home of ... Douglas Social Credit
November 14 1975. Thought for the Week: "There
is no reason to doubt that the prerogative of the King seems to men
of eminence and experience in politics above all the means of delaying
the coming of Socialism."
Professor Harold Laski, famous Marxist theoretician. |
A VICTORY FOR THE MONARCHICAL SYSTEMby Eric D. Butler It has already been argued that the Governor-General adopted a much too legalistic approach to the problem confronting him. But the time had arrived when Mr. Whitlam and his colleagues had to be confronted with the realities of the law. As I have constantly pointed out, the law of the Federation of Australia is the written Constitution. Mr. Whitlam cynically attempted to violate the Constitution while at the same time claiming that he was upholding it. Sir John Kerr made his central point in the following words: "Parliamentary control of appropriation and accordingly of expenditure is a fundamental feature of our system of responsible government. In consequence it has been generally accepted that a government, which has been denied Supply in the Parliament, cannot govern. So much at least is clear in cases where a ministry is refused Supply by a popularly elected lower House. In other systems where an upper House is denied the right to reject a Money Bill denial of Supply can occur only at the instance of the lower House. When, however, an Upper House possesses the power to reject a Money Bill, including an Appropriation Bill, and exercises the power by denying Supply, the principle that a government which has been denied Supply by the Parliament should resign, or go to an election, must still apply..." After observing that the Senate is "a popularly elected chamber", and mentioning its constitutional status, the Governor-General said "The Senate accordingly has the power and has exercised the power to refuse to grant Supply to the Government." Sir John referred then to the reserve powers of the Crown and ruled that as the Parliament of The Commonwealth of Australia, consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate, had denied the Whitlam Government Supply, the Whitlam Government should be dismissed and replaced with a caretaker Government charged with the responsibility of holding a general election at the earliest opportunity. If democracy means that the electors should have a say, then Sir John Kerr cannot be charged with subverting democracy. Faced with a situation produced by the contenders for political power, the Governor-General acted properly to resolve the political crisis. But this does not mean that Australia's basic problems are about to end. It is my responsibility to warn that Australia is about to enter the most convulsive period since the end of the Second World War. Because of an educational system which has brainwashed large numbers into believing that a democratic government is one which, having been elected, - irrespective of what propaganda methods have been used to achieve that objective, - should be free to do as it likes for a given number of years, large numbers of Australians do not understand the true role of the Federal Constitution. Large numbers of "eminent academics" are already giving their views that the Governor-General has acted wrongly. There must be inevitable confusion and a high degree of sympathy for Mr. Whitlam. The election will be dominated by a highly emotional controversy concerning the right of the Senate and the Governor-General to deprive Mr. Whitlam of office. The Labor strategists will attempt to submerge the basic issues like inflation and associated problems. For reasons, which I will outline later, I fear that a Fraser-Anthony Government could come to office under the worst possible circumstances. I am not one of those who believe that it is certain that in view of the nature of the coming election, that there will be a "landslide" to the Coalition. On present indications it is possible that the Coalition will win in the House of Representatives while Labor, aided by Mr. John Gorton from Canberra and Mr. Steele Hall from South Australia, will be able to play a similar role to that of the Liberal and Country Party Senators in the last Parliament. Mr. Fraser's major and most urgent problem will be to start reversing inflation. Unless he can do this, the stage is being set for something approaching revolution. The Marxists are full of anticipation. The Communist "Tribune" of October 22 has issued the call to civil war: "The most effective way workers can act is to stop work and take to the streets". The best advice I can give the Coalition Parties is that they consult immediately with Premier J. Bjelke-Petersen on his three point anti-inflation programme and make it the central feature of their election programme. The Governor-General has given the Australian people the right to a say. Let Mr. Fraser and his colleagues now provide the electors with the opportunity to vote on a constructive policy to deprive the revolutionaries of their major weapon. |
RHODESIA'S TEN YEARS OF HERIOC INSPIRATIONTruth is the great disciplinarian, always bringing men back to the realities often shrouded in the mists of false ideologies and wishful thinking. Consider the state of Rhodesia, which last Tuesday, November 11th, celebrated the tenth anniversary of independence, compared with the "independence" celebrations on the same day in Angola, former Portuguese West African territory. While rival African groups, backed by the competing Soviet Union and Red China, were continuing to murder and loot in Angola, Rhodesians, both black and white, were going about their affairs in an atmosphere of peace, law and order. Steady economic growth continues to take place in spite of ten years of economic sanctions, international vilification and Communist -backed guerrilla attacks. Even some visiting journalists have had to admit, even if reluctantly, that events in Rhodesia have defied all the predictions of those who have over ten years been claiming that the end was in sight for Rhodesia. While the Rhodesian economy has been strengthened, Zambia's economy under the darling of the international liberals, Kenneth Kaunda, has progressively collapsed. This is why the former supporter of revolution has recently been attempting to present a much more moderate image. Not all Rhodesians agree completely with the
policies of Prime Minister Ian Smith. The fast growing SASCON movement,
described as the "extremist right" by visiting journalists covering
the Rhodesian independence celebrations, has widespread support amongst
all sections of the Rhodesian community, including the Civil Service
and Government. But opposition is conducted in an orderly and civilised
manner, not by terror and murder, a common feature of much of "liberated"
Africa. The President of the Council of Chiefs, Senator Chief Chirau, has also said that while welcoming Prime Minister John Vorster's attempt to help resolve the Rhodesian situation, where an African minority seeks to gain power, outsiders should not interfere in Rhodesia. The Chief said "In the old days people laid a siege round a city to try to starve people into submission. Sanctions are just the same. All people must understand that we will resist interference but welcome good will." The whole of Southern Africa is under international siege, as so graphically outlined in Douglas Reed's last book, "The Siege of Southern Africa". This siege has nothing whatever to do with improving the lot of the Africans, but is designed to gain control of one of the great strategic objectives in the drive for world power. Rhodesia has for ten years held a major front line for Western Civilisation, years during which the West suffered one defeat after another. But hard-pressed though they have been, the Rhodesians have provided an inspiring example of what a small group can achieve through will, courage amid faith. On the occasion of their tenth anniversary of independence, we salute the Rhodesians for what they have accomplished. Their outstanding role in shaping history is assured. |
CONGRATULATIONS TO LEAGUE ACTIONISTSWe thank all League actionists who responded immediately to the call for a National Petition Campaign to the Governor-General, requesting that he dissolve Parliament in order that the immediate national crisis could be resolved by a general election. The short campaign was an inspiring example of the capacity of the League to mount at short notice a nation-wide campaign. The flood of Petitions to the Governor-General was mounting quickly as he made his decision. Through the campaign the League made a large number of new contacts. Its prestige was further increased with responsible electors. |