home of ... Douglas Social Credit
25 February 1977. Thought for the Week: "The
issue of extremism has been for years the subject of most heated debates.
The Communists know that those who have convictions, beliefs, and ideals,
do not yield easily, but defend them with every ounce of their strength
and energy, and make supreme efforts to win. Those are the extremists.
That is why the Communists - the most rabid and intolerant fanatics
and extremists in history - do not like anybody outside the Communist
Party to be an extremist, especially if he is against Communism."
Dr. S. Draskovich, in "Will America Surrender?" |
REFERENDUM MADNESSQueensland Liberal leader W. Knox is right when he describes the Fraser Government's referendum proposals "suicidal". Mr. Fraser was one of those who opposed in 1974 the very same constitutional changes he is now supporting. His "explanation" for the change will not alter the fact that to large numbers this will be but one more example of the lack of credibility of the Fraser Government. There is no need for any alarm concerning the imposition of a retiring age for judges of the High Court. But it is most serious for a Government which preaches about the "new Federalism", to propose, with the enthusiastic support of the Labor-Socialists, to undermine the status of the Senate. The proposal that the States be compelled constitutionally to replace the Senators by members of the same parties is designed to ensure that the Senate continues to be used for party politics, and that the States have no power in appointments. Senator Wright of Tasmania has made the vital point that the proposal for simultaneous elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate would destroy the security of the Senate to oppose a Government. Having used the Senate to stop Supply in order to defeat the Whitlam Government. Mr. Fraser now gives the impression of wanting to make the Senate a complete rubber stamp for the House of Representatives. The tired old argument about electors not wanting elections every eighteen months has been used. If a Senate election could be held now, it would provide electors with the opportunity of passing judgment on the performance of the Fraser Government. While Mr. Fraser and Mr. Whitlam will be standing shoulder to shoulder to reduce the status and independence of the Senate, the League of Rights will, as usual, be campaigning in favour of principles it has espoused for over 30 years. Senator Wood of Queensland charges that it is an act of "political hypocrisy" to support today what was opposed two years ago. Perhaps the one good aspect of the coming referendum vote in May is that it will enable the electors to let the Fraser Government know that they want far better results than they have been getting to date. As a negative vote will also be a rebuff for Mr. Whitlam, the Labor-Socialists will not be able to claim any satisfaction from the vote. If Mr. Fraser and his colleagues are, as claimed by Senator Wood, having a referendum campaign in an attempt to divert attention from the finance economic crisis, then they are confirming Mr. Knox' s view that they are attempting to commit suicide. The Queensland State Government will be opposing the major referendum proposals because it has no intention of following the Fraser Government down the disaster course. |
THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN STATE ELECTIONWe shall have something further to say about this State election when the smoke has cleared. Sir Charles Court may take his firm win as an endorsement by Western Australians of his leadership. What we do wish to emphasise is that this electoral victory by a State Liberal Government, which may now be able to govern without a coalition with the National Country Party, is not to be taken as an "endorsement" of the Fraser Government's economic policies. Already we have heard a Liberal Party politician make this erroneous claim.Party faithful who indulge their yearnings in this manner could before long be eating their words. The Australian editorial (Feb. 21st.) makes a telling point concerning the stocks of the National Country Party, which has lost some electoral ground at this election at which the Australian Labor Party also lost ground. Added to this are the coming troubles for the National Country Party on the Federal front, with probable losses due to redistributions. |
A SPECIAL WEEKEND FOR QUEENSLANDERSThe Annual State Dinner will be held in Toowoomba on Friday, May 20th. The Annual Seminar, on the general theme of "Heritage" will be held the following day, May 21st., while an all day Action Seminar will be held on the Sunday. Jeremy Lee promises something special for this part of the 1977 programme. National Director, Mr. Eric Butler will be present to report on his 1977 international programme. Private accommodation available for those requiring it. Make a note of the dates NOW. Details of Seminar later. |
CITIZENS' LOYAL WELCOMEAll readers can start participating in the nationwide citizens' loyal welcome to the Queen on the occasion of her Silver Jubilee. The beautifully produced scroll of welcome is now available. Obtain copies immediately and invite fellow Australians to sign the message, to be presented to Her Majesty when in Australia. Each scroll will take about 20 signatures and it is suggested that each person be asked to contribute at least ten cents towards the cost of postage and printing. Some may care to contribute more.Those wishing to have a scroll to keep and possibly frame, may obtain one for 50 cents. As soon as forms are filled they should be forwarded immediately to the State address of the Australian Heritage Society. We shall supply the scrolls in whatever number desired, and the supporter shall send Heritage Society the amount he is able to collect. (The scrolls cost approx. 50 cents each.) |
