home of ... Douglas Social Credit
14 June 1974. Thought for the Week: "One man
with a belief is a social force superior to ninety-nine men who have
only an interest.
John Stuart Mill. |
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CAIRNS VICTORY"Canberra - The new Deputy Prime Minister (Dr. Cairns) today will try to secure control of a new 'super-Ministry' that will govern economic policy in trade and industry. Dr. Cairns 59 made it clear yesterday that he would insist on having a greater say in the Government's economic policies. He is expected to seek expansion of his Ministry of Overseas Trade. He wants it to include the Government's priority review staff and have control of protection policies for both primary and secondary industry." - Allan Barnes in The Age, Melbourne. June 11th Those who only know Dr. Jim Cairns as the man
who gained wide publicity for his leadership of the campaign opposing
Australia's involvement in Vietnam, might well be surprised that having
been elected as Australian Deputy Prime Minister by a strong majority
of the Federal Labor caucus, he has not sought to become Foreign Minister.
But Dr. Cairns knows that he can do far more to advance Socialism inside
Australia and forge closer links between Australia and the Communist-dominated
nations, through control of finance-economic policies than through directing
foreign affairs. As expected, the Whitlam Government's team of
press lap-dogs have dutifully told the Australian people that by his
election to the Deputy Prime Ministership Dr. Cairns has now been "vindicated"
as a man proved right by time. We agree that Dr. Cairns is "a man of
principle." But what are those principles? A study of his record reveals
Dr. Cairns as a man dedicated to principles that have on many occasions
been applauded by the Marxists. Anyone mentioning the Marxists is, of
course written off in a patronising manner by the media pundits who
have uncritically accepted the myth of detente as preached by Dr. Henry
Kissinger and his Soviet friends. Dr. Cairns is eulogised as an honest man. This honest man has been a strong critic of South Africa and Rhodesia, but we cannot recall any criticism of the criminal policies of the Communist-dominated nations. We recall Dr. Cairns preaching non-violent demonstrations, which became extremely violent demonstrations. He was most vocal concerning French nuclear bomb testing, endorsing trade and other sanctions against France, but contented himself with a little harmless wrist-slapping in the case of the Red Chinese when they went ahead with nuclear test. Mr. Phil Cairns, Dr. Cairns' son, has been quoted as predicting "Gough Whitlam and Jim Cairns will be the greatest team in our political history." But does Gough Whitlam see the situation in this way? He preferred a loyal, pleasant "Yes man" like Mr. Lance Barnard for his deputy. Now he is faced with a clear message from the Labor caucus that they resent his highly personal type of Government. The Whitlam announcement of harsh finance-economic policies that had not even been discussed with Caucus Members angered many Members. Those elected with small majorities on May 18 may have felt relieved that the Whitlam medicine had not been prescribed before the Federal Elections. But they are also painfully aware that with a turbulent finance-economic situation ahead, there is no guarantee that the Whitlam Government will survive a full term. As the inevitable crisis deepens, tensions must develop inside the Labor Government, with those pushing for even more radical Socialist policies supporting Dr. Cairns, who has already made it clear that he supports higher taxation, allegedly as a means of curbing inflation. As his admirers stress that Dr. Cairns is a highly qualified economist, they must be satisfied that he knows what he is about when he supports the type of programme announced by Mr. Whitlam. It is certainly not going to reduce inflation by any meaningful percentage. If Dr. Cairns sincerely believes that his policies will achieve the objectives set by Mr. Whitlam, then he is but one more example of a certified economist without any knowledge of real finance-economics. In which case events will continue to contradict him. But we fear that Dr. Cairns knows just where he is attempting to take Australia. The manner in which the radical Socialists have hailed his victory suggests that they also feel that Dr. Cairns is going to play a major role in attempting to accelerate Australia's progress down the Socialist road. What all anti-Socialists would like to know is what is Mr. Snedden's alternative to the Socialist drive. Mr. Snedden has had little to say since Mr. Whitlam lectured the State Premiers at Canberra last week. A genuine anti-inflation policy is the only effective answer to Dr. Cairns and his supporters. |
COMMONSENSE ON INFLATION BY QUEENSLAND PREMIER"The Queensland Premier, Mr. Bjelke-Petersen, will present his own plan to beat inflation to the Premiers' Conference today if the Federal Government's proposals disappoint him. The plan... will call for a freeze on income tax and a reduction or elimination of sales tax...He would tell the conference that the higher inflation goes the greater income tax and sales tax make the wages-price gap." - The Australian June 7th. Once again the Queensland Premier is showing much more commonsense and leadership than his fellow non-Labor Premiers. In a vigorous attack on the Sales Tax, Mr. Bjelke-Petersen said the abolition of Sales Tax would "do more in one stroke to put value back into the dollar than any rash of tariff cuts, restrictive credit controls and so on." It is elementary that if the Sales Tax were eliminated the price of a wide range of articles, many of them on the Consumer Price Index, would fall. As the Premier observed, "This would have a double effect because it would reduce Federal revenue and its spending but at the same time give consumers television sets up to 27.5 per cent cheaper and cars more than a quarter off." Needless to say Mr. Whitlam and his advisers are not going to adopt any policy that will reduce their revenue, and thus their power to exercise control through massive Canberra spending. Mr. Bjelke-Petersen not only advocated a realistic anti-inflation tax policy; he came out in favour of the old Country Party policy of consumer discounts. He said, "Consumer support - which has now been called subsidies - of food would make potatoes, bread and butter, etc. cheaper. These moves would particularly help the lower-income earner. "I don't know how the man on the basic wage can survive now". That last comment was a neat thrust at a Government, which claims to be concerned about the plight of the lower-income earners. The Queensland Premier requires every possible support for his constructive policy. Is it too much to ask Federal Country Party leader Doug Anthony to get behind a Country Party Premier going back to traditional Country Party policies? |
"THE FIGHT IS ON" OPERATION OFFENSIVELast week at Canberra Prime Minister Whitlam
presided over what some believe could be the last Premiers' Conference.
