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19 November 1965. Thought for the Week: "In the
end we come to the conclusion that if we have got to go out of our country
we would rather go out fighting than go out crawling on our hands and
Prime Minister Ian Smith of Rhodesia. |
RHODESIA CHALLENGES WORLD REVOLUTIONARIESThe self-righteous critics of Rhodesia's declaration of independence might study with great profit Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice". Shylock certainly could claim that his demand for his pound of flesh was strictly in accordance with the letter of the law. He was not interested in the spirit of justice. There is no question that Mr. Ian Smith and his Government has acted illegally. But the point cannot be stressed too strongly that Mr. Harold Wilson acted like Shylock. He claimed that he was acting strictly within the legal agreement between Rhodesia and Britain. And so he was. But he attempted to use this legal agreement to force Mr. Ian Smith to betray Civilisation. From the moment he came to office, Mr. Wilson threatened the Rhodesians, and constantly applied pressure in an endeavour to force them to introduce policies which would be disastrous for all Rhodesians, both European and African. Faced with the alternative of surrendering to the forces of international subversion, or of declaring unilaterally for independence in order to try to save his country, Mr. Ian Smith decided that if he were to go down, he would at least go down fighting. He stands for justice for all his people. He rightly believes that justice is more important than the letter of the law. |
NEW GUINEA - RUSSIAN TRADEThe report in the Melbourne "Age" 16.11.65 that Russia may enter the market in New Guinea buying initially 60,000 tons of cocoa is significant. As pointed out in our last issue, trade with Communist countries is the basis of eventual political subversion in the domestic affairs of the countries concerned. With New Guinea at that sensitive stage of development the Communists will undoubtedly use the trade weapon as a plausible excuse to send "trade missions" to New Guinea. The whole proposal is one, which is fraught with trouble for both Australia and New Guinea. |
CONSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS OF RHODESTAN INDEPENDENCEThe following extracts are reprinted from an article in the Rhodesian Mercury 4.11.65, written by a Constitutional lawyer. They make it clear that Rhodesia was before U.D.I. an independent, self-governing state. The fact is that the British Socialist government was acting unconstitutionally and endeavouring to bluff the Rhodesian government into an alteration of her constitution. We reprint the comments of the lawyer and the relevant sections setting out the respective rights of the Rhodesian and British Governments, "What was the object and purpose of the Southern
Rhodesia Constitution, 1961? That was set out clearly and concisely
in the White Paper (Cmnd 1399) Part 1, the introduction to which state
(at page 3): Paragraph 50 was equally clear and emphatic: "50. Under the new proposals, Southern Rhodesia will be free to make amendments to any section of the Constitution without reference to the United Kingdom, with the exception of the amendments, which would affect: (a) the position of the Sovereign and the Governor; the right of the United Kingdom Government to safeguard the position regarding: (1) international obligation; (11) undertaking given by the Government of Southern Rhodesia in respect of loans under the Colonial Stock Acts. (White Paper, Part 1. at page 10). |
PRIME MINISTER'S STATEMENT ON RHODESIAWhile we are sure that Sir Robert Menzies is
aware of the relevant matters such as the above, as a politician he
has allowed the forces of "world opinion" to dictate his thinking. He
now finds himself lined up, as has happened before, with the Socialists,
against those trying to preserve individual liberty. We may well ask
Sir Robert whether he will be prepared to give a lead in withdrawing
recognition by the Australian Government from the United States of America
who declared their independence in 1776 in violent form without any
wish to remain loyal to the monarch or to remain in the Empire, both
matters being the desire of the Rhodesian peoples. The position the Australian Government has adopted is hypocritical to say the least. If not then there should be an immediate move to withdraw recognition from the Communists and to impose an immediate trade embargo on them. |
PROFESSOR HUGH TREVOR-ROPER DIAGNOSES THE SICK MIND OF CHINAWe become so accustomed to reading the glowing reports of people taken on conducted tours of Red China, that a critical review such as that made by Professor Trevor-Roper in the Melbourne "Age" ll.ll.65 comes as a complete rarity. Professor Trevor Roper unlike most of those reporting on China is careful to distinguish between material progress and the cultural, mental and spiritual freedom in China. These latter are rapidly being destroyed. To the brainwashed Chinese of today all history started in 1949. If anything of beauty or utility was created in the pre 1949 era it was "by wisdom of the labouring people". This type of propaganda is incessant said Professor Roper,".. to be beset, for three weeks by ignorant "guides"; to be severed, apparently on purpose, from all intelligent contact; to be drenched daily with identical tabloid propaganda adapted to the minds of peasant children - this is a terrible fate, hardly compensated by even the most generous hospitality." The complete materialism of the Communists is revealed in their reasons for teaching the English language. "To the Chinese, it is not a means of entry to English literature or English thought. It is a means of bargaining for English machine-tools and of preaching Communist propaganda to Indians and Africans." |
INCLUSION OF RED CHINA IN U.N. - EDITORIAL HYPOCRICYThe editorial of "The Australian" 11.11.65 advocating inclusion of Red China in the UN is not on a very high intellectual or patriotic level. Arguing from the false base that the Socialist riddled U.N. is an instrument of peace it says, "Australia must agree in principle to the admission of Red China to the U.N. even though that country represents an ideology and a way of life we oppose; even though it threatens our peace and security." Apparently our peace, security and way of life are of secondary importance to some other aim. Contrast this tolerance towards a rigid Soviet inspired minority military government and the editorial attitude to Rhodesian independence. Here it again joins with the entire international socialist bloc in urging this time the downfall of Mr. Smith and his overwhelmingly elected government. The November 15th editorial even expresses some satisfaction that the Rhodesian situation may lead to the final disintegration of the Commonwealth, "for we have been misleading ourselves for too long that the old ways of the Commonwealth are necessarily the best." |
DR. JOHN GUNTHER & NEW GUINEA INDEPENDENCEThe statements on independence for New Guinea by the Assistant Administrator Dr. John Gunther reported on November 11th show the same force at work pushing towards chaos as operate against stability in Rhodesia and elsewhere. The situation is sufficiently similar, with the advantage that in this case we are more or less on the spot, which makes Dr. Gunther's statements worth quoting."United Nations moves in 1962 recommending a 100 seat parliament and interpreted as meaning that the UN favoured immediate self government had been received with great suspicion by the native populace." "The UN Committee of 24 and the Kenya nationalist and Justice Minister Mr. Tom Mboya are keen on pushing the people into early independence." "The people are not going to be pushed." "Mr. Mboya was heard to remark to the President of the Students Representative Council of the Administrative College: 'Isn't there one angry man among you'." "Although the UN Committee of 24 men are seeking the deliverance of all non self-governing territories to date it hasn't shown a great deal of regard for the will of the people themselves." |
SOCIALISED MEDICINE UNDER THE LIBERALSEvidence presented in Parliament shows that the National Health Scheme is running up against the usual problems of inefficiency and irresponsibility, which is the hallmark of government interference in activities which are primarily the responsibility of the individual. Ironically enough, the government was twitted by the Labor Socialists for their inefficiency in allowing costs to get out of hand. Now the government proposes to have an investigation, which will only make the cost of running the scheme so much higher to the taxpayer. According to the Labour opposition fantastic fees are being paid to the doctors out of taxpayers funds, while one of the firms appointed to help in the investigation had a vested interest in the manufacture of drugs. There is no substitute for the principal of allowing the individual to be responsible for spending his own money. It is time the Liberals got back to fundamental beliefs applying them to abolition of socialism. |