The Truth about Social Credit by ERIC D. BUTLER
Social Credit stands for the
supremacy of individuals over all institutions, financial, industrial
or political.
Social Credit is opposed to monopoly in any shape or form.
Social Credit has nothing to do with the nationalisation of industry.
Social Credit alone can provide the individual with security AND liberty.
FORWARD by ED Butler
This booklet was written shortly after the author was discharged
from the Australian Army in 1945.
Keen interest in the subject of credit creation by the banking
system, which had been fostered by the large and energetic Social
Credit Movement through the Great Depression years of the thirties,
continued even during the Second World War years, when it was
dramatically demonstrated that adequate Financial credit could be
created for a total war effort.
While it is true, as claimed by supporters of the British
economist, John Maynard Keynes, that the application of
Keynesian-type economic theories, especially deficit budgets, had
partially eased some of the effects of the Great Depression, it was
only the enormous volume of credit created for war and associated
purposes which, for example, abolished unemployment. Many
Australians enjoyed financial security for the first time in ten years.
The Second World War provided a striking confirmation of
the Social Credit viewpoint as presented during the Great Depression
years — the real credit, the productive capacity of developed nations,
was so enormous that, if made available by the creation of adequate
financial credit, could provide a much higher standard of living with
either working hours reduced or with workers retiring with adequate
pensions at a much earlier age. In spite of millions being drafted
into the armed services, and millions more engaged in war
production, the American standard of living substantially increased
during the Second World War.
A survey of the real credit, measured in financial terms, used
during the Second World War showed that it could have provided
every family in the United States, Canada, Australia, Britain, Ireland,
Germany, the Soviet Union and Belgium with, on 1992 prices, at least
a $100,000 house, $24,000 worth of furniture and $120,000 in cash.
In addition, each city of 200,000 or more in those countries could
have been given a cash bonus of $450 million for public works such
as hospitals, schools and libraries.
The Second World War solved, for a short period, the
problem which still haunts the orthodox economists - how to try to
solve domestic problems by 'export drives' and a 'favourable balance
of trade'. Every combatant was feverishly engaged in ‘exporting’ vast
quantities of production to other nations in the form of munitions.
The post-war reconstruction schemes required to overcome
the enormous physical destruction of the Second World War, tended
to mask the problem which the author of the Social Credit analysis,
C. H. Douglas, had revealed - that modern industrial societies
progressively create financial costs at a faster rate than they provide
purchasing power. But now there is a growing international crisis as
a highly industralised Japan, with other Asian countries fast catching
up, striving to force their production into the U.S.A. and Western
European markets. There is a mounting trade war which must
generate increasing international tensions and further set-backs for
civilisation unless the question is resolved.
The Truth About Social Credit deals with the significance of
the Curtin Government's 1945 Banking Legislation, which some
falsely claimed as a manifestation of Social Credit, as one of the first
post-war steps to internationalise the nation's banking system. The
younger student of Australian history will find this book useful, while
providing a simple non-technical introduction to the subject of
Social Credit. The history of the past fifty years, and the current
world crisis, affecting all nations, have increasingly confirmed my
view that Social Credit offers the only hope of averting the eventual
disintegration of yet another civilisation.
"The Truth (About Social Credit) shall make us free".
Eric D. Butler
May, 1993
During the Parliamentary
Debates on the Federal Labor Government's 1945 Banking Legislation,
Mr. T.W. White, Liberal M.H.R., said:
"We have heard the theories
of the advocates of the Douglas Credit system, who now masquerade
under a number of other titles. If the Minister for Post-War Reconstruction
(Mr. Dedman) had happened to be one of the disciples of Major Douglas,
he could not have presented a better case than he has for Social
(See Federal Hansard, March 22, 1945.)
The above statement is typical
of the many loose statements made concerning the alleged connection
between Social Credit and the Banking Bills introduced by the Federal
Labor Government in 1945. In view of the fact that this banking legislation
can be used to introduce an even more totalitarian state of affairs
than we already suffer from in this country, it is essential that the
Australian people clearly understand that social crediters advocate
financial principles which are fundamentally opposed to those put forward
by the Labor Party. Mr. Lazzarini stated during the Banking Bill debates
that no one on his side of the house advocated Social Credit. Senator
Grant, Labor Senator for New South Wales, put the matter even more
"The Bill and what it stands for are the exact antithesis
of what the Douglas Credit propagandists advocate.... There is no connection
between Douglas Credit and what is proposed under this measure."
(See Federal Hansard, June 27, 1945.)
While it is true that social
crediters have for many years attacked the policy pursued by the international
controllers of the Australian banking system, it does not follow that
any so-called reform of that system should automatically have the enthusiastic
support of social crediters. Social crediters have never tired of stating
that no interference with the financial system is of any use unless
it results in individual freedom and concrete benefits for an increasing
number of INDIVIDUALS. Abstract talk about the "public interest" and "national
is useless and dangerous.
Social crediters have directed attention
to one of the fundamental faults of the present financial policy: the
creation of an ever-increasing mountain of private and public debt
- the latter requiring more and more ruthless taxation in order to
pay the interest.
No matter what Party is in office at Canberra, and
no matter what its spokesmen say about easing the burden of taxation,
there can be no real relief for the harassed taxpayer while the policy
of increasing public debt is continued. Furthermore, all "social security" schemes
are based on the proposition that Government bureaucrats should spend
an increasing amount of taxpayers' money for them. One of the basic
financial ideas put forward by the social crediters is:
Is there any evidence to suggest that the Labor Government's
Banking Bills provide for any interference with debt-finance? None
whatever. In fact, one Labor member, Senator Aylett, put the matter
very frankly:
"I hope that in the next 30 years Australia will go forward and provide
for the defence and development of the country without imposing huge
burdens of debt on succeeding generations. This Bill does not make
provision in that direction ..."
(See Federal Hansard, June 28, 1945.)
How can Labor apologists be enthusiastic
about legislation which does nothing to alter the system which imposes "huge
burdens of debt on succeeding generations"? If they will only examine
the facts, they will see how their 'leaders' have betrayed them. Mr.
Menzies has said that there can be no reduction of taxation to prewar
levels. Mr. Chifley has said the same thing. The leaders of the Socialists,
Communists, Laborites, of Country Party and Liberal Party, all advocate
the same basic policy of heavy taxation. They only argue about the
best method of robbing the people of their purchasing power. Social
Crediters advocate a progressive reduction of taxation and its eventual
elimination. They claim that it is an obstacle to progress. They desire
a system which will allow every individual to provide for his own security
and to spend his own money as he sees fit.
It is ridiculous for electors
to go on believing that they are enjoying democratic government when
they are being cleverly encouraged to argue about the best methods
of enslavement. The purpose of this booklet is to show electors how
they are being enslaved, the real facts concerning the Federal Labor
Government's Banking Bills,
and how Social Credit is the exact opposite of the policies being pursued
by all Parties.
It is generally thought
that Social Credit is merely a scheme of monetary reform. Nothing could
be further from the truth. Mr. L.D. Byrne, Technical Adviser to the Social Credit Government of
Alberta, Canada, has said:
"Social Credit is the belief inherent in society that
its individual members in association
can obtain the results they want."
It is true that
social crediters have directed a considerable amount of
attention to the financial system, simply because they
believe that the controllers of that system have used it
to prevent the people from getting what they want. Major
C.H. Douglas has said:
"In my opinion, it is a very superficial
definition of Social Credit '' that it is merely a scheme
of monetary reform..."
Social Credit is the policy of a philosophy. Let us
examine this statement a little more closely. All action
directed towards a conscious end - i.e., policy - is the
result of a philosophy. Those people, and unfortunately there
are many of them, who believe that institutions, and abstractions
such as the 'nation' or the 'state', which would not exist
without individuals, are greater than individuals, will automatically
pursue policies, economic and otherwise, which ensure that
man serves these institutions and abstractions. Such persons
regard all systems - financial, industrial, governmental,
etc. - as handy instruments to use for planning their fellows'
lives for them.
Although many of these people sincerely believe that their fellow man
would be much happier if only he would submit to their planning, they
are a deadly menace to civilisation. They are unconscious tools of
groups who seek ultimate domination over all mankind. The Hitlers of
this world are not so uncommon as some people think.
social crediters' philosophy is based on the belief that all institutions
exist to serve individuals.
Naturally, their philosophy gives rise to policies very different
from those pursued by men with the opposite philosophy. This point
must be clearly grasped. This difference in philosophy is the core
of the problems confronting civilisation. It is useless our discussing
reforms to the financial system - or, for that matter, to any other
system - unless we first discuss what is our objective in desiring
to reform it. Hitler reformed the German financial system, but only
in order that he and his financial backers could more effectively
impose their policies on the German people. Social crediters approach
the reform of all systems, financial or otherwise, from the basic
philosophical point of view.
It is on this basis that we must judge the Australian Labor Government's
1945 Banking Legislation. Dealing with the philosophy of Social Credit,
Major Douglas has written:
"If any condition can be shown to be oppressive to the individual,
no appeal to its desirability in the interests of external organisation
can be considered in extenuation; and whilst co-operation is the
note of the coming age, our premises require that it must be the
co-operation of reasoned assent, not regimentation in the interests
of any system, however superficially attractive."
"Systems were made for men and not men for systems, and
the interest of men, which is self-development, is above
all systems, whether theological, political or economic.
Therefore, all forms, whether of government, industry or
society, must exist contingently to the furtherance of these
If a State system can be shown to be inimical to them -
it must go; if social customs hamper their continuous expansion
- they must be modified; if unbridled industrialism checks
their growth, then industrialism must be reined in. That
is to say, we must build up from the individual, not down
from the State."
Social crediters have never tired
of stressing the fact that reforms which will benefit the
individual can't be carried out in the face of highly centralised
Government. Social crediters desire that Government be
decentralised to the stage where it can be effectively
controlled by electors. They believe that Government has
no other function than to serve electors. But people with
the opposing philosophy see in Government, particularly
if it can be highly centralised, another instrument for
imposing their ideas on the people. The more centralised
the Government becomes, the greater becomes the inevitable
permanent bureaucracy which soon becomes the real Government.
The lust for power feeds on power, and soon the bureaucracy
reaches out for control over all kinds of economic activities.
This is what has been happening in Australia for a long
time. As we will see later, the economic planners dictating
to all Governments have consistently imposed their policies
on the people.
There are many naive people who argue that
if the Federal Government takes control of financial policy
and the banking system, beneficial results will automatically
accrue to individual electors. But this argument presupposes
(among other things) that the electors control the Federal
Government and its policies. They do nothing of the kind,
and social crediters have pointed out that giving greater
powers to a centralised government is merely to invite
the destruction of what little responsible government we
still possess. In his book, The Big Idea, Major
Douglas says: "... to imagine that money alone ... requires
decentralisation is to court failure."
The further government is centralised, the further it is taken away
from the people. Social crediters are endeavouring to get electors
to take effective steps to control their Governments and impose their
will on them. Unless they can first control their Governments, then
they cannot control financial policy or any other policy. So we come
back to our fundamental proposition concerning the objectives of
social crediters; to insist that people in association can get those
results which they desire - providing, of course, that they are
physically possible.
All obstacles to the people's desires must be removed.
In a later chapter we will discuss the mechanism by which social
crediters suggest that electors can attain their objectives.
It is not proposed that we should
deal in this booklet with the functioning of the banking system in
We shall merely examine some basic FACTS.
There was considerable
argument at one time concerning whether or not the banks created
money in the form of what has been termed bank credit, but now only
the misinformed deny that the banking system creates practically
all money used in modern communities. Legal tender is only an infinitesimal
portion. The credit or cheque system is far more convenient than the use of
notes and coins. During the debates on Labor's 1945 Banking Bills
even Mr. Menzies spoke about the creation of credit. Finance writers
for the daily papers now write glibly about the creation of credit.
