home of ... Douglas Social Credit
19 August
1977 Thought for the Week: "... private ownership today is threatened on two sides. On the one hand are the Communists, who would take the highly specialised process of modern production and attempt to run them on lines of Soviet Control and Committee Administration; on the other is the more immediate and subtle advance of the Financier, who by virtue of his control of the money market and thus of the price level, is in a position to impose terms making the owner of any industry little more than a manager subject to his orders." - Short Papers on Money, by The Marquis of Tavistock |
ECONOMIC AID FOR COMMUNIST MOZAMBIQUEIn On Target of July 1st, w reported on the Fraser Government's claim that Australia was not sending dried milk to Mozambique, as the Machel Government had declined to accept milk. We said we would make investigations concerning which country was supplying the dried milk. A Canadian suggests that Canada could be the supplier, as it has large quantities of powdered milk in cold storage. He quotes a Liberal Member Cone of Trudeau's team) as follows:"In 1976, when Mozambique moved to support the U.N. sanctions by closing its border with Rhodesia, Canada agreed with others to contribute up to $400,000 to the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation. From this fund, assistance has been extended to Mozambique to help it overcome the economic hardship resulting from the border closing. In addition, Canada provided direct food aid assistance in 1976 to the value of $3 million ....". (Our emphasis.) Mozambique's s major economic problem is not a result of closing the border with Rhodesia, but of a collapse in food production, some estimating that the drop is 75% compared with production under the Portuguese. Food supplies from Australia, New Zealand and Canada are obviously a much-needed economic blood transfusion for the Communist base of Mozambique. As Mozambique has never been a British Commonwealth responsibility, why have Crown Commonwealth countries been asked to assist this Communist base? The answer is that the Wilson Socialist Government proposed at the 1975 Commonwealth Conference that aid should be offered to Mozambique to help enable it to close the border with Rhodesia. The primary purpose of the aid to Mozambique is to assist in the overthrow of the Government of Rhodesia. All the double-talk in the world cannot alter this truth. We also learn from Canada that Conservative Opposition leader Clark agrees with the Trudeau policy on Rhodesia. Mr. Clark, of course, all for "majority rule", was very shocked by the murder of missionaries, but was also shocked by the raid into Mozambique by Rhodesian troops. Mr. Clark believes in a peaceful solution" through negotiation. Mr. Clark clearly is a master of double speak. In one breath he deplores the violent murder of missionaries, while in the next he deplores the Rhodesians taking action against the terrorists responsible for the murdering of missionaries and Rhodesian civilians, most of them Africans. "Conservative" Clark follows the same pro-Communist Trudeau line, in the same way that Prime Minister Fraser follows the Whitlam line. Taxpayers of the Crown Commonwealth are being forced to contribute to subsidising a Communist country, so that a former Crown Commonwealth nation, Rhodesia, might be destroyed. Surely the spirit which produced a deep loyalty among the peoples of the British Commonwealth during the past is not completely dead! |
the March, 1977 issue of "The New Times", this explosive work by Dr. Antony
Sutton was originally only available in hardback and sold for $10. Described as
the book which makes all previous books on the Second World War "obsolete", it
documents how the same Wall Street international financiers who financed the Bolsheviks,
also supported Hitler's rise to power, and helped to build the Nazi war machine
and sustain it, even during the Second World War. On the Rounds, by "Vigilia". Not Superman:
"One often meets patriots who feel pessimistic about resistance to the One World
Conspirators. Did not Professor Carroll Quigley, in his book 'Tragedy and Hope'
disclose the existence of a conspiracy, many of whose ends he revealed because
he thought its plans too advanced to be stopped. "Quigley and the pessimists are
wrong. (We understand that Professor Carroll Quigley died recently.....(Australian)
On Target).. We are not up against supermen. We are up against men who
frequently make gross errors of judgement. .. .look at the way Wall Street built
up Hitler in the mistaken belief that he could be controlled - and only get away
with it because of the blindness of Western electorates. (C.H. Douglas once said
that Hitler kicked away the ladder up which he climbed to power.... (Australian)
On Target) |
New C.I.A. ChiefWhen the first reports of Admiral
Stansfield Turner, former Navy classmate of President Carter, being appointed
new C.I.A. Chief, arrived, my first reaction was that at least he was not one
of the One Worlder Eastern 'liberals'. "Optimist of course. The next day the 'Daily
Telegraph' (London... Feb. 8th) reporting the appointment, stated that the
Admiral was 'a former Rhodes scholar'. It is indicative of Admiral Turner's politics
that 'The Guardian' (Manchester... Feb. 8th) reported that "on occasions
he has ridiculed military hardliners for deliberately overestimating Soviet military
strength as an excuse to build up American Defences." As readers of 'The Naked
Capitalist', by W. Cleon Skousen (price: $2.60 posted, from all League offices)
will be aware, the vast trust funds left by Cecil Rhodes fell almost immediately
into the hands of the Round Table, an Anglo-American secret society dominated
by One- Worlders and upper-class Marxists such as Lord Milner, and have been used
ever since to promote One-World objectives. "Wherever One-World activities are
found 'former Rhodes scholars' are to be found in the forefront. It looks as if
the Admiral will not be a square peg in the round hole." Hardly
a day passes without a segment of the national radio and television news bulletins
being directed at the imposition of so-called majority rule in Rhodesia. No attempt
is made to inform the public that minorities within the United Nations have as
much voting strength as the United States of America, which meets at least a third
of the expenses, and is given one vote. |
CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUB - ADELAIDENext Dinner/Meeting will be held on Friday, August 26th at the Adelaide Railway Station Dining Room. Tariff: $4 with drinks an optional extra.The Guest Speaker will be Mr. Jeremy Lee, National Secretary of the Institute of Economic Democracy. His address is entitled: "Can Australia Defend Itself"? Bookings: Ring 383.0114, 278.6780 or 296.7642, or write G.P.O. Box 1297, Adelaide, S.A. 5001. League literature on sale. Bring friends. |