Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
6 April 1979. Thought for the Week: "The real foundation of freedom is a spiritual reality. If the spiritual temperature of the world rises, the thermometer of oppression will drop. But if the spiritual temperature drops, then the political thermometer of oppression and tyranny will rise. And if the spiritual temperature continues to drop, what will be the end? "Let us remember that the word religion has as its root the word for "binding" - it is essentially a binding back to God of all that He has created".
Rev. Canon A.G. Fellows, in The Foundations of Liberty (1973)


This is the first of a series of special reports by Mr. Eric Butler from the North American continent, where he is travelling on his way to Paraguay to lead the Crown Commonwealth League of Right's delegation to the 1979 World Anti-Communist Conference

Prince George, B.C. Canada; This report is being prepared in a Federal Canadian constituency (electorate) in which a small group of Canadian League of Rights supporters have demonstrated that a Member of Parliament can be pressured by electors to change his attitude on major policy issues. Progressive Conservative Frank Oberle, was originally in favour of restrictive gun controls. He was foolish enough to say so at a meeting of some 600 of his electors in one Northern centre, whereupon a deep roar of protest arose.
Western Canadians generally because of their history and background, believe that the individual has a basic right to carry arms. One popular slogan throughout this part of the world reads, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns." When Mr. Oberle started shouting back at his electors and said he would not be "intimidated" one member of the audience pointed out that he was the paid servant of the electors and should represent their policies But it took some hard campaigning under the direction of the League of Rights, to bring this truth home to Mr. Oberle.

As the volume of protest grew, with the local media contributing to the campaign, Mr. Oberle clearly feared that he could be defeated on this issue. So he announced that it had been made clear to him that the great majority of his electors did not want restrictive gun controls, and that he must represent his electors. He was next tackled by electors on the Rhodesian issue. Originally he had stood with Conservative leader Clark on an anti-Rhodesian policy. But again after being challenged through the media, and directly by electors, he shifted his stance.
The media announced that he had "broken rank" with his Conservative leader. Mr. Oberle has since personally visited South Africa and Rhodesia and come back giving the facts about this critical front in the struggle for the world. Mr. Oberle is now proving to be a much better representative than he was. He will be re-elected comfortably at the next Canadian Federal Elections.

Mr. Oberle's electors have a long way to go yet, but I pass on their experience because they do demonstrate, to quote Confucius, that it is better to light one small candle than to go on cursing the dark. It will be claimed by some, of course, that what has been accomplished is relatively unimportant compared with the major issues to be tackled.
Some years ago the brilliant British political writer, the late A.K. Chesterton, was critical of the League because we concerned ourselves about what he described as "diversionary" issues like fluoridation of public water supplies. I observed in reply that every serious infringement on the freedom of the individual was another nail in the coffin of Civilisation, and that every victory by individuals in favour of freedom contributed to the total advance against the threat of centralised power. If many small candles can be lit, the brighter the outlook.

Five years ago in New Zealand I met a married couple, Dr. Martin Viney and his wife Jean. Both were concerned about the subversion of education. Dr. Viney is a teacher. They wanted to do something. I passed on the type of advice, which the League provides for all who wish to involve themselves in some type of action in defence of freedom. The result was the birth of The Concerned Parents' Association, the regular production of a high quality newsletter, and the steady growth of a genuine grassroots movement.
I was delighted to learn when I visited New Zealand recently of the valuable work being done by the Concerned Parents' Association, one action programme resulting in hundreds of letters of protest concerning an obnoxious proposal in education legislation. This proposal was dropped. This type of limited objective activity is much more valuable than the production of comprehensive blueprints for changing the finance economic system overnight.
I have put The Concerned Parents' Association in touch with Australian groups also concerned about education.

