home of ... Douglas Social Credit
7 June 1974. Thought for the Week: "The truth
is that Civilisation collapses when the essential reverence for absolute
values which religion gives disappears. Rome had discovered that in
the days of her decadence. Men live on the accumulated Faith of the
past as well as on its accumulated self-discipline. Overthrow these
and nothing seems missing at first, a few sexual taboos, a little of
the prejudice of Cato, a few rhapsodical impulses - comprehensible,
we are told, only in the literature of folk lore - these have gone by
the board. But something has gone as well, the mortar which held society
together, the integrity of the individual soul; then the rats come out
of their holes and begin burrowing under the foundations and there is
nothing to withstand them".
Dr. Monk Gibbon in Mount Ida. |
BLACKMAIL THREATS BY PEKING"The ABC is almost certain to ban entirely a controversial film on China because of Chinese threats to close its Peking office. The ABC is in the process of buying the 2.5-hour feature film, made by Marxist director Michelangelo Antonioni, and had planned it as a major TV coup. But the Chinese Embassy in Canberra last week asked the Australian Government to ban the film from the ABC." - The Australian, May 31st. Where are all those Whitlam supporters who have for years been shouting about the necessity for Australia to adopt a sturdy independent approach to other nations? Apparently it is quite all right to abuse the Americans and the British but nothing must be done which might upset the Peking Communists. In explaining why the ABC's TV programme, "This Day Tonight", had been prevented from using a segment from the Antonioni documentary, the ABC's director of public affairs, Mr. Allan Martin, said that screening of the film could "expose our representative in China to risk." The chairman of the ABC, Professor Richard Downing, states, "I am concerned about the future of our representative in Peking, Paul Raphael. After all, it took us a long time to get him there. We are also concerned about the ABC's relations with China." What a supine, sickening attitude. If the ABC
can only maintain a representative in Red China by jumping to attention
every time Peking cracks its threatening whip, then the sooner the ABC
withdraws its representative the better for Australians self-respect.
But Mr. Jack Lazarus, President of a Communist-front organisation, urges
Australia to cringe before the Peking threats. In a letter in The
Age, Melbourne, of June 3, Mr. Lazarus provides a classical example
of double-talk: As there is at present no relationship, excellent or otherwise, between the Australian and Chinese people, how can the showing of a documentary film on Communist China upset anyone - except of course the Red Chinese and their Australian supporters, who do not wish the Australian people to see anything unfavourable about Mao Tse-tung's "paradise." The ABC episode is a clear indication of the type of blackmail tactics used by Communist regimes. Like all totalitarians, the Communists cannot tolerate any criticism whatever. |
FROM CANADIAN "ON TARGET": THE REAL ISSUE OF JULY 8"Under the above heading, the May issue of The
Canadian Intelligence Service features a four-page article on the
present political situation in Canada, and the forthcoming election.
The following areas of Government policy are examined: Commonwealth
Relations, International Relations, National Defence, Foreign Aid, the
Great 'Grant' Racket, Bilingualism, Immigration, and Economic Policy.
The Opposition parties are assessed. 'Three essential points respecting
Inflation and Canada's present economic-finance bind are discussed.
The starting point is to realize the shortcomings of all political parties, and the inherent weakness of a purely party label approach to politics. Let's face the fact that this country's salvation lies in the hands of no one group of politicians. But rather, it lies in the character, the integrity, and the faith of our people. Therefore, we must look first at ourselves and at Grassroots Canada. And we must take both a short-term and long-term view. This election constitutes our immediate, short-term challenge. Discount party labels. Examine closely not only the words but also the records, of candidates seeking your support. Ascertain, as far as possible, where candidates stand on key issues, and whether or not they owe their first allegiance to their electors or to their party. Consider their character and integrity carefully. In other words, elect the best man. Political parties are devices by which politicians and those behind them impose their will upon the electorate. The only realistic long-term approach, therefore, must include a strategy designed to enable the electorate, especially between elections, to impose its policy upon the politicians. The only movement working towards this end at present is The Canadian League of Rights. (And the Australian League of Rights, the New Zealand League of Rights, and the British League of Rights, in their respective countries. Ed.) It has been said that people get the kind of government they deserve. Let us now, with this election, start to work towards deserving better government". |
