Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction


10 July 1981. Thought for the Week: "'The Common Good'; always invoked by tyrants, is the excuse given for the transfer by a legal process, which inverts the protection given by Common Law, of privileges, acquired by individuals, to a bureaucracy, subject to a junta whose primary concern is to retain power. The secret ballot is a most ingenious method of facilitating this process, by attributing power to an electorate, which cannot exercise it, and suffers collectively, not for its identifiable vote, but for the deterioration of morale, which always accompanies the divorce of power from responsibility. Many, if not most, of our political premises demand serious reconsideration; and the real nature of so-called democracy stands high upon the list.'


Mr. Bruce Ruxton, Victorian State President of the Returned Services League, is a man who, in his own words, operates "from the ground". He suggests that if Australia's politicians came down out of the clouds, they would discover how far out of touch they are with the majority of the Australian people on some of the basic issues confronting the nation.

Opening the Annual State conference of the RSL last week on Wednesday July 1st., Mr. Ruxton delivered what one daily paper aptly described as a "broadside" against a number of targets. The Governor of Victoria, Sir Henry Winneke, who opened the conference, was seated next to Mr. Ruxton as he made the following comments:
The World Council of Churches' team visiting Australia to investigate the living conditions of Aboriginals "should go back to where they came from." "Let them go back to their own country and practise what they preach." Politicians who had placed a death notice in the press when IRA hunger striker Sands died "did not place the same words of admiration when another fellow Member of Parliament, the late Airey Neave, was murdered while in the course of his parliamentary duties in London."
The RSL was strongly opposed to the policy of Immigration Minister MacPhee to bring another 30,000 Vietnamese to Australia. "We need another 30,000 Vietnamese like we need a hole in the head."
Suggestion by Immigration Minister MacPhee that the oath of allegiance be changed, was "stupid". The Ethnic Affairs Advisory Committee would be taking on the R.S.L. if it tried to change the oath.

Following these and other broadsides, the conference unanimously carried a resolution calling for the restoration of the "White Australia" policy. Speakers urged that migrants be obtained from Great Britain and Western Europe. The outspoken comments, of Mr. Ruxton and his colleagues came like a refreshing tonic in the prevailing sick climate of blatant dishonesty and double talk. As we go to press nothing has been heard from Mr. Al Grassby protesting because some of his sacred cows have been so vigorously attacked. But those who heard Mr. Ruxton handling Hinch of Melbourne's 3AW were delighted with his attacking defence of what he and his fellow RSL members had said.

In a statement in the Sunday Press, Mr. Ruxton said he had received strong widespread support right throughout Australia. It was clear, he said that the RSL was now "the conscience" of the Nation. We understand that following the recent visit of one State President of the RSL to South Africa to ascertain the situation from the point of view of Australia's defence, there will shortly be issued a report stressing the vital importance of South Africa to Australia's defence. Such a report will be a welcome contrast to the disgusting and treacherous policy of the Fraser Government, which has demonstrated by now refusing four South African officials visas to attend a major international seminar on public administration, how low it is prepared to grovel in order to placate black African States.

Nigeria's Attorney General, Chief Richard Akinjide, praises Australia for being helpful to "Africa's cause." One of those causes is the destruction of South Africa. By aiding and abetting that cause, the Fraser Government is pursuing the most disastrous foreign policy in the nation's history. If given sufficient support by the Australian people, the RSL could prove to be a major rallying force in support of policies for national survival.


Perhaps the most widely read columnist in Australia, Mr. Douglas Wilkie, commenting in the Melbourne "Sun" on the proposal to increase parliamentary salaries by 20 percent, has said that this act of greed and hypocrisy had made certain that the Fraser Government would lose the next Federal Elections. The Government was already trailing badly in the public opinion polls before the salary affair produced an avalanche of public opposition. Any credibility the Government had was destroyed with the announcement that Federal Cabinet had approved the big salary increases, and that Prime Minister Fraser - in the U.S.A. - had left no doubt that he was supporting the Cabinet decision.
A Government which has urged others to practise "restraint", and which has argued before the Arbitration Commission that salary earners should not even obtain increased awards to offset inflation, now blatantly comes out in support of double standards.

