home of ... Douglas Social Credit
8 July 1977. Thought for the Week: "....both
the extreme right and the extreme left of the conventional political
spectrum are absolutely collectivist. The national socialist (i.e. the
fascist) and the international socialist (i.e. the Communist) both recommend
totalitarian politico-economic systems based on marked, unfettered political
power and individual coercion. Both systems require monopoly control
of society."
Dr. Antony Sutton in Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. |
PRIME MINISTER FRASER CALLS FOR TRADE WAR"If Europeans want stability of access to supplies of energy, to supplies of uranium, it is reasonable enough for us to seek to have that principle of stability applied to access to their markets. Stability is a principle that cannot be applied to one part of trade between nations. It ought to apply to supplies of raw materials and to access to markets." Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser in address to the nation on July 3rd. Mr. Malcolm Fraser was one of the original supporters of the United Kingdom joining the European Economic Community. Many of the international groups, which provided the massive financial support for the pro-Market campaign in the United Kingdom, did so because they sought to break up the British world. It was also openly admitted by some pro-Marketeers that the Common Market was in reality a major step in the programme to create World Government. The restrictive trade policies of the EEC have been no surprise to those who understand the realities of finance economic policies in a world of rapidly developing technology. But clearly Mr. Fraser does not understand those realities. The Common Market nations have produced such a glut of meat, butter and wheat that they have been subsidising exports of this production to the Communists. Any suggestion that the people of the Common Market nations, particularly the British, could consume much more of their own production if it were subsidised to them, is met with the same type of stiff-necked resistance offered by the Fraser Government when it is suggested that the Australian beef crisis would be substantially eased if meat were discounted to the Australian consumers. If the Fraser Government could force the EEC to take Australian beef and other primary production in order to obtain Australian uranium, then obviously such a policy would destroy thousands of primary producers in the Common Market countries. The EEC has recently ordered the Japanese to restrict steel and other exports to the Common Market countries. Now South East Asian nations are complaining bitterly that their developing light industries are threatened because they cannot gain ready access to the Australian market. The Japanese are desperately looking for overseas markets, and are being forced to consider closer economic links with Communist China. All developed nations, and the number is growing, are striving to solve their internal problems by "the favourable balance of trade". They are trying to force their surplus production on to other people, not primarily to obtain necessary imports, but to try to overcome an internal financial problem. Growing conflict between the non-Communist nations is sweet music to the Communist revolutionaries and their philosophical brothers, the international financiers and associated internationalists, who argue that the only answer to the situation is the swallowing up of individual nations into the collectivist world State. What Australia needs is a change of internal financial policies to permit Australians to consume to the maximum what they can easily produce, and an adequate military defence programme. From a position of strength Australia could then offer to the rest of the world desired production on the basis that it must be paid for by production required by Australia. The first nation to put its own internal affairs in order can lead the world away from this destructive trade war. |
LIBERAL MLAs REJECT FRASER FOREIGN POLICYIndicative of the mounting volume of protest
amongst Liberal and National Party MPs and supporters was the following
letter, which appeared in The Courier Mail, Brisbane, of June
23rd. The letter was signed by the following Queensland MLAs: Charles Porter (Lib. Toowong); H. Lowes (Lib. Brisbane); Col Miller (Lib.Ithaca); C. Lamont (Lib. S. Brisbane); Bill Kaus (Lib. Mansfield); Don Lane (Lib. Merthyr); Edward Row (N .P. Hinchinbrook); S. J. Muller (N.P. Fassifern); R.E. Moore (Lib. Windsor). On June 24th, Mr. C. Porter said, "at least 80 per cent of Queensland Government Members opposed the Prime Minister, Mr. Fraser over the Southern Africa issue...." Mr. Porter said that if he and his colleagues had waited another day, they could have obtained three times the number of signatures to their letter of June 23rd. |
THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE AGAINST RHODESIA"The UN Security Council has condemned Rhodesia for aggression against neighbouring Mozambique and appealed to all countries to give immediate aid to the Maputo Government to strengthen its defences. A resolution, passed last night in a rare act of unanimity, did not specify the form of aid - and Western members spoke of economic aid for Mozambique." - The Sun Melbourne, July 2nd. The UN decision to support Communist Mozambique
is a major victory for Soviet strategists. In an article in the February
issue of Intelligence Survey, Mr. Eric Butler warned of an international
media campaign to prepare the way for support for Mozambique against
"external aggression". He quoted a statement by the Communist Government
of Mozambique. Mozambique is a Soviet base from which increasing terrorist attacks upon Rhodesians have been made. No Western Government, including the Fraser Government, has condemned acts of cold-blooded murder against Rhodesian civilians, black and white. But when Rhodesians took steps to defend themselves by destroying terrorist training camps inside Mozambique, they became ''aggressors''. Then came the build up to the Security Council resolution with the baseless story that Rhodesian armed forces had launched a major assault against Mozambique. The Rhodesian Government invited Western Governments
to send investigators to see for themselves there was no truth in the
Mozambique story, featured all over the world. But no Western Government
accepted the Rhodesian invitation, presumably prepared to accept the
word of the Communists. The Soviet has been given the green light by Western nations to openly pour more military aid into Mozambique and to help with the training of more terrorists. The Fraser Government is endorsing this sickening policy of treachery and suicide. Calling for an uplift in Rhodesian public spirit, Rhodesia's Army Chief, Lieut. General John Hickman told a meeting in Salisbury last weekend "The most important battle the terrorists could win would be if they broke Rhodesia's will to resist or attack." As the Rhodesians face their greatest test, surely Australians and other Western people will not stand idly by while the UN prepares the way for yet one more bloody Communist advance. Not only Rhodesia, but also the whole Western world is now facing a testing time of the greatest importance for Civilisation. |
FOR THE RECORDIn presenting his hard line package deal to the State Premiers last week, Federal Treasurer Lynch insisted that the 10.6% increase in Federal funds would be an increase in real terms because the inflation rate for 1977-78 would be below the 10.6% figure. To achieve this the Federal financial squeeze will have to be continued with further unemployment, more business bankruptcies and intensified social problems which will leave indelible scars on Australian society. |