23 March 1979. Thought for the Week: "For a Communist
leader, every strike is a military maneuver for a civil war. He knows
that the union will not be able to pay sufficient allowances to strikers,
that their families will suffer hardship, but this is just what he wants,
for the hardship will excite hatred. Against whom? Against the Communists?
Not at all, for the Communists are the good people who persistently
demand more money for working people. But capitalists do not want to
give workers more money, and the Government does not do anything for
them, so the hatred kindled by the strike will be turned against the
whole system."
V.L. Borin, in How to Betray Your Country (1956) |
MR. JEREMY LEE, NATIONAL SECRETARY OF THE INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, REPORTSTHE NATIONAL ESTATE Large areas of Australia were listed. Buildings, homesteads, parklands and farming areas were listed, shire-by-shire and council-by-council throughout Australia. The Australian (April 4, 1978) came out with a five-page spread, giving details of listings in every Shire and Council in Australia. The South Australian Government, under Don Dunstan, was first to pick up the Coombs Heritage concept. It was even more enthusiastic than the Federal A.L.P. As a result, South Australian landholders began to wake up to a huge and bewildering array of conditions, restrictions and future projections, many of which severely compromised their assets and their title deeds. A Heritage Act was prepared in West Australia
- under the supposedly anti-socialist Court government -, which was
horrifying. It went so far as to require the listing of peoples' personal
possessions - even to family photographs and heirlooms, which might
have 'historic value'. Once listed, the individual could be fined for
any damage to his own property! The Wran Government in New South Wales has entered
the fray with a vengeance. Large areas of the State are being set aside
for future parklands and national parks - much of it good farming land.
Round these, "buffer zones" are being created, which might in turn become
future parklands. Those living in these areas can neither develop nor
sell - except to the Commission. "The Countryman"- the Country Party paper - had no articles exposing the real nature of the threat. Not one booklet has been prepared by the Party machine. The N.S.W. Opposition is now like a political Mother Hubbard, wringing her hands at the emptiness of her own cupboard. It is just a shell of a free enterprise party. The public is just waking up - as the first landowners are ruthlessly hit. A huge meeting at Deepwater - addressed by a panel of speakers including Chas. Pinwill - might yet be the start of a reaction, which can generate an effective campaign. |
NINETY-TWO ASSOCIATION HITS OUTA body formed in 1972, with the objective of
defending Section 92 of the Constitution, which allows free trade between
the States, has come out fighting. Led by the founding Secretary of
the Queensland Graingrowers' Association, Bill Jauncey, the Ninety-Two
Association is generating a lot of steam over the recent High Court
decision in the Wheat Industry. The Ninety-Two Association believes the lone
wheat grower, Colin Uerbegang, who has issued a writ against the Wheat
Board, which will go back to the High Court, deserves strong support
from all sectors. But they also stress that much more must be done to
warn the States of the grave dangers to their sovereignty as a result
of the High Court decision. Primary produces may well get a jolt when considering
the following statement: "...We require, firstly, a state grain monopoly,
i.e. the absolute prohibition of all private trade in grain, the compulsory
delivery of all surplus grain to the state at a fixed price, the absolute
prohibition of all hoarding and concealment of surplus grain no matter
by whom...." |
PRINCE PHILIP CALLS FOR ETHICAL AND MORAL STANDARDSFrom the Feb. 1979 issue of the English journal,
"Housewives Today", which supports the policy of the British
Housewives' League, we are pleased to reproduce extracts from a speech
by H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh broadcast during 1977-78 in the Platform
Towards 2000 series of addresses. The broadcasts were made from Glasgow.
