Credit: Asterisks
A century ago C.H.
Douglas revealed to the world that banks create money out of nothing. He challenged
the monopoly of credit and those who control it. Increasing and unrepayable world
debt has rekindled interest in Douglas' works, his practical proposals and glimpse
of reality. |
Clifford Hugh Douglas Heralded
as the Einstein of economics, Douglas gave a glimpse of reality to the world.
He warned that debt, heavy taxation and inflation was inevitable under centralised
financial policies which are in need of correction. |
Hilaire Belloc "If we do not restore the Institution
of Property we cannot escape restoring the Institution of Slavery". An introduction
to this celebrated thinker and writer. He challenged the State on social and economic
issues by contending that the dignity of man as a rational being require both
freedom and security. |  |
One Sword at Least: G.K. Chesterton DISTRIBUTISM, LIBERTY, PROPERTY A glimpse at the genius of Chesterton, author of over 100
books, poet, jounalist, editor, contor-versialist, biogapher, publisher, playwright,
debater, traveller, lecturer, illustrator and prophet. Readers are challenged
to discover Chesterton for themselves. |
Title |
Author |
A Brush with Nature |
W.R.Wedge |
2 |
A Matter of Life or Debt |
Eric de Mare |
4 |
A New Britania in the Southern Seas |
E.D.Butler |
1 |
A Trial on Trial |
L.Dennis & |
13 |
ABC of Social Credit |
E.Holter |
6 |
Abortion Yes or No? |
J.L.Grady MD |
2 |
Achilles Heel of the Conservative Movement |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Actor, John Foster Dulles, Sec./State 53-59 |
A.Stang |
3 |
Adam Weisthaupt, A Human Devil |
G.B.Winrod |
6 |
Against Democracy & Eguality |
T.Sunic |
13 |
Against the Grain (An Autobiography) |
B.Yeltsin |
3 |
Age of Consent, Manifesto/New World Order |
G.Monbiot |
15 |
AIDS Cover-up? Real & Alarming Facts |
G.Antonio |
2 |
AIDS Time Bomb |
J.West Ph.D. |
2 |
AIDS What the Government Isn't Telling you |
L.Day M.D. |
2 |
Alberta Experiment |
C.H.Douglas |
6 |
All the Way with the USA |
A.Capling |
5 |
Alternative to Disaster |
B.W.Monahan |
1 |
America's Secret Establishment |
A.Sutton |
15 |
American Dynasty |
K.Phillips |
13 |
American Torture, Cold War, Abu Ghraib |
M.Otterman |
15 |
Among the Barbarians |
P.Sheenan |
10 |
Amsterdam to Nairobi, WWC & 3rd World |
E.W.Lefever |
1 |
An Eye for an Eye |
J.Sack |
15 |
An Introduction to the Order, Skull & Bones |
A.Sutton |
1 |
Ancient Iraq |
G.Roux |
15 |
Angel's Don't Play this HAARP |
Dr N.Begich & |
15 |
Animal Farm, a Fairy Story |
G.Orwell |
5 |
Anne Frank's Diary |
D.Felderer |
5 |
Answer: Justice, Aust. POW |
A.McClelland |
2 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Anti-Defamation League |
R.H.Williams |
5 |
Anti-Semitism & the Babylonian Connection |
D.Griffin |
6 |
Apocalypse 1945 Destruction/Dresden |
D.Irving |
1 |
Approach to Reality... Constitutionalism |
C.H.Douglas |
4 |
Armed Madhouse |
G.Palast |
16 |
Aryan Origins of the Alphabet |
L.A.Waddell |
6 |
Assault on Childhood |
A.Gourley |
1 |
Asses in Clover |
Eimar O'Duffy |
4 |
At What Cost? |
R.G.Anderson |
6 |
Athanasius & the Church of Our Time |
Dr R.Gruber |
4 |
Auschwitz, A Judge Looks at the Evidence |
W.Sraeglich |
11 |
Auschwitz, Eyewitness Report |
T.Christophersen |
5 |
Auschwitz, The Final Count |
An Anthology |
7 |
Auschwitz: End of a Legend |
C.Mattogno |
8 |
Australia 2000: What Will We Tell Our Children? |
J.Lee |
10 |
Australia at Stake |
G.McDonald |
1 |
Australia Unlimited |
Sir D.Smith |
5 |
Australia's Declining Birth Rate |
Dr J.Dique |
1 |
Australia's Racial Heritage |
Sir R.Cilento |
1 |
Australian National Flag |
Govt. Printer |
5 |
Awakening, the Upside of Y2K |
Laddon & |
5 |
Babylonian Woe |
D.Astle |
16 |
Background to the Gulf War |
M.Brooker |
3 |
Bankers & Bastards |
P.McLean |
7 |
Banking Swindle |
K.Bolton |
20 |
Barack Obama, Unauthorised Biography |
W.G.Tarpley |
15 |
Barbarians Inside the Gates |
Grand Pre |
25 |
Basic Course/Communist Conspiracy |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Beast in the Temple |
J.G.Stuart |
7 |
Bechamp or Pasteur |
E.D.Hume |
20 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Behind Marxism |
F.L.Britton |
2 |
Behind the Bedroom Door |
L.Byrski |
1 |