The necessities of war demonstrated to the Australian people that
hundreds of millions of pounds of new money in the form of bank credit
had to be made available in order that new production could take
In its issue of July, 1938, Branch Banking, British
bankers' official journal, put the question of credit creation beyond
further argument: "There is no more unprofitable subject under the sun than
to argue any banking or credit points, since there are enough
substantial quotations in existence to prove even to the
uninitiated that banks do create credit..."
There is
plenty of authoritative literature available to those who
desire to study in detail the manner in which the banking
system has been rapidly obtaining a lien on the assets of
all communities by merely making available to the people
their own financial credit under conditions which make it
impossible for the people to do anything but go further into
The real argument concerning the credit system is:
Who should control its policy?
The major argument which the
Social Crediters put forward concerning the banking system
is not that the creation of the people's money in the form
of bank credit is wrong, but that this system has been used
as an instrument of government - to control the people by
keeping them short of money, dictating the terms under which
they obtain it, and dispossessing them of their assets.
cannot be denied that our present civilisation would not
have been made possible if it had not been for the flexibility
of the credit system - what a wonderful convenience cheques
are for doing the business of the community! - and Social
Crediters contend that the system itself must be maintained
if the best features of our civilisation are to be preserved
and extended. Let us again state the real issue. It cannot
be stated too often:
The basic argument concerning the banking system is not about the
creation of credit - administration which is carried out very
efficiently - but about who should control the system and for
what purpose. Aeroplanes are a wonderful invention when used
to give man greater transport facilities, but when they are used
for bombing civilians it is perhaps natural that we should question
whether they are a wonderful invention.
Has the banking system
been used to impose unwanted policies on the people? There is overwhelming
evidence that it has. It was no coincidence that in every country
of the world in 1929 the people suddenly found that they had acute
poverty amidst plenty because there was a drastic limitation of
the amount of money. A deliberate policy for credit restriction
was imposed, and it was imposed by an international group. One
piece of evidence in support of this statement will be sufficient
here: Mr. Louis T. McFadden, ex-President of the Pennsylvania Bankers'
Association, and for twelve years Chairman of the U.S.A. House
of Representatives' Banking and Currency Committee, said on December
15, 1931:
"It (the depression) was not accidental. It was a
carefully contrived occurrence - the international bankers sought
to bring about a condition of despair here so that they could emerge
as rulers of us all."
It is ridiculous for Socialists and others
to talk about the 80,000 shareholders of the Australian trading
banks being solely responsible for banking policy. They were not
even consulted when it was decided during the depression to take
orders from overseas. How can it be suggested now that if we all
become theoretically 'shareholders' in the banks - i.e., they
are nationalised - we will then be able to control the policy
of the banking system? Ownership is merely a nice-sounding term
unless there is effective CONTROL. And it is the control of the
banking system that Social Crediters are concerned about. Their
basic argument is as follows:
All real credit is produced by
the people working in association and making use of the vast heritage
of knowledge built up over centuries. Financial credit is merely
a convenient representation of this real credit. Therefore, the
people should in no way be hampered from making full use of their
real credit by any alleged shortage of financial credit. Neither
should controllers of the people's financial credit be permitted
to direct how people shall use their real credit. As the people
have produced the only basis for financial credit, this financial
credit belongs to them and they should have direct control of general
financial policy.
The first thing to understand about money
of any description - it has taken many forms, from cowrie shells
to the modern credit system - is that it is merely a claim to
goods and services. It might be termed a ticket. Railway tickets
are issued as a convenience for entitling people to seats in trains.
There is no record of trains travelling half empty because insufficient
tickets were created. Neither is there any record of the manufacturers
of railway tickets only printing tickets for destinations decided
upon by THEM. The manufacturers of railway tickets don't control
the policy of the railway systems. The travelling public buy tickets
to where THEY desire to go - they control policy. Money 'tickets'
are, of course, much more flexible than railway or other tickets;
they can be used for such a diversity of purposes; the owner of
them has liberty of choice and action.
Accepting the above point
of view concerning money, why should the manufacturers of money
tickets have any more right to dictate people's economic policies
than the manufacturers of railway tickets should have to decide
the policies of the travelling public? Surely they should merely
serve the people.
When money was first invented, the claim to wealth,
the ticket issued, was issued by the producer of the wealth. Economic
sovereignty resided in the producer of wealth. It is interesting
to note that the word 'pecuniary' is derived from the Latin word
pecus, which means cattle. The first form of currency was probably
leather discs given by the owner of cattle to a buyer who did not
desire immediately to remove his purchase. The discs were issued
by the creator of wealth and were simply an acceptance of the fact
that the buyer could at some future date demand a certain number
of cattle. Under such conditions the creator of wealth had economic
sovereignty. Later, however, as a result of various conditions,
possibly war, various types of wealth were deposited with the goldsmiths,
whose receipts, which were soon used a negotiable bills of exchange,
were actually the forerunner of the modern bank note. Economic
sovereignty now passed to the goldsmiths, who were the first bankers.
They soon discovered that they could issue more receipts than they
had wealth, simply because they found from experience that very
few of the depositors of real wealth withdrew their wealth at the
same time. The ultimate development was, of course, the introduction
of the credit and cheque system.
Banks issue financial credit through
borrowers by merely writing new figures in bank ledgers (NOT by
transferring figures of existing deposits). Borrowers write cheques
and use them as money. Those who received borrowers' cheques pay
them into their banks, and deposits are thereby increased. (Of
course, cheques are used by depositors, too, for merely transferring
existing amounts.)
We can now make our main observation on this
growth of the money system: In the evolution of this system
the fact has become obscured that the creator of wealth no longer
has direct control over the issue of the claims to his wealth. If
the money system is to function as it should function, it is surely
obvious that the individual must have restored to him control over
his own money, or what we have termed financial credit. This does
not mean that every household should have its own mint; the present
banking system can administer the individual's financial credit
for him much more efficiently and scientifically. What is basically
necessary, however, is that it shall be administered under certain
definite principles. We can outline these principles as follows:
(1) The baking system exists solely for the purpose of administering
efficiently and scientifically the financial credit of the people.
(2) As are all other businesses entitled to a profit for their services,
so banks must be paid a reasonable remuneration for their administration
of financial credit on behalf of the people. The cost of manufacturing bank credit is merely the amount of manpower,
pens, ink and paper used. Even the London Economist has suggested
that a half per cent. interest would be a liberal profit for the
banks to make for the creation and administration of the people's
financial credit. If limited to a maximum of a half per cent. interest
charges, and if certain other principles of financial policy, which
we will examine shortly, were applied, the profits of the banks would
be governed by their turnover of business.
Everyone with a knowledge of banking knows that there is no real
competition in banking today, that bank amalgamations in every country
have ensured an increasing and complete monopoly, and that this monopoly
can only be broken by making the banks directly responsible to the
people as are other businesses. People must be in the position where
they can penalise a bank not giving them the service they require
by taking their business elsewhere. They must have an alternative.
No bank will take another bank's business today. If there were only
one bank, as the nationalisers desire, and that subjected to control
by the people now controlling the banking system, or similar people,
the people would be in an even more intolerable position than they
are now. There is no suggestion in the Labor Party's banking legislation
that the people's credit be administered by the banking system for
a maximum charge of a half per cent. interest.
(3) The financing of all enterprises producing either goods or services
for consumers should continue by the banking system issuing new financial
credit against future production when goods are sold, to be repaid
and cancelled as is done now. But all public works, such as roads,
etc., must be paid for with new credit issued not as a debit to be
repaid, but as an asset and, of course, for the cost of creation
and administration as pointed out above. It
is economic insanity that the people using their own credit to produce
assets should be taxed to pay excessive interest charges year after
year to private or public institutions which issue the financial
credit as a debt owing to themselves.
This prevailing policy means that the more assets the
people produce, the further into debt they go. The control
of assets by the banks increases proportionately.
We mentioned
how the power of the controllers of the banking system would
be reduced if, in conjunction with "certain other principles
of financial policy", they administered the people's financial
credit for a maximum of a half per cent. interest. We can
now examine the
"certain other principles". Without arguing about how it happens,
it is a fact that the present financial policy is responsible for
the increase of debt faster than the people can reduce it. In fact,
they do well if they can meet the never-ending interest charges.
It is obvious that, before the war, the people were always struggling
to pay the total price of goods produced and that producers, both
primary and secondary, were thus reduced to desperate methods to
try and sell their goods to obtain the money to meet their debts.
Ironically enough, the war helped many producers by ensuring that
consumers obtained increased purchasing power by the production
of non-consumable goods. This shortage of money-tickets to pay
the prices of the goods produced places the entire community at
the mercy of the controllers of the banking system. If there is
a sudden calling-up of overdrafts or if the people's purchasing
power is reduced by the refusal of the controllers of the banking
system to make even debt-finance available for public works, producers
are in a helpless position. They can then be dispossessed of their
But, if there were a financial policy which automatically ensured
that the people had sufficient purchasing power to meet the total
prices of goods produced, the danger of the banking system being
used to control the people would be reduced.
Any government's connection
with financial policy should be to insist that the people have
a financial system which will ensure that they can at all times
have access to their own financial credit to produce what they
desire and that at all times they have sufficient money tickets
to pay the total prices of goods and services.
There is no need
for the Government to take over the banking system in order to
make the above arrangements. It may be said that the Government
should act merely in a supervisory capacity, but even then it is
essential that the people control the Government.
Social Crediters
have demonstrated that every improvement in productive and industrial
methods results in less and less purchasing-power reaching consumers.
If the consumers do not have enough purchasing-power distributed
to them by industry to buy what industry produces, it is obvious
that something must be done to alleviate the situation. Before
the war there was a desperate attempt to make the system work by
getting increased purchasing-power into circulation through production
which did not produce goods for sale - i.e., through public works.
But, as already pointed out, the people were only allowed to draw
on their real credit to produce roads, etc., by going into financial
debt. Even the debt-finance for public works was not sufficient
to ensure that producers could sell their goods at a remunerative
price and liquidate their debts. The result was the chasing all
over the world for foreign markets to which to export goods unsold
on the home market, the fact being overlooked that every country
was pursuing the same policy, and that what is termed a 'foreign
market' is merely another country's home market.
Figures from the
Commonwealth Year Book reveal that for the year ending June 30,
1939, Australian industry produced goods valued at
£500,419,000, but only paid out wages and salaries totalling £106,743,000.
If greater and greater efficiency in production is used (which
means the production of increasing goods with the payment of less
and less wages to individuals to buy the goods) the difference
between total prices and total purchasing power must increase. As
every improvement in productive capacity is the result of a scientific
heritage which belongs to everyone, Social Crediters urge the creation
of a Credit Authority to ensure that the people obtain new credits
other than through industry producing goods for sale. This Credit
Authority should merely compute what additional credits are necessary
to enable consumers to buy all the goods produced.
Now, during
the war, the people's credit was drawn upon - i.e. monetised -
to fight the war. Together with the fact that the production of
consumable goods was limited, this new financial credit, admittedly
created as a debt instead of an asset, helped to obscure the flaw
in the economic system mentioned above. The controllers of the
financial system are well aware of these facts, and there is little
doubt that, rather than allow the people to obtain access to their
own credit to consume what they desire, an attempt is to be made
to continue restricting as far as possible the production of goods
for consumers and, under the threat of work or starve, to compel
them to use their credit on producing non-consumable goods such
as big public works, some of them of very doubtful value. Social
Crediters advocate that, apart from paying for necessary Government
services, the people's credit should be distributed to the people
in the form of national dividends in order that they may decide
for themselves how they desire to use it; and also used to lower
prices, which would, of course, be the same as increasing the consumers'
purchasing-power. Lowering prices would also ensure that the dreaded
inflation which economists and party political leaders are always
warning about would not occur with an increase in the money supply.
It is no use opponents of Social Credit saying that the idea of
a subsidised price to benefit both producers and consumers is ridiculous:
the necessities of war compelled the economic advisers in all British
countries to apply partially what Major Douglas had advocated for
years. No reference was made to the fact that it was Douglas' idea.
