Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
10 April 1970. Thought for the Week: "Why don't we arrange an exchange programme with the Soviet Union under which we could exchange our Communists with their freedom-lovers-permanently?"
The Independent American.


The people rather than the press or the so-called establishment has demonstrated an affection, which goes beyond mere curiosity in welcoming the Royal family to Australia. In searching the editorials of the newspapers it has been difficult to find either warmth or discernment. But with the people it has been different and interviews with the man in the street reveals a wide demand for either more frequent visits to strengthen the ties of the Monarchy, or suggestions for permanent residence by members of Royalty within Australia.

Finding little inspiration in local editorials we turned to the March edition of Canadian Intelligence Service in which the editor, Mr. Ron Gostick published the comments of a French-Canadian educator and scholar after he was asked, "Just what is your assessment of the monarchial form of government." The French Canadian replied as follows. Well, we must have a head of state - a president or a monarch. And the head of state will be the repository of the honour and soul of the nation.
Now, our neighbour to the south has a President, and he is both the head of state and the head of a political party; and he is chosen through a public vote. In the 1960 Presidential Election, after a scandalous campaign of smear and name-calling, Mr. Kennedy ended up with 50.3 per cent of the popular vote and Mr. Nixon with 49.7 per cent. Then it was discovered that ballot boxes had been fraudulently manipulated in several of the large northern cities, and that had it not been for this gangster-like operation, Mr. Nixon might have had the 50 plus and Mr. Kennedy the 50 minus. And when it came to the Presidential inauguration, Frank Sinatra and his Hollywood rat pack performed at centre stage. When witnessing this procedure for choosing and installing a head of state, I couldn't help but feel that there is something to be said for our British Monarchy and the Coronation Service.
Then there is the contrast between our Queen and party politicians. The latter all too often virtually bribe their way into office, and spend four years tickling their vanity and filling their pockets knowing that they may only have one term to "make it." Such circumstances hardly encourage a sense of honour, a history, of heritage, and of responsibility to future generations.
But with the Queen, she was prepared for high office and responsibility by birth and training. She holds office today, and will not be turned out next month or next year. And when she does move off the stage, her eldest son will accept her high office and responsibilities - and she wants to pass on to him a heritage untarnished, as pure and bright as she herself received it from her father. And so, with the monarch the repository of honour and the soul of the nation - spanning time, rooted in the past but so intimately associated with the future - we have a sense of responsibility, stability and continuity lacking in the republican state. Yes there is much to be said for the Monarchy!


"Education, Urban development, Aboriginal Affairs, Health and Transport ARE all matters of National or semi-National importance, which should be financed and controlled by the Federal Government. Education and Aboriginal Affairs should be taken from the hands of the politicians and placed in the hands of those trained for them and with them in mind. Ad -Lib December 1969 (Official News Letter of the Young Liberals, South Australia)

In view of the soul-searching that has been going on amongst at least some of the Liberal Philosophers, over such matters as centralism, it might well be worth asking Liberals: "With friends like these, who needs enemies?" Virtually every phrase of the above extract might have had its origin in the Communist Manifesto. For example, the sixth of Marx's ten points reads "Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State." The suggestion that responsibility for these matters should be taken out of the hands of politicians and put into those of the permanent bureaucracy is typical of the arrogance that prevails among so many young people. The concept that a few experts are best able to decide policy, thereby replacing the politicians, who are (or should be) the representatives of the people, is in essence a totalitarian outlook. Have "votes" become so important to present day liberals that they can afford to ignore these trends in the Young Liberal movement? Surely it would be reasonable to suggest that there should be some standard with regard to both philosophy and policy as a necessity to membership.


Mr. Eric D. Butler reports from Canada

Back in 1961 the Menzies Government was nearly thrown out of office because it followed the dictates of its Fabian Socialist economic "advisers", who attempted to curb inflation by a credit-restriction policy, which produced substantial unemployment. Closely following the advice of his Fabian Socialist "experts", Prime Minister Trudeau is now engaged in a desperate attempt to curb Canadian inflation by the same policy of credit-restriction. The inevitable result is rapidly mounting unemployment, and a head on collision between the Federal Government and Canada's major Trade Union organisations, which flatly reject the Government's plea for voluntary wage restraints.

As was proved conclusively in the United Kingdom, where Fabian Socialist Harold Wilson insisted that the Trade Unions accept wage freezes, any attempt to halt inflation through both rigid wage and price controls, can only end in failure. This negative approach to the problems is like trying to tie down the escape valve of a boiler while at the same time doing nothing to dampen down the heat beneath the boiler. The inevitable result is either that the boiler will blow up, or that the valve will have to be reopened.
After imposing harsh restraints on the British people, the Wilson Government has been forced to ease its credit-restriction policy, and, of course, there is an approaching General Election.

Increasing numbers of Canadians are starting to realise that the harsh policies being imposed upon them have their roots deep in the philosophy and policies of Fabian Socialists like the late J.M. Keynes. Writing in the Toronto Globe and Mail late last year, one financial writer boldly proclaimed that "Keynes Is The Villain In Budget's Failings", and went so far as to mention the establishment of the notorious London School of Economics by the Fabian Socialists.