H.R.H. continued: 'The only completely certain restraint is self-control, based on the voluntary acceptance of certain moral and ethical standards and principles, and this has been a country in which individuals have been inspired by, or to put it another way, have had their behaviour modified by the Christian Ethic. If there is one thing, which can be predicted with any certainty, it is that if we abandon the Christian doctrine of loving our neighbour, and the personal responsibility of each individual for his actions, we shall most certainly revert to a state of jungle warfare. 'Hate will replace love, and the gang will terrorize the individual, and violence will take the place of reason, and expediency will be the only criterion for decisions.' The climax of H.R.H.'s address was as follows:- 'An English judge, Lord Morelton, speaking fifty years ago, put it this way:- 'to my mind the real greatness of a nation, its true civilisation, is measured by the extent to which a nation trusts its citizens, and its existence and area testify to the way they behave in response to that trust. Mere obedience to law does not measure the greatness of a nation.... The true test is the extent to which individuals can be trusted to obey self imposed law.' H.R.H. continued:- 'Therefore any remotely objective estimate of what life is actually going to be like in the year 2000, as opposed to mere prophecies of doom, depend to a very large extent on the assessment of the ethical, moral and spiritual values which people are likely to adopt. And history shows only too clearly how easy it is for practical circumstances and human attitudes to react with each other to produce wholly irrational and unpredictable situations.' |
BILL HAYDEN TROTS OUT THE 'BILL OF RIGHTS' MAGIC BOX AGAINMr. Bill Hayden, Leader of the Federal Parliamentary Opposition, must be feeling that the fruits of future office are ripening! Ex-Senator Lionel Murphy (now Justice Lionel Murphy of the High Court of Australia) had a go at this slippery Bill of Rights trick in 1973, and failed. We have little doubt that Mr. Hayden's proposed "Bill of Rights" will differ very little from ex-Senator Murphy's "try on". Mr. Hayden has been making noises about an "overwhelming
case" for his "Bill of Rights" over the past few days, and there's something
behind it: we do admit to being incredibly suspicious! We can do no
better than quote from a 1973 League brochure - "Senator Murphy's Fraudulent
'Human Rights' Bill": |
From Hansard: Representatives: Feb. 28th. Mr. A. Jarman (Deakin-Vic.)...."Major disasters for the Western World have occurred in rapid succession on the international scene - in the Horn of Africa, in the Middle East, and in the past few weeks in Indo-China. But all of these events surely pale into insignificance when compared with the dormant disaster which is Jimmy Carter in Washington. As one commentator, Creighton Burns, remarked at the weekend, for Jimmy Carter it is a world out of control. Carter is in the position of heading the most powerful nation in the world, but he seems incapable of taking any concrete initiatives of any sort to deal with the problems facing the Western World. This latter day Nero continues to fiddle and fumble. He took enormous kudos and credit for the Camp
David talks between Begin and Sadat, but the record shows that it was
the behind-the-scenes manipulation of Israeli and Egyptian intelligence
services which led to the address by Sadat to the Israeli Parliament,
the Knesset. On all fronts we have seen the Soviet Union take
the initiative: Turning to Africa, President Carter seems to believe that with a United Nations peace-keeping force going into Namibia, the West has had a victory. It must be a very dubious victory indeed. The question facing the West is whether the situation created by President Carter's initiatives in Namibia will result in a stable situation. I believe there are very grave doubts that this will occur. We have already witnessed in Angola the take-over of a Soviet oriented Government, with the assistance of would be Cuban mercenaries, armed and supplied by the Soviet Union. Will Namibia be next? In Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, we have seen the Carter Administration, together with the British Socialist Government, reject the moderate multiracial interim governments of Bishop Muzorewa, the Rev. Sithole, Chief Chirau and Mr. Ian Smith. The Carter Administration prefers to continue dialogue with the Communist backed, so-called Patriotic Front of Nkomo and Mugabe, who refuse to face the people at elections, and who want to seize power by force, and only by force. The Carter Administration has refused to take part in the supervision or even observation of the elections to be held in Zimbabwe in March. If Rhodesia follows Angola and Mozambique into the Communist camp, it will only be a matter of time before the whole of Southern Africa, with all its vast wealth and potential, is alienated to the West . |