Commenting on this fact, the English Social Crediter of
June 23, 1945, states:
"... Every official agency is at pains
to hide the fact that circumstances have forced the 'Government'
of Great Britain to adopt, with regard to several necessities of
life, that price-compensating technique which Major Douglas has
advocated in speech and writing since 1919. If the British housewife
today can buy bread, flour, etc., at pre-war prices, it is owing
to the fact that the Government creates certain sums which it pays
to the producers of those necessities to enable them to sell their
goods below cost, at prices the consumers can afford to pay.
Although that is exactly what Major Douglas AND NO
OTHER ECONOMIST has prescribed as one of the two essential
remedies to cure our economic and political ills, no acknowledgement,
no appreciation, has yet been forthcoming from any official
source. ... this attitude is at variance with all scientific
etiquette. ..."
The British official figures relating
to war-time subsidies paid for food and other necessities
in Britain are as follows: 1939, £20,000,000; 1940, £70,000,000;
1941, £140,000,000; and for 1944 the estimate was
£225,000,000. In other words, in 1944, £225,000,000
of the British people's real credit was monetised in the form of
financial credit and applied to lowering prices to the consumers
while still allowing the producer to make a profit. The only flaw
in this scheme was the fact that instead of the £225,000,000
coming into existence as the property of the people, who collectively
produced the real credit (the backing for the financial credit),
it was created as a debt against the people, who will now have
to pay increased taxation to meet the interest on it.
Figures relating
to war-time subsidies paid in Australia are: Butter,
£8,500,000; milk, £1,500,000; potatoes, £2,500,000;
tea, £2,200,000; jute products, £2,500,000; and fertiliser, £2,500,000.
All that Social Crediters advocate in this connection is that the
idea be extended to a greater range of consumable goods, the financial
credit being created for the purpose as the property of the
people. The people must obtain access to their own credit.
And surely war production demonstrated how vast and almost inexhaustible
is our real credit, the ability to produce everything in abundance.
Apart from endeavouring to use the financial system to ensure that
the people cannot produce those things which they desire, particularly
consumable goods, it is also obvious that the present vicious system
of taxation is to be maintained for a similar purpose. Taxation
has become a system of control. It should be obvious to even the
meanest intelligence that taxation of any description - and what
a multitude of methods are used today! - has the immediate effect
of reducing the people's purchasing-power and therefore their standard
of living. Their effective demand on industry must be reduced and
thus producers are unable to sell their goods and are kept in financial
difficulties. And, as stated previously, producers in financial
difficulties can soon be taken over by the banking system, irrespective
of whether that system be nationalised or not. Government departments
are spending more and more of the taxpayers' money; this helps
to ensure that the taxpayer only obtains what the bureaucratic
controllers of the system think fit.
The idea that essential public
utilities can only be provided by the Government taking taxation
off the people is ridiculous nonsense and will not stand investigation.
In a primitive society, where every person and all resources were
being used to provide the bare necessities of life, taxation could
be justified if it were necessary to engage in production of non-consumable
goods such as war equipment, because it would be necessary to transfer
some of the productive effort of the people to the new production.
A lowering of the standard of living would be inevitable. But such
is not the case today. A decreasing number of people are needed
to produce more than sufficient consumable goods for the whole
population. The war provided us with a graphic example of what
can be done. With 800,000 of the most able-bodied men out of production
in the armed forces, and another large portion of the population
producing hundreds of millions of pounds worth of war equipment
which we virtually GAVE to the Japanese, the remainder of the population,
in spite of the bungling efforts of the bureaucracy, were able
to produce sufficient to feed and clothe the entire population.
And we were still able to export food. We would surely be justified
in thinking that with the 800,000 men back in production, we could
GIVE ourselves a portion of the productive effort we gave the Japanese?
But none of the leaders of the political parties favour that common-sense
idea. They all agree that the effort which we were able to make
for the war effort should be written up as a permanent DEBT against
us, and that the men who fought, and their children, and children's
children, should be called upon to pay taxation to meet the interest
bill for all time, without ever reducing the debt by one penny. It is utter hypocrisy for Labor politicians to talk about their
wonderful financial "reforms" when they support this infamy.
can now summarise our findings on financial policy as follows:
(1) The Government should ensure that the people have a banking
system which will serve their needs on a reasonable basis. It could
insist that all those engaged in banking have a licence to do so
from the Government, and that the licence be subject to cancellation
by the Government if any bank were found guilty of breaking the
conditions under which it agreed to operate. NO GOVERNMENT OR GOVERNMENT
(2) The Government should establish a Credit Authority to estimate
regularly the amount of additional financial credit, over and above
wages, etc., to be distributed to the people in National Dividends
and in Lowering Prices by subsidies to producers. Possibly the
taxation departments could be switched over to this work, although
it might be a little strange for some of the taxation bureaucrats
to get used to the idea of computing how much they were to distribute
to the people instead of how much to take off them! This Credit Authority should not be subject to political direction,
but should automatically compute the people's production, wages
paid, and dividends to be distributed. The Authority would be like
a barometer, automatically indicating the efforts of the people.
The people would have control.
Under the above conditions the people
would produce and consume whatever they desired. Control of policy
INDEPENDENCE. They would not be subject to any form of economic
ransom because of not being able to liquidate their debts. There
would always be equation between prices and purchasing-power.
the Labor Party's 1945 Banking Legislation make any provision for
the people getting out of debt, obtaining freedom from taxation,
or freedom to obtain an increasing standard of living by complete
and unfettered access to their own credit? It does not. There is
no mention of the necessity of an economy which will allow the
people to get out of debt. In fact, there is every indication that,
as is done now, the economic advisers of the Canberra Government
visualise the use of the people's indebtedness to strip them of
control of their assets even faster than they have been stripped
in the past. What is termed a "planned economy" is visualised.
The planners aim to make use of the banking system, the taxation
system, the legal system, and every other system, which will enable
them to plan just what the people shall produce and consume.
Many years ago Major Douglas
predicted that the controllers of the international banking system
(very different people from our local and courteous bank managers)
would attempt to maintain their control by centralising banking
as far as possible and then allowing it to be nationalised, thus
appeasing public opinion while at the same time instituting an
even more rigid control through the creation of a specially-trained
bureaucracy. What Douglas predicted is taking place in Australia
and other countries today.
Let us quote two of Douglas' statements
on bank nationalisation which will indicate beyond all argument
that neither Douglas nor those who advocate his ideas have supported
what the Socialists are advocating, i.e., nationalised banking:
"I think it would be absolutely suicidal to nationalise
the existing financial system. If it were incorporated in
the governmental system without change, I see no earthly
power which could reform it successfully without a military
"It is much better that the present defective system should
be allowed to discredit its upholders, than that an alternative,
of which the effects are not sufficiently beneficial as
to place it at once in an impregnable position, should
be substituted for it."
The English Social Crediter further
analysed the issue under discussion as follows:
far from 'the restoration of the money system to the State'
being desirable, it has become increasingly clear ... that
the whole future of mankind, if a money system is to remain
part of that future, depends on wresting any control whatever
over the money system either by issue or taxation, from
the State. It is quite extraordinary how the people of
this country, to go no further afield, have allowed the
basic principles of Parliamentary Government, of which
the primary, and probably most important, was the ad hoc grant of money to the king, to be systematically perverted."
As we have stated many times, the fundamental nature
of money is simply that of a token carrying the agreement
to deliver over, on demand, the article to which the token
refers. To place the power of issuing or compulsorily collecting
tokens in the hands of the State is simply to establish the
omnipotent State, which, more than anything else, is at the
root of the situation which we find it convenient to call
'Hitlerism', rarely National Socialism. ..."
Hitler and
his associates realised all too well what they could do with
the money system once they obtained control of it. But German bankers such as Schroeder helped Hitler to obtain control.
Why? Because they wanted their system to have the official backing
of the State, thus making personal responsibility impossible. The
German State was of course, Hitler and his hordes of National Socialist
bureaucrats. And we know just how much chance the German people
had of making any impression on the bureaucracy. Surely we are
not so mesmerised as to believe that we are going to obtain economic
democracy if we allow the money system in Australia to be controlled
as it was in National Socialist Germany?
The Canberra bureaucracy,
which has been specially trained for the task of taking more and
more control of all our economic activities, has continued to grow
in numbers and influence - no matter what Party has been in office
at Canberra. Let us, to take only one example, consider the case
of Professor Copland, who played a big part in the Canberra bureaucracy
during the war years.
Professor Copland has vigorously attacked
Social Credit many times. He played a most important part in imposing
the infamous Premiers' Plan on the Australian people. (This was
a result of the visit to this country by those two great 'Britishers',
Niemeyer and Guggenheimer.)
When Labor members were the Opposition
at Canberra, they tickled the ears of their supporters by attacking
Professor Copland and other economists; but, when the same Labor
members became the Government, they retained these economists as
The late Mr. Curtin even went so far as to make a vigorous
speech in defence of Professor Copland and his work in advising
the Labor Government. Prior to the 1944 Referendum, which was designed
to give the Canberra bureaucrats even greater power, Professor
Copland expressed the view that the banks and certain other industries
should be nationalised. Now, isn't that strange!
When Governor
of the Bank of 'England', Montagu Norman said that he would welcome
nationalisation, and when the Attlee Labour Government announced
that it would be nationalising the Bank of 'England', Montagu Norman
sat in the public gallery in the House of Commons. He said afterwards
that the plan to nationalise the Bank of 'England' would have "been
much worse". No doubt! Labour spokesmen made it clear that the Bank of 'England' would
continue to pursue the same policy as it had always pursued.
Lord Catto, present Governor of the Bank of 'England', supported
the Nationalisation Bill in the House of Lords!
In 1944, Mr. James
Warburg, of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., Wall Street, New York, one of the
most influential international banking groups in the world, published
his book, Foreign Policy Begins at Home. Significantly enough,
Mr. Warburg also believes in nationalisation.
"Certain monopolies must exist under Government control, or even
under Government ownership."
It is perfectly obvious that the controllers
of the international banking system have realised for some time
that it was only a matter of time before the people forced better
results from a partly-decentralised banking system. All over the
world growing resentment against banking policy has been cleverly
directed against the system itself and the idea encouraged that
the system should be further centralised and eventually nationalised.
The world-wide chain of Central Banks created after World War I
was a major step in the centralising of control. Government has
also been progressively centralised, and bureaucracy has been entrenched.
The Second World War was used to try and enthrone the bureaucracies
permanently, thus attempting to destroy responsible Government.
The creation of an International Organisation and the Bretton Woods
Monetary Scheme was designed to strengthen the position of the
controllers of the international financial system by making all
Govemments responsible for the continuance of orthodox financial
policy dictated by an international group.
There is no doubt that the 'key’ men in the bureaucracies in
practically every country have been specially trained for their work.
The London School of Economics appears to be the special training
centre for preparing ‘suitable’ planners for the English speaking
countries. This institution was started by the English Fabian
Socialists and endowed by the German Jewish Financier, Cassel.
Professor J. H. Morgan, K.C., writing in 'The Quarterly Review’ of
January, 1929, stated:
"When I once asked Lord Haldane why he persuaded his
friend, Sir Ernest Cassel, to settle by his will large sums on the
London School of Economics, he replied: ‘One object is to
make this institution a place to raise and train the bureaucracy
of the future Socialist State'."
Lord Haldane said Germany was his spiritual home! The
London School of Economics has been staffed almost exclusively by
German-Jews, Socialists and Communists. Professor Harold Laski,
close friend of Dr. Evatt, opponent of the British Crown, and
advocate of revolution, has been closely associated with the London
School of Economics. Dr. Coombs is one of the 'old school’ men
controlling the bureaucracy in this country. Needless to say, he is in
favour of the nationalisation of banking.