Behind the Iron Curtain |
J.S.Roucek & |
11 |
Behind the Scene |
D.Reed |
2 |
Beloved African |
J.Baker |
1 |
Best of Enemies: Britain & Germany |
R.Milton |
12 |
Betrayal: Underbelly of Australian Labor |
S.Benson |
20 |
Betraying the Victims,"Stolen Generation" |
R.Brunton |
3 |
Better Health With Medical Mother/Lady Cilento |
Lady Cilento |
1 |
Beyond Iraq |
M.D.Evans |
11 |
Beyond Jonestown/Mind Control |
E.Dieckman |
8 |
Bible Laws on Money |
Pr. S.Emery |
2 |
Biblical Insights Into God's Chosen People |
D.Griffin |
5 |
Big Idea |
C.H.Douglas |
1 |
Big Switch |
G.Gilchrist |
6 |
Bildeberg Diary |
J.Tucker |
17 |
Bill's Story |
L.Farrow |
1 |
Billions for the Bankers & Debts for the People |
Pastor.S.Emry |
3 |
Blair's War |
J.Kampfner |
12 |
Bleeding of America |
H.H.Dinsmore |
3 |
Blood Brothers |
E.Chacour |
1 |
Blowback, Consequences/American Empire |
C.Johnson |
12 |
Boche & the Bolshevik |
N.Webster |
5 |
Bolshevism/Moses to Lenin |
Hitler,Eckart |
12 |
Bondage of the Free |
K.F.Steffgen |
4 |
Boom & Gloom |
B.Browning |
11 |
Boston-Curry Party |
Dr F. Tobin |
10 |
Brain Washing |
E.D.Butler |
5 |
Brainwashed for War, Zionist Global War |
M.Chang |
20 |
Bretton Woods Plot |
A.N.Field |
5 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Brief for the Prosecution |
C.H.Douglas |
1 |
British 'Edda'- Ancient Britons Epic Poem |
L.A.Waddell |
18 |
Broken Compass/British Politics |
P.Hitchens |
40 |
Broken Cross Hidden Hand in Vatican |
P.Compton |
3 |
Burden/Empire, Legacy of Roosevelt-Truman |
G.Garrett |
7 |
Bush Agenda, Invading the World |
A.Juhasz |
16 |
By Way of Deception: Mossad |
Ostrovsky,Hoy |
10 |
Cameron Delusion |
P.Hitchens |
28 |
Camp of the Saints |
J.Raspail |
1 |
Canada's Watergate |
P.Walsh |
1 |
Cancer: Why We are Dying to Know the Truth |
P.Day |
35 |
Case for David Irving |
N.Jackson |
1 |
Cattle Crisis |
C.Pinwill |
1 |
Cause of World Unrest |
H.A.Gwynne |
5 |
Celts |
N.Chadwick |
8 |
Censored History |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Changing Image, Arab-Israeli Dispute |
R.H.Curtis |
16 |
Characters of Reformation |
H.Belloc |
12 |
Charles Ferguson, Herald of Social Credit |
M.Lane |
1 |
Child Abuse in the Classroom |
P.Shafly-Ed. |
8 |
Chresby Papers/State Bank |
A.Chresby |
3 |
Christ Was Not A Jew |
J.E.Conner |
10 |
Christians and Politics |
Thoburn |
1 |
Christians in Politics |
P.D.Olney |
1 |
Christinity and Judaeo-Christianity |
M.Ross |
5 |
Church & Farming |
Rev.D.Fahey |
7 |
Church & Usury |
Rev.P.Cleary |
6 |
Churchill's War (Deluxe) |
D.Irving |
1 |
Churchill's War Vol.I |
D.Irving |
1 |
Churchill's War Vol.II |
D.Irving |
1 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
CIR: Why Not a Say for Australian People? |
3 |
Classified Woman(A Memoir) |
S.Edmonds |
5 |
Clifford Hugh Douglas |
A.Cooney |
1 |
Climate Caper |
G.W.Paltridge |
10 |
Coin's Financial School |
W.H.Harvey |
1 |
Coke on Magna Carta |
Sir E.Coke |
7 |
Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900 |
N.Tesla |
40 |
Commonwealth Bank: Story of |
D.J.Amos |
5 |
Commonwealth Stories: Part 1 |
D.J.Amos |
5 |
Commonwealth Stories: Part 2 |
D.J.Amos |
5 |
Communism Can Be Defeated Without WW3 |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Comrade No More |
T.McGillick |
5 |
Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist |
B.R.Smith |
3 |
Conquest Through Immigration |
G.W.Robnett |
6 |
Conscience Voting |
J.Lee |
1 |
Conservatism & Society |
W.Henderson |
1 |
Conspiracy Called Conservation |
D.Jensen |
1 |
Conspiracy of Truth |
W.D.Chalmers |
1 |
Conspiracy: to Destroy all Governments |
William Guy Carr |
1 |
Constitutional Barriers to Serfdom |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Control/Distribution of Production |
C.H.Douglas |
3 |
Controversy of Zion |
D.Reed |
15 |
Corporatism, Secret Gov./New World Order |
J.Grupp |
15 |
Creation & Control of Money |
Anon. |
2 |
Creature From Jekyll Island |
G.E.Griffin |
25 |
Crossing the Rubicon |
M.C.Ruppert |
16 |
Crystal Spirit, George Orwell |
G.Woodcock |
28 |
Cult of All-Seing Eye |
R.K.Spenser |
9 |
Cure for All Cancers |
H.R.Clark PhD |
28 |
Curse of Canaan:Demon of History |
E.Mullins |
11 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Dachau, The Hour of the Avenger |
Col.H.Buechner |
