home of ... Douglas Social Credit
17 January 1975. Thought for the Week: "Is the
West justified in surviving? Does that West retain within itself what
alone in life and history ever justifies the survival of anything, and
which is ultimately a play of creative force whose test and whose mandate
is that it impels men to die for it, not because they wish to die, but
because they feel its shaping power so completely that they would rather
die than live without it. So long as men identify themselves with that
force to the point where they will die for it, it is living and provides
that inner certitude, greater and more instant than any idea of reasoning,
which holds nations upright as they pick up momentum in the terrifying
slopes and turns of history. The moment that men in masses begin to
question that force, at that moment it has begun to die. However long
the tremor of its decay may take, time will henceforth be no more than
delay. Every civilisation embodies a certain truth to which it gives
reality. When that truth, which, in turn embodied in a faith held religiously
whether or not it is wholly religious - when that faith loses its power
to inspire men, its downfall is at hand."
Whittaker Chambers in Cold Friday. |
RED GLOWS THE 1975 DAWNby Eric D. Butler The dawn of 1975 is breaking against a background of deep red storm clouds. There is a deep uneasiness as people in every non-Communist country are buffeted by the cyclone-force pressures of growing inflation, escalating unemployment and economic and social disintegration. Consider the plight of the U.S.A. which in 1974 saw Richard Nixon forced to follow his Vice-President Spiro Agnew into political retirement, seriously impairing the status of the American Presidency, and leaving the U.S.A. under the direction of the pleasant but inconsequential Gerald Ford, but with policy making firmly under the control of Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller and his messenger boy Dr. Henry Kissinger. The Rockefellers' and other Wall Street groups' long-time support for economic aid to all Communist nations and the surrender policy called detente, backed by the liberal-international press like The New York Times, has been thoroughly documented in works like Gary Allen's None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Typical of the subtle but effective censorship of the liberal-international press was the disgraceful treatment before Christmas of one of the most important works published during 1974. Cardinal Mindszenty's Memoirs, completed by Macmillan Company for release on November 15th, for the Christmas market. Judged by any standard, the famous Cardinal's Memoirs were big news, but The New York Times, which boasts that it publishes all the news that is fit to be published, did not even rate the Memoirs a mention. The reason? The Cardinal effectively exposes the dangerous myth of détente. The same type of censorship has been also exercised against the works of the British-born research fellow, Antony Sutton, who has documented how the Soviet slave Empire has been sustained from the beginning by economic blood transfusions from the West, financed by groups like the Rockefellers. Sutton's National Suicide, one of the most important books of the last fifty years, has been studiously ignored by the liberal-international press everywhere. Even conventional anti-Communists dare not publicise a work, which exposes the reality behind International Communism. The erosion of America's national will in the
face of growing international pressure by both the Soviet Union and
Red China, this stemming to a large degree from the treacherous no-win
policy in Vietnam, coincides with a marked intensification of American
finance-economic problems. One of the first New Year reports from the
U.S.A. reads: There is, of course, nothing basically wrong with the American economy. No natural disasters have wrecked American capital equipment. There has been no sudden loss of industrial and technological skills. American free enterprise in physically capable of producing sufficient for the genuine requirements of the American people. And it can and has provided vast quantities of production, primary and industrial, for the Soviet Union and other countries, much of it under the general heading of "foreign aid." The basic cause of the America 's internal crisis, this now being exploited by those seeking to establish a "National Emergency", is a financial policy rooted in the same type of philosophy as that of the Marxist philosophy. Centralised power is exercised through the manipulation of a financial system used to subject the individual to increasing financial debt, destructive taxation and progressive inflation. One of the greatest minds of this century, C.