Nationalisation of banking means the further centralisation
of credit policy away from the people. Admittedly the Labor
Govemment's Banking Bills are not actual nationalisation, but they
are a step in the general direction of complete Government control.
They make the central control of credit policy even more rigid than
it has been in the past. Much of the 'opposition' to the Banking
Bills came from the local bankers, who merely provided the Socialist
centralisers with arguments for continuing with their plans. It is
significant that at no time before or after the Banking Legislation did
bank shares drop in value. This would appear to indicate that there
was no real concern in banking circles.
Anyone who closely reads the Parliamentary 'debates’ on the
legislation must be impressed by the fact that both Mr. Menzies and
Mr. Fadden agreed with the basic proposition put forward by the
Labor Government: namely, that there must be a strong central
bank - the Commonwealth Bank - to direct credit policy.
Most of the so-called debates were about the best method
of administering this central bank. Mr. Menzies argued that control
by the Commonwealth Bank Board should continue. It is interesting
to recall that both Dr. Coombs and Mr. Taylor, Labor's appointees
on the Bank Board, never once disagreed with the decisions of that
The Labor Party's legislation abolished the Bank Board and
replaced it with what is known as the Commonwealth Bank Advisory
Council. An examination of the personnel of this Council reveals
just what a sham the banking 'debates’ were. The 'key' man is
undoubtedly Dr. Coombs, whom we have already mentioned. Mr. L.
G. Melville was formerly an adviser to one of the private trading
banks and has been for some time economic adviser to the
Commonwealth Bank. He also 'represented' Australia in America
when the Bretton Woods Monetary Plan was devised. Mr. G. Shain
is now Deputy-Govemor of the Commonwealth Bank. He formerly
held a high position with the Commonwealth Bank and is reputed to
have personal contact with the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.
Mr. S. G. McFarlane is Secretary to the Treasury. His work with
the Treasury in the past reveals him as a man who can be relied upon
to help to ensure that there is no change in financial policy which
will benefit individual Australians.
In view of the above facts, it is perfectly obvious that the
banking ‘debates’ were basically an argument as to the best method
of controlling the Australian people: through the Commonwealth
Bank Board or through the Commonwealth Bank Advisory Council.
Social Crediters are not interested in sham fights to decide
the best method of having Australians controlled from overseas
through Canberra; but Social Crediters ARE concerned with showing
Australians how they, in voluntary association, should be free to
decide all their own policies, free to produce and consume what they
desire and in what priority. Social Crediters want a financial system
to serve the people's policies and not those of Dr. Coombs and his
friends the international planners. They do not want a nationalised
system controlled by bureaucrats, men who accept no responsibility
for their actions. No system can really serve the people unless
individuals can be held responsible for the results of that system.
Social Crediters urge electors to judge by results.
During the debates on the Banking Bills, Labor members
tried to argue that the control of the banking system under the
National Security Regulations had been a good thing and that this
control should be maintained permanently. Their contention was
that the Banking Bills would enable them to do this. Let us take
these Labor members at their word and judge them by their war time
financial policy. What difference was there between this policy and
the policy pursued before the National Security Regulations were
used to ‘control’ the banks? None whatever. Debt and taxation
were increasing before the ‘controls’ were introduced; debt and
taxation continued to increase AFTER the 'controls' had been
applied. Taxation was more than doubled during the war years, and
there can be no worthwhile reduction while the present financial
policy is pursued. A brief examination of a few figures leaves no
doubt on this point. The National Debt increased by over
£1,500,000,000 during the war years. The Australian Labor Party is
obviously not concerned with the fact that while there is an
increasing National Debt, every individual in the community must
have his economic security further and further reduced in order to
pay taxation to meet the interest on the debt. During the war years
the interest bill increased from £51,000,000 to over £85,000,000. Not
one word about these figures did our Labor 'reformers’ mention
during the debates on the Banking Bills; What hypocrisy for them
to speak in general terms about the 'public interest’ when the
individuals comprising the public are offered nothing but the
prospect of struggling all their lives to pay interest on a debt"- they
can never reduce while the policy of debt finance continues.
During the war years the Australian people were able to make a
far greater use of their resources than previously, simply because
there was no
"shortage of funds" as there had been in the years of peace. As
even many Labor members know, the war necessitated the creation
of additional new money - financial credit. Although it is difficult to quote exact figures, hundreds of millions
of pounds of new financial credit were created by the Commonwealth
Bank. Social crediters do not object to new money being made
available in order that people may carry out new production; but
they do object to the policy which brings such new money into being
as a perpetual interest-bearing debt. They stress: the insanity
of a financial policy which forces the people into increased debt
when they produce increased assets.
In spite of the war-time "controls" the
private banks were able to increase their holdings of Government Securities.
At the end of the war they held well over £150,000,000 worth
of Government and Municipal Securities. An examination of banking
figures reveals all too clearly that the controllers of. the private
banks were in no way concerned about "controls" imposed under National
Security Regulations, And yet Labor members ask us to believe that
the continuance of these controls will in some strange way bring
benefits to the individual by Australian in the future. Judged
by its war-time financial policy Labor's banking "reforms" are
nothing but a mockery.
Possibly the best and most convincing comment
on Labor's war-time financial policy has been made by Mr. R. G.
The Prime Minister said rather hopefully just now: "This must be a pretty good Budget. Well, no one can take exception to the statements of financial
theory made by my friend the Treasurer (Mr. Chifley) I find them impeccable. I have gone back over some of the previous
Budget debates. I have found a statement by him on finance, and
one by myself, and almost instinctively I found myself getting
out of my chair to go round the corridor and embrace him, and,
call him
'Brother.'" (Vide Federal "Hansard", September 13, 1944.)
Fancy Labor members asking the people to believe, that a financial
policy enthusiastically supported by Mr. Menzies is one to be continued
for all time!
examining the most important aspects of the Labor Government's
two Banking Bills, it is essential to know who was responsible
for the drafting of this legislation.
There is no doubt that many
Labor members had little idea of the real objectives of the legislation
they so enthusiastically supported. One of them, Mr. Martens, related
at Canberra on June 26, 1945, how he answered electors who asked
him what the legislation meant:
"I stated I was not in a position at that stage to inform them
as to the nature and object of the proposed legislation..."
the economic planners had not taken Mr. Martens into their confidence
regarding their objectives!
It is interesting to recall that Mr.
Calwell, who back in 1942 was talking about shooting the Government's
economic advisers, was three years later supporting the very legislation
these same advisers prepared!
We have already dealt with some of
these economic advisers, but a few more facts concerning them will,
not be out of place here. The following extracts from Mr. J. T.
Lang's newspaper, Century, of July 21; 1944; are very pertinent:
"It was Copland who told the Scullin Government that it
had to reduce wages, pensions, and social services. It was
Copland's committee that formulated the policy of credit
deflation. . . ."
"Treasurer J. B. Chifley was a Premeirs' Plan Minister
in the Scullin Government. He took Copland's advice in
1931.. . He is swallowing it hook, line and sinker today...
Professors Mills, Giblin and Melville all signed
the Wallace Bruce Report (which called for greater sacrifices
by the people)...Today Professor Mills is also a member
of the Curtin Government's Advisory Committee on Financial
and Economic Policy... (Professor Mills is now the
Federal Government's Director-General of Education. He is
also a London School of Economics' man)
"Professor Giblin is chairman of the Curtin Government's
Advisory Committee on Financial and Economic Policy. As
a Premiers' Plan Professor, he too; is today in a position
to determine the Curtin Government's financial policy... "
Another Premiers' Planner was Professor Brigden,
also representing the Curtin Government in Washington and
at the International Monetary Conference. (And we must
not overlook Dr. Roland Wilson, Commonwealth Statistician,
Economic Adviser to the Treasury, and member of the Commonwealth
Housing Trust. Was part educated at Chicago and has attacked
Social Credit.)
Mr. Barnard, Labor M.H.R., speaking on
the Banking Bill or June 27, 1945, said:
"The honourable
member for Fawkner (Mr. Holt) used some extravagant language
when forecasting amendments to this clause. He said loosely,
that professors play around with economics in this country
as men play with a football. The honourable member implied
that the drafting of the measure (the Banking Bill) and
this vital clause was not done with honesty of purpose...Nevertheless, the Opposition should at least give
to the Government and its advisers credit for honesty of
purpose in the drafting of the measure."
How considerate
of Mr. Barnard to defend the economic planners. No doubt
their brand of "honesty of purpose" was similar to the
brand they displayed during the depression years. How can
we have any faith in men who betrayed us to the international
financiers in the past? Are we expected to believe that
they will help us in the future?
On June 7, 1945, Mr. Chifley
said that Dr. Evatt also had a hand in the drafting of
the Banking Bills. This is an interesting admission because
Dr. Evatt has had close association with the international
planners who want to use the financial system to help impose
their ideas on the peoples of the world. On his visits
abroad during the war Dr. Evatt was accompanied by Mr.
W. S. Robinson, international financier, who was given
permission to make alterations to the value of £1,300
to his Canberra mansion while returned soldiers were being
fined for attempting to build their own homes. The excuse
was made by Labor members that Mr. Robinson had to entertain
diplomats from overseas! It is to be hoped that those electors
who put their blind faith in the Labor Party will investigate
the identity and interests of the men who advise the Labor
Government and all other Governments.
Just what kind of
a "new order" do the economic planners desire to impose
on the Australian people? Let us examine some of their
own words, in order that we shall have no doubt about their
intentions. Let us first hear Professor Giblin's ideas
on post-war reconstruction:
"Supposing there is a factory
starting up or expanding which requires 1,000 men, but
there are only 500 men who have volunteered for employment
there. What kind of pressure is going to be brought to
bear to take employment? You must try persuasion and inducement
first, but at a certain point there must come a time when
somebody must decide what is a suitable job for a man to
do, and he must do it. That is going to be politically
very difficult. So in the last resort, we shall require
a power to direct labour to certain things with the penalty
of being unemployed without receiving unemployment benefits
on refusal."
Who are the "we" who "shall
require a power to direct labor"?
Obviously, the Canberra bureaucrats.
At the 1944 referendum
Dr. Evatt and the economic planners asked for the power to direct
labor, but the people refused to give it. However, this didn't
dismay the planners, because at the very time Dr. Evatt and Labor
members were loud in their protestations that they were against
industrial conscription, they had already introduced the Unemployment
and Sickness Benefits Act, which gives the Canberra bureaucrats
the very powers to direct labor which Professor Giblin advocated.
Under the Unemployment and Sickness Benefits Scheme the Director-General
of that scheme, or anyone to whom he may delegate power, may
direct any unemployed person to work which the official thinks
that person can or should do. If the unemployed person refuses
to do this, he will be disqualified from obtaining even the few
miserable shillings that the scheme allows. Here we see Professor
Giblin's ideas introduced into Parliamentary legislation. Significantly
enough, neither Mr. Menzies nor his followers at Canberra seriously
challenged the above scheme. After all, the U.A.P. and Country
Party were responsible for introducing a very similar scheme,
the notorious National Insurance Scheme of the Lyons Government,
which was never made operative because the supporters of the
Labor Party united with other sections of the community in protesting
to members of Parliament about it. But now Labor supporters servilely
accept an even worse scheme from the Labor Party. What a wonderful
racket the Party System is for governing the people!
Dr. Lloyd
Ross, at one time openly associated with the Communists, is also
one of the economic advisers at Canberra. Prior to the 1944 Referendum
he said at Canberra that "anyone who joins in the general attack
on controls is an enemy of Australia..." Also: "But we need
also the recognition of the need for more State control, State
guidance, and State ownership." In other words, Dr. Lloyd Ross wants us to have every detail
of our lives controlled permanently by him and other planners.
The "State"
is simply the bureaucracy. The more "State control", the bigger
the bureaucracy.
Speaking at Canberra on February 11, 1944, Dr.