15 |
Dangerous Myth/Racial Equality |
D.Watts |
2 |
Darkness Visible |
W.Hannah |
4 |
Dealing in Hate |
Dr.M.F.Connors |
3 |
Death of Eve |
A.J.Barron |
1 |
Debt Boomerang |
S.George |
11 |
Decline & Fall |
B.A.Santamaria |
1 |
Decoding Mammon |
P.Dominy |
25 |
Defy & Win |
Grant Bird |
6 |
Democracy in Israel |
N.F.Dacey |
4 |
Democratising Banking |
C.Pinwill |
4 |
Democratising Money |
C.Pinwill |
1 |
Descent Into Chaos |
A.Rashid |
30 |
Descent into Slavery |
D.Griffin |
11 |
Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum |
L.M.Berquiast |
12 |
Development of World Dominion |
C.H.Douglas |
1 |
Devil's Web |
P.Pulling |
1 |
Dialectics Communist Instrument for World Conquest |
E.D.Butler |
2 |
Dictatorship by Taxation |
C.H.Douglas |
3 |
Dirty Secrets Crime/Conspiracy/Cover-up |
M.Collins Piper |
15 |
Disaster Road |
J.M.Wallis |
1 |
Discriminate or be Damned |
J.Fairbanks Kerr |
6 |
Dispossessed Majority |
W.Robertson |
8 |
Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry |
W.N.Sanning |
10 |
Documentary History of Communism 2v. |
R.V.Daniels |
15 |
Doenitz at Nuremberg: A Re-Appraisal |
W.L.Hart |
12 |
Don't Call a Doctor |
J.F.Kerr |
Don't Change Our Flag |
Dr. R.Goodman |
3 |
Don't Touch That Dial |
B.Hattemer& |
7 |
Dumbing Down |
Dr K.Donnelly |
12 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Dumbing us Down |
J.T.Gatto |
12 |
Dynamics of War & Revolution |
L.Dennis |
10 |
Economic Democracy |
C.H.Douglas |
4 |
Economic Pinch |
C.Lindberg |
12 |
Economics of the Green Renaissance |
J.G.Stuart |
3 |
Education Hoax, Colleges Breed Communists |
A.N.Field |
Empire of The City |
E.C.Knuth |
7 |
Empire of Their Own: Jewish Hollywood |
N.Gabler |
13 |
En Route to Global Occupation |
G.H.Kah |
11 |
End of the Line, Overfishing |
C.Clover |
1 |
Enemies by Design, Inventing War/Terrorism |
G.Felton |
16 |
Enemy Within The Empire(BoE) |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Enemy Within, In the Wake of 9/11 |
S.J.Schulhofer |
17 |
Era of World Ruin |
A.Lesse |
2 |
Essays of a Catholic |
H.Belloc |
12 |
Essential Christian Heritage |
E.D.Butler |
2 |
Essential Guide to Water and Salt (Dr F.Batmangelidj) |
P.Day & Batman. |
20 |
Everlasting Man |
G.K.Chesterton |
11 |
Every Drop for Sale, Battle over Water |
J.Rothfeder |
25 |
Evidence |
G.McDonald |
3 |
Exploding the Myth of Cheap Oil |
R.Anderson |
3 |
Exploding the Myth of Electro magnetic Radiation |
R.Anderson |
3 |
Exploding the Myth of Fluoridation & Amalgam |
Anderson& |
3 |
Exploding the Myth of Genetic Engineering |
R.Anderson |
3 |
Exploding the Myth of Irradiated Foods |
Prof. S.Epstein |
3 |
Exploding the Myth of Vaccination |
Dr Mendelsohn |
3 |
Exposing the AIDS Scandal |
P.Cameron PhD |
3 |
Fabian Socialist Contribution/Communist Advance |
E.D.Butler |
5 |
Faith, Power & Action |
L.D.Byrne |
1 |
Falsehood in Wartime |
A.Ponsonby |
4 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Family Farming |
M.Strange |
1 |
Fantastic Inventions of Nicola Tesla |
N.Tesla |
20 |
Far & Wide |
D.Reed |
8 |
Fascist Europe Rising |
R.Atkinson |
10 |
Fateful Triangle, US, Israel, Palestine |
N.Chomsky |
24 |
Fear of Leisure? |
E.D.Butler |
2 |
Federal Reserve Conspiracy |
A.Sutton |
10 |
Federal Reserve Exposed |
Congressman McFadden Speech |
15 |
Federal Reserve Hoax |
W.B.Vennard Sr. |
12 |
Federal Reserve System |
photocopy |
Final Apostacy, Prelude to Anti-Christ |
G.Ginn |
11 |
Final Polution, Genetic Apocalypse |
R.Anderson |
15 |
Fleeced |
B.Treloar |
1 |
First Lady Hillary Clinton |
P.&T.Flaherty |
4 |
Fluoride, The Ageing Action |
Dr Yiamouyiannis |
1 |
For You the War's Over, Aussie Hammond |
Aussie Hammond |
5 |
Force of Reason |
O.Fallaci |
20 |
Forced War |
D.L.Hoggan |
20 |
Foundations of Liberty |
Rev.A.G.Fellows |
2 |
Foundations of Social Order |
R.Rushdoony |
7 |
Founding Myths of Modern Israel |
R.Garaudy |
11 |
Fourth Reich of the Rich |
D.Griffin |
10 |
Free Enterprise Marketing |
R.Nixon |
1 |
Free Press |
H.Belloc |
10 |
Freedom & Inflation |
B.Monahan |
1 |
Freedom From Debt |
J.D.Malan |
2 |
Freedom Wears a Crown |
J.Farthing |
5 |
Freedom's Own Island |
Sir A.Bryant |
10 |
Freemasonry 'Humanum Genus' |
Pope Leo XIII |
Freemasonry & The Vatican |
L.de Poncins |
