Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
26 January 1979. Thought for the Week: "For the people as a whole are never strong, unless they have some rallying point around which to unite. Scattered over wide areas, the vision of each individual is limited by his own immediate horizon and interest. Great Institutions, a national throne, church, or parliament, are like familiar hilltops that, though sometimes obscured by clouds, can be seen by a vast community of scattered inhabitants, living in remote villages and farms. On these hills, in times of danger, beacons can be lit, around which an imperiled people may rally."
Arthur Bryant, distinguished British historian.


Writing in "The Australian" of December 28th, Rural Writer Alan Goodall states that while Australian farm leaders (these not mentioned by name) reject the League of Rights' warnings concerning the New International Economic Order proposal to establish international marketing boards, they "were annoyed that the National Farm Federation, due to unite 200,000 farmers on Monday and now facing delays, might be set back further by the League's propaganda."
The nation wide distribution of the special issue of "Electors' Voice" has already had a major impact, not only in the rural community but also in urban communities. Surveys indicate that the full impact of "Electors' Voice" has not yet been achieved, one reason being that farmers generally have been so busy with seasonal activities that they have not yet had the opportunity of grasping the far-reaching implications of the New International Economic Order proposals.

Distribution of "Electors' Voice" must be intensified. Those who have already participated in the distribution campaign can now see that they have struck a major blow for the future of a Free Australia. While the League of Rights anti-N.I.E.O. campaign was causing growing concern in Australia, Prime Minister Fraser and Foreign Minister Peacock left for Jamaica and the U.S.A. to attempt to further the grand design for the Brave New World they envisage. But they are finding there are problems, one being that the Carter Administration, under heavy pressure from American rural lobbies, is not being as cooperative as Mr. Fraser had hoped. However, he did meet with the leading One Worlders before leaving Washington.

He had talks with World Bank President, Mr. Robert McNamara, one of the power men who bluntly states that the New World Order can only be built by shifting resources from the wealthier nations to the poorer ones. The poorer nations include Communist nations like Vietnam. The World Bank makes credits available for the purpose of shifting resources.
Mr. Fraser also attended a private luncheon given by Mr. David Rockefeller, President of the Chase Manhattan Bank, and addressed the Economic Club of New York. Mr. Fraser again took up the theme of the New International Economic Order. One press report states that in talks with the Jamaican Prime Minister Mr. Manley, before going to Washington, Mr. Fraser stressed the need for "all efforts to be made to set up a common fund to stabilise world commodity prices. Progress toward this has been moving slowly, with negotiations among the developed and developing nations, deferred until early next year."
Our confident view is that as the exposure of the real meaning of the New International Economic Order becomes more widespread, progress towards the agreements sought by Prime Minister Fraser and Mr. Peacock, will become more difficult to obtain.


At its recent meeting in Jamaica the World Council of Churches sought to heal what is admitted to be a widening rift among members over the substantial financial support to Rhodesian terrorists. W.C.C. leaders have been forced to admit that the efforts to counter criticism have not been effective. Typical of the growing criticism of the W.C.C. is the mounting campaign in Gippsland, Victoria, where Anglican Bishop Delbridge has been strongly censured for attempting to support the W.C.C.'s grant of financial aid to African terrorist organisations.

In a telling letter to The Gippsland Times of December 21st, Mr. Alan Boyd, whose daughter was murdered by terrorists in Rhodesia writes: "My late daughter Jenny who in her vocation of caring for the underprivileged of all creeds and colors in Rhodesia always told us never to give any money or donations to the World Council of Churches as it is being used to support the terrorists to murder and plunder. I would say she was in a better position than any politicians and church leaders to give an opinion."
Mr. Boyd concludes his letter by quoting from one of the hundreds of letters he received at the time of his daughter's death, one from a doctor who has made two trips to Rhodesia in recent years; "They (the Rhodesians) are fighting the whole world on the question whether armed communism will be allowed to overrun Rhodesia. If this should happen it will be due to the blindness and or lack of courage of politicians in England, in America and here in Australia."

Mrs. Stephanie Waite of Glengarry, Gippsland, who had originally charged that those who provided W.C.C. funds were as guilty of terrorism as those who did the killing, returned to the debate in a letter which also appeared in "The Gippsland Times" of December 21st: "In response to 'Concerned' of Sale.. .may I say that I am not ashamed to be 'extremely intolerant' of murder and 'one sidedly' opposed to it ... I have attacked Bishop Delbridge precisely because he is a Bishop and as such has supposedly dedicated his life to the search for truth."
Mrs. Waite is a Rhodesian who recently married an Australian. She conclude her letter: "Is one to remain emotionless when 20 grown men play 'catch' on bayonets with a six months old baby? Should one be 'quiet when one's family and friends, both white and black, face day and night the possibility of a ghastly death and economic destruction? I fail to see a lack of logic in accusing those who supply murderers with the means to their crime of a crime equally as heinous, and I am unable to accept ignorance or a 'little' knowledge as a justifiable excuse. Rhodesia welcomes visitors and I challenge Bishop Delbridge to go there."