Evatt said: "...full employment cannot possibly be achieved
unless some authority is empowered to exercise wide powers to
determine how employment is to be expanded." Let us have no doubts
about who the "some authority"
will be.
Dr. Coombs has given his views on the "new order" as
"What I said was that in the post-war world more decisions
would be made by public authorities as to the allocation of resources
than has been the case in the past, even though these resources
remained under the control of private enterprise."
We may summarise
the basic policy of the economic planners as follows: They believe
that they and their bureaucratic departments at Canberra should
plan for the people just what resources they may develop and
use, and that the people should not be allowed to please themselves.
Instead of the economic system being automatically regulated
in accordance with the requirements of consumers, the planners
want to make it fit in with what they think the people should
The first step was to get direct control of man power.
But the Referendum failed. However, Dr. Evatt has since worked
to bypass the people's decision by making the Australian Federal
Government a party to an international agreement on unemployment,
thereby hoping that he can use this agreement to over-ride the
State Governments.
The planners realise, however, that they need
more than manpower control. They also need control of financial
policy in order to ensure that finance is only made available
to maintain or develop those industries and resources which they
select. For the time being, of course, private enterprise will,
as Dr. Coombs says, be permitted to do most of the work, although
there is little doubt that the Big Idea is to crush the small
man and encourage the monopolies. Perhaps that was why Mr. Coles,
M.H.R., of Coles Chain Stores fame, was able to say on June 6,
1945: "I, generally, support the principle behind these (banking)
Bills. . . ." What strange allies the Socialists have!
is nothing new about the idea of using a centrally controlled
banking system to plan the entire economic life of a whole nation.
The Germans and the Russians have done it. The Bank of "England" and
the Political and Economic Planners have advanced the same policy
in Britain. In America the policy has been pursued by the Federal
Reserve Banks and the Socialist planners of the New Deal. The "Sydney
Morning Herald" of February 21, 1945, reported that Sydney
bankers pointed out that the Labor Government's Banking Legislation
was being
"modelled upon some of the methods employed by the Federal Reserve
Board in the United States."
There is not the slightest doubt
that in this country there has been a conscious plot by the economic
planners to further centralise control of the banking system
on behalf of the international planners. Don't forget the periodical
visits of Professor Copland to America and other countries, where
he has met the real controllers of international banking policy.
The plan to "reform" the Australian banking system in order
that the economic planners can put into operation their basic
policy was undoubtedly in being long before the Referendum of
1944. Professor Copland outlined the idea at the Australian Institute
of Political Science Summer School early in 1944. Let us examine
his exact words:
"To promote mobility of resources, it will be
necessary to ensure - that credit supplies are available where
OF DEVELOPMENT DECIDED UPON, and the judgment of the central
banking authorities as to the demands of equilibrium in the economic
will be required as the directing force of banking policy." (Writer's
The Socialist planners will decide "the general policy
of development"; the people will merely develop what they are
Is there any evidence that the policy of Professor Copland
and his fellow economists was considered in the drafting of the
Banking Bills? There certainly is. Clause 27 of the Banking Bill
(1) Where the Commonwealth Bank is satisfied that it is necessary
or expedient to do so in the public interest, the Commonwealth
Bank may determine the policy in relation to banks to be followed
by banks and each bank shall follow the policy, so determined. "
(2) Without limiting the generality of the last preceding subsection
the Commonwealth Bank may give directions AS TO THE CLASSES OF
Clause 27 bears all the marks of the economists. If the planners
decide that a policy of public works should take precedence over
production of food, then no bank will be allowed to advance money
for food production. Remember National Socialist Germany: guns
before butter! Speaking on the Banking Bills, Mr. Dedman said
that the Government proposed to draw up plans to cover public
and private investments. Other Labor members spoke along similar
lines and asserted quite clearly that someone had to spend the
people's money for them. What an outlook!
Clause 40 of the Banking
Bill provides that all banks must record in schedule form: statements
of loans, advances, and industry in which borrowers are engaged.
The drafters of the legislation are determined that no one shall
work outside the plan they decide upon. A penalty of £1,000
can be imposed for contravention of the above legislation.
Labor politicians have said that there will be no more manpower
direction as during the war, they have supported legislation
which makes it possible for the economic planners to direct by
financial control just what industries can carry on or develop.
Obviously men will only be able to work in those industries;
there will be no other work available, the Canberra bureaucracy
will reign supreme!
But the matter goes much further. As pointed
out in the previous chapter, the local Banking Legislation is
merely designed to strengthen the control of the international
planners. Mr. Crayton Burns, Canberra representative of the Melbourne
"Argus", reported one of the most sinister aspects of
the legislation as follows:
"Two relatively short statements
by Mr. Curtin summed up the outlook very neatly. He intervened
in the banking debate late on Thursday night just when the word
had passed around that Mr. Ward, Transport Minister, had the
call and the galleries were filling to see the fun. But there
wasn't any.
"Mr. Curtin surprised most listeners by pointing
out that there was an INTERNATIONAL ASPECT to this banking legislation
"Australia HAD NO CHOICE but to
take part in international agreements not only of a military
character, but agreements ABOUT TRADE, ECONOMIC PLANNING, AND
ECONOMY AND MONETARY POLICY." (Melbourne "Argus," March
26, 1945.)
And thus Mr. Curtin unashamedly admitted that the
banking legislation was on behalf of the very international groups
who have kept Australians in economic servitude in the past.
Financial credit was to be regulated more strictly than ever
- by a strong central authority taking orders from - overseas.
And a prominent member of the "Opposition", Mr. Holt, said at
Canberra on June 6, 1945: "I expressed earlier, belief in control
of a central bank over the quantum or volume of credit available
in the community." Which proves beyond all doubt that the removal
of the Labor Party in favour of the Liberal Party wouldn't affect
the position one iota. Social creditors urge electors, irrespective
of which Party they have supported in the past, to realise that
the sham fights at Canberra, suitably presented in the daily
press, have been used to allow the dictators over all Governments
to increase their power. That power must be destroyed.
Many years ago, Alfred Mond, head of
Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), one of the biggest and most
powerful monopolies in the world, put forward his arguments in
favour of what he termed "rationalisation"; the grouping of industry
into big trusts. Significantly enough, his ideas were accepted
by many Socialists in Great Britain and elsewhere.
Mond's policy was also supported by the Bank of "England", which
had a special organisation created for the purpose of closing
down certain industries and effecting mergers. This organisation
crippled the British shipbuilding industry before World War II.
Mond undoubtedly got his ideas from Germany, where a similar
policy had been pursued before it was started in Great Britain.
That there has been a conscious policy to pursue Mond's "rationalisation" policy
in every country has been obvious for some time. In National
Socialist Germany and Guild Socialist Italy there were special
industrial departments of the banks which were used to ensure
that industry conformed to the policy laid down by "the State" -
i.e., the economic planners. Socialist Russia has a similar department
of its State banking system. No group of individuals can get
together in Russia and start a new industry.
Under the "New Deal" in
America, special organisations were created for implementing
the policy which Mond so frankly outlined. There can be no doubt
that there has been a conscious long-range policy over many years
to centralise industry under the control of the planners. Major
C. H. Douglas wrote of this policy even before World War I had
"This centralisation of the power of capital and credit
is going on before our eyes, both directly in the form of money
trusts and bank amalgamations, and indirectly in the confederation
of the producing industries representing the capital power of
machinery. It has its counterpart in every sphere of activity:
the coalescing of small businesses into larger, of shops into
huge stores, of villages into towns, of nations into leagues,
and in every case is commended, to the reason by the plea of
economic necessity and efficiency. But behind this lies always
the will-to-power, which operates equally through politics, finance
or industry, and always towards centralisation. If this point
of view be admitted, it seems perfectly clear that to the individual
it will make little difference what name is given to centralisation.
Nationalisation without decentralised control of policy will
quite effectively install the trust magnate of the next generation
in the chair of the bureaucrat, with the added advantage to him
that he will have no shareholders' meeting." (from Economic Democracy.)
Recalling again the local "economic
advisers" and their overseas connections, we are surely entitled
to examine the 1945 Banking Bills with the expectation of possibly
finding provisions made to implement the industrial policy of
Soviet Russia and that which is already in process of being implemented
in Great Britain and America. And, significantly enough, our
expectations are realised! The Banking Legislation makes provision
for the establishment of an Industrial Finance Department of
the Commonwealth Bank. This department may be used to:
(a) lend
money; and
(b) purchase or otherwise acquire shares and sell
or otherwise dispose of shares and securities so purchased or
The significance of the above is obvious. By their use of the
banking system the controllers can at will take over any industry
by purchasing shares in it. They can close any industry they
desire. As the economic planners believe in the closing down
of small businesses in the name of "efficiency", as do the
Communists, they can bring about that very "rationalisation" -
monopoly - which Mond and other powerful international planners
have advocated.
The manner in which the Industrial Finance Section
could be used to "otherwise acquire shares or securities" is
worthy of a little speculation. This provision was not made for
nothing. Can it be possible that the drafters of this legislation
had in mind the acquiring of securities by the very method the
private banks have used: the curtailment of credit advances,
a period of deflation, and the calling up of overdrafts of any
industry in difficulties? The banks have acquired untold quantities
of securities by the simple process of foreclosing on industries
in financial difficulties. The drafters of the Banking Legislation
have made careful provisions for the continuance of that policy.
The Banking Bill, clause 27, sub-clause 3a, states that nothing
shall "affect the validity of any transaction entered into in
relation to an advance or affect the right of a bank to recover
any advance or enforce any security given in respect of an advance."
would appear that the Industrial Finance Department of the Commonwealth
Bank has been designed to carry on the work which the "Capital
Issues Board" started during the war years. This Board, dominated
by the economic planners, blocked the development of small industries
in Australia. Many small industries were wiped out during the
war years, and nothing is more certain than that a continuation
of this policy is desired for the future. Monopoly is being introduced
and will continue to be introduced if the planners have the power
to do what they like with industry.
Needless to say, the chief
executives of "Big Business" will continue to work in close collaboration
with the economic planners, as they did throughout the war years.
Even if the existing monopolies become Government monopolies,
as Professor Copland and his fellow planners visualised, the
present executives will continue - possibly with larger income!
Speaking at the annual A.L.P. Conference late in 1945, Senator
Cameron said that Big Business had come out of the war stronger
than ever! What a recommendation for a Labor Government!
Social crediters advocate genuine
private enterprise.
"Public ownership"
is a meaningless term unless there is such a thing as effective
control by the individuals, who comprise the public. The Post
Office is "publicly owned", but the public don't appear to be
able to do much to prevent the Post Office from making extortionate
profits as a result of outrageous prices for postal services.
In order to have economic democracy, CONSUMERS must be able to
decide what policies of production shall be followed. After all,
the economic system should merely exist to serve consumers. Money
is the voting system by which consumers can control production
policies. A person who walks into a retailer's shop and purchases
a certain type of shoe for £1, thereby casts a money-vote
in favour of a definite policy in preference to other policies.
The number of money-votes cast for various articles is a definite
indication, to producers and manufacturers, of what to produce.
If no money-votes are cast for a certain article, then that article
simply goes off the market. The consumers have voted against
it and the producers and manufacturers take note. The consumers
control is simple but effective. The fact that consumers have
not had full control over the policies of production has not
been the fault of much-abused private enterprise; it has been
the result of consumers not having sufficient money-votes to
make their policies fully effective. Private enterprise has been
able and willing to give service, but it cannot function properly
in the absence of adequate money-votes. The inevitable result
has been destruction of genuine private enterprise and the growth
of monopolies. These monopolies provide the totalitarian planners
with excuses for making Government monopolies. But all monopoly
disfranchises the consumers. Economic democracy can only exist when the consumers have genuine
alternatives to any article placed before them. Monopoly,
particularly Government monopoly, is opposed to consumers having
alternatives. If consumers have alternatives, they can get
service and efficiency. Standards of comparison can be established.