5 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Freemasonry on Trial |
Freemasonry, An Interpretation |
M.L.Wagner |
From Admiral to Cabin Boy |
Adm. Sir Domvile |
3 |
From Rock to Rock |
E.Barger |
2 |
Fundamentalist World, New Dark Age |
S.Sim |
17 |
Future Fast Forward |
M.Chang |
15 |
G.K.Chesterton |
A.Cooney |
1 |
Genetic Engineering (Foods etc.) |
L.Anderson |
9 |
George Bush, Unauthorised Biography |
Tarpley & |
4 |
Germs, The Ultimate Weapon |
Miller & |
10 |
Global Manipulators, Bildeberg, Trilateral Comm. |
6 |
Global Trap |
Martin & |
12 |
Global Tyranny: UN & World Order |
W.F.Jasper |
11 |
Globalization, Demise/Australian Nation |
G.L. Strahan |
9 |
Gold & Work |
E.Pound |
3 |
Golem, Israel's Nuclear Armageddon |
M.Collins Piper |
18 |
Grace & Mortgage |
P.Selby |
17 |
Grain & Food Cartels |
Anon. |
1 |
Grand Design |
D.Reed |
3 |
Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked |
G.E.Dillon DD. |
6 |
Grand Plan for New World Order |
V.E.Marsden |
2 |
Great Financial Crisis, Causes & Consequences |
Foster& |
13 |
Great Heresies |
H.Belloc |
12 |
Great Holocaust Trial |
M.A.Hoffman |
5 |
Great Jewish Masque or Ass in the Lion's Skin |
5 |
Green Hoax |
D. Thompson |
2 |
Grip of Death |
M.Rowbotham |
30 |
Guernsey Experiment |
L.Grubiak |
4 |
Gun & Olive Branch, Arab Israeli Conflict |
D.Hirst |
20 |
Guns of God |
R.Hallstrom |
2 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Gustave Le Bon, the Man & His Work |
Le Bon |
10 |
Hand Over Our Loot |
L.Clampett |
3 |
Harvest of Sorrow |
R.Conquest |
11 |
Has Christianity Failed? |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Hawke's Speech to Fabian Society |
photocopy |
1 |
Head of State |
D.Smith |
15 |
Healing a Divided Nation |
Rev.C.Jacobs |
3 |
Health Betrayal |
E.Hillary |
12 |
Health Wars |
P.Day |
25 |
Heaven & Earth |
Prof. I.Plimer |
30 |
Hellmakers |
J.C.Grower |
8 |
Here We Go Again |
D.Collins |
11 |
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow |
C.Cumby |
9 |
Hidden Menace to World Peace |
J.G.Stuart |
11 |
Hidden Tyranny, The "Roosevelt Document" |
3 |
High Priests of War |
M.Collins Piper |
16 |
Hilaire Beloc |
A.Cooney |
1 |
Hillary(& Bill) Sex, Drugs, Murder 3v. |
V.Thorn |
90 |
History of English Speaking Peoples |
A.Roberts |
20 |
History of Modern Palestine |
I.Pappe |
20 |
History of Monetary Crimes |
A.Del Mar |
5 |
History of the World Bank |
J.Hardy |
4 |
Hitler: Born at Versailles |
L.Degrelle |
20 |
Hoax of the Twentieth Century |
A.R.Butz |
10 |
Hole in the Sheet/Orthodox & Hassidic Judaism |
E.Kaye |
2 |
Holocaust Industry |
N.G.Finkelstein |
15 |
Holocaust Island or the Admirable MacLintock |
J.G.Stuart |
5 |
Holocaust on Trial, Case of E.Zundel |
R.Lenski |
17 |
Homosexual Revolution |
D.A.Noebel |
10 |
House of Bush House of Saud |
C.Unger |
5 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
How Diplomats Make Wars |
F.Neilson |
12 |
How Much are you Making on the War |
W.D.Hartung |
12 |
How THE ORDER Controls Education |
A.C.Sutton |
1 |
How THE ORDER Creates War/Revolution |
A.C.Sutton |
1 |
How to get Expelled from School/ Climate |
I.Plimer |
28 |
How to Get What You Want |
A.Chresby |
5 |
How to Home School |
J.Toto |
3 |
How to Kill a Country |
Weiss & |
12 |
Howard Legacy |
P.Wilkinson |
12 |
Howard's War |
A.Broinowski |
10 |
Human Ecology & Social Credit |
M.Lane |
1 |
Humanist Manifesto I & II |
I'm Only One |
B.Chapman |
4 |
Illustrations of Masonry |
Capt.Morgan |
Immaculate Deception |
R.S.Bowen |
14 |
Immigration the Quiet Invasion |
Dr.J.C.Dique |
4 |
Immigration the Silent Invasion |
4 |
Immigration: Destruction of English Canada |
D.Collins |
1 |
Immigration: Policy of Perfidy |
Dr J.Dique |
1 |
Imperialist Japan |
M.Montgomery |
15 |
Imperium, the Philosophy of History & Politics |
F.P.Yockey |
9 |
Impertinent Incarceration Arbeit Macht… |
Dr F.Toben |
20 |
In Black & White: Australians at Crossroads |
R.Craven& |
10 |
In the Minds of Men |
I.Taylor |
18 |
In This Age of Plenty |
Louis Even |
9 |
Indo-Sumerian Seals Deciphered |
L.A.Waddell |
12 |
Inequality Principle |
A.T.Culwick& |
1 |
Inside the New Age Nightmare |
R.N.Baer |
3 |
International Jew |
H.Ford Sr. |
7 |
Introduction to the Order(Skull & Bones) |
A.C.Sutton |
1 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Invisible Giant, Cargill's Transnational Strategies |
