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February 27 1976. Thought for the Week: "The
Communist ideology is to destroy your society. This has been their aim
for 125 years and has never changed; only the methods have changed a
little. When there is detente, peaceful co-existence, and trade, they
will still insist: The ideological war must continue. And what is ideological
war? It is a focus of hatred, a continued repetition of the oath to
destroy the Western world. Just as, once upon a time in the Roman Senate,
a famous speaker ended every speech with the statement: 'Furthermore,
Carthage must be destroyed', so today, with every act - détente, trade
or whatever the Communist press, acting on secret instructions, sends
out thousands of speakers who repeat: 'Furthermore, capitalism must
be destroyed"'.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his New York address, 1975. |
CAN THE WEST'S FRONT LINE IN RHODESIA HOLD?By Eric D. Butler With his deep grasp of the wide sweep of history, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn immediately pinpointed the awesome significance of the American defeat in Vietnam, finalised early last year. Solzehnitsyn said that the defeat marked the end of the Third World War, which the West had lost. Not fully comprehending that they had been betrayed in Vietnam by Dr. Kissinger and the treacherous groups he represents, the American people were shattered and numbed. The Watergate affair had also helped to foster a mood of isolationism, a desire to retreat from the problems of the world. It is not surprising therefore that the American people felt no desire to try to participate in shaping events in Angola, a far away part of the world of apparently little direct concern to them. And apart from that, they had learned over the years that the South Africans and Rhodesians were as bad as the Communists. So why bother about trying to assist them? As I have pointed out over many years. Rhodesia's border on the Zambesi is one of the great strategic front lines in the struggle for the world. Communist-inspired propaganda, supported by mixed-up idealists and do-gooders has persistently misrepresented both Rhodesia and South Africa as an essential feature of global warfare. Soviet control of Southern Africa and its ports would enable the large Soviet navy to dominate the vital lifeline which Western European nations require for survival. The Soviet's use of Cubans to colonise Angola under the Marxist MPLA Government is an extremely logical one. Large-scale migration of Cubans to Angola and possibly later to Mozambique will not only help ease Dr. Castro's problems, but will assure the Soviet of secure naval bases on both sides of Central Southern Africa. Increasing pressure can be applied against the Rhodesians with the use of terrorists equipped with much more sophisticated weaponry than they have had in the past. While the ultimate objective is South Africa, the first major objective must be Rhodesia. The Soviet have moved into Central Southern Africa with the greatest confidence because they had no fear that the U.S.A. or any other Western nation would move against them. Dr. Kissinger was talking more detente in Moscow while Cubans were driving the Soviet tanks deeper into Angola. The Soviet leaders know their Dr. Kissinger. And they believe that the West generally is now too decadent to resist its aggressive policies. At this moment of new tension in the global struggle, commissioners of the Church of England in England have called on the Midland Bank to end direct lending to South Africa. There is no evidence that these Church spokesmen have ever tried to halt the massive British credits to the Communist criminals. They never protest against the treatment of Christians in the Communist slave Empire. A statement from the American State Department warns the Rhodesians that they will get no help in the event of open armed conflict. The statement says that the conflict will be between the Rhodesian African "nationalists" and the "white minority". The "nationalists" only speak for themselves, and do not in any way represent the great majority of the Africans, large numbers of whom are fighting in the army with the Europeans against the Communist-backed terrorists. Dr. Kaunda, whose troops murdered two harmless Canadian girls in cold blood at the Victoria Falls, and who has been responsible for the most shocking crimes against fellow Africans, preaches that there will be a "bloodbath" in Rhodesia unless the Smith Government comes to terms with the "moderates". Harold Wilson, presiding over a Government taking the British down the Marxist road at an accelerating rate, unctuously offers the Rhodesians "help" on terms. These terms would be a complete betrayal of everything the Rhodesians -black and white - have fought to preserve over ten long years. Western nations are nearly falling over themselves to recognise the new Communist regime in Angola. Prime Minister Muldoon of New Zealand, leading a Nationalist Government, apparently could hardly wait to get into line. Mr. Muldoon repeats the old story about being "realistic", that as the MPLA are in effective control of Angola, then they must be recognised. The hypocrisy of this argument becomes glaring when it is applied to Rhodesia. The Rhodesian Government of Ian Smith has been in effective control in Rhodesia for a decade. There has been stability and economic development benefiting all Rhodesians. There have been no coups, or attempted coups. Political opponents are not murdered. Rhodesia has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. And it wants to be on the side of the West in the struggle against international Communism. The West has consistently joined with the Communists in attempting to impose sanctions against Rhodesia. If the West betrays Rhodesia, preferring the Soviet criminals to civilised people, it will be one of the vilest acts yet perpetrated in the global struggle concerning the evil called Communism. One hopes that the Fraser Government will spare Australians the shame of being associated with such an act. |
WHY 'TOUGH TIMES' AHEAD?"...throughout the interview he returned frequently to the theme that there were tough times ahead for Australia. 'But we are not going to overcome the problems unless a majority of Australians recognise that the government has to take some unpleasant decisions, that there are difficult things to be done"'. - Peter Costigan, new chief of the Melbourne "Herald" Canberra bureau, in exclusive interview with Prime Minister Fraser, "Herald", February 16th. The essence of the Fraser Government's approach to Australia's problems is that inflation is some type of deeply-seated disease requiring a drastic "purge" which, while painful at the time, will bring health in the long run. By now it should be clear to all but those blinded by party loyalties, or wishful thinking, that the Fraser Government is blundering along a road, which must lead to disasters of the greatest magnitude. Mr. Tony Street, Minister for Labor, a pleasant man but hopelessly ignorant of finance-economic realities, now concedes that unemployment is going to increase. And not one action taken by the Fraser Government to date is going to have any real effect on the basic cause of inflation. Inflation can only be reversed by the reduction of financial costs. But rather than do this, Mr. Fraser suggests that when the Government imposes increased financial costs in the form of higher indirect taxes, these taxes should not be included in the C.P.I. figures used for wage adjustments. Such a policy would impose an effective reduction in purchasing power by inflating prices while at the same time preventing wages from rising. Such a policy is based upon the false premise that there is an excess of purchasing power. Large sections of the Australian production system are at present stagnating because of INSUFFICIENT purchasing power. BHP reports that it is continuing to leave its Number 3 blast furnace at Newcastle idle because of inadequate demand for steel. A survey shows that the only major problems producers have is lack of demand. Demand can only increase if purchasing power is increased; increased wages are no permanent solution. A drastic reduction in Sales Tax and consumer price discounts are what are urgently required for a start. But the Treasury "experts", speaking through Federal Treasurer Lynch are strongly opposed to this. Steeped in the Marxist philosophy underlying Keynesian financial policies they are firm believers in centralised control. As Mr. Fraser and his colleagues are now tending to blame the recent national wage award of 6.4 per cent for their failure to reverse inflation, we suggest that they demonstrate their sincerity on this point by the simple process of handing back to the Australian people the increased tax revenue they will obtain from a wage increase which they argue should not have been given. We estimate that this increased tax revenue will be in excess of $300 million. This amount would enable some major reductions in Sales Tax, these reductions in turn modifying the C.P.I. figures. What about it Mr. Fraser? |
NEW ZEALANDJeremy Lee reports Mr. Muldoon seems to have the same 'flexibility' as the Australian Prime Minister with regard to pre-election promises. With inflation running at an annual rate of 17% in New Zealand, it is doubtful whether there will be much patience in the electorate if the current steps do not produce speedy results. |