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11 February
1977 Thought for the Week: "Institutions are means to an end, and
I do not think it is too much to say that the elevation of means into ends...
constitutes an unforgivable sin, in the pragmatic sense that it brings upon itself
the most tremendous penalties that life contains." C.H. Douglas. |
A CHRISTIAN APPEAL FROM RHODESIAThe following is portion of a newsletter issued by the Rhodesia Christian Group, and sent to us by the Rev. Father Arthur Lewis: "At the end of last year I returned briefly to my old mission-district in the Honde Valley, now perhaps the most war-torn area of Rhodesia. We travelled in mine-proof vehicles. In the driving rain near the Mozambique border I saw the dead and mutilated bodies of twenty-seven defenceless tea-estate workers, ripped by bullets and slashed by bayonets This appalling atrocity was perpetrated by terrorist raiders in the presence of the victims' wives and children, with whom I was able to speak and pray. At Geneva the Marxist Robert Mugabe, who insists that armed struggle' is the only solution of our problems, was reported as promising selective acts of violence to achieve his ends. The Honde massacre and the cold-blooded killing of three Roman Catholic missiona- ries ·es are plainly two such acts. They are the logical conclusion of the World Council of Churches' 'Prograimne to Combat Racism' and the support of terrorism, in the name of 'liberation', by Churches and church bodies. "The Rhodesian Christian Group and the Christian League of Southern Africa of which we are now a part try to build a fellowship of prayer and action among Christians of various Churches who are resisting this evil thing. We try to oppose Marxism by awakening a true Love for our Lord and the civilisation which His Church has built.... "What of our country's future? Here is our this-worldly task. The British government, our persecutors, can hardly help till they abandon their persecution. All we can do is pray for them. With God's help we can still help ourselves, without the false humility which pretends the major problems are of local manufacture. But black grievances must be dealt with swiftly and radically and terms reached with the moderate Africans who do not want the total collapse and misery of revolution. 'Surrender' and 'immediate transfer of power' are out. There is no one to whom power can be transferred without the total anarchy which precedes the Marxist takeover. There is no nationalist party with any policy for ruling the country. "We are not, I fear, a free and independent country, though we have preserved much by our long struggle. We are a pawn in the ghastly game of WORLD-POWER POLITICS. But if people of all races who want Christian civilisation, not communist tyranny, will make a working alliance, then the big bosses have failed in their game of divide and rule, and we can build som ething which is the legitimate heir of the Christian past. It is a tremendous challenge, an uphill but practical way forward. Humanly speaking, some goodwill from the U.S. and South Africa is requisite: neither country is lacking in Christians." Since Father Lewis wrote the above he has had the answer of that much- publicised "born-again" Christian, President Jimmy Carter. The Carter Administration has announced, through its Ambassador to the U.N., Mr. Young, that it is going to apply massive new economic pressure on the Rhodesian Government by repealing the "Byrd amendment" which was enacted - in 1971, and allows the United States to import chrome. When the "Byrd amendment" was enacted it was stressed that America's military programme urgently required adequate supplies of Rhodesia's chrome. The only other major source is the Soviet Union. Father Lewis is right: little Rhodesia, with its vast mineral wealth, is but a pawn in the struggle to create the "One World". But Rhodesia still survives, with Prime Minister Ian Smith bravely insisting that Rhodesia could indefinitely contain the rising terrorist attacks. |
