home of ... Douglas Social Credit
24 December 1965. Thought for the week: "True
education makes for inequality; the inequality of individuality, the
inequality of success the glorious inequality of talent, of genius.
For inequality, not mediocrity, individual superiority, not standardization
is the measure of the progress of the world."
Felix E. Schelling, as quoted in "American Opinion." |
MR. IAN SMITH FIGHTS BACKWhile in Rhodesia Mr. Eric Butler learned that such was the determination of the Smith Government to fight back against the economic war being waged by Socialist Harold Wilson, that it was prepared to use unorthodox financial and economic policies to defend all the Rhodesian people, both European and African. In describing the splendid spirit of the Rhodesian people, Mr. Butler records the views of women who say that in order to help save their country, they can live for a period as their pioneer mothers and grandmothers did. The Rhodesian are not going to starve because of any nonsense about a shortage of money. It is clear from a report in "The Age" (Melbourne) of December 21, that the Smith Government is going to adjust its internal financial policies to ensure that its productive capacity and resources are used for the benefit of the Rhodesian people. "The Age" report states "All the evidence reaching the city (London) suggests that Mr. Smith is now heading down the road which heads to inflation and commercial isolation. Expanding credit, repudiating overseas obligations, and refusing to recognise British, Zambian and Malawi currencies can inevitable bring only short-term advantages.... The arbitrary decision to expand credit facilities of the Land Bank by the Smith regime may provide funds to finance farmers during the next three months of their harvesting operation, but it must also lead to inf1ation...That is the considered opinion being expressed in the city." We recall that it was the same people who expressed "the considered opinion" that Hitler could not fight for very long because he would "run out of money". Wars are not fought with money, but with men and production. Financial policy merely governs the use of production capacity. It is probably true that the Rhodesians will have to accept temporarily a lower material standard of living, but they certainly cannot be starved into submission. This is what is starting to worry Mr. Harold Wilson and his associates as they pursue their blatant aggression against a friendly, law-abiding people. They are attempting to destroy a people who put things of the spirit ahead of immediate material comfort. |
A GREAT HISTORICAL STATEMENTOn the eve of Christmas we feel that all our
readers might ponder with great profit on the following portion of Prime
Minister Ian Douglas Smith's historical statement on Rhodesian Independence;
made on November 11: These are the words of a great British and Christian leader, who represents a resourceful people who have at long last called the bluff of the international revolutionaries. |
A SHIRE PRESIDENT'S REALISTIC CHRISTMAS MESSAGEThe following is the text of the Christmas Message issued by Cr. W. G. Manifold, President of the Shire of Camperdown, Victoria, and Mrs. Manifold: "At this Christmas time, Australia is once again at war. It is an odd war, to be sure, with many of the most vociferous in our midst agitating for us to quit, and with our own government openly trading with our enemies' allies. But it is none-the-less real for that. People are being killed in it, others maimed, not far away, are being widowed. Why? Are the agitators right? Is it true, as they suggest, that war never settles anything? Are we, by fighting, breaking faith with Christianity? These questions are particularly disturbing at Christmas time, and I believe they must be faced up to. "In the first place, we are at war because we believe that war does settle some things that force, however unpleasant, is the only resort when reason has failed. We do not try to reason with a burglar or a murderer; we stop him. His actions have indicated that he is beyond reason, so we do not waste time on words. So it is with war. When a Nation shows by its actions that it has no regard for the right of others, it is too late to use reason. We would have a queer idea of Christianity indeed if we thought it meant standing aside watching a murder, on the grounds that we are told to love our enemies. A moment's thought reveals that true love means scrupulous fairness, humane treatment, respect; it is sheer perversion to argue that loving people means letting them get away with anything, or everything. On the contrary, true love requires us to raise people to the highest possible plane. To let them continue in fear an injustice, license and corruption, would be the antithesis of love. And let us make no mistake that these are the things against which our men are fighting in Vietnam. "Uncle" Ho, the intellectual disciple of "Chairman" Mao, subscribes implicitly to the doctrine that "All power proceeds from the muzzle of a gun"; the doctrine of naked and unashamed force, the denial of all individual rights, the pitting of class against class, children against parents. The doctrine that the end justifies the means; that there is nothing in creation but "matter in motion". I repeat: these are the things our men are fighting on the physical plane. Are we, bemused by pictures of a babe in a manger, forgetting that Christ the Man fought these things too? By all means celebrate His birthday, but at this crucial moment let us remember also His life and teaching. Almost alone in a world of naked, unashamed force, He brought millions and millions of people to lives of decency. This, surely, is the Christmas message. Life is more than "matter in motion", and "all power proceeding from the muzzle of a gun". Those who support Ho and Mao deny Christ. When they tell us to quit Vietnam, they are denying Christ just as surely as when, in almost the same breath, they urge us to use force against Christian Rhodesia. When they arrange trade with Godless China, and deny it to Rhodesia, the picture becomes plainer. Even Jesus once laid about him with a whip - when he drove the money changers out of the Temple." (From "The Camperdown Chronicle") |
SIGNS OF HEALTH IN THE COMMUNITYThe founder and Headmaster of the Pitwater House Preparatory School (Sydney) said this week: My school is trying to foster a love of God, Queen and Country." According to "The Australian" of December 16, this attitude has caused the headmaster to be branded a "right-wing reactionary". "The Australian" cites three main lines of teaching in the school: "Giving the children a love of learning; a set of moral values based on spiritual grounds; and training in chivalry." This is a sign of health. Another sign of health in our educational systems is the denial by the Rev. S. W. Kurrle of Kings School, Parramatta, N.S.W., of the veracity of "Kinsey type" reports. Those reports suggesting the prevalence of teenage promiscuity because of their pretence of objectivity and veracity do untold harm Mr. Kurrle contends. Speaking against a background of 13 years of experience with teenagers as both a Priest and a Headmaster, he scorns the sociologist's claims regarding random sampling. "I do not believe them to be random, because most normal boys do not disclose this type of information easily". But "keep up this type of suggestion and adolescents will believe it." The "Kinsey type" reports, culled from the riff raff and the exhibitionists, purport to show that the normal, balanced and decent person is the odd man out. They are about as objective and reliable as a cosmetic advertisement. It is not coincidence that they emanate from groups whose political leanings are well to the Left. |
CHRISTMAS GREETINGSOn the eve of the first Christmas of "On Target", we wish all readers a Joyful Christmas. We also welcome to our family those who are receiving "On Target" for the first time as a result of their friends providing a gift subscription. Many of our new readers will find "On Target" "strong meat" until their digestive systems have become accustomed to a diet of truth not readily obtainable elsewhere. But only the truth will make us free. The next issue of "On Target" will be published on January 21,1966. |