There can be little doubt that one of the most influential controllers of Canadian financial policy at present is the Governor of the Central Bank, the Bank of Canada, Mr. Louis Rasminsky. Mr. Rasminsky is a product of the London School of Economics and there is no doubt where he stands. In his report for 1969, recently tabled in the Canadian House of Commons, Mr. Rasminsky stated that the Trudeau Government had "no choice" but to continue its tough credit policies, despite the rising unemployment and other problems. The Rasminsky report states that, "While economic activity in Canada continued to expand for the ninth successive year, the overall performance of the economy in 1969 cannot be regarded as satisfactory. Prices continued to rise at an unacceptable rate and public policy, including monetary policy, had to be vigorously directed to restraining the inflationary pressures."

Mr. Rasminsky's criticism of the Canadian economy clearly implies that it is those operating that economy that is responsible for inflation. But if the economy has produced, as it certainly has, a growing flood of goods and services adequate to meet the requirements of Canadian consumers, how can this performance be described as unsatisfactory? As Canadian prices continue to rise, in spite of the Government's credit squeeze and the voluntary restraint agreed to by Canadian businessmen, this is clear evidence that it is the financial rules under which the Canadian economy is operating which are the basic problem.

There is a limit to which business organisations can hold prices by reducing any profits or reserves they might have. When they start reaching that limit, they then start reducing staff in an endeavour to cut wage costs. This increases unemployment, which in turn decreases consumer demand. This in turn affects business organisations. The process snowballs.

The Fabian Socialist policy of "controlled inflation" is progressively undermining the free enterprise economy. Claiming that there is no alternative, the framers of this policy brutally create large-scale unemployment, with its deadly impact upon human associations, and drive many business organisations into bankruptcy. It is always the smaller organizations, which collapse first, with the process of economic centralism intensified. Any public servant who openly states that there is no alternative to unemployment and business chaos in order to prevent inflation, should instantly be asked by the paid representatives of the electors either to produce a financial policy which would enable the people to obtain the full benefits of the economic system in which they are all associating, without inflation or deflation, or to resign as a hopeless incompetent.

It is reported that in one ugly clash between Canadian Trade Union leaders and Prime Minister Trudeau, blows were threatened. There will be more ugly incidents, and more friction between groups, so long as the Canadian Government continues to heed the advice of Mr. Rasminsky and his fellow Fabians. Australians should carefully heed what is happening in Canada before they allow their Canberra Fabians to impose another credit -squeeze upon them.


Mrs. K. Walker designated as a poet and an Aboriginal leader in Queensland was interviewed by leftist sympathizer Bill Peach on ABC's This day Tonight last week. Mrs. Walker outlined protest plans on land rights for the Aborigines when the Queen visits Queensland. The Communist journal, Tribune regularly features the work of Mrs. Walker who is predominantly Indian and Kanaka and was known as a card carrying member of the Communist party in the early post war years. To be billed as an Aboriginal is more profitable to the communist policy of racial agitation.

The Christian journal New Life, October 2, 1969 published a warning by Aboriginal Pastor Bill Bird, President of the Australian Evangelical Fellowship, he was reported by New Life as saying "that in his view the Communists and others are attempting to use the Aboriginal people to incite the people of Australia. Speaking from 1 Corinthians 3:9 "We are labourers together with God," Pastor Bird laid the only foundation on which there can be a unity of understanding between races. Pastor Bird indicated he understood the divisiveness of Communism when he said, "God has raised the Aboriginal Church to help stem the tide of Communism in this Country." Many of the churches of white Australians seem not only to have rejected such a concept but also actively support the aims of Communism in Vietnam and elsewhere.

New Life, March 5, 1970 published a letter from part Aboriginal Abel Morgan from the Aborigines Inland Mission at Walgett N.S.W. Mr. Morgan comments upon the proposed plans to coincide with the arrival of the Queen at Botany Bay and says, "I... know for sure this is not the voice of the entire Aboriginal population, but of a minority." He comments further on the plan of Rev.Ted Noffs of the Wayside Chapel in Sydney to invite members of the Black Power Movement to Australia later this year. "The Black Power Movement has brought violence and hatred and has nothing to give our people that would uplift them but rather drag them down. It is to be hoped that our Federal Government will be on the alert and refuse entry to these people." Mr. Morgan concludes by pointing to the many opportunities available to the Aboriginal people to "raise their standards and improve their education."


"Salisbury - in the grip of an astonishing building boom - badly needs at least 100 new hotel rooms." John Tidey in The Age reporting on his return from a recent trip to Rhodesia.

The consensus of Tidey's report was of tremendous economic boom conditions. Shops full, unlimited petrol, French and Japanese cars replacing British, swimming pool construction proceeding at a record pace, tourism at the highest level ever, immigrants arriving at the rate of 1,000 a month, a prospering air service with the only aerodrome in the region capable of handling the jumbo jet. Not too bad for a country, which Harold Wilson promised would be reduced to its knees in three months when U.D.I. was declared in 1965.