The essence of what Mr. Whitlam told the Premiers was that he intended
to use the inflation problem to intensify the Fabian-Socialist strategy
of destroying the States in order to impose complete centralism upon
the Australian people. With the exception of some commonsense from the Queensland Premier, which we have commented on, there has been no leadership whatever from Liberal and Country Party leaders, either State or Federal. And yet if the State Governments and the Opposition at Canberra do not come forward with a constructive and genuine alternative to the Canberra power men, they are doomed to disaster. Australia can only be saved by the people of Australia. They must now apply the maximum pressure to their State Members and Opposition Members at Canberra. The League of Rights moves forward into the fight with the most ambitious offensive in its history. Next week we will be forwarding every On Target supporter with three copies of an action brochure for saturation distribution, in which the inflation problem will be explained, and suggested actions so that a grass-roots pressure is developed quickly right throughout Australia. Supporters are urged to use the three brochures sent next week and then order immediately what supplies they can effectively distribute. Adequate supplies to meet all initial demands are available NOW. The brochure campaign will be backed up with newspaper advertisements and other activities. But first obtain your supply of brochures. Prices as follows: 10 cents for 1: 35 cents for 12: $1.25 for 50: $2.75 for 100: $16 for 1,000. |
SOVIET PLANS AN IRISH CUBA"Northern Ireland could turn into another Cuba, the former commander of Nato in northern Europe General Sir Frederick Walter Walker, said yesterday. He said Russia intended to oust the British army from the province. 'Moscow intends to establish a firm revolutionary base, a springboard from which to conduct subversive operations in England itself' he said. 'We should be thankful that the battle is in Belfast and not in London....Yet!" - The Australian June 8th. While the West lulls itself into a mood of wishful thinking about "peaceful co-existence", the Soviet strategists, aided by the vital economic blood transfusions provided by those it plans to destroy, plan relentlessly towards their objectives. Western Europe reels under mounting inflation and is disintegrating. But the United Kingdom remains a major target. Not being a politician who is afraid of losing support if he tells the truth, General Sir Walter Walker, an expert on Communist warfare, is spelling out loud and clearly how the Communists have worked for a long time to use Ireland against the United Kingdom. "Ireland is but a pawn in the power struggle", he comments. The Marxist official IRA has already accepted sophisticated Soviet military equipment. It plans to play host to this year's 'world guerrilla conference' in Belfast between July 22 and August 2 - that is, if Mr. Harold Wilson permits guerrillas from all over the world to attend! The tragedy of Northern Ireland is a frightening example of the folly of attempting to force people of different backgrounds together. If Civil War breaks out, British politicians should be named as the guilty men. |
BRIEF COMMENTSIn our issue of May 26th we observed that Mr.
David McKenzie, Labor Member for Diamond Valley, Victoria, "looks like
being the only Labor electoral casualty in Victoria..." Unfortunately
Mr. McKenzie was saved by preferences, many from the DLP. What about that one-man-one-vote-one value dogma! Compulsory voting should, of course, be abolished. ALP spokesmen have talked loudly about "gerrymandering" in Queensland. We suggest they have a look at the anti-Labor Senate vote in Queensland, 52 per cent. And then ponder on the even bigger anti-referendum vote. Queenslanders have made it clear just what they think of Mr. Whitlam's centralising programme. We have seen little comment on the relatively high Senate vote for the Family Action Movement in N.S.W. The three FAM candidates were not assisted by their position on the ballot paper or by being well-known personalities. Primarily designed to ensure that the Australia Party did not win a Senate seat, the FAM actually achieved the astonishing result of out-polling the Australia Party. This result indicates that there is a lot more health in the community than the pornopolitical operators believe. Remember those ALP claims that the Whitlam Government had reduced inflation down to less than 10 per cent? Now Mr. Whitlam assumes Australians that his policies are going to reduce Inflation to less than 10 per cent during the next financial year. Yet another Italian Government has collapsed - after only three months in office. The basic cause? Inflation and the consequent economic dislocation. It should not be long before another Mussolini arrives. Many have wondered why Mr. Edward Heath, defeated "Conservative" British Prime Minister, was recently given such a warm welcome by Peking, even Chairman Mao meeting Mr. Heath, The Red Chinese are strong supporters of the Common Market and obviously see Mr. Heath, the man who demonstrated on the Common Market issue that he cares no more for the views of the British people than Chairman Mao cares for the views of the Chinese people, as a kindred spirit. |