FROM BRITISH "ON TARGET" (13/4/74): MORE GRANTS TO TERRORISTSIn view of the recent political coup in Portugal; and the new regime's intention to 'negotiate' with the Frelimo terrorists (a mistake, in our view), the whole subject of aid to terrorists demands more ventilation. Particularly disturbing is the aid to terrorists from the World Council of Churches; aid and succour for murder and rapine in the name of humanitarianism: Satan's delight! The article follows. The author is the well-known Bernard Smith: - "At the beginning of March the W.C.C. (World Council of Churches) announced a fresh batch of grants to 'liberation' movements totalling $200,000. The largest single amount went to P.A.I.G.C., the terrorist group that seeks to 'liberate' Portuguese Guinea from colonial rule. A Reuter report in the Daily Telegraph (1/3/74) refers to a bomb explosion outside a crowded pavement cafe in the heart of Bissau, capital of Portuguese Guinea. Sixty-three people were injured, and one person killed. The report goes on to indicate that this is the second such bombing incident in Bissau in less than a week, and seems to herald a new offensive by the African guerrillas of the P.A.I.G.C. (African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde) movement designed to hit at morale in the capital of the tiny territory. This report indicates how P.A.I.G.C. 'liberates' the African. The W.C.C. has donated $42,000 to P.A.I.G.C. P.A.I.G.C.'s HISTORY P.A.I.G.C. TERRORISES AFRICANS ANY CHURCH THAT REMAINS A MEMBER OF THE WORLD
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ON SUBSCRIPTIONS"Starting from scratch" nine and a half years ago On Target has been able to keep expanding its circulation sufficiently to keep ahead of constantly rising financial costs. But recent accelerations in costs, the major increase being in postal charges - and more to come early next year! - have made it imperative for us to increase our subscription for the first time in our history. We hate breaking our record of no increases over nine and a half years, but we must face realities. One major feature of our success in holding down our subscription rate until now, has been the wrapping of On Target every week by volunteers; also the servicing of subscription renewals by a volunteer. We are increasing the subscription rate to $5.00 per annum. But supporters can assist us and themselves, by taking advantage of our two-year subscription rate of $9.00 This will save not only on postage, but also relieve the strain on our limited full time staff and volunteers. We can, of course, also continue to absorb some rising costs by accelerating our circulation growth. |
DEPARTMENT OF SECONDARY INDUSTRY'S PROPAGANDIST FLIGHTS OF FANCY"The outlook for most industries remains bright, according to a Department of Secondary Industry survey." - The Sun, (Melbourne) June 3rd. This Survey is aggressively optimistic; just as were the many surveys which we can recall concerning Britain's entry into the Common Market: just as optimistic - and just as wrong! According to the Department of Secondary Industry, the strong demand for goods and services will continue; and a big rise in capital spending will take place. Modest warnings are given that steep rises in costs and prices will continue (of labour and materials). And much more. We consider that this Dept. of Secondary Industry Survey is farcical; it is really most difficult for us to appreciate that supposed 'authorities' could utter such drivel. The tightest credit squeeze in the history of the Reserve Bank is now gripping the Australian economy (the present share market barometer readings is some sort of indication of the apprehension of the Business World) and the effect of this squeeze upon the Australian finance-economic machine will be to slow it right down. How capital spending is to rise sharply in a period of deflation is beyond us; and we are quite sure, beyond Mr. K. Enderby (the Minister of Secondary Industry). Mr. Whitlam has said that there will be a balanced
Budget this year (that means no, repeat no increases in capital spending,
at least Governmental) - and the Reserve Bank restrictions mean that
there can be no increases in capital spending in the private sector;
indeed, very much the reverse. On top of all this, there is present
the inflammatory factor of inflation (we predict a rate of around 20%
by Christmas) which was not present in previous credit squeezes. We
can see ahead not industrial brightness, but soaring inflation, bankruptcies,
retrenchments, unemployment, industrial warfare, The Communists are
licking their lips. |
Communism and the Second World WarThe Second World War and a further undermining of Civilisation was the logical and inevitable outcome of the policies that had produced the First World War and the Great Depressions. The major outcome of the Second World War was tremendous expansion of the Communist Empire, and the undermining of the British Empire as a stabilising force in world affairs. Convulsion after convulsion has followed, with increasing dissatisfaction in every Society. One striking manifestation of this dissatisfaction is the growing revolt of youth, many of whom have become persuaded that their societies have produced such appalling results that they either seek to contract out completely -(stop the world, I want to get off) - seek escapism with the aid of drugs, or join forces with those revolutionaries who urge that their societies should be completely destroyed as a necessary preliminary to replacing them.Probably nothing so demonstrates the sickness of society than the loss of faith in it by the younger members. Negative criticism of youth ignores the basic cause of unrest; departure from the correct principles of association." |