July 2014 Thought
for the Week: Held in Stockholm, Sweden from 5 to 16 June 1972, the UN Scientific Conference, also known as the First Earth Summit, adopted a declaration that set out principles for the preservation and enhancement of the human environment, and an action plan containing recommendations for international environmental action. In a section on the identification and control of pollutants of broad international significance, the Declaration raised the issue of climate change for the first time… Over the next 20 years, as part of efforts to implement the 1972 decisions, concern for the atmosphere and global climate slowly gained international attention and action. In 1979, the UNEP Governing Council asked its Executive Director, under the Earth Watch programme, to monitor and evaluate the long-range transport of air pollutants, and the first international instrument on climate -- the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution -- was then adopted... Quadrant Online - Discovering Maurice Strong
Source: Joanna Nova website The discovery of this delay is a major clue about the direction of our future climate. The flickers in sunlight run a whole sunspot cycle ahead of some other force from the sun. Knowing that solar irradiance dropped suddenly from 2003 onwards tells us the rough timing of the fall in temperature that’s coming (just add a solar cycle length). What it doesn’t tell us is the amplitude — the size of the fall. That’s where the model may (or may not) tell us what we want to know. That test is coming, and very soon. This is an unusual time in the last 100 years where the forecasts from the CO2 driven models and the solar model diverge sharply. Oh the timing! Ponder how ambitious this simple model is — the complex GCM’s only aim to predict decadal trends, and have failed to even do that. Here is a smaller simpler model proffering up a prediction which is so much more specific. The Solar Model has not shown skill yet in predictions on such short time-scales, though it hindcasts reasonably well on the turning points and longer scales. It cannot predict ENSO events, and obviously not aerosols, nor volcanoes. But if the notch-delay theory is right, the big drop coming is larger than the short term noise. As we head to the UNFCCC meeting in Paris 2015 where global bureaucracy beckons, a sharp cooling change appears to be developing and set to hit in the next five years. Yet consortia of five-star politicians are not preparing for climate change, only for global warming. Around the world a billion dollars a day is invested in renewable energy, largely with the hope of changing the weather. Given that 20% of the world does not even have access to electricity, history books may marvel at how screwed priorities were, and how bureaucratized science cost so much more than the price of the grants.
As Bob Carter has been saying for a long time, politicians need to prepare for everything the climate may throw at us — see Climate the Counter Consensus… Jo |
THE MYTH OF CLIMATE CHANGEBut – a reader who may have casually meandered on to this site armed with a science background might say – what about all the evidence about climate change? What about the massive summaries given by Professor Guy McPherson at his site Nature Bats Last? Well against all of these papers from Nature, Science, Nature Climate Change and the like, we have the tremendous book “Taxing Air: Facts and Fallacies about Climate Change” (Kelpie Press) by Bob Carter, John Spencer and others. Although this book is directed towards rejecting carbon tax, the book is much more and destroys every part of the UN-inspired climate change hoax. In fact the book details that our present weather is completely within the range of natural variation. There has been no increase in extreme weather events such as cyclones or superstorms. These events have, unfortunately, always been with us, and always will be, being part of the processes of nature. I found “Taxing Air” very easy to understand, so people potentially interested in the book can rest assured that they will not be ‘drowning in science’. No one knows less about science than me, and even I came to learn that global warming is just a mass of hot air. Buy this book, you will not be disappointed.
Professor Duchesne is concerned to refute the version of this racial poison advanced by a panel of scientists, but does not come back to answer the fundamental question: Why Us? Why do Nordics engage in all of these processes of racial suicide? The Japanese, Chinese and Africans don’t. As noted in the article “The Fairness of Whites as a Critical Weakness” https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2012/10/the-fairness-of-whites-as-a-critical-weakness/ the universalism of the northern European sense of fair play and honour – altruism – is readily exploitable by those ethnic groups who do not play by our rules. Yet, Leftists in particular, are always open to ignoring any ethnic double standard in their attempt to always nail the blame for the world’s woes on their own people. This sense of misplaced altruism is the great weakness of our race. Its origin, I speculate, arose thousands of years ago when Nordic/northern Europeans had to co-operate to survive. Natural selection favoured altruists, and over time, altruists survived and out bred egoists/individualists. This altruism predisposed our people to accept universalist doctrines and the belief in ideas such as the “brotherhood of man” – now conceived as conceptions of universal humanity. In other words, our race has no “selfish gene”, but the “racially suicide gene”, a predisposition to indiscriminate, promiscuous altruism, which over time has mutated into racial self-hatred and out-group love. What can be done about this? Clearly we have a major problem on our hands if this weakness of altruism has become intertwined in our genetic nature. There will need to be some process by which these dangerous genes are bred out of our gene pool. Perhaps the low birth rates of Leftists, Feminists and the like will be our saving grace. |
