Overview of the Twentieth CenturyTHE PLAN: The plan, I think is the old one of world dominion in a new form The money-power and the revolutionary-power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes (Capitalism or Communism) and sharply defined citadels (America or Russia) such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses. But what if similar men with a common aim secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case. - Douglas Reed. We believe that what the worldwide counter-revolutionary movement needs more than anything else is a composite or total view of its field of operations, as a corrective to the present appalling fragmentation To all patriotic Australians Too
often those who fight a common enemy on different fronts do not even
know each other, each convinced that he alone is fighting the real
battle against the real enemy; some wholly engrossed with economic
and monetary issues; others with drug abuse and pornography; some
convinced that any effort outside party politics is a sheer waste
of time if not counter-productive; some see it as a purely
cultural struggle; others as a religious struggle; and
others again as a struggle that will be won or lost in the universities,
etc. No matter how we see our own immediate battle-front, let us not forget that the ultimate enemy, the fountainhead of social and political evil in our times, is an illegitimate Money Power which can survive and expand only by exploiting the morally poisonous principle of usury OUTLINE OF THE PLAN The
Centre Culture Religion History Politics Internal
Policy Mass
Media Economics Agitation Foreign
Policy Science
The Centre In the Holy Bible usury is condemned as an abomination not to be practised on a brother. Usury is also defined as a means of gaining power over others: And thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow: and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee (Deuteronomy 15:16); and, ... thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath (Deuteronomy 28.12) This is the Levitical priesthood speaking, not God of the New Testament (see, Douglas Reed in The Controversy of Zion). And upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity Luke 21:25 Economics: This science has given rise to a monetary system progressively concentrating in a few hands wealth of a magnitude hitherto unimaginable, some of it in the form of money and possessions, but most of it a most oppressive lien on the productive powers of mankind - of which lien Americas rapidly increasing national debt is only a tiny portion. Political
policies inspired and informed by this pseudo-science have
been carefully calculated to grind the mass of mankind to the common
level of wage-slaves,
preventing by a variety of means (progressive income tax, death duties,
inflation. etc) the emergence of powerful independent individuals
capable of serving as nuclei of popular resistance. The
same arcane science of economics prevents those who work
and produce, the real generators of value, from understanding that
inflation - the progressive loss in the purchasing power of money
- is deliberate policy, being one of the unavoidable consequences
of a legalised form of theft (not unlike coin-clipping and counterfeiting)
whereby governments and those most favoured by governments, including
major banks, gain possession of a grossly unfair share of things
of real value - that is, goods and services The final battle for Christianity will be over the money problem, and until that is solved there can be no universal application of Christianity. - Balzac Mass
Media: Alexander Solzhenitsyn has encapsulated the truth about the media in two short sentences: "Such as it is, the press has become the greatest power within the Western countries, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and the judiciary; one would like to ask: by what law has it been elected and to whom is it responsible? Malcolm Muggeridge puts it this way: "Future historians will surely see us as having created in the media a Frankenstein monster which no one knows how to control or direct, and marvel that we should have so meekly subjected ourselves to its destructive and often malignant influence" The
press is of course, very effectively controlled by those who
own it, as a British Royal Commission found. The simple answer to
Solzhenitsyns rhetorical question is that the press isnt
elected at all and is answerable only to those who own it, nearly
all of them sensitive to the requirements of a highly concentrated
money power. Who ever knew Truth to be put to the worse in a free and open encounter? John Milton. Politics: There are two kinds of people who do not understand that democracy as practised in most of the countries of the West is a swindle: 1) Those who are so stupid and irresponsible that they do not even try to understand; and, 2) Those who, participating in the modern party political fiasco, enjoy the patronage of their countrys secret rulers. Immigration control policies in all Western countries (Britain, Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), policies obviously in conflict with national interest, are intelligible only as aspects of a single, worldwide plan of population control - which can thus be described as one policy severally applied, revolutionary and conspiratorial in character. As a result of the implementation of this policy, there have been mass infusions of unassimilable population minorities into all the countries of the West, some legally as immigration labour and many others under the description of refugees seeking asylum from political persecution in their ancestral homelands There is good reason to believe that this invasion of population elements from India. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the West Indies, etc. has been financed and organised as a geopolitical operation designed to disrupt the ethnic, cultural and political unity and integrity of all the countries of the West, the main purpose being to pre-empt any collective resistance to the planned new international economic order. The policy being applied simultaneously in so many countries has two aspects: one overt and the other covert, the one in terms of what the law allows and the other in terms or what the law is supposedly powerless to prevent. A fraudulent device is thus used to circumvent public opposition to the importation of unassimilable population elements Simultaneously a strict enforcement of an ingeniously devised and highly complex system of immigration regulations makes it almost impossible for White persons born in the Third World (India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, West Indies, etc) to return to their ancestral homelands in Europe. The Wests White peoples are being boxed collectively but only experience their imprisoned condition separately and individually - hence the absence or collective awareness and response; it is only when they want to move that they find out they are prohibited from doing so The thesis here offered is that the immigration laws and procedures in Western countries are separate components of single global population control plan, and that this plan is only an aspect of a money-powered revolutionary operation that has been gathering force since shortly before the turn of the 20th century. Democracy as practised today is a fraudulent misrepresentation wearing the disguise of an idea1. The masses will always be ruled by the few; the only question ever to be settled is which few. Those who rule will always do so on behalf of a nation; the only question ever to be settled is which nation. The principles of true politics are those of morality enlarged, and I neither now do, nor ever will admit of any other. - Edmund Burke. The main mark of modern governments is that we do not know who governs, de facto any more than de jure. We see the politician and not his backer, still less the backer of the backer, or, what is most important of all, the banker of the backer. Throned above all, in a manner without parallel in all the past, is the veiled prophet of finance, swaying all men living by a sort of magic. - G.K.Chesterton. Internal
Policy: These are two indisputable facts of history, although not generally known: I) The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia could never have taken place without massive financial support from the West, including Wall Street; 2) The industrial and military might of the Soviet Union is almost entirely a creation of Western high finance and big business, especially American Inside
most of the countries of the so-called free or non-socialist world
precisely the same motives have been powerfully at work during the
greater part of this century, systematically undermining the private-enterprise
capitalist system, replacing it, piece by piece with elements of
pure socialism. Not surprisingly, therefore, most Western governments
can be seen to be implementing in all kinds of ways Karl Marxs
own ten points of policy calculated to bring the whole world under
a socialist imperium. There
can be no doubt, therefore, that those who control finance
capitalism in its greatest concentrations, often with governments
as their main clients, saw instantly in the Marxist doctrine an ingenious
method of converting great money power into political power, while
at the same time harnessing to their purposes all the energies of
supercapitalisms potentially most dangerous opponents, the
intellectuals. For Marxism gave them the means of presenting in idealistic
and ideological disguise motives of gross power appetite which, for
obvious reasons, cannot bear exposure. Postscript: The dismal performance of state-owned enterprises has stopped nationalisation in the West, but private-enterprise capitalism continues to wither as high-interest debt-financing draws ownership of property and resources increasingly into the hands of large financial institutions Foreign
Policy: It would be hard to imagine any worldwide news blackout to compare with the suppression of information about the transfer of Western wealth and technology to the Soviet Union. A few sentences from a statement made by Dr. Antony Sutton on 15th August 1972, before one of the sub-committees of the Republican Party at Miami Beach, Florida, and totally blacked out by the wire services and the media, will have to suffice: In a few words, there is no such thing as Soviet technology. Almost all - perhaps 90-95 percent - came directly or indirectly from the United States and its allies. In effect, the United States and the NATO countries have built the Soviet Union. Its industrial capabilities and its military power. This massive construction job has taken 50 years. Since the Revolution in 1917, it has been carried out through trade and the sale of plant, equipment and technical assistance. The details, fully documented, can be found in the massive three-volume series, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, which Dr. Sutton produced for the Hoover Institution, Stanford University CaliforniaAnother aspect of foreign policy which places an oppressive burden on those who work and produce, mostly in the form of taxation and inflation, is so-called foreign aid or (aid to under-developed countries, or less developed countries), which Professor P.T. Bauer, of the London School of Economics, has correctly described as a gigantic confidence trick which impoverishes the poor in the developed countries and enriches the rich in the under-developed countries. In this way, an illegitimate money power further enriches itself and promotes political purposes which bring no advantage whatever to those who work and produce Some of these groups envisage the Third World as a weapon in what is in effect an undeclared, one-sided civil war in the West. Some of these groups have consistently and effectively promoted the cause of wealth transfers from the West. P.T. Brauer. Culture: What more is needed to give an illegitimate money power the security it needs? Quite a lot, as we shall see. Organ-transplant surgeons encounter a problem called rejection - which means that the living organism is programmed by nature to reject anything that does not truly belong and the surgeons answer to rejection is immuno-suppressive drugs, which have the effect of reducing the organisms vitalityLikewise, before a population can be made to tolerate a system, or an ordering of its existence, which it is instinctively programmed to reject, means must be found to reduce it to a condition of attenuated vitality. Winston Churchill showed that he understood this when in an article on the Bolshevik Revolution written in 1922, he stated that there could be no world government as envisaged by the communists except on a basis of arrested development. So, what has been done in our century to reduce mankind, especially Western man, to a condition of arrested development? Answer:
Culture distortion - culturally subversive, hypnotic music like the
drug-linked rock disco, and all the other similar types
of so-called
pop or popular music; pornography; theatre and cinema ingeniously
laced with debilitating ethical poison; the boosting and encouragement
of decadence in every imaginable form. In drawing attention to the subversion of cultural institutions through literature, music, art, etc., it is hardly necessary to state here that the richest field of understanding and dealing with all those values which give meaning and purpose to existence for the individual and society lies in the great works of the classics, and Shakespeare, Milton, etc., right down to our own times Music is uniquely related to the Will. Schopenhauer Science: Scientific truths about the movement of heavenly bodies in renaissance times were never more effectively falsified or suppressed than are the genuine products of scientific inquiry today in all those disciplines which explore man himself anthropology, ethnology, genetics, psychology, history - to name only a few The suppression and falsification and attendant defamation of those who refuse to submit, can be traced back to their source in the money power, which finally decides who shall be appointed to a university teaching post and who shall not, whose work shall be published and whose condemned to neglect and oblivion Thus instead of the honest anthropology of men like Professor Carleton Coon, Sir Arthur Keith, Dr. John Baker, we have the fraudulent mish-mash of Franz Boas. And instead of the honest psychology of men like Carl Gustav Jung, William James, Thomas Szasz, H.J. Eysenck, we have the vindictive, anti-Western and anti-Christian alienation of Sigmund Freud. Modern psychotherapy is not merely a religion that pretends to be a science, it is actually a fake religion that seeks to destroy real religion. - Thomas Szasz. History: Unless we know what happened in the past we cannot know what is happening now - for it is only what happened in the past that gives meaning to much of what is happening now. And if we dont know what happened in the past and is happening now, we have no way of helping to determine what will happen in the future, for ourselves as individuals and for our community. Hence, as George Orwell puts it: Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past. Control of the study of history in our time, especially the history of our century, is exercised also by means of a system of intellectual terrorism designed to suppress information of the kind that arms us in our minds against an enemy whose great power in the world is little more than a power to deceive. Agitation: Likewise, there must be few places where it has been easier to study that weird alliance of the circumcised and the uncircumcised - the elite goyim with their clubs from which Jews are excluded, using their great newspaper chains to give the maximum of sympathetic publicity to a communist revolutionary underground that has always been overwhelmingly Jewish at the leadership level. The support which the South African end of the money power can always be relied on to give to leftist radicals was acknowledged in one short sentence from communist underground leader Abram Fischer: Our press has done a wonderful job! This
statement, which formed part of one of Fischers regular analyses
of the revolutionary situation, clearly referred to the local capitalist
newspapers and reflected no more than what any intelligent observer
could see for himself. Therefore, communist revolution had to take the form of a Black nationalist exercise - and the White activists found they had to do most of the insurrectionary dirty work with their own hands, the Blacks having proved to be insufficiently motivated for elaborately planned operations of the kind required And investigations have fully exposed unbroken lines of communication and funding between the revolutionary underground in South Africa and and the centres of great financial and political power outside South Africa - on both sides of the Iron and Bamboo curtains We see the present undeclared war against South Africa as only one small portion of what Professor Bauer has dared to call an undeclared and one-sided civil war in the West - a war aimed not only at White people in South Africa but at ethnic entities and their cultures wherever they may be. There is only one world revolution in progress, no matter from what quarter being promoted and directed, and all peoples of Western European provenance wherever they may live, are as much the targets and intended victims of the revolution as the South Africans The fact is that the Jews are revolutionaries for other peoples but not for themselves. Nahum Goldmann. Religion All the more so when error is of a kind which, like todays social gospel heresy, defeats religions central purpose, and substitutes for inner illumination a set of spurious brain-spun ideals indistinguishable from those which activate Marxist trade union leaders and unscrupulous politicians. The result has been a secularisation and politicisation of Christianity in the West with the setting-up, at very great cost, of a worldwide organisation centred on the World Council of Churches To borrow an expression from the American poet Ezra Pound, there is no mediaeval description of hell which exceeds the inner filth of the mentalities of some of the ministers and prelates for whom every species of cruelty and villainy is condoned, even incited, if perpetrated under the banner of universalist political objectives prescribed by the money power Not surprisingly, these same churchmen can be relied on to block by diseased will or sodden inertia (Ezra Pounds words) any cleansing of a monetary system that gives to them so much power and importance; they will quote you the Bible on every sin in the calendar but never against the fountainhead of every species of sin - the practice of usury. Christianity holds at its core a symbol which has for its content the individual way of life of a man, the Son of man, and it even regards this individuation process as the incarnation and revelation of God himself. - C.G. Jung. The