H. Douglas, a highly qualified consulting engineer with an international
reputation, made the prophetic statement at the end of the First World
War, that if persistent attempts were made to work the economic system
in accordance with the axioms of "sound finance", then it was as inevitable
as the sunrise that Civilisation would be plunged into one disaster
after another, with the conservative elements in society being forced
to progressively retreat in the face of the Socialist exploitations
of these disasters. Douglas's predictions were endorsed by other eminent
thinkers. And they have been tragically endorsed by the events now unfolding
at an accelerating rate. There is much worse to come. The Great Depression of the 'thirties' saw anti-socialists generating a public demand that necessary adjustments be made to financial policy to enable the free enterprise, private-ownership economy work to serve the individual. That demand was perverted with the promotion of the British economist John Maynard Keynes a degenerate creature, as an economic Messiah. Keynesian financial theories were promulgated internationally as the answer to depressions. The essence of these theories was that Governments should "stimulate" economies through deficit budgets, the deficits to be created as interest-bearing debts. Keynes admitted that this policy was inflationary, but this could be "controlled" by periodic "credit squeezes" and taxation. The Socialist theoreticians were delighted, as admitted in their textbooks. Keynes had propounded what was in fact a subtle policy for progressively undermining the free-enterprise system and generating increasing instability, which could be justified to impose more centralised controls, irrespective of the label of Governments. As for our non-Socialist party politicians, let us consider the following: "Let us look at the new year together. Inflation is our common enemy....It is monstrously unjust, for it does most damage where there is the least power to resist it. When we have a common enemy in war, we get together to fight him....And if, today, inflation is our common enemy, are we not to meet it by national unity and common effort? How can we defeat it otherwise? We have put into action our own programme. You may think it harsh or uncomfortable. But it is not so harsh or uncomfortable as the widespread misery and bitter injustice, which would come from national financial disaster. There will be economic casualties... But I have yet to hear from anybody of any other plan of campaign, and without a plan of campaign this fight cannot be won. It must be won, and it will be won." The brave words I have quoted are from a broadcast to the people of the Commonwealth of Australia on the evening of January l 1952, by Prime Minister R. G. Menzies. I wrote to the then Mr. Menzies pointing out that while his "plan of campaign" would certainly produce economic casualties, and much delight amongst the Socialists, it would not end with the fight against inflation being won. Eight years later, in 1960, the Menzies Government had still not won that fight and was desperately using the same Keynesian techniques being used today by the Whitlam Government, and also producing more economic casualties. The result was the near-electoral defeat of the Menzies Government in 1961 and an immediate reversal of the "fight" by a classic Keynesian deficit budget. And so the tragic story has continued until today, with the finance-economic crisis deepening and today's Federal Liberal and Country Party leaders not only offering no constructive alternatives, but also retreating from their professed principles of the past. I found it rather sad to read the comments of Sir Robert Menzies, just before Christmas, when on the occasion of his 80th birthday the founder of the Liberal Party lamented that "so many things that I believed in, many of the principles which made the Liberal Party, have so far been forgotten or put on one side that I am deeply concerned about the future." The future is determined by the past. "The evil that men do lives after them" is one of the basic realities of human history. The accelerating disintegration of Civilisation is the result of the evil policies pursued over a long period of time. Regeneration requires a challenge to those evil policies. Genuine repentance for past mistakes is essential. But it is symptomatic of the rot destroying Civilisation that amidst the growing collapse Western politicians like Prime Minister Whitlam sup with, and lavish praise on, criminal gangsters like Tito, offer them still more economic tributes, and join with them in aiding the "freedom fighters" against the embattled Rhodesians and South Africans desperately attempting to uphold Civilised Government and law and order in one of the West's most strategically vital areas. The same type of sick "intellectuals", including
many clerics, who worshipped the monster Stalin, today feel a glow of
self-righteousness as they aid black murderers, armed with Communist
weapons, to kill and maim their fellow Africans in the name of "liberation."
Behind all this diabolical activity is the drive towards the realisation
of that old dream of the power maniacs down the Ages: the creation of
the World State. But before the World State can be established the West,
once proudly termed the "Christian West", must be completely broken
and demoralised. Sniffing political victory during this year.
Mr. B. M. Snedden told Australians in a New Year message that "Now is
the time to stop the drift and delay of the past two years and get back
on the path of steady national progress." I presume he means the Keynesian
path he and his colleagues were following with such disastrous results
that the electors turned against them in 1972. It was left to Mr. Doug Anthony in his New Year statement to provide the chilling suggestion that "No serious illness is likely to be cured without strong, and sometimes, unpleasant, remedies. " Inflation is not a "disease", but a deliberate policy of financial control of the individual. Unless another Liberal-Country Party Government is prepared to challenge that policy, it will merely preside over the same process of accelerating disintegration now taking place under the Whitlam Government, with revolution the end result. What the Federal Liberal and Countries parties should be following is the inspiring lead against inflation given by Queensland Premier J. Bjelke-Petersen who, amidst the gloom and wreckage of 1974 lit a lighthouse by which in 1975 the Australian ship of State could be safely guided through the inflationary and associated storms to the harbour of economic security and freedom for all Australians. As the red dawn of 1975 deepens the League of Rights is faced with its biggest challenge. My New Year message to all League supporters is simple: "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more." |