By Peter West Don’t believe me? Think I exaggerate? Well consider this: “The Abbott government is allowing overseas dentists to flood the local market while university graduates struggle to secure adequate work, dentists claim”. (The Australian 23 June 2014, P.4) What government serving Australian, rather than Asianist/globalist interests, would do this? All of these facts, sitting exposed every day in our conventional media, constitutes evidence alone to see Parliament House, Canberra, as occupied territory. |
by Richard Miller The idea was to stop foreign buy-ups driving up the price of Australian property but it has not worked because the law hasn’t been enforced – no doubt because the weak Australian authorities don’t want to offend the Chinese. Further to this, the $85,000 fine is regarded by the Chinese as the price of doing business and doesn’t worry them much given the amount of money that they have to splash around. For example, $5 million was paid by a Chinese buyer for one of Adelaide’s top homes “The Myrtles”, but nobody knows how Foreign Investment Review Board approval was obtained. What a joke – but the joke’s on us. |
For example, I recall reading a scholarly constitutional law paper in a leading journal, where the point was made that by the originalist theory of interpretation (that is, in accordance with the intentions of the Founding Fathers) women would be denied the vote. Of course the lawyer’s way around this is to simply use another theory of interpretation which gives them the results which they want. The “living” interpretation says, for example, that words should be interpreted in terms of contemporary meanings. Bingo – women voters are constitutional. Those who believe in the Law, or THE LAW, should consult Professor Steven D. Smith’s “The Disenchantment of Secular Discourse (Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 2010). Smith’s general complaint is that in public policy debate there is no longer (if there ever was) serious argument. Choose your debate – say gun control – and typically the politically correct side twists every fact to suit their policy. This failure of reason, the triumph of unreason, is also seen in the courts Smith argues. A substantial number of US Supreme Court decisions have “no rational basis” and involve “a range of legal subjects, that condemn public enactments as being expressions of prejudice or irrationality or invidiousness”. Worse, “to a remarkable extent our courts have become places where the name-calling and exaggeration that mark the lower depths of our political debate are simply given a more acceptable, authoritative form”. (p.9) Smith also quotes legal philosopher Jeremy Waldron who has said about contemporary judicial reason that “the alleged reason-giving advantage associated with courts is a sham. What courts call “giving reasons” is an attempt to connect the decision they are facing with some piece of abstract and ill-thought eighteenth-century prose. Or it is an attempt to construct desperate analogies between the present decision they face and other decisions that happen to come before them (in which they were engaged in similar distortions)…” To go further will involve technicalities, but enough has been said. You may rightly believe that THE LAW is or should be a reflection of Divine Rule, but while that sounds good to me in principle, today when we see those sitting on the bench, I have my doubts. |
Masses of state and federal law Legislation drown commerce and crush individual freedom. Law overload is occurring right across the West and it is strongly correlated with the rise of political correctness and evil ideologies such as feminism. Sadly, the rule of lawyers is also correlated with the decline and fall of civilisations. If you want a metaphor, just think about the weeds in my garden that strangle all my vegies. |
by James Reed The same scepticism should be shown to the IMF proposal to dethrone the bankers and slash private debt by 100 per cent of GDP by replacing the private bank-created money by state-created money. Lenders would once more need to supply 100 per cent reserve banking for deposits and gone will be the days when banks were able to create credit by the process of lending, out of “thin air”. The new “Chicago Plan”, an update of the 100% money idea of Irving Fisher and Henry Simmons, would see the end of “fractional reserve banking”. That could be good, but is still a long way from social credit and in the long-term could have the unexpected result of killing off the development of a social credit economy. If the 100% money idea alone is tried, and is observed to fail, then people will lose faith in social credit for a number of generations. And we no longer have the luxury of that time to save civilisation. |
By James Reed Follow the thought experiment through. Open borders will lead to racial swamping – billions of the Third World will take up the generous offer to better themselves. Berg considers the argument that open borders will destroy the welfare state, saying that new immigrants should not get welfare, initially. Well isn’t that contrary to the liberty principle as well as being ad hoc? But it doesn’t avoid the socio-environmental argument that open borders will just lead to a “tragedy of the commons” and make us the new Third World. Finally, all ideas have their limits including liberty. The liberty of unending migration treats the liberty of us who oppose migration as non-existent, and our liberty should count for more than that of those who want to come merely to better their life. As a footnote, I personally dislike “libertarian” “thought” tied to modern ideas of markets and money and divorced from conceptions of community, people and race. It is an alien philosophy of capitalism and I hope that it will soon pass. |
Kunstler points out that those who think like the Libertarians who want free migration, assume that America (and countries like Australia) are unsettled and waiting to be filled. Such countries were filled long ago, but if the immigrationists have their way, these countries will be emptied when systems collapse occurs. |
However, Mills believes things could get even worse
