home of ... Douglas Social Credit
14 February 1975. Thought for the Week: " The
greatest danger now threatening Southern Africa is not the enemies beyond
our borders; it is not the terrorists - or 'freedom fighters', as some
of our churchmen would call them. It is our enemies within, with their
vast wealth, and their newspapers, and their political activity, working
in partnership with disoriented, rootless intellectuals, hoping to win
their battle by making the country ungovernable..."
"It was not the Frelimo terrorists who won the struggle over Mozambique. No. It was the fools and traitors in Lisbon." Ivor Benson, in an address in Pretoria, South Africa. Nov. 29-30, 1974. |
THE MURPHY AFFAIR"Australia seemed to be drifting toward the American situation where judges became the plaything of political change, the West Australian Premier, Sir Charles Court, said yesterday. - The Australian, February 11th. Nothing like the full story leading up to the "Murphy Shuffle" has as yet, been disclosed. Many of the members of the political commentary " industry" have been pouring out reams of speculative copy, but still much mystery remains. A key point has been raised by Sir Charles Court, who said (The Australian Feb. 11th)... "I have always opposed the appointment of people who have been ministers in a Federal Government to the High Court of Australia, irrespective of which political party might be in power. It is completely impossible, and I don't care how much the lawyers argue to the contrary, for a man to separate his own thinking, when he was a minister and advising the government - for example as Attorney-General - and when he has to face up to the same matters when he sits as a judge in the High Court." Sir Charles pointed out that Mr. Justice Murphy would be sitting in judgment in the future on matters on which he had very strong personal views. These matters could, and most probably will include appeals from the States on Constitutional grounds against socialist legislation, which is framed to erode State Rights and impose further centralism on Australia. Lionel Murphy's left-wing ideology is known to all, and we have commented more than once upon his social poisoning, as evidenced by his Human Rights Bill, and his Family Law Bill. He is a most dangerous man; and we deplore his appointment to the High Court of Australia. Quite apart from Mr. Murphy's limited legal qualifications, he is the man who led the raid on the Melbourne headquarters of the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation. His involvement in the Miss Junie Morosi affair including his attempt to obtain her a Government flat in Canberra, cannot be overlooked. The basis of the British system of law is that not only must justice be done, but is must appear to be done. The Murphy appointment is a major blow at a most vital tradition. For some time the High Court has been tending to support the centralist philosophy, with the Court evenly divided on some important issues. Mr. Murphy's most significant comment on his High Court appointment is that he welcomes the opportunity to play a role in decisions, which, over the next few years, will help to shape the future of Australia. We can well imagine, for example, the approach of Mr. Justice Murphy to totalitarian legislation such as the Racial Discrimination Bill. In a typical outburst of sickening hypocrisy, Prime Minister Whitlam claims that Premier Lewis of N.S.W. is "subverting" the parliamentary system. Does he think that Australians have completely forgotten the Gair affair? The appointment of Mr. Murphy to the High Court is another major blow at the essential Australian heritage. The most effective answer to the Murphy appointment would be the election of a Federal Government, which took effective steps to restore the Federal system and decentralised all power. |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe outspoken Melbourne Sunday newspaper, "Observer", pulls no punches concerning the Socialists' planned attack on the Australian T.V. industry. At the recent bi-ennial Federal Labor Conference, held at Terrigal, N.S.W. a motion was adopted directing the Government to force all T.V. channels to videocast 75% first-run Australian-produced material. If this is done, this will mean that the commercial channels will be financially unable to meet the new Governmental regulations, and will be forced out of business, or, as is no doubt intended, will receive "Australian" Government assistance if they videocast what the "Australian" Government "suggests" they videocast. The Sunday "Observer" puts it plainly:- "Couched as a move to get more work for Australians, this decision is nothing more than yet another stranglehold to enable the Government to decide what we see on the T.V. screen..."Once again, Whitlam's Black Panthers have claimed they are acting 'in the national interest' - a term used as an excuse for far too many anti-individual moves by the Government". The Observer adds:- "We believe it will not be long before the Whitlam Government holds an inquiry into the Press - and out of this could come the first moves to censor and murder the Press." It would be a strange irony indeed to have the pundits of the Press, who have been sniping at the League of Rights for years come to us in desperation for assistance in saving their skins! But stranger things have happened. The Leader of the Country Party Mr. Anthony
and the President of the Australian Institute of Directors, Sir Robert
Crichton-Brown, have called for the abolition of the Prices Justification
Tribunal. Both men think that the Tribunal is not serving any good purpose
at all, and is, in fact, doing harm to the Australian economy. Our view
has been that the Tribunal is not serving any good purpose, and is certainly
not controlling inflation. The statistics which are supplied to the
Tribunal by applicants for price increases are naturally "loaded", with
the overall effect that the new price, granted by the Tribunal would
be the price which would have obtained in any event as a result of inflation.
We were interested to read an article in The Age (Melbourne) of Feb. 6th. by Dr. J. P. Juttner, of the Economics Department of Macquarie University (Sydney). Headed - "The Money Supply To Economy Growth Rate", Dr. Juttner appeared to tell us that petrol is not really necessary to fuel a car and that the petrol supply (not consumption) must be regulated by the speed at which the car travels! Dr, Juttner wants the Reserve Bank to be more independent of political pressures in order to achieve a non -inflationary growth rate of the money supply. Under orthodox financial conventions this would be equivalent to cold fire, or dry water. The Costs In Production: Wages, salaries, payments for raw materials, are not the only major costs, which must be taken into account when a producer is setting the price of his product. Those who advance this theory are ignoring one very significant cost - the interest that is charged on overdraft lending. The amount, which a producer, working on overdraft, must pay back to the bank, is not simply the amount which he has borrowed. He must also pay interest, and this too must be added into the price of his goods. This means that he must try to draw back from the community's money supply more than he has spent into it in the course of producing the goods, which he is now trying to sell. And it is not only one producer who needs to do this in order to survive. Every producer has to do it, and they are all trying to do it at the same time. If some succeed, others must fail, because there is not enough money created at one time to enable them all to achieve their object. |