10 August 1979. Thought for the Week: "There
can be no solution of the world's troubles which does not deal drastically
with the individuals, of whatever race or country, whose object is the
final subjugation of the individual to the institution - the World Bank,
with the World Police Force to see that the World Bank retains total
economic power."
C.H. Douglas in "Whose Service is Perfect Freedom" |
"A MOTLEY BUNCH" MEETSOne of the Australian journalists covering the Commonwealth Conference in Zambia, Peter Costigan, writes in "The Herald", Melbourne, on August 1st, that "very few Australian leaders have put us so firmly on the side of the motley bunch of military dictators, one party populists and economic charlatans, who comprise the leadership of most of black Africa." Although not featured in the headlines, Prime Minister Fraser has made it clear that one of his reasons for courting the "motley bunch" meeting in Lusaka, was to advance the New International Economic Order concept. So far from being concerned about preserving a Commonwealth in which the majority of present members support the traditional British system of limited constitutional Government, the "motley bunch" is only concerned about power. It is time to recall the words of wisdom from a man who did not have one drop of British blood in his veins, Sir Roy Welensky, former Prime Minister of the Central African Federation, which consisted of Rhodesia, Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) and Malawi (Nyasaland) Sir Roy warned that the Commonwealth could not serve any worthwhile purpose unless its members agreed in advance to accept certain basic rules of conduct. One of these should be no interference in the domestic affairs of other members. Prime Minister Fraser has joined with a "motley bunch" to interfere in the internal affairs of another country, Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, and by so doing has invited this same "motley bunch" to interfere in the internal affairs of Australia, which, of course they will, eventually. The Lusaka conference started in an atmosphere of hypocrisy. Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia, who runs a one party dictatorship after destroying the constitution under which a British Government granted Zambia independence, in the process destroying the Central African Federation - hosted a surprise conference of the five "frontline" African States on the eve of the Commonwealth conference. Two of the most prominent members of these States are the Communist dominated States of Angola and Mozambique. Kaunda insisted for the umpteenth time that "majority rule" had to be introduced into Zimbabwe-Rhodesia. Like Malcolm Fraser, Kaunda spelt out that there was no "majority rule" in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia because the whites had been left with too much power. Obviously stung by the criticism he has received
from inside his own Liberal Party ranks, Prime Minister Fraser said
in Lusaka on Friday of last week that he challenged critics of his Rhodesia
policy to study "the issues and the facts." He charged his critics with being "simplistic" but his own many statements on African affairs reveal an appalling and frightening ignorance. He made the incredible statement that by recognising the Mozorewa Government "you would be casting a new regime into a totally hostile and alien environment in which it would probably not survive six months or a year. There would be increased guerrilla activity and a very likely involvement of East German or Soviet arms." The man who cannot solve Australia's mounting domestic problems, seeks to strut as a world statesman, apparently so ignorant of the realities of the Zimbabwe-Rhodesian affair that he does not know that Nkomo's many acts of cold blooded terrorism, which Mr. Fraser calls "guerilla activity", have been taking place with Soviet military equipment. The man who has cynically broken more promises than any other Australian Prime Minister then had the effrontery to talk about "the high principle involved in this issue", stating that "we cannot accept the view that one race has a right for superiority over another." Prime Minister Fraser has spelt it out that under the present Zimbabwe- Rhodesian constitution the white minority has too much influence. President Nyere of Tanzania, a "democratic socialist"
who also runs a one party dictatorship, and who has been promised Australian
aid by Mr. Fraser, a spokesman for the "frontline" States - which means
he is spokesman for the Communists - was hailed for a "moderate" stand
on Zimbabwe-Rhodesia. Why? Because he agreed that under a new constitution
"he did not rule out the existence for minorities." But then he came
to the nub of the issue: the present constitution, gave the whites power
over judiciary, police and military, which made "any talk of majority
rule ridiculous." Any self respecting Australian Prime Minister would, instead of kowtowing to the "motley bunch", have bluntly said that how the people of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia arrange their own internal affairs is their business and that Australia supported the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of another country - unless that country is being used as a base for waging war in all its forms against other nations. Has anyone heard Mr. Fraser suggesting that the Free World stop economic blood transfusions to the gangsters running the Soviet Union, Communist China or other Communist nations? Malcolm Fraser is so devoid of principle, that in a desperate attempt to gain some points from his African trip, he is even prepared to try to organise supplies of Nigerian oil with the military dictator who once praised Idi Amin. The Nigerian treatment of the British on the oil issue demonstrated how they would use oil to try to blackmail others. By trying to make a "big fellow" of himself with the "motley bunch" of black dictators in Africa, and by the anti-white insults he has made, Malcolm Fraser has only helped to convince these dictators that the white man is on the run everywhere. As the brilliant South African writer, Ivor Benson, shows in his last work, "The Undeclared War for Africa" (Price $2.35 posted) the black "motley bunch" are but the tools of the very whites they abuse. In this case the whites are Marxists as are their unholy allies, the Rockefellers and fellow international financiers. Little do the black dictators realise that they are regarded as but pawns in the grand design to create the World State via The New International Economic Order. Whether Malcolm Fraser is a knave or a fool in all this does not really matter. Irrespective of what he is, the time has come for all self-respecting Australians to make it clear that they have had enough of him. |
BRIEF COMMENTSA recent report from Salisbury, Zimbabwe-Rhodesia says that the Government of that country regards the Fraser Government as the most vindictive in the world - outside the Communist bloc. The Fraser Government has now further substantiated that view. The world bowling championship is to be held in Frankston, Victoria, in January-February next year. The South Africans won all four events in the last world championship in 1976 and are current holders of the Leonard Cup. But the policy of the Fraser Government prevents the South Africans from defending their championship. The Rhodesians will also be prevented from tainting Australia. Surely this mean, spiteful and childish attitude does not reflect the real Australia? You have, of course, heard for the past three years about "the encouraging signs" of economic recovery resulting from the applied wisdom of the Fraser Government. Retail sales slumped about 2% in real terms in the June quarter. This slump has taken place in spite of the biggest number of sales, discounting, and bankruptcies in Australia since the days of the Great Depression. The state of the nation has been symbolised by the pathetic public plea of the wine industry, asking Treasurer John Howard not to tax it any further. In a genuine democracy the electors would be TELLING their paid political servants what is wanted. The most immediate essential is a substantial reduction in TOTAL taxation. The increased rate of inflation in the U.S.A. has resulted in the Arab oil producers claiming that they will have to increase crude oil prices. The Arabs do not relish the idea of the credits they receive for their only major natural product, oil, progressively losing their value. Inflation is the major factor in progressive convulsions sweeping the whole world. It is the result of financial policies, which are mathematically certain to sustain inflation - and industrial and other social unrest. A succession of Washington betrayals of the non-Communist world - the latest being in Nicaragua has resulted in what Mr. Eric Butler warned about upon his return from overseas this year: the U.S.A. cannot now depend upon Saudi Arabia in another Middle East crisis. The Saudis were badly shaken by what happened in Iran and the blatant betrayal of Taiwan, with whom the Saudis have close relations. Indirect contact has been made with the Soviet, who have agreed to assist an Arab arms industry under certain conditions. A MELBOURNE ACTIONIST has provided us with a
copy of a special interview with the Ayatollah Khomenie, which was published
in the Paris (France) daily - Le Monde - on May 10th last, but
given before the expulsion of the Shah of Iran. We can reprint only
small extracts from the Ayatollah's replies: |