home of ... Douglas Social Credit
April 11 1975. Thought for the Week: "He who
shall introduce into public life the principles of primitive Christianity
will change the face of the world."
Benjamin Franklin. |
BARBARIANS PREVENTED SOUTH AFRICAN RUBGY TOUR OF N.ZMr. Eric Butler wrote the following report at
the conclusion of his recent tour of New Zealand. The Communist strategists believe that the isolation of South Africa in the field of sport will help generate other pressures against the South African Government. But a close study of the campaign directed towards preventing the proposed 1975 South African rugby tour of New Zealand reveals that the promoters of this campaign were even prepared to have their agents and dupes resort not only to violent demonstrations, but also to the murder of innocent people. This harsh truth is brought out in a recently published New Zealand book,Sinners At The Stadium by Robert Fenton, the New Zealander with the initiative and courage to organise a movement called "War Against Recreational Disruption", one which could be joined by all New Zealanders, irrespective of their party political affiliations, or what they thought about the South African Government. Mr. Fenton argued that in a free society every individual had the right to protest against anything, providing it does not result in the infringement of other people's rights. As it was clear that the majority of New Zealanders wished to have their major traditional rugby opponents, the South Africans, visit New Zealand. Mr. Fenton and those who thought as he did argued that New Zealanders should be free to watch rugby played between the South Africans and New Zealanders. Those opposed could stay away, or make their protests in a peaceful manner. Mr. Fenton soon learned what the opponents of the South African rugby tour were really about. He has dealt with what he discovered in his most revealing and chilling book. No punches are pulled, as witnessed by the following opening comment: "When financially powerful agencies of Western origin are hired by African States to destroy respect between Free countries at the expense of Western taxpayers, it is not remarkable that special UN committees - composed totally of the same antagonists - can command support for illegal resolutions against Rhodesia and South Africa. Upheavals against civilised communities require the endorsement of the Bishops, the intellectuals and idealists to endow aggression with respectability. The manipulators' shrewdness has encompassed very nearly every sphere of activity with an idealistic base, finally recognising the peculiar vulnerability of sport....Sport has now emerged as a medium with as much scope for discord and alienation of the World Council of Churches' new -found religion." Robert Fenton is scathing in his comments on the blatant hypocrisy of those using sport in their war against Southern Africa, pointing out they had no objection to sportsmen from "General" Amin's Uganda attending the Christchurch Commonwealth Games. There were no "moral protests" when the multiracial Rhodesian sporting delegation was refused the right to participate in the Munich Olympic games. Non-European sportsmen from South Africa have been barred from participating in international contests. The campaign, which prevented the planned South African rugby tour of New Zealand in 1973, was given top priority by the International revolutionaries. Operating behind the Bishop Crowthers and others who were preaching and teaching "non-violent disruption" were international experts in the field of urban guerrilla warfare. They outlined tactics for creating major traffic "snarls" and crowd panic. Cans of cyanide gas were to be placed in toilets. The killing of innocent New Zealanders was justified. New Zealand was to be turned into a battlefield. Robert Fenton concludes his book by stressing, "Western man has to regain something of his former muscle, abandon the policy of appeasement and check the striding anarchism menacing his sport, his culture and his heritage. He is face to face with barbarism, wearing the clothes and speaking the tongue of the modern sophisticate, but looting the more with each withdrawal and concession." (We hope shortly to have copies of Sinners At The Stadium, which also refers to the campaign against the last South African rugby tour of Australia.) |
CLARIFICATIONIn last week's On Target, in the item headed - "Bank Economist Calls For Price Subsidy" we stated that: "inflation is higher than ever: in fact it is a comparatively recent finance-economic phenomenon". We were referring, of course, to cost inflation, and stagflation, itself a development from cost inflation. Demand inflation (too much money chasing too few goods) has been in evidence many times throughout history. It was a contributory factor to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire ("silver inflation"). It was again in evidence in Europe during the height of the Spanish power when the Spanish galleons were bringing plunder home from Spanish America ("gold inflation"). It was no doubt in evidence among the cave men when a few cave men were able to obtain, by fortuitous circumstances, a surfeit of tigers' teeth. With these they could buy a comely cave-maiden, or a pig; but the price tags on each (maidens and pigs) rose because "there was too much money (tigers' teeth) chasing too few goods". Money is anything, anything that will be accepted in exchange for goods and services. We hope that we have made our point. |
REPORT FROM NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF THE BRITISH LEAGUE OF RIGHTSMr. Donald Martin, the National Director of the British League of Rights, has sent us a most interesting letter, choc-a-block with "goodies", some of which we shall pass on. Mr. Martin says that he and his colleagues have followed with intense interest the events surrounding the recent Queensland State election. Inspired by what has been done in Queensland, our colleagues in Britain are preparing to launch a special housewives plan to beat inflation. The British Housewives League will be prominent in this. Speaking of the Common Market "negotiations",
he says that no informed political observer was surprised at the outcome.