B.Kneen |
15 |
Iron Curtain Over America |
J.Beaty |
6 |
Is The Word Enough? |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Island and the Tree |
J.Lee |
1 |
Israe's Five Trillion Dollars Secret |
Col.C.B.Dall |
6 |
Israel Lobby & Foreign Policy |
Mearsheimer& |
25 |
Jefferson Bible |
T.Jefferson |
6 |
Jewish History Jewish Religion, 3000 Y. |
I.Shahak |
21 |
Jewish Supremacism, My Awakening |
D.Duke |
25 |
Jewish War of Survival |
A.S.Leese |
13 |
Jews |
H.Belloc |
7 |
Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter |
G.Allen |
3 |
Judaism & the Vatican |
L.de Poncins |
1 |
Judas Goats |
Collins Piper |
20 |
Just Tax |
G.Dobbs |
2 |
Kambucha: Miracle Fungus |
H.W.Tietze |
1 |
Killing Hope, U.S.Military/CIA |
W.Bloom |
17 |
King With the Pope in his Belly |
B.W.D'Abrera |
12 |
Kingship of Christ & Conversion/Jewish Nation |
Rev.D.Fahey |
10 |
Kingship of Christ(St.Thomas Aquinas teach.) |
Rev.D.Fahey |
7 |
Kingship of God & Organised Nationalism |
Rev.D.Fahey |
6 |
Kinsey, Sex & Fraud, The Indoctrination |
10 |
Kissinger, Secret Side/Secretary/State |
G.Allen |
3 |
Knowledge Without Wisdom |
D.J.Pinwill |
11 |
Land of the Chosen People Racket |
3 |
Land Rights Birth Rights, Aust.Hoax |
P.B.English |
1 |
Last Days of Romanovs |
R.Wilton |
7 |
Law of the Constitution |
A.V.Dicey |
18 |
Lectures on the Holocaust |
G.Rudolf |
35 |
Legacy of Terror-Communism |
A.Solzhenitsyn |
1 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Leuchter Report (photocopy) |
F.Leuchter |
4 |
Licence to Live |
D.E.Phelps |
3 |
Life of American Jew in Racist Israel |
J.Bernstein |
4 |
Light-Bearers of Darkness |
InquireWithin |
4 |
Lima Declaration: NIEO |
4 |
Lincoln Money Martyred |
Dr R.E.Search |
12 |
Lines of Credit, Ropes of Bondage |
Goldsborough |
4 |
Living by the Sword |
S.Green |
12 |
Long Slow Death of White Australia |
G.Tavan |
12 |
Longest Decade |
G.Magalogenis |
16 |
Longest Hatred |
Anon. |
3 |
Lord! Why is my Child A Rebel |
J.Aranza |
5 |
Lords of Finance, Bankers who Broke the World |
L.Ahamed |
20 |
Lost Inventions of Tesla |
G.Triankaus |
7 |
Lost Tools of Learning |
D.L.Sayers |
3 |
Mabo: in High Court of Aust. |
Connolly & |
5 |
Made in Russia, Holocaust |
11 |
Magna Carta |
5 |
Making of Magna Carta |
Omni |
4 |
Malice in Media Land |
D.Flint |
12 |
Malmedy Trial |
D.Ziemssen |
6 |
Man Called Intrepid, Secret War |
W.Stevenson |
4 |
Man Who Invented Genocide-R. Lemkin |
J.J.Martin |
6 |
Manacles for Mankind - UN |
M.Ewell |
5 |
Marxist Minstrels |
D.A.Noebel |
7 |
Matter of Life or Debt |
E.de Mare |
4 |
Message from Southern Africa |
I.Benson |
1 |
Middle Ages Revisited |
A.Del Mar |
8 |
Middle-East Crisis |
G.Pasha |
4 |
Mindbenders |
J.G.Stuart |
12 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Money & Taxes, A Legal Brief |
Money & the Price System |
C.H.Douglas |
4 |
Money Bomb |
J.G.Stuart |
7 |
Money Manipulation & Social Order |
Rev.D.Fahey |
7 |
Money Myth Exploded |
L.Even |
3 |
Money Power Versus Democracy |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Money Trick |
Anon. |
5 |
Money Trick (Updated version) |
InstEcoDem |
5 |
Money, Questions & Answers |
Rev.Coughlin |
6 |
Money, the 12th & Final Religion |
R.D.Willing |
15 |
Money: Fact or Fiction |
J.D.Malan |
2 |
Money: Fraudulent System Exposed |
B.Brown |
3 |
Monopolistic Idea |
C.H.Douglas |
2 |
Monopoly of Credit |
C.H.Douglas |
4 |
Moral Implications of Centralised Power |
E.D.Butler |
1 |
Moving Storm |
B.W.Monihan |
1 |
Muddleheaded Republic |
A.Atkinson |
8 |
My Farewell to Israel |
J.Bernstein |
1 |
My Israel Q. I, Australia's Israel Q. II |
Loewenstein& |
15 |
Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled |
Cardinal of Chile |
10 |
Mystical Body/Christ/Reorganisation/Society |
Rev.D.Fahey |
10 |
Myth of the "New History" |
D.L.Hoggan |
6 |
Naked Communist |
L.Skousen |
6 |
Nameless War |
Capt.Ramsey |
7 |
Napoleon's Love Story, Maria Walewska |
McNair Wilson |
6 |
National Insecurity, Howard Govt's Betrayal |
Weiss & |
12 |
National Suicide, Military Aid to USSR |
A.C.Sutton |
7 |
Natural Cost & Ownership of Money |
J.D.Malan |
1 |
Natural Law, Study in Legal & Social History |
H.A.Rommen |
11 |
Nature Doctor |
Dr.H.C.A.Vogel |