But the monopolists ensure that there are no alternatives and
can therefore neglect service. In many parts of Australia road
transport is not allowed to compete directly against the State
railways. When the Federal Labor Government introduced its Airlines
Legislation, it provided for a fine of £500 if any private
airline operator competed on the same route as Government planes.
In Soviet Russia the consumers can only buy what the "State" allows
to be produced.
If private enterprise is to be saved and developed
in Australia, those in favour of it have got to learn something
about financial policy. They have got to learn why consumers
are short of an adequate number of money votes to obtain what
private enterprise can supply. Social crediters will give them
the answer when they make up their minds that they must do something
worthwhile to meet the growing Socialist threat. Social crediters
have the only answer to Socialism or any other form of totalitarianism.
That is why the Socialists and Communists join with the controllers
of the financial system in denouncing Social Credit.
ownership" is a clever racket to disfranchise the consumers completely.
If private enterprise is eliminated, consumers will only be able
to obtain what "the State" - i.e., the bureaucracy - says may
be produced. They will not even be able to cast an inadequate
supply of money-votes for their own policies. As previously mentioned,
the Labor Government's Banking Legislation was designed to implement
this very policy of disfranchisement.
Another fundamental point
on which Social Crediters disagree with the Socialists is the "profit
motive". The world has been deluged with nonsense concerning
the alleged fundamental wickedness of the profit motive. Social
Crediters believe that the best work in this world is done by
men who are suitably rewarded in some way for doing it. There
are two ways of obtaining human activity - inducement and compulsion. Social
Crediters believe that people stimulated to action by inducement
grow and develop in mental stature. Profit is inducement. Any
person in this world who does something without some expectation
of reward, even if only mental satisfaction, is a certifiable
lunatic. Profit is the result which accrues to men when they
make the proper associations. When they plant a seed in fertile
soil, and there is sufficient sun and water, the unseen forces
of Nature operate and a tree results - e.g., a fruit tree from
which a harvest can be taken every year. One seed of wheat may
produce a thousand grains. The difference between the cost
of man's efforts and the ultimate result is what we term "profit." There
could be no life without profit.
Most of the confusion concerning
profit arises from the fact that exploitation is often confused
with profit. Exploitation can only take place where there is
monopoly, where the people have no alternatives. They can be
then held to ransom.
The Social Credit financial proposals would
allow genuine private enterprise, based on the desire to give
service to the community in return for a reasonable financial
reward, to develop and eliminate monopoly. People only buy mass-produced
suits at big department stores because they have insufficient
money-votes to obtain that personal attention, consideration
and quality which only an independent tailor can give. Thousands
of similar examples could be given.
It is sometimes argued that "the
profit motive must be replaced by the service motive". But this
is a fallacious idea, because it presupposes that there is an
irreconcilable antagonism between profit and service. Nothing
could be further from the truth. No service can be given unless
a profit is made. It is only when a farmer has gathered his profit
in the form of his grains of wheat or other products that he
can give service to the community.
There is, too, that service
which brings no material rewards, but which brings such things
as affection and loyalty to the giver of the service. Christ
spoke of it when He said: "He who would be the greatest among
ye, be the servant of all." He also said: "The servant is worthy
of his hire."
Most of the power-lusters who desire to plan the
lives of other people reveal their hypocrisy when they talk about
profit being evil and the necessity of service. They themselves
have not the slightest intention of giving any service. Their
sole desire is to serve their own lust for still more power.
They desire to centralise all power in their hands; but Social
Crediters want power decentralised back to the individual, who,
stimulated to action by inducement - profit - will render maximum
service to his fellows.
We have mentioned that Social Crediters
have continually emphasised that a financial system should be
merely a "ticket system" for distributing goods and services.
They have demonstrated that the cultural heritage, the science
built up over thousands of years, belongs to everyone, and that,
as science is the major factor in an age of power production,
the displacement of men by machinery should not be regarded as
a curse, but as a blessing. Social crediters say that every person
in the community should receive some money in the form of a "national
dividend". This dividend belongs to every individual as a right,
a right conferred on him by his forefathers. It is ridiculous
to talk about "something for nothing"; the whole of our civilisation
is something we have obtained for nothing. We cannot take any credit for the efforts of our forefathers.
Like their "opponents", Labour spokesmen declare that the financial
system should be used, not to distribute the results of the
people's heritage to them, but to put them to work. Are they
afraid that the workers, if obtaining a regular dividend, would
be free men deciding when and where they would work, without
worrying about Union Bosses?
One shrewd wit has stated that
many so-called reformers are more interested in representing
poverty than in abolishing it. So long as labor leaders
join with the "capitalists" in insisting that "full employment" is
the sole objective of society, they are offering those whom
they represent nothing but perpetual wage-slavery. Can it be
that the labor leaders are more concerned with representing
labor and organising it into bigger and more highly centralised
groups than with acceptance of the fact that science, if allowed
full play, would make labor as we understand it a rapidly diminishing
factor in production?
Social Crediters have pointed out
that if production were regarded as a means to an end, not
an end in itself, those who engaged in production would be
those most competent to do so. But what of the rest of the
community? Are, they merely to draw dividends, sit around and
do nothing? They will certainly draw dividends, and as improvements
in production methods take place, their dividends will increase,
but, so far from doing nothing, there is nothing more certain
than that they will do far more than ever. They will be self-employed.
They will be doing all those things they have always longed
to do.
But both the Socialists and their "opponents"
assure us that it would be the ruination of us all if we had
paid leisure, that we must all be kept hard at work, even if
only digging holes and filling them in again. When giving evidence
before the Federal parliamentary Committee on Social Security
in 1942, Professor Giblin actually said that unemployed men
should be paid to shovel sand from one side of the road to
the other, rather than let them obtain any money without working
for it! The different Party Leaders merely differ about the
best methods of reaching the "full-employment" objective, which
they all advocate.
There are different roads to slavery, but the roads all have
the same ending. In a real democracy the electors would choose
their own policy, their own destination; they would not be
tricked into arguments about various methods of reaching an
objective chosen for them by someone else.
It is time the electors
started to ask a few simple questions concerning this "full
employment" policy. We have been taught that we must demand
work. But surely work is merely a method of obtaining what
we want? If work is an end in itself, as so many of our "leaders" state,
then the human race has been very foolish for thousands of
years. Men have been constantly endeavouring to reduce the
amount of labor required to produce the necessities of life.
The idea was to obtain freedom from compulsory work, work imposed
by nature, in order that more and more effort could be devoted
to what we might term cultural pursuits, a development of the
spiritual as well as the material.
Take from the human race
all the knowledge which has been accumulated and passed on
from generation to generation over thousands of years, and
we would be as the lowest barbarians. We would have to start
laboriously all over again to learn, for example, the use of
wheels and levers. This knowledge of how to do things, termed "the
cultural heritage"
by Social Crediters, obviously belongs to everyone in the community.
It is not suggested that the "capitalists" or someone else
should have the benefit of this cultural heritage to the detriment
of the community - nor that there is any necessity to dispossess
those people who still enjoy a reasonable standard of living,
in order to try and improve the conditions of the rest of the
community. The fact is that the controllers of the financial
system, now being assisted by the bureaucracies, have attempted
to sabotage this heritage by preventing the people from obtaining
the fruits of it. But they could not completely sabotage it,
the result being the "embarrassing"
poverty amidst plenty before 1939 - and even then production
was being throttled down. But the new strategy is to ensure
that there is no plenty. The plenty is being prevented by the
bureaucrats, who are determined that the people shall only
work to produce those things which the bureaucrats consider
"Full employment" can
only be maintained by economic conscription and sabotage of
the cultural heritage. Hitler achieved "full employment"
by putting millions of Germans to work on non-consumable
goods: war production. Professor Coombs visualises big public
works to keep everyone a wage slave.
Every sensible person
must agree that the sole purpose of an economic system is
to provide goods, when and where required, with the minimum
of human effort. As greater and greater efficiency in production
is obtained, it is obvious that less and less labor is required.
There are more "unemployed". But then the great cry goes up that these people must be
got back to work before they can have money to buy goods
which machines have produced without their efforts! Commenting
on this insanity, a Social Credit member in the Canadian
Federal Parliament stated:
"I have yet to hear any individual,
either on the Government side or on the Opposition benches,
indicate what he means by full employment...Why do we
have an economic system? Judging from most of the speeches
I hear both in and out of the House, the complete purpose
of an economic system is to keep people at work...I
wish to dissent completely from that point of view...I assert that the purpose of the economic system never
was, is not, and never will be, that of providing jobs...The only sound, sane, sensible, logical and legitimate
purpose of an economic system is to provide the maximum
amount of goods with the minimum of work and, trouble... it is not 'work' that anyone objects to much; it is
being compelled to work either by Government or by Nature.
...When a Government, whether it be this Government or
any other, seeks to compel the people of a nation to work,
whether it be on public works or work of any other kind,
then that Government is imposing a condition of slavery
on the people. The Work State is nothing less than a Slave
State. I wish to say with respect to private enterprise
that I do not consider it the duty or obligation of private
enterprise anywhere to provide jobs.
There is a lot of
criticism of private enterprise being made today. The only
thing I see wrong in private enterprise is the abuse of
it. When the Socialists contend that the way to deal
with the abuses of the private enterprise system is for
the nation to take it over, that is equivalent to saying
that we ought to abolish freedom lest it be abused."
case for the "national dividends" idea has been outlined
in detail in Social Credit literature. Both the Socialists
and the "Capitalists"
have attacked the idea. Both object to the human race entering
into its heritage. They are both frantically trying to pursue
an insane economic policy in the face of increasing scientific
The war speeded up the application of science to production
a thousandfold. Here are a few facts given by a Labor member
in the British House of Commons, a Labor man who has seen
through the insanity of "full employment" in the twentieth
century. Speaking on June 22, 1944, Mr. Maxton said:
" . . Do not start at the end of trying to find employment
for our people.
To see, now, that the persons concerned get their full share
of the wealth that is produced, that is the major problem,
rather than the problem of seeing that everybody takes a
full share in the work of the world.
The world's shipbuilding capacity today . . . is sufficient
to build, in one year, a mercantile marine of as great a
tonnage as the whole mercantile marine of the whole world
of pre-war days. One year can produce that 65,000,000 tons
of shipping. . . . What do the shipbuilders of the world
do, when in one year, they put on the seas sufficient ships
to keep the world going for 25 years?
Suppose we have all the ships we need for 25 years produced
in one year. What do the shipbuilders, the steel workers
behind them, the local shopkeepers in the localities and
the food and clothing producers, do for the other 24 years
while waiting for the ships to go down?
"Here is a little cutting . . . which I have shown a
hundred times to my friends:
Speaking in Vancouver, Sir Robert Fairey, Director-General
of the British Aircraft Commission, . . . added: 'Britain
could turn out enough planes in three days to last all the
world's commercial airlines for five years.'
This tremendously increased capacity for producing goods
can be paralleled in every branch of industry where machine
power plays a primary part.
The reader is urged to investigate
facts such as Mr. Maxton mentioned, and then to ask himself
what all this cry for "full employment" means. It may be
true that here in Australia we could absorb a considerable
amount of manpower on roads, etc., for a short period, although
anyone familiar with the use of machinery during the war
for laying down new military roads and aerodromes knows that
very few men would be required if full use were made of machinery.
And we only want public works which will benefit the individual
people. We don't want public works just for the sake of making
work - which is of course, what the economic planners want.
The controllers of the Egyptian slaves kept them busy building
The burden of work is being shifted from the backs
of men by the use of solar energy in the form of electricity
and steam. And now scientists tell us of the almost unbelievable
power which can be made available in the form of atomic energy!
Is the human race to be prevented from using Nature's energy
to bring freedom to an increasing number of individuals,
simply because men like Hitler tell us that we must not accept
Nature's gifts, that they would not be good for us? Social
crediters challenge this idea.