Also while in New Zealand I conferred with an Anglican Vicar who has lit more than a small candle he has a miniature bonfire blazing. The Reverend Matthew Calder, Vicar of St. Marks, Wellington, originally felt that the World Council of Churches could serve Christian purposes. He no longer does. He has been to Rhodesia, met with that brave Christian warrior, the Rev. Father Arthur Lewis, and saw at first hand the hideous results of the murderous activities of terrorists financed by the World Council of Churches.
Upon his return to New Zealand Matthew Calder spoke out boldly. Sections of the media headlined his comments. He is old fashioned, hitting out at all attempts to undermine the traditional Christian Faith. While in London he attended an inter-denominational conference which launched what is known as The International Christian network. Father Lewis is also involved in this new grassroots movement. Mr. Calder told me that he has received thousands of letters since he started to speak out since returning to New Zealand. Growing numbers are joining the International Christian network. He was pleased to learn that the League of Rights could assist in several ways.

The greatest movement, in history started with ONE. He gathered around Him a handful of disciples, instructed them and sent them out to start converting the world. Christian Civilisation was built by a multitude of activities - from the ground up. That Civilisation will be regenerated by the same type of process. It is now taking place at an accelerating rate. From small acorns great oak trees grow. The League of Rights' mission is to help, encourage and, if asked, advise, all those who wish to make a beginning, however small.

The U.S.A. is notorious for the number of cults of all kinds, many masquerading as manifestations of Christianity, spawned over the years. Even patriotism and anti-Communism has been skilfully exploited for financial gain, as witnessed by one organisation, which appealed for funds to help the Rhodesian cause. Few of the funds left the United States. The anti-Communist cause has not been assisted by the revelations concerning the well-known Dr. Billy James Hargis, whose "Christian" college enabled him to have sexual relations with both male and female students, and the current disclosures of the activities of Herbert W. Armstrong of the Worldwide Church of God.
Conservatives generally could not help be impressed by much of the material provided by the Armstrong organisation. But alone amongst international conservative movements it appeared immune to the standard smearing of such movements. The reason was, of course, that Mr. Armstrong never even faintly criticised Political Zionism. It is now confirmed that his principal adviser on how to handle an income of tens of millions of dollars - was Zionist Stanley Rader. Expensive gifts had been made to a number of political leaders, including Golda Meir of Israel Garner.
Ted Armstrong, himself subject to criticism concerning his own activities, has established his own Church, describing Rader as an "evil man" exercising increasing control over his father.

The battle for Civilisation is going to be won by sane, balanced people keeping their feet firmly "on the ground", not by dangerous diversions which are often more dangerous because they do contain an element of truth.


We note that there are others (in the know) who regard the much-trumpeted Israeli-Egyptian "peace treaty" as heralding a perilous new era for the Middle East, and the world. Lord Caradon one of Britain's Middle East experts, also sees great dangers ahead. Egypt does not represent the Arab world - far from it. Sadat does not even speak, really, for most Egyptians. Most of the Arab world, even Saudi Arabia, is becoming alienated from the U.S.A., to the utter delight of the Kremlin. The lines are being drawn before our eyes: Russia is backing the Arabs, and America is backing Israel. Lord Caradon used typical British understatement when he said that the Israeli-Egyptian "peace treaty" is not a recipe for peace. It is more a recipe for an enlarged war in that region of the world, with the superpowers involved up to the eyeballs.

Mr. Douglas Wilkie, the well-known current affairs commentator of The Sun (Melbourne) has remarked recently "the United Nations could have brought Idi Amin (Uganda) down with a boycott on Ugandan coffee, export of which accounted for 95% of his revenues". "But A U.N., in which black African States now call the tune, preferred to vent racist spleen on Mr. Ian Smith and his exports of Rhodesian tobacco," Mr. Wilkie reserves a sharp jab for Mr. Andrew Peacock (Minister for Foreign Affairs) . . ."What are the lessons to be drawn from the rise and sadly belated fall of Idi Amin. One of them, perhaps is that Australia's foreign policy, based on endearing us to the Third World by emotive expressions of sympathy for black Africa, is not a simple exercise. If Mr. Peacock should extend his personal diplomacy to the African continent he'll need not only his suntan, but some burnt cork to win friends and influence people North of the Zambesi."