home of ... Douglas Social Credit
3 August 1979. Thought for the Week: "It is a
well known historical fact that when at Rome this (middle class) of
the population had been decimated and proletarianised by a succession
of wars, the Republic broke down. It is a no less safe generalisation
that its shipwreck is the proximate cause of modern despotisms. Tyrannies
make their appearance in step with the inflation which destroyed the
independence and security of middle class liberalism."
Bertrand De Jouvenel in "Power" |
THE SIEGE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA CONTINUESAs a background to the Lusaka conference of heads
of what is now called "the Commonwealth", it should be recalled what
was agreed to at the Hilton Hotel Conference of those Commonwealth heads
who accepted Prime Minister Fraser's invitation to meet in Sydney in
February of last year, 1978. The Hilton Hotel agreement made it clear that
the Fraser Government is committed to the use of compulsion to force
South Africa to "bring about majority rule" and to the inclusion of
the Marxist backed Patriotic Front in the Government of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia.
The same Prime Minister who waxes eloquent on the evils of racism demonstrates
on the Zimbabwe-Rhodesian issue that he is prepared to support the black
racists who at the time of writing are meeting in Lusaka. These racists
are insisting that, even though a black government has been elected
in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, that government is unacceptable to them because
it insists that it requires the white minority to stay in the country.
On his way to the Lusaka conference, travelling
in one of his two V.I.P. Boeing 707s, Prime Minister Fraser dropped
in at the Seychelles, currently run by President Rene, who was elected
as President last month under a new constitution which conveniently
permits only Rene's party to contest "elections". At the 1977 London
Commonwealth Conference, where Prime Minister Fraser made headlines
with his revolting attacks upon Rhodesia and South Africa, the newly
independent Seychelles was initially represented by James Mancham. But
in the middle of the conference his Government was overthrown in a coup
by pro-Communist France Albert Rene. As for the Anglo-American proposals for Rhodesia supported by Prime Minister Fraser and his Foreign Minister, Andrew Peacock, at the Hilton Hotel conference, these were immediately denounced by the Patriotic Front leaders, Nkomo and Mugabe, who demanded the creation of a single party Marxist regime. Time and time again these two terrorist leaders have made it clear that they will not accept any proposals to participate peacefully in Zimbabwe-Rhodesian affairs unless the present police and armed forces are disbanded and brought under Patriotic Front control. Only the armed forces and the police mainly under white direction, but with the majority of members black, stand between the bloodbath, which Nkomo and Mugabe threaten. By aiding and abetting those seeking to weaken the last thin line of resistance to the Marxist strategy for Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, Malcolm John Fraser must go down as the most treacherous and hypocritical Prime Minister Australians have ever had to suffer. In their own interests, as well as those of Australia, the Liberal Party should replace Malcolm Fraser with a patriotic Australian who is prepared to challenge the domestic and foreign policies, which have produced the present deepening crisis. |
QUEENSLAND NATIONAL PARTY UPSETS CHRISTIANSThe following are extracts from a report from
a special Queensland correspondent: "Sir Robert's outburst verged on blasphemy when
he invoked God's name in demanding the Party back sex-education to prevent
the Party being branded as one of wowsers and narrow minded puritans.
"Critics accused Sir Robert of dictatorial tactics
and narrow minded bigotry towards community standards by dictating arrogantly
to other people's children, and driving a wedge between parents and
the school. "Defenders of community standards were caught unprepared by the sudden onslaught initiated by the parliament's Select Committee on Education, which now appears to have bent totally before the winds blowing strongly from the entrenched, but socialistically oriented, Queensland educational bureaucracy and its bedmate, the Leftwing Q.T.U. executive." Our correspondent concludes his report by observing that "The abortion industry is a big business, profiteering and trading in murdered children promiscuity and immorality. What strange bed fellows the National Party has attracted at Bundaberg!" |
BRIEF COMMENTSAs Prime Minister Fraser personally entered the Tasmanian election campaign, attempting to justify his Government's policies, and as Tasmanian Premier Lowe called the early election to permit the electors primarily to express their views on the Fraser Government, the Federal Liberal party must face the reality that their electoral stocks continue to sag. The Tasmanian vote may force a change of approach to a possible early Federal election. But failing a change of leader and of policies, the Coalition Government is moving closer to defeat with every day that passes. The open Liberal Party attack on its National Party colleagues in Queensland and Victoria can only make Mr. Hayden's task a little easier. Our considered opinion is that the Coalition is now reaching the point of no return. Mr. Phillip Lynch told the Victorian Liberal
Party conference last weekend that the Fraser Government might have
been "too optimistic" concerning its anti-inflation policy. This
was a smooth way of admitting that the Fraser Government's anti-inflation
strategy was in tatters, as witnessed by the 2.7 per cent increase in
the C.P.I. for the June quarter. Federal Treasurer John Howard reacted
pathetically by stating that the Government would "redouble its efforts"
to control inflation. But at the same time he said there would be no
change in the policy of pricing oil at world parity. Higher oil prices
must continue to help maintain inflation at a high level. Mr. Bob Hawke provided chilling evidence of his totalitarian philosophy when, in launching Michael Sexton's book, "Illusions of Power" last week, he threatened that a future Labor Government should "reform" the High Court. He said that for too long "reform governments" had "accepted a situation where the High Court of Australia can make decisions catastrophic to the welfare of this country." The primary task of the High Court is to interpret the Federal Constitution. That Constitution provides the only remaining protection the Australian people have against a complete takeover by a Canberra Big Brother. |