One newspaper columnist described them (the "new" terms) as "the old
Tory terms with 2p. off". The Socialist ideologies in Britain are well
in favour, still, of the Common Market. The scrapping of the "Chunnel"
(English Channel Tunnel) was on economic grounds only; some Eurocrats
have even now come forward with suggestions about fresh ways to finance
it. (The One-Worlders want those British Isles linked to Europe in every
possible way!) |
spoke of the danger to Australia, and Indonesia, of control of East
(Portuguese) Timor passing to a Communist power. And this control does
not necessitate that East Timor be invaded and seized by Russian marines,
or units of the Red Army of the People's Republic of China. It looks
now that Portugal will slip under Communist control, and hence East
Timor, (and other Portuguese territories) will slip under with her.
The Communists do not yield up control once they have gained it. One Liberal politician has scathingly remarked that the best we could do in our defence would be to muster a brigade of boy scouts; if that! Australia at the present time is virtually defenceless!' Mr. Whitlam's "Australian" Government has seen to that. League supporters are aware of the uneasiness in the Socialist ranks over the possibility of an Indonesian take-over of East Timor; but not, of course any Communist take-over. This couldn't possibly happen for at least fifteen years, you know. (Did anyone say something about famous last words?!) As we expected the local comrades have been at it - serving the interests of the communist global strategists. We have to admit that Communist communications
are first-class. In the issue of the Communist Tribune (April
1st, but no April Fool's joke) there is a display notice, (5ins. x 3.5ins.)
yes, we can get along without metrics. |
BRIEF COMMENTSDr. Frank Knopfelmacher, of the Psychology Department
of Melbourne University, had a letter published in The Age (Melbourne)
April 3rd. We have not been seeing many letters from the Doctor lately.
He was right enough in what he said about the Vietnam debacle. He lashes
Dr. Cairns. We have a suspicion lurking in the recesses of
our minds that the International Financial operators are concerned about
the financial proposals, such as the Petersen Plan, which have been
achieving some prominence of late. Along with the continual exposure
of some of the "mysteries" of finance-economics which the League continually
carries out. In very recent years we have had no less than three of
the very top orthodox economists out in Australia from the U.S.A. All
of them have advised many American Administrations, and teach at the
highest level. First, came Professor J. K. Galbraith. He gave a series
of lectures at a Business Staff College near Melbourne. Professor Galbraith
is a Socialist. Then came Professor Paul Samuelson. A former Nobel Prize
winner for economic "science". He gave a series of lectures. And only
recently came Professor Milton Friedman, an economic adviser to the
late President Kennedy. All of these eminent economists had discussions
with high banking and Treasury officials. The "Multiplier Myth" (or the Velocity
of Circulation Saga) From Hansard Representatives: March 5th, Adjournment Debate: Mr. Howard...."I believe that it has become popular folklore throughout the world to single out South Africa because South Africa cannot do anything in retaliation.... in the face of a massive security problem, and in the face of clear evidence that the people of Australia did not want the Yugoslav Prime Minister, Mr. Bijedic, to come here shortly after the Government came to office, why did the Government go ahead with the visit?" |