Australian Labor members assert that the New Zealand Labor
Government has achieved beneficial results for the New Zealand
people since it introduced very similar banking legislation
to that introduced by the Australian Labor Party. Let us
briefly examine some of the facts. We can only judge by results.
It is interesting to recall that, prior to the 1935 New Zealand
elections, a powerful Social Credit movement had made the
subject of financial reform the major political issue in
New Zealand. As in every part of the world, the controllers
of the Labor Party obviously decided that they must sabotage
the Social Crediters. They arranged for the Labor Party
to come out with an election policy of "monetary reform'.
Social Credit phrases and ideas were freely used. The result
was an overwhelming victory for the Labor Party. After the
elections, while the electors were waiting for some practical
results to eventuate, the new Government rushed its Industrial
Efficiency Act through, thus paving the way for the Slave
State. There was much sound and confusion when the Government
brought down its first Banking Legislation, but after the
shouting died away, what results were produced? Debt and
taxation continued to increase more rapidly than ever. New
Zealanders are today among the most heavily taxed people
in the world.
When the Australian Labor Party was introducing
its Banking Legislation, Mr. Calwell boasted that New Zealand "had
used considerably more than £25,000,000 of national
credit, at 1¼ per cent. interest, in the building
of homes." (Vide Federal "Hansard", June 27, 1945.)
It is true that
the New , Zealand Labor Government has used millions of pounds
of national credit for building Government housing settlements,
the conduct of the war, and other bureaucratically controlled
activities. But Mr. Calwell and other Labor apologists do
not stress the fact that this national credit - the PEOPLE'S
credit - is written up against the people as a permanent
debt, requiring more taxation to meet the interest charges.
Social Crediters have protested for years against the people's
credit being appropriated, controlled and monopolised by
the private banks; but they are just as much opposed to a
Government monopoly doing the same thing; they desire the
people to have control of and spend their own credit. In
New Zealand, as in Australia, the centralisation of control
of financial policy has increased the power of the bureaucracy
over the people. The bureaucracy, as in Australia, has been
specially trained for the task of fitting New Zealand into
the plans laid down by the international planners.
It is important
that Australian electors realise that rural populations in
particular have always been regarded with the greatest apprehension
by the international planners. Rural populations have been
noted for their sturdy independence. It is significant that
in Great Britain the so-called "Conservative" Party, although
in office for many years, was unable to prevent the primary
producers and land owners generally from being taxed almost
to the point of confiscation (which indicates that all party
governments are controlled by the planners).
It is safe to say that the banks in both Australia and New
Zealand have obtained control of at least 80 per cent. of
agricultural and pastoral lands.
Now, no less a person than
Dr. Evatt, speaking in favour of the World Food and Agriculture
Organisation, said that Australians might have to submit
to some interference with their "traditionally domestic affairs." The
same applies, of course, to New Zealand and other countries
which passed Bills ratifying the Food and Agriculture Organisation
of the United Nations. This Organisation has the power to
interfere with a nation's domestic policy in regard to "the
processing, marketing, and distribution of food and agricultural
products", "agricultural credit" and "agricultural commodity
arrangements". In other words, agricultural countries such
as New Zealand and Australia are intended to be at the mercy
of this international organisation, which will be dominated
by the same individuals who control all similar international
organisations, including banking. If the international planners
say that New Zealand and Australia must follow a certain
rural policy, it will be a very simple matter to use the
centrally controlled banking system to deny credit to primary
producers and dispossess them. We might make mention here
of the Mortgage Bank Department of the Commonwealth Bank,
created by the Labor Party to "assist" farmers!
Make no mistake,
the international planners want to control agriculture as
it is in Russia; by State collectivised farming. The mechanism
has been created for the task. It will be used at the opportune
The following extracts from a review of the New Zealand
Labor Government's performances will indicate that Government
controlled banking has produced results which give the lie
to what Labor speakers tell us in Australia:
The Sales Tax,
described as 'iniquitous' in 1935 when only 5 per cent.,
is now generally at 20 per cent.
Wages Tax, at 1/- in the £ in
1935, now 2/6.
Social Security" levy 5/- per quarter for
males and 5/- per year for females, including children of
16 years of age. The main "benefits" appear to be free consultation
with empanelled doctors, who have to deal with their patients
on mass-production lines to keep up with it.
"State housing
schemes' have failed hopelessly to meet the demands and the
waiting list runs into thousands. (Will someone please tell
Mr. Calwell!)
State tenants, while thankful for a home while
so many are homeless, have to tolerate irksome restrictions
as to the size of their family and what pets or poultry they
may keep, and official supervision generally which would
be unendurable if privately owned homes were available. Private
builders are unable to meet the demands for homes because
materials and permits are controlled. Small builders are
thus forced out of business. (The same procedure is, of course,
being followed in Australia.)
Staple foods have been progressively
forced under the control of the Internal Marketing Board,
in every case resulting in increased prices and smaller quantities
New Zealand's economic arrangements are controlled
by the same type of economic advisers that we have in Australia.
Their objective is to make impossible any revolt against
the policy of debt-finance. Hence the use of food controls,
and other controls, in conjunction with financial domination.
There is no need to go into details here
concerning the remarkable results achieved by the Social
Credit Government in Alberta, Canada; results achieved in
spite of the fact that the Albertan Government has been prevented
by the Federal Government of Canada from implementing its
a reform which is not laid down in the Labor Party's Banking
Legislation in this country. The Social Credit Government
in Alberta is the only Government in the world reducing debt
and taxation. No wonder the Social Crediters have now held
office in Alberta for over ten years with practically no
opposition in the Provincial Parliament. The Albertans are
getting results. Those who desire to know the inspiring story
of the Albertans' fight for real freedom should read a booklet
on the subject, advertised at the back of this booklet.
the Canberra debates on the 1945 Banking Legislation it is
true that one Labor Member, Mr. Langtry, did mention the
outstanding results achieved by the Social Credit Government
in Alberta. He suggested an official inquiry. But having
made this excellent suggestion, he then indulged in that
hypocrisy which is far too common at Canberra. He said that
under no circumstances would the Liberal Party or the Country
Party instigate such an inquiry - neglecting to mention that
the same was true of his own Party! In Canada the Socialists
have joined with their so-called opponents in a desperate
attempt to thwart the growth of Social Credit. A most significant
development! In order to try to defeat the Social Crediters
in Alberta at the 1940 provincial elections, members of all
Parties sank their Party identity and stood as "Independent" candidates.
Mr. Norman Jaques, Social Credit Member in the Canadian Federal
House, writing to a friend in Australia on December 30, 1942,
"With two Social Credit friends, my wife and I attended a
mass meeting of these Independents. Two thousand of the faithful
had gathered from far and wide, and were addressed by the
provincial Conservative Leader, and by former Liberal and
C.C.F. (Socialist) Members of Parliament. As the Socialist
put it, while the three speakers stood, arm in arm, on the
platform: 'In the past we have had difference of opinion,
but when we consider the threat of Social Credit Government
to our fair province... to our women and children, our differences
sink into insignificance."
The story of Social
Credit in Canada reveals all too clearly that the Socialists
and others who advocate a nationalised banking system are
just as much opposed to the policy of the Social Crediters
as are the financiers. No doubt the controllers of the Labor
and Socialist Parties everywhere have taken to heart the
advice given by the Socialist economist, Mr. G. D. H. Cole:
a Labor Government nationalises any other productive industry,
it should nationalise the banks . . . With the banks in our
hands, we can take over the other industries at our leisure."
Don't forget the Industrial Finance Department of the Commonwealth
I have already
stressed the fact that electors can expect no beneficial
results simply because the Federal Government takes control
is obvious that the electors don't, because they have changed
the Parties at Canberra several times and have obtained no
beneficial results. Social Crediters have stressed the fact
that electors cannot obtain any beneficial results from the
financial system or any other system unless they first obtain
control of their individual Members of Parliament and insist
that Members represent the people's policy and not that of
the controllers of all Parties. Unless we can all agree and
act upon the following points, all talk of political and
economic democracy in Australia is futile:
(1) The parliamentary
system of government exists in order that electors may get
those results which they want.
(2) All policies should be
framed by the people. (This does not mean that they should
enter into arguments and divide themselves into hostile political
groups concerning the administrative methods of obtaining
what they want.)
(3) Members of Parliament should faithfully
represent the policies of the people and be directly controlled
by them. They should take steps to insist that the people
get what they want.
Bearing in mind the above points, can
we truthfully say that we have real political democracy in
Australia today? We have not. Members of Parliament give
their first allegiance to their Party, and the real policy
of any Party is controlled by the advisers to all Governments.
This state of affairs only continues because of the political
apathy of the people. Social Crediters are not endeavouring
to tell John Citizen what they can do for him; they are not
forming another Party and seeking power over the people.
In this connection the Social Credit objective is to show
the people how - if they stop being divided by the Party
system and unite in demanding those results which they all
desire, and give no support to any candidate who will not
represent their policies - they can govern themselves.
the people ever been asked to frame their own policies? No.
They have been encouraged to argue among themselves. And
most of their arguments are concerning methods of reaching
an objective decided for them by someone else. Take taxation
as one vital issue. What difference is there between any
of the Parties on this matter? None whatever. There is merely
argument about whether this group or that group should be
taxed more heavily. (Indirect taxation is ultimately passed
on in consequently higher prices of goods and services, and,
as we are all consumers, we all pay it.) Social Crediters
say that the electors should frame their own policy on taxation.
Do they all want taxation drastically reduced and eventually
wiped out? Can employer and employee agree on this? Surely
they can. Such a policy would benefit both of them. The employer
could reduce the price of goods, and the employee would have
greater purchasing power.
Social Crediters urge electors
to unite in demanding drastically reduced taxation. Electors
should tell their parliamentary representatives - by letter,
personally, or any other means - that they insist that he
carries out - their policy, and that, if he does not, they
will use their votes to remove him at the next elections. It
is not the job of the electors to put forward methods by
which taxation can be drastically reduced and eventually
abolished, although in this booklet some indication is given
of how it can be done. It is the job of the Government and
its well-paid economic advisers to devise methods by which
the people's policy can be put into effect. If economic advisers
cannot get results, the Government should replace them with
men who can. Electors should judge by results.
In order that
there can be no doubt about the result (in this case, reduction
of taxation) electors should, as a start, demand a specific
reduction - say 50 per cent - which is easily possible.
is only one of the many issues on which electors can unite.
There is grave concern in Australia concerning the encroachment
of the Canberra bureaucracy on the functioning of responsible
Government. If Australians are opposed to the appalling results
which these bureaucrats and their food boards and other creations
have produced, they should unite in informing their individual
Members of Parliament that they hold them personally responsible
for a drastic reduction in the number of bureaucrats. We
must have responsible Government. But before we can get responsible Government we must become responsible citizens who recognize
the fact that we must frame our own policies, those results
which we all desire, and demand them in whatever priority
we think fit. If we will not do this, but merely vote apathetically
for candidates who tell us what they or their Party bosses
think is
"good" for us, we might as well admit that we are virtually
disfranchised; that we are not casting our votes for our
policy, but in all probability, are casting them for policies
opposed to our own. Members of Parliament are primarily concerned
about how much voting strength they have behind them. At
present they do what their Party orders (although in many
cases they know it is against the best interests of their
electors) simply because they know that defiance of the Party
would mean the use of the Party machine to take the block
Party vote away from them at the next election. The electors
must break the control of Party machines in politics and
restore control of Members of Parliament back to the electorate.
is interesting to recall briefly the inspiring example of
political action which the people of Alberta have given.
For many years prior to the 1935 Albertan provincial elections,
hundreds of Social Credit groups were formed all over Alberta.
Tremendous public opinion was directed against the Government,
then comprised of members of the United Farmers Party, on
the question of financial reform.