30 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Nature of Democracy |
C.H.Douglas |
2 |
Network of Power (+) New World Order |
Cuddly& |
5 |
Never a Dull, Pilot's War Memoirs |
W.C.Manifold |
1 |
New & Old Economics |
C.H.Douglas |
1 |
New Age Movement |
D.Martin |
5 |
New Brittania in Southern Seas |
E.D.Butler |
1 |
New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man |
J.Perkins |
28 |
New History of the Jews |
E.Mullins |
10 |
New Jerusalem, Zionist Power in America |
M.Collins Piper |
15 |
New Lies for Old |
A.Golitsyn |
11 |
New Unhappy Lords |
A.K.Chesterton |
12 |
New World Order |
P.Robertson |
7 |
New World Order: Chronology |
Cuddly& |
5 |
Nineteen Eighty-Four |
G.Orwell |
7 |
None Dare Call it Conspiracy |
G.Allen |
5 |
None Dare Call It Treason:25 Years Later |
J.A.Stormer |
8 |
North-South Dialogue |
C.Pinwill |
1 |
Nuclear Power is not the Answer |
H.Caldicott |
12 |
Nutrition of the Elderly |
Lady Cilento |
1 |
Obama, the Post Modern Coup |
W.G.Tarpley |
7 |
Obelisks |
A.Cooney |
1 |
Oil Card, Global Economic Warfare in the XXIst Century |
J.R.Norman |
15 |
Oliver Cromwell |
F.Harrison |
6 |
One Man, One Woman, One Lifetime |
Rabbi Bulka |
5 |
One Voice, Many Issues |
S.Balson |
5 |
Open Secrets, Israeli Nuclear/Foreign Policy |
I.Shahak |
18 |
Operation Bankwatch |
J.Cronin |
1 |
Our Australian Constitutional Monarchy Under Attack |
A.Chresby |
4 |
Our Nation is Being Destroyed |
K.R.McKiliam |
4 |
Our Sham Democracy/Majority Vote |
J.Guthrie |
3 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Out of Control, Child Protection Agencies |
B.Scott |
7 |
Out of Debt, Out of Danger |
J.Voorhis |
7 |
Oxygen Connection |
J.Lee |
1 |
Palestine Plot |
B.Jensen |
12 |
Panzer Leader |
Gen.H.Guderian |
17 |
Papacy & Freemasonry (by Monseigneur Jouin) |
M.J. |
3 |
Path of Legal Warfare |
K.Zubko |
2 |
Path to National Suicide |
L.Auster |
6 |
Pathways to Health |
F.Butlin |
4 |
Pauline Hanson: The Truth |
G.Merritt |
5 |
Pawns in a Game |
W.G.Carr |
1 |
Pearl Harbor After a Quarter of a Century |
H.E.Barnes |
7 |
Pearl Harbor, Story of Secret War |
G.Morgenstern |
11 |
Pearl Harbour II |
J.Taylor |
11 |
People's Prince |
B.Luks |
1 |
Perjury(Hiss/Alger) |
A.Weinstein |
10 |
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace |
H.E.Barnes |
13 |
Petro Dollar Warfare, Oil, Iraq |
W.R.Clark |
15 |
Please tell me, Q-s About Freemasonry |
T.C.McKenney |
6 |
Poland A Study in Treachery |
B.Smith |
2 |
Policy of a Philosophy |
C.H.Douglas |
2 |
Political Authority |
3 |
Political Economy of Social Credit |
F.Hutchinson |
17 |
Politics of Anti-Semitism |
Cockburn& |
15 |
Politics of Guilt & Pity |
R.Rushdoony |
9 |
Politics of Money, Towards Sustainability & |
F.Hutchinson |
17 |
Poverty Amidst Plenty |
Earl/Tankerville |
1 |
Preachers Present Arms |
R.H.Abrahams |
2 |
Preparing for Adolescence |
J.Dobson |
2 |
Prescription Death |
Dr R.Bell& |
2 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Programme for Third World War |
C.H.Douglas |
3 |
Proofs of a Conspiracy |
J.Robison |
8 |
Prophesy & Politics |
G.Halsell |
6 |
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion |
V.Marsden |
6 |
Psychic Phenomena Unveiled |
J.Anderson |
5 |
Psychotherapy in Classroom |
Dr.W.Coulson |
2 |
Queen Speaks to Her People |
Aust.Heritage Soc. |
2 |
Question of Zion |
J.Rose |
19 |
Quick Poison - Slow Poison |
K.Short |
12 |
Race & Reason |
C.Putnam |
7 |
Race Against Time |
G.McDaniel |
18 |
Racial Realities in Europe |
L.Stoddard |
7 |
Radical Prince |
D.Lorimer |
1 |
Radio Tesla |
G.Triankaus |
2 |
Re-organisation of Society |
Rev.D.Fahey |
10 |
Real Communist Conspiracy |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Realistic Position of the Church of England |
C.H.Douglas |
2 |
Rebuilding Russia |
Solzhenitsyn |
7 |
Reconstruction |
C.H.D. |
2 |
Red Over Black |
G.McDonald |
1 |
Red Pattern of World Conquest |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Red Symphony |
J.Ladowski |
6 |
Releasing Reality |
E.D.Butler |
5 |
Religion Red & Rotten |
H.R.Pike |
2 |
Remorseless Working of Things |
J.W.Smith |
3 |
Report From Beria Reserve |
V.Moroz |
1 |
Republic of the Rich |
Merritt/Ruxton |
5 |
Republic: More Power for Politicians |
Dr D.Mitchell |
2 |
Resp. Govt. in Free Society |
Dr. G.Dobbs |