WikiLeaks added that in a significant anti-transparency move, the Trade-In-Services draft has been classified to keep it secret not just during negotiations, but for five years after it enters into force. Moreover, this Services Agreement would further deregulate global financial-services markets. Its draft Financial Services Annex sets rules to assist the expansion of financial multi-nationals—mainly headquartered in New York, London, Paris and Frankfurt. The main reason that's a concern is that the multi-nationals have a heavy hand in creating the financial rules. And the entire regime of free-trade agreements allows for distant tribunals through which corporations can sue entire nations for so-called anti-business practices, using rules largely outside the scope of elected legislative bodies. Trade can be a good thing, of course. But accountability comes first, which seems to be seriously lacking. Besides, nations instead could mainly produce goods and services for their own domestic markets and limit trans-national trade to only exporting surpluses, while only importing those things which nations cannot make themselves. But these trade schemes take things to a much higher level--apparently to rig the game for financial insiders. |
Author Rodney Liddell in his book “Cape York, The Savage Frontier” (first published in 1996) filled in many gaps for me of the link between the Indian wolf/dog and the Australian dingo and modern Australian Aboriginals. It is a fascinating story and whilst Liddell focuses more on the early history between the Aboriginals and early settlers, it is his references to the Pre-Dravidian background of the Aboriginals that took my attention. He writes in Chapter 1: The Aboriginal Invasion of Australia
Prior to the separation, the Papuans had access all over the continent, including Tasmania. It is a point of fact that the Tasmanians were positively identified last century as being of a Papuan race. In 1930 a book titled “Artists in Strings” was published. The author was Kathleen Haddon [Rishbeth]. She was the daughter of one of the worlds most highly acclaimed anthropologists in his day [Alfred Cort Haddon]. She had travelled the world with her famous father and in reference to the Australian aborigines she stated:
This statement is but a portion of a mass of evidence which proves that the original Australians were “Papuans”, who were brutally massacred by the Pre-Dravidian invaders, whom we now erroneously refer to as the “Aborigines of Australia”, but who in fact were the “Aborigines of South India and Ceylon”. In April 1898, Professor Haddon led the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Strait, and later carried out further research in Australia. He clearly identified the Australian aborigine as being of the same Pre-Dravidian race as the following:
Further evidence that the aborigines invaded Australia comes from Professor A. P. Elkin, Emiritus Professor of Anthropology, University of Sydney, during the 1950’s. Professor Elkin was said to be the leading authority in his day on this vital subject. He also claimed that the aborigines were the early aborigines of South India and classified all the Pre-Dravidians as “Australoids”. In his book “The Australian Aborigines”, he states: Still further evidence comes from E. R. Gribble who wrote “A DESPISED RACE”. He states: “The first inhabitants were a negroid race being curly haired. Later came the “Dravidians” [Pre] A straight haired race driven from Egypt, through the north of India. In both these places indications of the use of the boomerang have been found. In Tutankahamen’s tomb [The boy king of Egypt] there were two model boomerangs wrought in silver. These “Dravidians” [Pre] were huntsmen and brought the dog with them. They conquered the “Negroids” and intermarried. These two types of hair were found as far as the southern portions of Australia, showing the intermixture of the two races. On the other hand, in Tasmania, only the curly haired were found, and no dingoes. Another difference was the status of the women in a tribe. In Tasmania they were well treated, but on the mainland they were regarded merely as goods and chattels, i.e. slaves. ” More than 150 asylum seekers being held on Customs boat
Whatever part the overland trade routes across Asia played, it was mainly by sea that the spice trade grew. Arab traders were sailing directly to spice-producing lands before the Christian era. In East Asia the Chinese crossed the waters of the Malay Archipelago to trade in the Spice Islands (the Moluccas or the East Indies). Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was another important trading point. In the city of Alexandria, Egypt, revenues from port dues were already enormous when Ptolemy XI bequeathed the city to the Romans in 80 BC. The Romans themselves soon initiated voyages from Egypt to India, and under their rule Alexandria became the greatest commercial centre of the world. It was also the leading emporium for the aromatic and pungent spices of India, all of which found their way to the markets of Greece and the Roman Empire. Roman trade with India was extensive for more than three centuries and then began to decline, reviving somewhat in the 5th century AD but declining again in the 6th. It had weakened, but not broken, the Arabian hold on the spice trade, which endured through the Middle Ages…”
LETTER IN THE PRESSTwo Causes of Australia’s Decline: Two causes of Australia's decline ('Politics in crisis and a nation in denial', 2/7) are the gradual atrophy of Christian leadership and the confusion caused by demographic changes to our population. Christian sacred tradition requires a reformation more profound than that of the 15th and 16th centuries. This is because the coming together of the world's cultures in the last two centuries, together with the profound research into comparative religion and ancient history that has occurred since the deciphering of the Egyptian hieroglyphics, has exposed so-called theological orthodoxy (whether Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant) as containing serious error and misunderstanding. As for the development from British outpost to multicultural nation on the fringe of Asia, Australia needs to separate for a happy future those inherited institutions and customs which promote liberty and economic growth from their now antiquated trappings, rather than abandoning both (a throwing out of the baby with the bath water). In both contexts left-wing, secular and humanistic ideology (virtually a pseudo-religion) needs to be opposed, as do materialistic selfishness and unjust usurious financial policies. |