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15 October 1965. Thought for the Week: "Liberty
will always be the first victim in every plan to concentrate powers
in a central State run by men and not by angels."
John T. Flynn, well-known American historian. |
"ONE MAN STANDS ALONE"In the Rhodesian Prime Minister, Mr. Ian Smith, the world is witness to the uniqueness of an individual who refuses to bow to intimidation organised on a world scale. He refuses to be party to the crime which has all but destroyed civilization in this century; to allow his country to pass from a state of peace and stability, with law and order, a rising standard of living for all, both black and white, to a state of chaos and irresponsible government. Mr. Smith in his attempt to prevent his country being forced down the Communist road by the socialist "British" government seeks independent status as a last resort. His loyalty to the Crown and that of his fellow Rhodesians is unquestioned. It is his defence of traditional British justice and the rights, which flow from this heritage, which brings him to this moment of decision. He has several handicaps to being accepted as
a suitable leader for an independent Commonwealth country in Africa.
First he is white, Christian and intensely loyal to the British Crown:
He is not a criminal and was a war ace in the Battle for Britain and
other theatres of the last war. He upholds British Christian traditional
institutions. He is evolving stable working system of side by side development
with the native population whose leaders support him, as does almost
the entire white community. He does not pay lip service to press inspired
international "trends" or "winds". One man, one vote, one candidate is the order of the day under Nkrumah - known in Communist circles as the "Lenin of Africa", and Jomo Kenyatta whose Communist origins were clearly set out in the British white paper "Mau Mau and its origins", while Julius Nyere in Tanzania has confounded his white apologists and made his allegiance to Communist leadership quite clear. The most horrible hint of British betrayal comes in a report from London on October 9th. It is suggested that in the event of no agreement, forcing Rhodesia to declare unilateral independence, that Mr. Wilson would ask the U.N. to intervene with a multi-national armed force. He realises that British forces would be hard to convince of the need to invade and kill their Rhodesian relatives. Let us pray that Mr. Wilson cannot convince Britain to allow this corrupt organisation to produce another Congo bloodbath. |
OTHER ASPECTS OF POPE PAUL'S PLEA TO U.N.On October 5th His Holiness Pope Paul in his address to the U.N. General Assembly in New York warned that peace was an indispensable condition for human survival. He also urged towards disarmament. Few Christians would dispute these objectives though some may not have noticed his less prominently displayed qualifications. The peace of which he was talking was not the peace of the prison or the straight jacket. An imposed peace obtained as the result of surrender to evil is no part of the Christian doctrine. "I bring not peace but a sword." His Holiness defined this difference by saying "peace must be based on moral and religious principles. Politics do not suffice to make of peace a source of happiness and of true human progress.... you must serve the cause of peace, serve it, and not make use of it for aims other than the true aims of peace." On disarmament he said, "As long as man remains that weak, changeable and even wicked being that he often shows himself to be, defensive arms will unfortunately, be necessary." By giving prominence to his broad statements
and ignoring his qualifications the "one world" totalitarians have used
his sincere plea to gain reflected esteem for their sinister plans for
world conquest by disarming men of good will. They propose not universal
laying down of arms but transfer of them to themselves in the name of
peace. |
MIXED MARRIAGES AND TELEVISIONThe twenty five year old English nursing sister Miss Beryl Whitlam who recently married an illiterate New Guinea native is now living in primitive conditions at the native village Urineibu on the north coast of New Guinea. A Melbourne "Age" reporter interviewed her in her native hut kitchen with its converted 44-gallon drum stove. Asked what prompted her to marry Numode she replied that the decision was not hasty but had been made on her return to Melbourne to her parent's home to consider his proposal. "While I was there I watched a lot of television" she said. "I saw a documentary one night which studied mixed marriages in England. Almost all the marriages worked out well and the couples were happy." We sincerely wish Mrs. Numode happiness and salute her courage, but fear that an emotional decision reached as a result of a highly selective T.V. "documentary" could be tragic. Nothing is so easy to produce as a slanted "documentary". We have viewed many such on the T.V. network. It has been fashionable throughout the organized Socialist riddled media to foster the fallacy that racial and religious differences do not exist. To the contrary it requires great intelligence, tolerance and strength of character to overcome the handicaps of such unions. Such warnings seldom temper the blatancy of the socialist propagandist. |
INDONESIAN CHAOS AND THE WESTIt has been well said that it is the unrehearsed events, which decide history. There is little doubt that the Communist conspiracy has for many years been awaiting a suitable opportunity to make Indonesia a stepping stone in the process of taking over the whole of S.E. Asia including Australasia. As the smoke and smother clears in Indonesia it, becomes apparent that the Communists were either forced into premature action or fumbled their chance. It will be remembered that Sukarno in a speech
to the Indonesian people some months ago said he could not live forever
and it was time to talk of when he would no longer be with them. It
should be clear that Sukarno as an avowed Marxist-Leninist visualised
succession and control would go to the Communists. To this end he had
increasingly put himself in the role of chief public relations officer
for the Communists, publicly embracing Communism and Mr. Aidit at public
rallies. But Sukarno's attempts to give them increasing power in his
government were thwarted, and there is little doubt that he was privy
to the plot against the army to remove this opposition. His connivance
is born out in his public appeal for forgiveness and co-operation with
the Communists, and his refusal to ban them. However the Communist grab for power was not
successful. The next few weeks will be crucial. The tragedy is that
there is insufficient strength within the West to capitalise on the
situation. Given time to recoup the Communists will become masters of
the situation. It would be appropriate if the Dutch who are negotiating
for a return of a measure of cooperation with Indonesian leaders, grasped
the opportunity to co-operate with the leaders of the armed forces.
PRO-COMMUNIST CLERIC AND MORALITYIn his first statement as Moderator of the Presbyterian
Church the Rev. A. M. Dickie lost no time in using his appointment as
a sounding board for his pink views. Besides the usual inconsistencies
of the Communist apologist in pressing for the withdrawal of American
and Australian troops from South Vietnam, there was an interesting statement
which reflected Rev. Dickie's close affinity with the philosophy of
Communism known as Dialectical Materialism. This is only a paraphrase of the precept that the end justifies the means, which Christians must reject. The Rev. Dickie went on to say that God will forgive us in such cases for "wrong done and that there is God, Who is able to use even our mistakes for His glory." To use the forgiveness of God to justify the possibility of evil policies is surely the essence of immorality. |