Nexus: The key to the riddle is the world capitalism. Most people, most of the time, make the mistake of supposing that the word capitalism means one thing; in fact, the word as commonly used has two sets of meaning, as different as chalk and cheese. If we are to understand why governments representing capitalist states adopt the most weirdly ambivalent attitudes towards communism, we must first learn to separate in our minds the two sets of meaning which that one word capitalism has been called on to represent. Thus, two words are needed: capitalism meaning what that word originally meant and what the dictionary says it means; and supercapitalism, meaning the wholly changed form of what was once correctly called capitalism Capitalism as originally and correctly understood means private ownership of property and resources and competitive free enterprise in the supply of goods and services. Supercapitalism, which can be defined as highly concentrated finance-capitalism, is not only different from capitalism, it is the antithesis of capitalism and sooner or later acquires the character of being actively anti-capitalist. For it is not possible to continue concentrating ownership and control of property and resources without at the same time reducing the number of those who own and control property and resources. Likewise, there can be no huge concentration of ownership and control without a corresponding inhibition or suppression of competitive free enterprise. What we have seen in the West is a progressive degeneration of capitalism into a form of supercapitalism, or anti-capitalism, which the less it resembles the original capitalism the more it resembles socialism, or communism. Just enough genuine capitalism has remained in most of the countries of the West, and especially in the United States of America, to confuse the picture and make it harder for most people to see that capitalism has been largely replaced by what is essentially anti-capitalism. In other words, the weak and struggling capitalism that survives serves as a camouflage for an all-powerful anti-capitalism which dominates both economics and politics. Modern supercapitalist regimes like that of the United States, and communist regimes like that of the Soviet Union, have their differences and their oppositions of interest but these are unimportant when compared with what they have in common. Both are irreconcilably antagonistic towards nationalism. Therefore, both are essentially revolutionary, having set themselves in fierce antagonism towards those political forms which are essentially evolutionary. Since nationalism is inseparably joined to a peoples cultural heritage, it follows that all attacks on nationalism must include cultural sabotage and subversion - which is what we see today on both sides of the Iron and Bamboo Curtains, promoted with equal zeal by supercapitalists and communists. There is only one genuine nationalism they support and that is Zionism, which is an internationally dispersed Jewish nationalism. Of course, they also support all sorts of spurious nationalism which they themselves set up and use, like Black Nationalism in Africa, and even these are nearly always heavily laced with Marxism. The reason why Western supercapitalism lives in constant dread of nationalism can be easily explained. The fundamental issue in any state is whether or not there shall be an authority superior to economics. Which shall rule -politics or economics? And there can be no doubt that nationalism, in spite of all the ailments to which it is heir, energised by the instincts and will of the population, means that politics is the master and that economics, no matter how important it may be, has been relegated to its proper and natural subordinate status. Since there is no way in which communism can be effectively resisted and defeated except by nationalism, it follows that supercapitalism is totally committed to co-existence with communism, and that supercapitalism can have no other long-range aim except that of ultimate convergence with communism. Likewise - and this is most important - there is only one political weapon that supercapitalism can use against nationalism, and that is a communist ideology that marshals the forces of the underworld and of rootless intellectualism, holding them ready to be aimed like a battering ram against any nationalist target. An all-important factor with a binding and directing influence on all the other components of the 20th century world-revolution is that of Zionism which can he described as a geographically dispersed but intensely united and passionately motivated Jewish nationalism. Paradoxically, the Jewish people have come to the fore as a dominant influence in world affairs at a time when most Jews attach little or no importance to a religion which for close on two millennia was a powerful binding force. Professor Hannah Arendt puts it like this: Twentieth century political developments have driven the Jewish people into the storm centre of events. The developments she describes correspond with the consolidation of Jewish power and influence on a global basis, a process that has continued at an accelerating pace since the turn of the century. The
essentially nationalistic character of Zionism is frankly admitted
by Jewish scholar Dr. Gideon Shimoni, who writes: What is that, if not national socialism? The world-revolution can thus be described as a struggle in which one powerful nation is bent on the overthrow of all other nations For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest: neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Luke 8:17 |