LIFE IS NOT EASY FOR MR. FRASERIf Prime Minister Fraser takes seriously his oft-quoted view that life "was not meant to be easy", he should be really enjoying himself at present! The past week has seen an intensification of the criticism of the Fraser Government's stubborn refusal to heed the call to reduce taxation. Perhaps the hardest criticism last week came from Mr. W. Knox, Queensland State Liberal leader and State Treasurer.Mr. Knox said, "We have a serious situation with high unemployment, lack of business confidence and continuing high inflation rates, and we are concerned that our colleagues in Canberra do not seem to be sensitive to the real demands of the economy." The Federal Executive of the Liberal Party issued a statement endorsing the Government's "economic strategy": "The executive has full confidence in the Federal Government's economic policies. The executive commends the Government for remaining resolute in the face of outside pressures." It is, of course, relatively easy for members of the Liberal Party executive to endorse the Government's policies; unlike Members of Parliament, they do not have to answer to electors! If democracy has any real meaning, it is the responsibility of Governments to heed demands by electors concerning vital policy matters. The statement issued last Sunday by Acting Treasurer Robinson has further antagonised many business men, who strongly object to being told that they are undermining confidence in the economy, that they should provide "more effective leadership" and "a bit of corporate loyalty." Mr. Robinson said that "Australians should realise that there are signs the economy is improving " The Minister for Consumer Affairs, Mr. Howard, also joined in with Mr. Robinson, insisting that "people calling for tax cuts don't understand - don't want to understand the link between the deficit and the capacity to beat inflation." One of the Government's back-bench Members, Mr. Alan Jarman, in calling for tax cuts, has stated the obvious (except to Government Ministers) when he says that "reductions in sales tax would directly reduce the cost of goods and also cut back the rate of inflation." Mr. Jarman agrees that tax cuts might cause an increase in the deficit "but this would be a small price to pay to boost consumer confidence." If Mr. Fraser is to adhere to his no-tax-cut policy, as he indicated in Perth last week, he can anticipate an increasing barrage of criticism by a hard-pressed business community and electors. Mr. Fraser may thrive on this situation. But as the pressure increases on his Members, they are not likely to be enthusiastic about the concept that life was not meant to be easy. They want to retain their positions in Parliament - if possible. Electors should make it clear to them that their only hope of doing this is to oppose the Government's policies. BRIEF COMMENTS: Australian press baron Rupert Murdoch has, according to a reported interview in New York with Village Voice, said that one reason why he stopped supporting the Whitlam Government, was because it had not implemented necessary changes such as making Australia a republic. He is quoted as saying, "They chickened on us. They were just bloody weak. Whitlam was a disaster." As Mr. Murdoch has no difficulty in obtaining tens of millions of dollars to buy newspapers around the world, obviously his policies have the support of those providing the massive credits. President Carter's recently appointed Ambassador to the United Nations, Andrew Young, has been visiting Southern Africa. He expresses the view that Cuban troops have brought "a certain stability and order" in Angola. He has indicated support for the Rhodesian African "nationalists". Young was responsible for turning out the crucial Negro Southern vote which played such a vital part in the election of Jimmy Carter. He has considerable influence on President Carter. Efforts by some of President Carter's Democratic Party supporters, including Trade Union leader George Meany, to have Carter meet with the Russian writer, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, before he took office, failed because Carter's advisers, men like Brzezinski, warned that such a meeting would be taken as a signal by the Soviet that the new Administration was preparing to return to the "cold war". Solzhenitsyn has stressed the unpleasant truth that the Communists never cease to wage war. |
THE BASIC FUNDThis has now moved past $30,000. Amongst the 22 supporters who contributed $1136 over the last ten days, was a pensioner who sent $50. The League of Rights has often been accused of being financed gy "Big Money". The truth is that the League relies upon the "little people" of our society; those possessing the least giving proportionately the most.The Basic Fund now stands at just over $31,000. But the League's programme of expansion is being restructed by the delay in the Fund being filled. For example, we still have to publish Brigadier Eason's Paper on Defence, given at last year's National Seminar. Other important projects are also being delayed. The balance of the Fund, $14,000, must be subscribed as soon as possible. We would like to see a flood of smaller contributions from all those who have not yet supported this year's Basic Fund. Please remember to send all Northern N.S.W. and Queensland contributions to Mr. Jeremy Lee, Kingstown, via Armidale, N.S.W. The balance to Box 1052J, G.P.O., Melbourne. |