Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
30 January 1970. Thought for the Week: "When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace. But a man stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his amour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils."
Luke 11: 21 - 22.


"Australia is most unlikely to change its opposition to signing the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty even if Japan decides to sign." Canberra correspondent Michael Richardson in The Age, Melbourne, January 27.

The acceptance of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty by the Sato Government has been primarily the result of heavy American pressure. The policy behind the Treaty is to attempt to ensure that there is a monopoly of all nuclear power, ultimate control being in the hands of those operating a proposed World State. As President Nixon has made it clear in his State of the Union address that Washington policy makers, following the lead of the British are abdicating their international responsibilities.

Australia must give greater thought to being as self reliant as possible. They should carefully note reports that Washington policy makers are suggesting that Britain be disarmed as a nuclear power by making it impossible for the British to use nuclear weapons without permission from Washington.

One of the few constructive policies enunciated by Prime Minister John Gorton prior to the Federal Elections last October, was on the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. He said on October 8: "We shall not sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty until we are sure it is an effective treaty, that it provides real protection to its signatories, and that Australia's security in the future is not endangered."
Australia must retain the necessary freedom to provide itself with adequate defence in the troubled years ahead. The Australian Government should be encouraged to maintain its declared policy.

" It is a major fallacy that disarmament of itself prevents war. If the British had not been persuaded to disarm in the thirties, the Second World War might have been averted.

The basic cause of modern war is the corruption of centralised power. Not only the Marxist Leninists but also their philosophical blood brothers, the One Worlders, constantly seek to push the whole of mankind into the World State. The only effective answer to the threat of centralised power is decentralised power. Australia can make a vital contribution towards genuine peace by ensuring that she has adequate military defence.


"Children as young as six have been found smoking marijuana in the U.S., an American expert on alcoholism and drug addiction said yesterday. And nearly a third of American university students were using marijuana. Dr. Maurice H. Seevers, of Michigan, is on an Australian tour," - The Sun, Melbourne, January 27.

In A Synthesis Of The Communist Textbook on Psycho politics (45 cents post free from Box 10521, G.P.O. Melbourne) the following appears: "By making readily available drugs of various kinds, by giving the teenager alcohol, by praising his wildness, by stimulating him with sex literature and advertising to him or her practices as taught at the Sexpol the psychological operator can create the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessness into which can be cast the solution which will give the teenager complete freedom everywhere - Communism."

Drug taking is as old as man. But it is beyond dispute that the Communists are using drugs as one of their major tactics to erode non-Communist societies from within, the major target being young people. Experts on the drug problem, stress that those on the "hard" drugs like heroin, have generally started on the "harmless" marijuana.
Red China is the major supplier of illicit opium and derivatives, such as morphine and heroin. A U.S. Bureau of Narcotics report in 1960 stated that Red China was providing up to 64 per cent of the morphine base, and 81 percent of the total world seizures by narcotic agents of opium and its preparations.

In July 1965 the Free China Review stated that, "ninety per cent of illicit narcotics reaching the free world come from the Communist held Chinese mainland." When criminals fall out they often provide a little truth about one another.

In Pravda of September 13, 1964, a V. Ovchinnikov claimed that "About half a billion dollars every year come into the hands of the present leaders of China from the illicit sale of narcotics. It has become one of the basic sources of convertible currency for the leadership of China."

Poppy cultivation in Red China is much more profitable than growing food. The "decadent capitalists" can be left to compete against one another to grow and supply wheat while the Red Chinese concentrate upon poppy growing. Convertible currency obtained from increasing drug addiction in the West plays a major role in enabling Red China to pay for Australian and Canadian wheat.
Western Governments should be given every support by electors to take the firmest possible steps against drug addiction with particular efforts to protect the young.


"Half the woolgrowers of Kowree Shire, one of Victoria's biggest wool growing municipalities, receive less than the Australian minimum wage. The Minister for Defence, Mr. Malcolm Fraser, MHR (Wannon) winced when the figures were quoted to in front of 400 woolgrowers at Edenhope. Growers peppered Mr. Fraser with questions but he side stepped cleverly, saying "I'm in no real position to answer them." - Wimmera Mail-Times, Victoria, January 26.

If a senior Minister of the Gorton Federal Government, representing one of Australia's best known wool producing areas is unable to answer satisfactorily the legitimate questions of concerned wool-growers, the prospects of the Government's electoral stocks improving at the coming Senate Elections are far from bright.

Current low prices for wool, the lowest for approximately 20 years, are not the basic cause of the woolgrowers' problems. As some woolgrowers have pointed out, current prices were reasonably profitable twenty years ago because financial costs were also much lower. The basic problem is a steady increase in inflation, this the result of the financial policies pursued by the Federal Government. Presenting figures at the Edenhope meeting, taxation consultant Mr. Ted Garth said that on the average farm of 892 acres the net increase in debt in the past three years had been $3320. Mr. Garth correctly pointed out that long-term stability required the stabilising or reduction of the financial costs of production.

Greater efficiency by the woolgrowers had not been able to offset constantly rising financial costs. Mr. Fraser had to admit that he could "not dispute the general picture. . . "and that Government policies would not solve the growers' crisis. All he could suggest was greater unity in woolgrower's organizations. But this unity will be futile unless it is directed towards instructing Members of the Gorton Government to insist that their financial "advisers" find ways and means of reducing financial costs - or face dismissal.

We repeat what we have said previously: Mounting unrest in the rural areas of Australia is a major development with heavy political overtones. The sponsors of the Edenhope meeting, the Edenhope Agricultural Bureau, are also sponsoring the mass march in Melbourne of farmers to protest to the Federal Government against the declining rural economy.

