home of ... Douglas Social Credit
10 December 1965. Thought for the Week: "...
from the point of view of fundamental human liberties there is little
to choose between communism, socialism, and national-socialism. They
are all examples of the collectivist or totalitarian state...in its
essentials not only is completed socialism the same as communism but
it hardly differs from fascism."
Ivor Thomas, ex member of the British Labour Party, in his book "The Socialist Tragedy". |
THE TRAGEDY OF AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND LEADERSHIP ON RHODESIAThere can be no doubt that both the Australian Prime Minister, Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, and the New Zealand Prime Minister Mr. Keith Holyoake, are under tremendous pressure to not show any sympathy for the Rhodesian Government, and to also enter more fully into the campaign to bring the Smith Government down. Announcements in the Melbourne press by Sir Robert Gordon Menzies on Wednesday 8th December of his intention to announce increased sanctions by the Australian Government, accompanied by Mr. Holyoak's remarks at the Commonwealth Parliamentary conference are indicative of the trend being pursued by two men who if sufficiently alive to the importance of the historical moment, could bring fresh initiatives to bear other than those generated by the International Socialists. Mr. Holyoake demonstrated complete hypocrisy from his original position of refusal to impose sanctions, when he is now reported as saying, "Rhodesia's illegal seizure of independence had earned the apprehension of all countries that value the principles of law, order and equality."] The imputation is that the Rhodesian Government does not value the qualities of law and order. Equality as such, they know in Rhodesia is a myth, the hard realities of living close to the inequalities of humanity have taught them this, and so they base their political, economic and all policies designed to uplift the native Africans on the basis of "merit, not color." Both Sir Robert Gordon Menzies and Mr. Keith Holyoake are leaders of parties who stand for the principles of ability before favour, of acceptance of responsibility against non-acceptance. There is no principle of equality inherent in the reality of this conception. To base political policies upon such a misconception is to fall into the clutches of those perverting society. Having refused to endorse the principles upon which the Rhodesian Government based their policies, both Sir Robert and Mr. Holyoake find themselves firmly committed to the International Socialist programme of destroying all minorities which will not accept the "one man, one vote, one value" principle. |
A CHRISTMAS GIFT, WHICH ARRIVES EVERY WEEK!"On Target" approaches its first Christmas, The steady circulation increase throughout the year has proved that this type of weekly news-commentary was urgently required in Australia. We suggest that all present readers share their good fortune with their friends by taking out Christmas Gift subscriptions for them. Right throughout next year they will think of your gift every week as "On Target" arrives. If necessary a card can be sent with the Christmas issue. Gift subscriptions are £1 for one subscription, 30/- for two subscriptions, £2 for three subscriptions, and lO/- for four or more. |
FIFTH COLUMN WITHIN THE CATHOLIC CLERGY?In our issue of "On Target" dated 1st October, 1965 we reported the remarks of the Rev. Father Pedro Arrupe, head of the Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church. Our report at that time was taken as given in the press of the day. Further reports we have received from overseas show that the complete remarks of Father Arrupe either did not reach Australia or were suppressed. The additional comments we have received are as follows: "A fifth column exists within the clergy and that it is steadily working in favour of atheism...(Atheism) is carrying the struggle against the City of God not only from the outside, but has succeeded in insidiously influencing the minds of believers, including even priests, with its hidden poison " In our previous report Father Arrupe claimed that a "Godless society holds almost complete sway in international organisations, in financial circles, in the field of mass communications, press, cinema, radio and television." |
THE AFRICAN APPROACH TO DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTSir Leslie Munro, former president of the U.N. General Assembly is credited in the Melbourne Age December 6th, as observing that President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana is a dictator. Mr. Jambaidu Awuni, Ghana's delegate to the Commonwealth Parliamentary conference replied, "I give my assurance, my leader Kwame Nkrumah is not a dictator and never will be a dictator. Our motto is one nation, one party, one leader and one destiny." The Malawi delegate Mr. Richard Chidzanja supported Mr. Awuni. He said the only party system was not a dictatorship, "as long as the party allows discussion, difference of opinion and regular elections." So now you know: As long as you are allowed to talk and vote for one candidate at intervals you are free. To this type of mentality is Mr. Smith expected to hand over control of his civilised country. The stable elements in Rhodesia amongst the African population realise this and are solidly behind Mr. Smith in his policy of slow organic integration. The irony of the situation is that Rhodesia with its lawfully elected government and free opposition is debarred from attending the Commonwealth Parliamentary conference. How the saner members of the conference can stomach the nauseating hypocrisy of Nkrumah's henchmen is more than we would know. |
VIETNAM AND U.S.A. POLICIESThe dragging out of the Vietnam war with its consequent mounting casualties and devastation points to the tragedy of the election of Johnson as President of the U.S.A. Goldwater's policy was to attack the directive centers of the Communist invasion in Hanoi and Peking leaving the stranded terrorist groups to the mercy of the indigenous population of North and South Vietnam. Instead the war has been conducted in allied territory while the central directors have enjoyed relative immunity from attack. There is little doubt of the capacity of the U.S.A. to bring the war to quick conclusion if her policy makers so desired. The American Air Force Chief of Staff, General John P. McConnell is reported on Wednesday December 7th as saying the U.S. could destroy North Vietnam and force its surrender overnight. Significantly he went on to say, President Johnson would not do this for humanitarian and political reasons. (Our emphasis) Red China has in fact been supplied with western aid ranging from food to free use of our propaganda media to holster up its weak position. On the other hand Formosa with its enormous and eager army has been prevented from engaging the Communists on a second front. Both General Macarthur and Goldwater agreed that the only alternative to victory was defeat. The two faced policy of the present U.S. administration seems determined to avoid victory at all costs. It is not surprising therefore to read the official Washington observation on the refusal of 200,000 people in Rhodesia to submit to the Communist takeover of their country. "The Rhodesian rebellion is the gravest situation now confronting the world." It is certainly the gravest threat to the might of Communist omnipotence. |
ARCHBISHOP CONFUSES CHRISTIANS ON COMMUNISMThe Anglican Archbishop of Western Australia who appears as a consistent apologist for Communism was reported in the Communist Tribune of November 24th as saying that "Over 1,000 million people in the world have embraced communism over the last 50 years." The Tribune was so tickled with the naivety of the Archbishop that it devoted two and a half columns of one page to reporting his remarks given in one of two lunch hour talks at St. George's Cathedral, Perth. It is the first time we have seen a Christian cleric describe a dictatorship established by terror and violence, and maintained by the tyranny of the secret police force, as something "embraced" by its hapless victims. The Archbishop did not explain why it was necessary to erect a wall guarded by machine guns and savage dogs to keep the happy converts in. Nor did he explain why as the spokesman for a faith, which stands for the freedom, liberty and dignity of the individual he was not pointing to ways in which his fellow Christians could overthrow this monstrous evil. Oh no, instead he advocates that the Church should listen to Marx, "The whole course of history might have been altered had the Church heeded Marx's call." Judging by the number of clerics who are featured in the Communist press each week, the position is rapidly becoming rectified. Communism is being elevated to the position of becoming "another religion", and no doubt in the future will be granted the same favours in teaching its adherents in schools etc, as are other religions. Some cynics would say they have more than their share of time in schools already. Just as the Nazi officials in East Germany had no problem in exchanging one form of tyranny for another when the Communists took over; no doubt there will be many defectors from the Christian Church into the Communist Church, "I came not to bring peace, but a sword." It becomes more obvious every day that Christianity is the most divisive philosophy, and as the Communist view of man gains wider acceptance, men are being forced to make a decision one way or another. The day of the neutral is past. |