home of ... Douglas Social Credit
11 June 1965. Thought for the Week:
Who fights for Communism must be able to fight and not to fight,
to say the truth and not to say the truth, to render and to deny service,
to keep a promise and to break a promise, to go into danger and to
avoid danger, to be known and to be unknown. Who fights for Communism
has of all the virtues only one: that he fights for Communism. - Bertolt Brecht, Communist Poet.
Communism abolishes all truth, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience. - Marx's Communist Manifesto. "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." - Words of Jesus Christ from St. John 8: 44 |
JAPAN AND INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISMPeter Temm reporting in the Melbourne Age
on "Japan's Aims at Algiers" forecasts that Japan will throw her weight
behind Malaysia and the Philippines in frustrating the Russian-Chinese-Indonesian
(Communists) axis at the forthcoming Afro-Asian conference at Algiers.
It is time - more than time - that all those opposed to Communism realised it is impossible to make agreements with professional liars. By doing so is to fight on a battleground of their choosing, with the weapons they choose, and defeat is inevitable. |
WHEAT: WOOL: AND RED CHINAThere is the continuing unanswered question of
whence comes the money to pay for the Australian wheat, and wool, "sold"
at reduced prices to Red China. We have been unable, so far, to uncover
any substantial reciprocal trade whereby they may have established such
credits. A flood of below cost magazines literally scattered through
the staff rooms of our educational institutions, a quantity of duck
feathers for the declining "down" industry, or cheap shoes produced
by forced slave labour does not seem to meet the bill. In the absence of clear proof of a legitimate source, specious explanations merely confirm the growing suspicion that some large "Capitalist" - quite removed from free enterprise - source is underwriting Communist expansion. The press of June the 5th contains a further disturbing item along this line. It is the report of a tumultuous greeting given to the visiting Red leader Chou En-lai by the captives of President Julius Nyere in Tanzania containing the following. "Chinese aid to Tanzania at present amounts to a 3 million dollar gift (about £1,340,000) and a £10 million sterling interest free loan." What hidden, interest free source, is enabling
Mr. Chou En-lai and his gang to put the people of England to work providing
goods for the extension of anti-British influence in this African puppet
State. |
INTELLECTUALISM AND MORALITYAlmost every day we are struck by the way in
which certain people continue to expound the Socialist doctrine. We
do not refer to the mentally immature, nor to those like Sir Marcus
Oliphant whose disabilities in political assessment obviously reflect
the atrophy, through lack of use, of those critical faculties outside
his single-minded specialty. We are concerned rather with why a high general level of intellect is at times allied to a refusal to accept logical and factual evidence. What makes a man of broad experience and undeniable gifts such as Walter Lippman continue through a long and influential life to support a policy, which produces repression, misery, and pure cold Hell. That this is a fair statement of the conditions in all countries already committed to complete socialism is readily verifiable. Mr. Lippman has often shown that he possesses
the necessary facts to form this assessment. We think the following
quotation from one of his early books "A Preface to Politics"
with its views on the utility of evil may throw light on his Fabian
outlook. |
WHO CARES FOR THESE?A small rent in the newspaper curtain this week again gave a glimpse of the horrors created by the Communist "rebel leader" Christopher Gbenye in Africa. Uncondemned and even applauded by the Soviet and non aligned section of that "great peace keeping force", the United Nations, this Prague trained Soviet agent continues his massacre of the remaining white hostages in his power. Their mutilated and tortured bodies are being found as the Communist force retreats in the Congo. It is a standard Communist practice to prevent wherever possible, people having first hand knowledge of the diabolical nature of their conspiracy, from testifying against them. Hence the massacres which bewilder many by their apparent senselessness. No military advantages accrue, as the loyalist troops and volunteers under Col. Michael Hoare push them from their last Congo stronghold, and public revulsion makes the job of their public relations agents even harder. The alternative that their victims live to tell the truth is judged to be the greater of two dangers. Exposure is their fear. Even Fabian apologists of the caliber of Walter Lippman might find the impact of any large number of dedicated witnesses too formidable to cover up. We do not feel that the left wing humanitarians will loudly raise their voices in condemnation of these atrocious acts. They will be too busy urging the surrender of the Vietnamese people to a similar regime in their North. Mr. Chou En-lai joins with them and is reported on June 7th as endorsing the rebel actions in the Congo, and promising them continuing support by Red China. |
DENTAL TOTALITARIANISMComes another "Big Brother" worshipper, Sir John
Walsh a dental lecturer from New Zealand, to Melbourne University to label
those opposed to compulsory fluoridation as "rat bags". Those of us not so emasculated claim the right to assess the value or danger of fluoride by a study of the conflicting expert opinion, and accept personal responsibility for our decision. We do not seek to impose this decision on our neighbour. This is the essence of Christianity and democracy; not the submission of this responsibility to a majority decision or as Sir John prefers - to a totalitarian imposition by "Big Brother". We urge Sir John to a return to the self-development teachings of Jesus.
This may lead him to regain faith in both himself and his fellow men to
develop those faculties, which distinguish man from the lower creations.
TRADE PRACTICES AND LIBERALISMThe restrictive trade legislation presented by the Attorney-General (Mr. Sneddon) in the last sitting of parliament represents another step towards the monopoly state. Ostensibly designed to curb monopoly it will play an increasing role in erecting the complete monopoly envisaged by the Socialists who desire to control all aspects of life. The genesis of this bill can be found in the unwillingness of the Liberals to implement the policies enunciated in their 1949 election promises, to put the shillings back into the pound by reducing the burden of government and the use of the subsidy mechanism wherever practical to keep down the cost of living. This technique was outstandingly successful during the war but was destroyed by the Chifley government when the Australian electorate refused him price control in peacetime at two different referenda. The alternative policy of increased growth of bureaucracy at Canberra, the ruthless centralisation of banking control under Fabian Socialist Dr. H. C. Coombs, and the destruction of the States financial sovereignty, inevitably brought a concentration of capital control resulting in the destruction of free enterprise and the growth of monopoly; which was not welcomed by businessmen themselves. It is time, before they are completely swallowed by this monster, that businessmen insisted that any support given to the liberals be used to reverse this process. |