A COMMUNIST PARTY (MARXIST-LENINIST) VIEW OF ROBERT HAWKE"We have always maintained that Hawke is not a genuine working class leader at all. At the same time, we have recognised that our view has in many cases not been accepted." The Vanguard Feb 17th. The Vanguard is the weekly organ of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist). There are three Communist Parties in Australia: this one is Peking oriented, and follows the Peking line closely. Its Chairman is Mr. E.F. (Ted) Hill. In the eyes of The Vanguard Mr. Hawke is not a revolutionary Socialist, but the present leader of a trade union movement, which ties the workers to capitalism. The fundamental issue is one of trade union politics, or revolutionary socialist politics. Mr. Hawke is clearly in the former camp. This Communist Party claims that Mr. Hawke "does real service for the Capitalist class" in that he uses his position as leader of the trade-union movement to "prevent the question of socialist revolution ever arising": i.e. maintaining capitalism. This is his crime. So often the theories and propaganda of the Communists are plausible. Says The Vanguard: "Capitalism is a system, which of its nature always (emphasis in original) presses downward on wages. Only struggle prevents wages from being continually savagely reduced." The truth is that because of high inflation, which brings about an upward pressure in costs, managements have no alternative but to resist all upward cost pressures to the limit. Mr. Hawke sometimes rails against "the system"; and there is more than a grain of truth in this. The League of Rights has always maintained, and always will, that so long as orthodox financial and economic policies are pursued, so long will our troubles with economic management persist. The Communists blame Capitalism, Mr. Hawke goes part of the way with them, but above and beyond these condemnations are the real causes of most of current world unrest, friction, hatreds, etc., and they are finance economic policies which guarantee higher inflation, higher taxation, more bureaucracy; that is the gradual decline of the role of the individual, and the gradual emergence of the Supreme State, as in the U.S.S.R. and Red China. This is the time when revolutionary warfare is waged. The same issue of The Vanguard also takes a look at Mr. Gough Whitlam. Commenting on a remark by Mr. Freudenberg, Mr. Whitlam's speech writer, to the effect that Gough Whitlam is the most significant person in Australia in the last ten years.The Vanguard asserts: "In itself, anyway, it is not saying much, for if ever there were a period of bourgeois mediocrity, it is now." We must agree with the Communist writer in this instance; the general standard of ability of our present politicians is woeful. Mr. Whitlam is naturally praised for bringing about "better relations" with China, and Third World countries, and "more far sighted" social service measures. We wonder whether or not the "dolebludgers" are embraced in this category. We do know that there are no dolebludgers in Communist countries. It is interesting that the Communist writer, expressing Party policy and attitudes, writes well of both Mr. Freudenberg, AND, Mr. Edward St. John, who is hostile to the League, and who has clashed with League Directors more than once in the past. Mr. St. John has also recently given an appraisal of Gough Whitlam. Says The Vanguard: "But they are both patriotic people and have a responsibility to look deeper than mere parliamentary maneuvering." |
BRIEF COMMENTSThe Chronicle (Toowoomba, Qld.) ran a hard-hitting editorial in its issue of Jan. 28th on the fluoride poisoning in that region. A fluoride treatment overseer and his family, suffered fluoride poisoning because a valve became stuck, allowing excess fluoride into the water system. The water supply to the overseer's home is on a different pipe to that which supplies the town (Dalby). The Chronicle reports that "it appears to have been an isolated incident, and medical experts say that there are unlikely to be any long-term effects."In the next paragraph was the comment: "Nevertheless, it provides powerful ammunition to people who contend that fluoridation of community water supplies constitutes mass medication and that it could be dangerous as well as being a violation of individual rights." The Chronicle (Toowoomba) Jan. 31st hit out at the never ending demands of "Third World" countries. It comments: "There appears to be no end to the things they want (listed above this were treble financial aid, preferential tariff treatment, bans on synthetics which compete with Third World raw exports, etc). One of the things the First World countries (including Australia) will soon have to decide is what they should do about the lack of gratitude of Third World countries and their ever increasing demands." |
What is Democratic Government?A democratic country is a country where the people can exercise effective control over their government's actions. If the people cannot exercise effective control, then the country is in the hands of a dictatorship. Democratic government is the only alternative to a dictatorship, and this is probably its only justification for existence, albeit an all-sufficient one.There is no need to surround the word democracy with unnecessary glamour. The value of a functioning political democracy is mostly negative, its value arising purely as an antidote to a virulent poison - dictatorship. The value of a democracy increases, as you realise the soul destroying nature of a dictatorship; and those who realise that their ideas can only be imposed upon the people by a dictatorship are, therefore, supremely contemptuous of democratic methods." |