2 |
Revisionist Bibliography 1981 |
K.Stimely |
1 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Revolution From Above |
Dr.K.Bolton |
25 |
Rhodesia & The Crown |
A.Wharam |
1 |
Rhodesia: Re-Orientation of Aust. Policy |
Dr Henderson |
1 |
Rock Music Lucifer's Labyrinth |
M.Brown |
4 |
Rockefeller File |
G.Allen |
1 |
Rogue Trader |
N.Leeson |
10 |
Roman & Moslem Money |
A.Del Mar |
6 |
Ron Paul Revolution |
R.Paul |
10 |
Roosevelt's Road to Russia |
G.N.Crocker |
17 |
Root of All Evil |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Roque State |
W.Blum |
13 |
Rothschild Money Trust |
G.Amstrong |
1 |
Rulers of Russia |
Rev.D.Fahey |
6 |
Rulers of Russia & Russian Farmers |
Rev.D.Fahey |
6 |
Saga of Hog Island |
J.J.Martin |
3 |
Saint George - Knight of Lydda |
A.Cooney |
20 |
Salman Rushdie Sentenced to Death |
W.J.Weatherby |
28 |
Samson Option, Israel, US,Bomb |
S.M.Hersh |
20 |
Score, The |
R.Stanko |
6 |
Scotland & It's Money |
J.G.Stuart |
1 |
Secret Cult of THE ORDER |
A.C.Sutton |
1 |
Secret Powers Behind Revolution |
L.de Poncins |
9 |
Secret Societies & Psychological Warfare |
M.A.Hoffman |
9 |
Secret Societies & Subversive Movements |
N.Webster |
9 |
Secret Team (CIA) |
L.F.Prouty |
6 |
Secret World of Interpol |
O.V.Garrison |
6 |
Secular Humanism & Australian Education |
Goodman |
Secular Humanism and Australian Education |
Dr R.Goodman |
2 |
Secular humanism in USA |
H.Duncan |
3 |
Setting the Record Straight |
Ernst Zundel |
7 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Sexing it up, Iraq, Intelligence, Aust. |
G.Barker |
7 |
Shadow Moneylenders & Global Financial Tsunami |
M.Chang |
18 |
Shadows of Power, Council/Foreign Relations |
J.Perloff |
5 |
Shape of Priests to Come |
G.Dobbs |
3 |
Short Papers on Money |
Marquis/Tavistock |
1 |
SIECUS Circle(Education) |
C.Chambers |
5 |
Six Pointed Star, Research Proves It's Pagan |
O.J.Graham |
4 |
Sketches from Roman History |
T.E.Watson |
8 |
Small Farmer Replies |
D.E.Phelps |
1 |
Social Credit |
C.H.Douglas |
5 |
Social Credit - Aspects |
A.Cooney |
1 |
Social Credit - Asterisks |
A.Cooney |
1 |
Social Credit - Hilaire Belloc |
A.Cooney |
1 |
Social Credit - Obelisks |
A.Cooney |
1 |
Social Credit & Catholicism |
G.H.Levesque |
5 |
Social Credit & Christian Philosophy |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Social Credit & Christian Philosophy |
E.D.Butler |
3 |
Social Credit Economics |
A.Cooney |
1 |
Social Credit Economics |
M.O.Heydorn |
35 |
Social Credit Politics |
A.Cooney |
1 |
Social Credit? Some Questions Answered |
F.Hutchinson |
7 |
Social Dynamics |
E.D.Butler |
5 |
Socialism & International Economic Order |
E.Tamedly |
10 |
Socialist Network |
N.Webster |
8 |
Soft Porn Plays Hardball |
J.A.Reissman |
3 |
Something to Beef About |
B. Treloar |
1 |
South Africa, my Vision |
M.G.Buthelezi |
1 |
Sovereignty in Australia |
A.Tuck |
4 |
Soviet Military & Indust. Complex |
A.Sutton |
2 |
Spectre of Power |
M.Ross |
7 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
September 11th & Beyond (20Parables) |
P.Johns |
12 |
State Secrets |
L.de Poncins |
6 |
Stop Worying About Cholesterol |
R.D.Tapert D.O. |
5 |
Storm Over Uluru |
P.B.English |
1 |
Storming the Gates of Hell |
D.Griffin |
8 |
Story of the Commonwealth Bank |
D.J.Amos |
5 |
Story of the Fabians |
Murrakut |
2 |
Strategy/Effective Defence/Australia |
Brig.R.T.Eason |
1 |
Struggle for True Australian Independence |
G.Campbell |
2 |
Struggle for World Power |
G.Knupffer |
7 |
Surrender of an Empire |
N.Webster |
10 |
Survivals & New Arrivals |
H.Belloc |
6 |
Switzerland's Political Institutions |
O.Sigg |
1 |
Syndicate, Coming World Government |
N.Hagger |
17 |
Synthetic Terror 9/11 Made in USA |
W.G.Tarpley |
21 |
System Govt. USA |
2 |
Tallies, A Tangled Tale |
D.Astle |
7 |
Talmud Unmasked, Rabbinical Teachings |
Rev.Pranaitis |
5 |
Taxing Air |
Carter& |
30 |
Teddy Bare |
Z.Rust |
1 |
Teens & Devil Worship |
C.G.B.Evans |
2 |
Tesla Coil |
G.Triankaus |
4 |
Their God/Devil (Papal Encyclicals/Freemason) |
P.A.Fisher |
6 |
There's Always an Alternative - 2006 edition |
Dr.Baratosy,MB BS |
10 |
Thine is the Kingdom |
R.Duck |
2 |
Thirst, Fighting the Corporate Theft of Our Water |
Snitow& |
18 |
Thirteenth Tribe, Khazar Empire |
A.Koestler |