But there is no response from the Bishop who has also been challenged to appear at a public meeting in Gippsland and to attempt to defend the W.C.C.'s financial support for African terrorist organisations.
(No better introductory document on the W.C.C. is available than Bernard Smith's booklet, "The Crooked Conscience". As its contribution to exposing the pro-Communist activities of the W.C.C., the League of Rights makes this available at the discount price of 12 copies for $1 posted.)


In their New Year Messages, Prime Minister Fraser and Deputy Prime Minister Anthony provided classical examples of meaningless clichés. Mr. Fraser urged Australians to set aside politics and work together. By working together the public could advance Australia's welfare and "contribute greatly to the resolution of international issues of fundamental importance." There is no difficulty in getting people to cooperate in any project that they believe is worthwhile. The most destructive influence in Australia today is not the "knockers" referred to by Mr. Fraser, but his Government's disastrous finance economic policies, a major feature of these being crushing taxation.
Mr. Anthony forecast a prosperous New Year' (!!) and then offered the following gem: "We can sit down and mope about unemployment. We can devise all sorts of schemes and programmes to help the unemployed. But the only real answer is to build up Australia's industrial strength." All the evidence indicates that, primarily because of the Fraser-Anthony Government's financial policies, unemployment will further increase. Frustrated youth seeking constructive work will not be impressed with the shallow comments of their political leaders.

The superficiality of international politics was highlighted by the Carter-Fraser meeting in Washington. In essence, Mr. Fraser said to Mr. Carter, "You pat my back for my anti-inflation policies and I will pat you on the back for recognising Communist China." Anyone with even the most elementary grasp of economic realities knows that inflation could be completely abolished overnight in a manner which would benefit all sections of the community. But Mr. Fraser regards as successful a policy which results in an inflation rate of 7%, this rate only being achieved by economic dislocation and mounting unemployment. If Mr. Carter adopts the Fraser Government's destructive policies, the prediction of a deepening depression in the U.S.A. for 1979 is a certainty.

The Soviet strategists are delighted with events in Iran. Generally unreported is the major but concealed role of the underground communist Tudeh Party, responsible for the strike at the Arabian refinery, the largest in the world. The illegal Tudeh party draws most of its support from oil workers, students and intellectuals. The first step in the Soviet strategy for Iran is to replace the Shah with a "moderate" National Front Government. Soviet "protection" would then be offered. The Carter Administration has been advised that any American military intervention would be met with full-scale Soviet invasion. The Soviet's blackmail tactics could be countered by the West cutting off all economic blood transfusions to the Soviet. This requires some backbone by Western politicians not afraid to call the bluff, not only of the Soviet criminals, but also of the international financial groups providing the credits.

A Queensland actionist has sent us a copy of Rhodesia Undefeated, a survey that the Rhodesia Christian Group put out in 1976. It was written by Father Arthur Lewis, who has this to say on the World Council of Churches:
"The world Council of Churches' 'Programme to Combat Racism' is in fact simply a programme to promote Communism, and finance black nationalist and terror movements to that end. It has nothing to do with Christianity or race or with genuine African aspirations. 'The basic underlying concept of the Special Fund is that of a redistribution of power, economic, political, social, cultural, ecclesiastical' (Background Paper to the Recommendation to Extend the Special Fund to Combat Racism, Utrecht, 1972.) This programme has achieved a success in Rhodesia beyond all proportion to the small amounts of money expended on the nationalist and terrorist movements. (U.S.$83,500 was granted to the Rhodesian African National Council in 1975).
A relatively tolerant, Western style government, unwilling to interfere in religious affairs, has proved quite incapable of protecting Rhodesia from this subtlest form of psychological attack, the attack on Christianity - our greatest strength - by what masquerades as Christianity itself.
"The Christian Council of Rhodesia, an associated 'national' council of the W.C.C., is required by the latter's Constitution to carry out the policies of the W.C.C., determined in Geneva (Section X, Subsections 2,3, & 10). It is provided with the finance to do this. These policies include the 'Programme to Combat Racism'. It is not surprising, therefore that the CCR condemned the 1972 Anglo-Rhodesian settlement proposals, before the Council had met and became in effect the midwife which brought the African National Council to birth.
Today, its newspaper (describing itself as 'Rhodesia's Top Ecumenical Paper') is the voice of the Muzowera A.N.C. Black nationalists are entitled to their views: but hardly to such breathtaking disingenuousness in propagating them.
"It is interesting to note that in the President's report at the 1976 Annual General Meeting of the C.C.R. it was (a) admitted that W.C.C. money inadvertently 'finds its way into the hands of the Communists' arms factories', (b) stated that opposition to the W.C.C. would split the Church on racial lines and (c) asserted that the 'idea of evolutionary change of individuals so that they would change their stand in racial policies is no longer a practical proposition and remains an ideal now impossible to achieve.'
"Any attempt to condemn terrorism in the C.C.R. has been abandoned as far back as 1973. The major churches have in practice gone along with the Council, or at least avoided public criticism of its policies. The C.C.R. holds the purse-strings of substantial grants from overseas."