A possible political straw in the wind: Loudest cheer at the Edenhope meeting was for Country Party MLC (Western Province) Mr. Clive Mitchell when he proclaimed, "I'll be marching with the boys." It would be instructive to learn what Mr. Mitchell's Country Party colleagues at Canberra think of this. We predict that unless the Gorton Government heeds the situation in the rural areas, and takes some constructive action, the Senate Election results will produce a major convulsion inside the Federal Coalition.


"Salisbury. . . Rhodesian security forces said today they killed three more guerrillas is conducting operations on the country's northern border with Zambia…Clashes between Rhodesian security forces and African nationalist guerrillas have resumed recently after an 18 month lull." - The Herald, Melbourne, January 27.

Renewed pressure on Rhodesia by Communist trained and equipped African terrorists, often described as "freedom fighters", indicates that a new phase is opening in the battle for the whole of Southern Africa. There is an intense struggle between the Red Chinese and the Soviet, but both Communist factions are united in their determination to destroy Southern Africa. The first essential is to destroy the major front line in Southern African Rhodesia. The Soviet appears to have firmly established its influence in Nigeria on the West Coast, and in Somaliland on the East Coast, but the Red Chinese are dominant in Tanzania and Zambia. They have also ousted the Russians in the Congo.
The popular Republic of the Congo, known until the beginning of January as the Congo (Brazzaville), has according to President Marien Ngouabri reached its "final destiny." The official flag is now the Red Flag and the Internationale has become the national anthem. All Presidents are to swear an oath of allegiance to Marxism Leninism.

The Red Chinese agent responsible for the ousting of the Russians is an experienced old Africa hand Wang Yu-Tien previously Ambassador to Kenya. The Red Chinese have now organised themselves into the position where they can establish a major revolutionary base in the heart of Africa. They will be well placed strategically to intensify the pressure down the continent on to Southern Africa.

We trust that the ominous developments in Africa and the new pressures on Rhodesia are being realistically assessed by Australia's strategists. They might also consider why that "moderate" Communist leader from Yugoslavia, Tito, is at present making a month-long African tour, starting in Tanzania. Tito has in recent times been entering into closer links with Peking.


"President Nixon is bringing the ship of State back home for repairs. It will be a long slow voyage, but he seemed to be saying in his State of the Union message that the old girl had been battered in stormy foreign waters too long, and needed to be tidied up, scraped, painted and remodeled for her 200th anniversary in 1976." - James Reston of the New York Times news service, in The Age, Melbourne, January 24.

President Nixon has provided further evidence of his intention to progressively disengage from Vietnam and other international responsibilities. Quite apart from the influence of his policy advisers, President Nixon desperately wishes to win the 1972 Presidential Elections and be in office for 1976. He is therefore promising the frustrated American people major domestic reforms, such as a solution (not specified) for inflation and the mounting crime rate.
In the face of the stark facts of international life, President Nixon asserts that, "America may have the best chance since World War II to enjoy a generation of uninterrupted peace." He returned to his pre-election theme that a period of confrontation with the Soviet Union was being replaced with one of negotiation. He has even initiated talks with Red China and clearly is moving towards the acceptance of Red China in the United Nations.

The Nixon administration's concept of "reconciliation" with the Soviet bloc was demonstrated last year when it endorsed the Soviet puppet government in Czechoslovakia. When Cemik's hard-line Communist Government's Ambassador to Washington, Dr. Ivan Rohal-Oikiv, presented his credential a statement drafted by Presidential assistant Henry A. Kissinger, key figure in the Nixon team, offered to extend all "appropriate assistance to Czechoslovakia." Australians should heed the clear signs of the American retreat, which follows in the footsteps of the British retreat, and realise that if they are to survive they must rely upon themselves as never before. And they should look for firmer allies with the same basic problems. South Africa, Rhodesia and the Portuguese are obvious choices.


Extracts from a letter from Queensland supporter:
"Enclosed please find twenty dollars as a donation to the League of Rights, and with this I send my very best wishes to this great organisation for a good victory and a very happy 1970, also a stronger backing in the wonderful fight you and all the members are putting up... None of us can prevent old age coming on, but it is hard to have the will and desire to do more and be held down. I only hope that I will live long enough to see your League secure a great win." Thank you J.H.C.

Another 600 readers matching your spirit will carry the League past its objective of $25,000. Just over another $100 has carried the 1969-70 fund past the halfway mark. The second half of the fund should be now easily obtained.


"What is Money?"

The finance economic aspects of the world revolution are now becoming more dominant, and for this reason it is essential that League actionists have at least a general understanding of fundamentals concerning finance. Even Christians tend to forget Christ's warning that it is impossible to worship both God and Mammon. There is surely tremendous significance in the fact that Christ's only recorded act of violence was to whip the moneychangers out of the Temple.
Worship of money as an end in itself is a form of dangerous idolatry. Money of itself irrespective of the form it takes - is of no value whatever. It is not wealth; it is a claim to wealth in the same way that a train ticket is merely a claim to a train seat.

Before man invented money, he managed with barter - "swapping" his surpluses. Money originally was correctly described as a medium of exchanging surpluses. But in a modern industrial system, with intensive specialisation, one individual may be concentrating upon producing a very complicated part of a motor. The situation today is one in which individuals are all making their particular contribution to the general pool of production. Money today can therefore be more correctly described as an order system, enabling the individual to take from the pool what he requires.
Money "orders" are created by the banking system in the form of what is generally described as bank, or financial credit. This is a comparatively costless and simple process. As these money "orders" are only of value when issued against a community's productive capacity, the question is: Why should those creating the "orders" - i.e. doing the community's book-keeping - loan the "orders" at their face value, and charge interest far in excess of the real cost of creation?