7 |
This Age of Conflict |
I.Benson |
1 |
Three Trillion $ War, Iraq Conflict Costs |
J.Stiglitz& |
16 |
Towards a New Economic Order |
C.C.Hicks |
1 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Towards Better Govt. |
1 |
Tragedy & Hope |
Prof.C.Quigley |
60 |
Tragedy of Human Effort |
C.H.Douglas |
2 |
Tragedy of James Connolly |
Rev.D.Fahey |
1 |
Transition: Illness, Death, After |
Dr.P.Kalinovsky |
6 |
Treason at Westminster |
K.Little |
2 |
Tree of Life |
H.Massingham |
7 |
Trial of the Serpent |
Miss Stoddard |
6 |
Trial on Trial |
D.St.George |
12 |
Trinitarianism |
E.Rock |
3 |
True Wireless, Tesla |
G.Triankaus |
4 |
Truth About New Zealand |
A.N.Field |
1 |
Truth About New Zealand |
A.N.Field |
1 |
Truth About Rockefeller |
E.Josephson |
1 |
Truth About Social Credit |
E.D.Butler |
5 |
Truth in Money Book |
T.R.Thoren |
10 |
Truth out of Africa |
I.Benson |
1 |
Twilight of the Elites |
D.Flint |
15 |
Two Faces of George Bush |
A.C.Sutton |
2 |
U.N. & the New World Order |
E.Pressler |
4 |
Ultimate War Crime, Children of Gulf War |
R.Anderson |
12 |
Ultimate World Order |
R.H.Williams |
4 |
Uncovering Forces for War |
C.K.Grieb |
4 |
Under the Chloroform Tree |
R.Jameson |
10 |
Understanding The Financial System |
F.Hutchinson |
17 |
Understanding the Times |
D.A.Noebel |
17 |
Unholly Alliance |
P.Walsh |
2 |
Unholy Wars |
J.Cooley |
25 |
Unseen Hand |
R.Epperson |
12 |
Untaught History of Money |
A. N. Field |
3 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Uprising, Hungary 1956 |
D.Irving |
5 |
Use of Money |
C.H.Douglas |
3 |
Vaccination - Investigate Before You |
K.Scarborough |
3 |
Vaccination Roulette:Hidden Truth |
Aust.Vacc.Network |
12 |
Vaccination, A Parent's Dilemma |
G.Biettie |
2 |
Veal File 1&2 |
Veale |
15 |
Veil of Finance |
A.Brenton |
2 |
Ventilations |
W.Robertson |
6 |
Victory in Vietnam |
W.F.Eckbert |
3 |
Victory over Cancer |
E.Ryan |
1 |
Vindicator Scrolls |
S.Deyo |
9 |
Vodka-Cola |
C.Levinson |
1 |
Wall Street & the Bolshevic Revolution |
A.C.Sutton |
5 |
Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler |
A.C.Sutton |
5 |
Wandering Who, Jewish Identity Politics |
G.Atzmon |
15 |
War Cycles/Peace Cycles |
R.K.Hoskins |
11 |
War Lords of Washington |
A.J.Hilder |
1 |
War on Christ in America |
R.M.Jurjevich |
15 |
War on Christ in America |
R.Jurjevich |
10 |
War Plan Iraq |
M.Rai |
16 |
War we Never Fought (Drugs) |
P.Hitchens |
35 |
Waters Flowing Eastward |
Mrs.L.Fry |
11 |
Way of Dispossession |
Ivor Benson |
1 |
We Are What We Eat |
Lady P.Cilento |
1 |
Wealth, Wirtual Wealth & Debt |
F.Soddy |
10 |
Weapons Detective |
R.Barton |
12 |
Web of Debt |
E.Brown |
20 |
West's Betrayal of Civilisation |
Solzhenitsyn |
1 |
Westminster Tradition & Australia |
L.R.Marchant |
8 |
What Every American Should Know |
M.Rossi |
18 |
Title |
Author |
Price |
What Everybody Really Wants to Know About Money |
F.Hutchinson |
17 |
What Has to be Done |
C.Pinwill |
2 |
What is Money For? |
Ezra Pound |
3 |
When the Wicked Seize the City |
C.& D.McIlhenny& |
5 |
Which Way Western Man |
W.G.Simpson |
15 |
White Man Think Again |
A.Jacob |
12 |
Whitlam's Republican Dream |
A.Chresby |
1 |
Who Are the Jews |
C.Borg |
4 |
Who Hold the Balance |
M.J.Hurry |
4 |
Who is Essau-Edom? |
5 |
WHO Murdered Africa |
W.Douglass M.D. |
1 |
Who Shall Inherit the Earth |
A.T.Culwick |
2 |
Who Will Rule the Future |
P.McGuire |
7 |
Whole of Their Life |
B.Gitlow |
4 |
Whose Service is Perfect Freedom |
C.H.Douglas |
4 |
Why Not a Say for the Australian People? |
anon. |
3 |
William the Conqueror |
H.Belloc |
7 |
Witchcraft & Murder in Zimbabwe |
H.A.Clark |
1 |
Wolves in Australia |
A.McGrath |
20 |
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Fabian Communists |
A.McGrath |
20 |
Words of Warning to the West |
Solzhenitsyn |
1 |
Working Man's Guild in Middle Ages |
G.Kurth |
3 |
World Government is Anti-Christian |
J.Mitchell |
2 |
World Hoax |
E.F.Elmhurst |
10 |
World on Fire, Free Market, Global Instability, Ethnic Hatred |
A.Chua |
12 |
World Orders old & New |
N.Chomsky |
12 |
World Revolution |
N.Webster |
1 |
World Split Apart |
Solzhenitsyn |
1 |
World Without Cancer, the Story of Vit.B17 |
G.E.Griffin |
30 |
World's Monetary System, Bretton Woods |
Griesgraber |
15 |