The electors demanded certain basic results: the reduction
of taxation, a lower cost of living, a reduction of debt
and the payment of a monthly national dividend of twenty-five
dollars. Although the Government actually yielded to public
opinion to the extent of appointing Major Douglas as the
provincial economic adviser not long before the elections,
it was apparent to the electors that the Government was not
going to implement the people's policy. At the election the
people used their votes to discipline their servants by voting
them out of Parliament and replacing them with men who were
pledged to carry out the people's policy. 56 Social Crediters
were appointed by the electors out of a total of 63 seats. Now
it is instructive to note that the people of Alberta didn't
say how the results they required were to be obtained; they
were content to judge by results. During the first eighteen
months the Government formed under the late William Aberhart
made no progress at all towards getting the people the results
demanded. Major Douglas's advice was rejected and Aberhart
made the mistake of thinking that it was his responsibility
to work out technical methods for achieving results. Major
Douglas did not even bother going out to Alberta from England
to advise the new Government, but resigned his position.
Grave discontent grew among the electors when they found
they were not getting results, and organised pressure from
the electorates was brought to bear on individual Members
demanding that they fulfill their election pledges.
must never lose sight of the fact that they must at all times
insist that Members honour their pre-election promises. Many
promises are made in the knowledge that the electors will
not maintain sufficient political pressure once the election
is over. One could give dozens of examples of this, but one
will suffice: The following is portion of a resolution passed
in the Perth Town Hall in 1932: "That the monetary system
must provide for the progressive displacement of men by machines,
by allowing the increased leisure made possible by such displacement
to accrue to mankind as a whole."
The mover of the resolution was Mr. John Curtin! Mr. Curtin
no doubt found that he couldn't "get on" by continuing to
advocate the above policy; he yielded to pressure. But it
wasn't pressure from electors.
Let us now continue with our
story of Alberta. After the Alberta electors had brought
pressure to bear on their individual Members, mainly by written
instructions, action was taken to implement the people's
policy. Competent technical advisers were called in by the
Government to devise methods by which the people's policy
could be implemented. These advisers were sent out to Alberta
by Major C. H. Douglas. One of them, Mr. L. D. Byrne, is
still economic adviser to the Albertan Government.
All legislation
to give effect to the advisers' initial advice was effectively
checked by the Canadian Federal Government, thus demonstrating
once again the menace of centralised Government. The advisers
then had to devise the now-famous Treasury Branches to give
effect to the people's policy.
It may be argued here that
these Treasury Branches are State owned and that this is
contrary to what we have previously stated about nationalisation.
But these Branches are merely institutions for providing
the people with services denied them by the local banks,
which cannot be controlled by the provincial government.
The Treasury Branches cannot be used in any way by the Government
to impose policy on the people; the people control the Treasury
Branches. The greater use that the people make of the Branches,
the more direct benefits they receive, as will be appreciated
by any one who studies the scheme. The main danger of nationalisation
occurs with centralised Government which the people naturally
find it hard to control effectively. Social Crediters are
strong advocates of local Government which the electors can
control. Such a Government is the Albertan Government, where
there was no danger of a Government institution being used
against the people because the Government was effectively
controlled by the electors right from the start. Government
on the spot is the most democratic Government; Government
by remote control can never be democratic. Social Crediters
urge electors to take far more interest in their State Parliaments.
What the people of Alberta have accomplished can be accomplished
by the people of any one State in Australia. Although the
powers of the State Governments have been progressively whittled
away by the central Government, the Australian State Governments
still have far more powers than have the Canadian provincial
Governments. If the people of any State took the same steps
as the Albertan people did to control their Government, there
appears to be no reason why the Government of that State
could not use its constitutional powers concerning State
banking to give the people a system which would allow them
to make use of their own credit as they desire.
During the
Dean Case Inquiry in 1944, Mr. Justice Reed stated that,
because there is no Act of Parliament making the creation
of credit legal, it does not follow that this credit is illegal.
This argument must therefore apply to banks set up by authority
of State Governments. In Section 51, sub-section XIII,
the Federal Government, "subject to the Constitution," has
power to make laws with respect to "Banking, other than State
Banking..." There is nothing in the Constitution which
limits in any way the phrase, "other than State Banking." There
appears to be no reason to doubt that banks established by
the authority of the State Governments have the same powers
of credit creation as the other banks.
The most convincing
evidence of the powers of banks established by authority
of the State Governments has been supplied by one of Australia's
leading banking authorities, Sir Alfred Davidson, formerly
General Manager of the Bank of New South Wales. During the
Royal' Commission on Monetary and Banking Systems in 1936,
Sir Alfred was asked a series of questions on banking. Both
questions and answers were published in booklet form by the
Bank of New South Wales. After dealing with the general subject
of central banking, Sir Alfred answered the question,
you think it desirable that the Commonwealth Bank should
acquire any, and if so, what, additional powers in this direction
? " (of playing a more important role in the Australian banking
He said:
"I would suggest that the only additional
powers that the Commonwealth Bank may need are:
. . . (2) Powers to control banking institutions set up by
State Governments.
Surely this is clear enough. Banking institutions
set up by State Governments are not subject to control by
Federal authority:
In answer to a further question, Sir Alfred
"It is essential that the Central Bank should be able
to enforce its policy on the community. Its present powers
appear to be ample enough to enable it to do this with regard
to Australian institutions, EXCEPT IN THE REALM OF STATE
BANKING." (My emphasis.)
The Banking Legislation passed by
the Federal Labor Government was designed to put into practice
Sir Alfred's totalitarian idea that the "Central Bank should
be able to enforce its policy on the nation."
But note: Any State Government possessing the determination
and the knowledge could resist this policy, reluctantly admitted
by Sir Alfred. But electors must first act as already suggested.
Nothing is more certain than that, unless electors take action
to bring all Governments under their effective control, control
will be further and further centralised in the hands of the
central Government at Canberra, and then the International
Organisations, which will be able to implement their policies
everywhere without fear of challenge from the people.
fundamental issue is clear: Either control of Government
is to be brought closer to the people, in order that they
can control it, or it will be removed further away from the
The choice is with the people. They must become alert
and interested in looking after their own welfare. They must
start demanding results and keep on demanding them until
they get them. Social Credit is the belief that people in
association can get what they want.
We can now summarise the conclusions we have reached in
this booklet:
The economic advisers to all Parties at Canberra are
determined to make the Australian banking system an integral part
of a world-wide system of banking controlled by one international
Social Crediters advocate a financial policy which will be
directly controlled by the Australian people.
The economic planners and all Parties are detemiined to
pursue a financial policy of increasing debt, and consequently of
increasing taxation to pay interest on the debt.
Social Crediters advocate a financial policy which will ensure
that production of assets (whether they be public utilities such as
roads, etc., or capital goods) or consumable goods and services, does
not leave a burden of unpayable debt. Social Crediters advocate a
financial policy which will ensure that the people have at all times
sufficient total purchasing power to meet total prices of all goods
and services.
The economic planners believe in taking increasing taxation
from the people and only allowing the people to get some of their
own money back under certain conditions. The conditions are
framed by the planners and their bureaucratic staffs, who are paid
liberally out of the taxpayers’ money.
Social Crediters advocate the complete elimination of
taxation. They believe in the people spending their own money.
Under a Social Credit policy they would have adequate money-votes
to purchase all that they produced. Legitimate private enterprise
would be able to fulfil its proper function and not be destroyed by
The economic planners and all Parties believe that the
economic system should provide ‘full employment’. They are not in
favour of that individual liberty which a regular monetary dividend, a
dividend made possible by the efforts of our forefathers and the
increment of association, would give every individual in the
Social Crediters believe that the aim of an economic system
should be to provide consumers with the goods and services they
require. Work should only be incidental, and available to those
desirous of doing it and who show that they have the qualifications.
As greater efficiency in production is developed, which means
increasing production with less men, the monetary dividend would
increase. People could self-employ themselves and the arts and
crafts would no doubt come into their own again. Man is naturally
The economic planners want the banking system to be
centralised even more than it is now. They want to continue making
it an instrument for imposing on the people the will of a few men.
Social Crediters desire to break down all monopoly and have
a banking system which will operate on the same basis as other
businesses in the community. Social Crediters want a banking policy
which the electors can directly control and which will automatically
provide them with access to their own financial credit in order that
they make and carry out their own policies in production.
The economic planners, who dictate to all Parties, keep the
people divided by the Party System. In this manner the people are
tricked into arguing about different methods of achieving the same
result - the result desired by the economic planners and their
international masters.
The Social Crediters point out that Party Politics make real
Democracy impossible. They are endeavouring to show electors how
they can unite in order of priority on those specific results they
want, as did the people of Alberta, and insist that their individual
Members of Parliament are solely responsible to them. They urge
electors to cease arguing about which road to take to serfdom and
to unite in demanding the fuller life we all know to be possible.
Nothing is more certain than the fact that the Australian
Labor Party's 1945 Banking Legislation is one of the roads to slavery
which electors should refuse to take.
The monopoly of the people's credit cannot be broken by
monopolising it still further!
C. H. Douglas, the author of what came to be known as
Social Credit, first became widely known at the end of the First
World War. A consulting engineer by profession with widespread
international experience, Douglas had been invited during the First
World War to examine problems in the British aircraft industry. It
was in the course of this examination that he discovered that
industry was generating prices faster than it was distributing
purchasing power. This was a discovery of the greatest historical
significance, one which Douglas went to considerable trouble to
confirm by examining the affairs of hundreds of British firms.
Douglas had observed that in spite of millions of British workers
being in the armed forces destroying production, British production
had increased emonnously with no problems about adequate finance
being available. It was only after the war that finance became a
Douglas related how his thinking had crystalised concerning
finance and economics when in the post-First World War period he
noted a major propaganda campaign to convince the British people
they had to produce more and that Britain was a poor, poor nation
faced with disaster unless people worked harder. Douglas began to
think about the time when the vast production for war purposes was
diverted to peacetime activities. It was then he wrote his first article
The Delusion of Super Production, published in the English Review
of December, 1918, in which he predicted that a policy of
ever-increasing production in order to make the finance-economic
system work must inevitably lead to greated disasters for mankind.
In his first major work, Economic Democracy, which first
appeared serially in The New Age starting in June, 1919. Douglas
demonstrated his genius by providing an analysis of the basic
problem confronting mankind. The major part of Economic
Democracy was devoted not to finance, but to philosophical issues,
with particular stress on the relationship of the individual to the
group. The New Age was at that time edited by the brilliant A. R.
Orage, and generally recognised as the most outstanding English
language literary journal of the early part of the twentieth century.
It was through The New Age that Douglas's ideas initially reached
an international audience.
Accompanied by Orage, Douglas initially went to see some of
the most influential men in Great Britain, feeling that once they were
presented with the basic flaw in the finance-economic system, they
would grasp the urgency of correcting it. But he soon discovered
that those controlling the financial system were not going to correct
a flaw which made it appear inevitable that power had to be
increasingly centralised. Douglas correctly predicted the Great
Depression and the Second World War which followed, and forsaw
the open bid for world power through some type of a New World
The state of the world today is a striking confirmation of
Douglas's warnings and predictions. Only those who have studied
Douglas have a clear understanding of the reality underlying
intemational politics. Douglas was a genius in every way.
* * * * * * * * *
Social Credit as a policy of the Christain philosophy
An outline of the thinking of C. H. Douglas
An examination of what St. Paul really said about money
A different view of the Synoptic Gospels
The blackout of vital historical facts
The best selling history of the development of the Bank of England.
First published early in the Second World War, now republished with
an additional introduction by the author
A short history of the League of Rights with an exposure of the
smears of critics like Phillip Adams
Paper given to the Melbourne Junior Chamber of Commerce
One of the author's major historical works, with an Introduction by
Sir Raphael Cilento, a founding U.N.O. official
An easy to read explanation of the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism
The historical clash between traditional Christianity and Pharisaism
Paper presented to a Queensland Country Party Seminar
The importance of constitutional restrictions on govemments' powers
Why the Constitutional Monarchy should be preserved and strengthened |