home of ... Douglas Social Credit
12 March 1965.Thought for the
Week: "We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high places" - Epistle to the Ephesians.
MARXISM IN INDONESIAN SCHOOLSAn obscure press report last week announced that Marxism is to be officially taught in Indonesian schools. There are still many of those very superior people who announce with a knowing look that Indonesia is not really a Communist nation; that Australians should continue supplying economic aid to prevent Soekarno "from being thrown into the arms of the Communists." |
A STORY WITH A MORALYou have probably heard the story of the very tolerant Le Blanc. This Frenchman, so the story goes, had a friend Beaucaire who constantly abused his friendship. Hurt and bewildered, the not-very-bright Le Blanc delivered his ultimatum: "I take you into my home to feed you; you steal my money and my goods; you ridicule me to my children and my associates; you punch and kick me without provocation; you seduce my daughter and my wife; and now you threaten to throw me out. Look out, Beaucaire, you don't go too far." The Australian of March 4 reported: "The US said today it is reviewing its aid to Indonesia. This is one of the few avenues left to express growing indignation over increasing Anti-American incidents. Aid to Indonesia was about 833,000 dollars for the last six months of 1964." Look out, Beaucaire, you don't go too far! |
THE PEKING - DJAKARTA AXISIn January the pro-Chinese faction of the Communist conspiracy in India was rounded up and most of its leading members imprisoned under the Defence of India regulations. It has subsequently been revealed that these Indian Communists had received large sums of money and directives from Peking via the Indonesian Consulate in Calcutta. It would be instructive to learn what assistance Peking gives to Mr. Ted Hill's pro-Chinese Communist Party in Australia, via the Indonesian representatives at Canberra. |
WHAT IS STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT?Mr. Paul Hasluck, Minister for External Affairs, and other spokemen for the Federal Government, have attempted to defend the policy of continuing to send economic aid to a Communist-dominated Indonesia. It has been suggested that the roads and aviation facilities being provided by Australia in Indonesia are of little military value. In "Defence Notes" prepared by the Liberal Party for its candidates at
the recent Senate Elections, we read: "Who could deny the Defence value
in (Australian) developmental works like the multi-million pound expansion
of our civil airports and aviation facilities." |
DO YOU REMEMBER MR. LIU NING- YI?Some time ago a Chinese Communist masquerading as a trade unionist was brought to Australia by some of the Australian Trade Unions. His name was Liu Ning-Yi. He spoke at the Melbourne Trades Hall. Judging by a report on Peking Radio on February 10, Mr. Liu Ning- Yi is of some importance in Red China: "In Peking more than one and a half million
people from all walks of life held a big rally and demonstration this
morning in support of the Vietnamese peoples' just struggle against
US Imperialist aggression. Liu Ning- Yi, Member of the Central Committee
of the Chinese Communist Party and President of the All China Federation
of Trades Unions, the Charge d'Affaires ad intermim to China and Acting
Head of the Permanent Mission of the South Vietnam National Front for
Liberation to China spoke at the meeting. Liu Ning- Yi said: |
AMERICAN SENATOR FULBRIGHTSenator William Fulbright is constantly and favourably featured in the world's press. He is a leading spokesman for the influential groups in the USA which support a no-win policy in relationship to International Communism. The Age (Melbourne) of March 8 carried the following: "US Senator William Fulbright yesterday proposed that Russia be encouraged to help build and operate a new Panama Canal. We are coming to discover that all Soviet aid programs are not detrimental to our interests and that some indeed may advance objectives we favour." The "We" in this quotation is not clear, but if he is associating himself with the people of his native land, the Senator is incorrect. Unlike the US Government, the Soviet has never expended a single rouble on any project which the Communists did not consider would advance the interests of World Revolution. This necessitates destruction of the West. Senator Fulbright voiced his belief in July, 1961, that the American people need not be alerted to the cold war menace because if they were, they might desire to hit the Communists with everything they had, Like Mr. Walter Lippmann, Senator Fulbright is probably not a Communist. But what's in a name? "Let our friends do the work", states the famous Communist directive. |
SUBSIDISING OUR OWN DEFEATSecretary General of the UN, U Thant, has asked Australia to pay her 1965 UN assessments as soon as possible. Other countries, including Britain, Holland and Denmark have also been asked to pay up immediately. This request, coming after the backward leaning in regard to overdue payments by Russia and France, reminds us of the Communist atrocity practice of making their victims dig their own graves. The West is expected to contribute fully to the financing of the UN, a vehicle of Communist expansion aimed at the West's destruction. It must be remembered that the top Communist agent, Alger Hiss, played a leading role in drafting the original UN Charter. That he did a good job can be seen from the UN's steady program of frustrating opposition to Soviet advancements. For how much longer must we pay in advance for our own defeat? |
DESTROYING A NATION'S SYMBOLSThe Australian of March 1 published a long letter from R.W. Barry, Melbourne, who has conducted an exhaustive enquiry into the various aspects of decimal currency, We quote: "The only real support I have found for the proposed dollar system comes from those few but nevertheless influential people who believe we must break our currency link with Britain regardless of cost. One such individual said he would give me a hearing if I would first recommend changing the name of the pound." Students of mass psychology will recognise the revealing light this throws on this incredibly expensive and dubiously advantageous move. Traditional symbols play quite an important part as reminders of loyalty and kinship. The Australian League of Rights has pointed out over many years, that there is an organised conspiracy to destroy the links which help to bind the British Commonwealth. The hysterical reaction of the Australian press to the proposed name of "Royal" for the new money unit, and the removal of all religious references from the coins, are revealing to those with eyes to see. The Socialist Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Lester Pearson, whose Government is at present being rocked by a series of major scandals, fought doggedly against a tremendous Canadian public opinion, to remove the Union Jack emblem from the Canadian flag. Ask any expert in advertising if these matters are not significant. |
COMMUNIST ADVERTISING IN "CAPITALIST" PRESSThe Communists never tire of claiming that the "capitalist" press is strongly opposed to any support whatever for the forces of "progress". Of course the Communist master minds know that without the subversive influence of much of the press of the world, they would never have made the progress they have. The Australian Communist Party has recently had inserted in a number of dailies, some expensive advertisements concerning the South Vietnam issue. Similar advertisements from the "peace" organisation, stressing the Communist line that the Americans must withdraw so that "negotiations" can take place, were probably also financed indirectly by the Communists. It would be instructive to learn from the press publishing these Communist advertisements why they are aiding and abetting a conspiracy against Australia. Is it a case of accepting thirty pieces of silver? Or perhaps the papers publishing these Communist advertisements agree with the policy of withdrawal proposed for South Vietnam? |
ARE YOU SUPPORTING THE MOSCOW CULTURAL OFFENSIVE?At the time of his visit to Moscow, Mr. Paul Hasluck disturbed us with some remarks about increased "cultural exchanges" between Russian and Australia, We can only presume that Mr. Hasluck is a little weak on his understanding of Marxism-Leninism, and that he has been badly briefed by his "experts". The truth is that "cultural exchanges" have been exposed as a major aspect of Communist warfare. We would be interested to learn what Australian culture is being exported to Russia in exchange for visits by Russian dancers, circuses and soccer players. Perhaps it is just a coincidence that most of the Australian writers whose works are published in Russian happen to be Communists and Leftists. The most important question concerning Russian groups coming to this country, is what happens to the large sums of money paid by Australians to see these groups. There are sound reasons for believing that at least some of it stays in this country to be used by the local Communist conspiracy. Australians taking their children to the Russian circus may as well send their donations direct to the local Communist Party. |