It was significant that Opposition Leader Bill Hayden argued in favour of Prime Minister Fraser receiving an increase, which takes his total parliamentary salary and associated payments to $111,000. Mr. Hayden argues that "managing" a nation is big business, and that the Prime Minister should receive an equivalent salary to those managing corporations. Apart from the fact that the concept of "managing" the economy is a Marxist one, a manager of a corporation who produced the type of disastrous results being produced by Federal Governments, would soon find himself sacked. Mr. Hayden's support for Mr. Fraser's huge increase in his salary is no doubt governed by the view that before long he could be receiving that same salary. Not unless Mr. Hawke beats him to it!

Deputy Leader Doug Anthony says he is entitled to the increase because, amongst other reasons, the head of his Department is paid more than he is. Because the "fat cats" of the bureaucracy have managed to protect themselves handsomely at the expense of the taxpayers is no argument why those who should be their political masters should do likewise. Mr. Anthony did not mention that like several of his Cabinet colleagues, he also owns and runs an extensive and profitable business.

Even before the news had broken about the salary issue, Federal Treasurer John Howard was conceding that he was losing the "fight" against inflation. He warned last week that prices and interest rates were going to rise. Already the reaction to the salary grab is that all wage earners are now entitled to demand much higher wage increases. If those increases are not paid, then Australia's current wave of industrial unrest is going to explode into something approaching anarchy. The inflation rate is going to escalate upwards.

The Fraser Government has opened the floodgates. The completely cynical attitude of the present Cabinet on both foreign and domestic affairs has demonstrated that it is not morally capable of repentance even in the face of an outraged public opinion, and that it is doomed. But there is a number of moral, if not well informed, Members and Senators amongst the Coalition parties who could, with the sufficient support and encouragement, who might make a contribution to a programme of national regeneration. It may require a period under the Labor-Socialists to produce that regeneration. We have said from the beginning that Malcolm Fraser would prove one of the greatest disasters in Australian history. Events have, unfortunately, confirmed our warning.


We have received the following special despatch from Mr. Patrick Walsh, top Canadian intelligence expert:
"Remember Comrade Jacques Roy, the pro-Castro terrorist who was involved in the pro-Soviet MPLA takeover of Angola? He later became the top foreign advisor of both the Trudeau government, and even the short-lived Clark government. Latest information from Ottawa indicates that the same Jacques Roy will be appointed Canadian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
"Comrade Roy now has a bosom pal doing exactly the same thing in France. The Toronto Star (18/6/81) reports that Regis Debray has been appointed foreign affairs advisor to newly elected Socialist President, Francois Mitterand of France. Comrade Debray gained world wide publicity 14 years ago when he was captured in Bolivia while he was involved in the ill fated attempt of 'Che' Guevera, the top Castro terrorist, to overthrow the Bolivian government with a handful of Cuban Communists. The Toronto Star report from the United Press International revealed that Comrade Debray had been intimately involved with Francois Mitterand in his overseas trips for the past five years.
"Despite the mass media insistence that Mitterand would NOT accept any Communists (who lost half of their seats in the recent French elections) in his cabinet, a UPI despatch from Paris in The Toronto Star (24/6/81) now confirms that Mitterand has approved the appointment of our top Communists in his new Cabinet. Socialists never learn the old saying that 'to sup with the Devil one must have a long spoon"'.


The April issue of "The Intelligence Survey" ($1 posted) carried the story of the pro-Marxist attitude of the black South African Bishop Tutu. A spokesman for the South African Council of Churches has claimed that a ''majority of South African Christians'' would in thanking Bishop Tutu for writing to thank the Marxist, pro-Soviet and officially anti-Christian Mozambique Government for accepting political dissidents. "While the letter could disturb some white Christians, the majority of blacks would probably agree with it," he said. "Encounter", journal of the Christian League of Southern Africa, points out that the SACC does not represent the majority of black African Christians that the Reformed Independent Churches association, established in 1971 represents 4½ million Church members. Representatives of these Christians have made it clear that the SACC does not speak for them.

The Australian League of Rights (W.A.) has published an important leaflet on the Aboriginal Question in Australia. We shall reproduce as much of it as we are able for the information of supporters all around Australia:
"An Important Message to Loyal Australians - Make Your Stand Now and PROTECT YOUR FAMILY FROM FUTURE VIOLENCE. "The Premier of Western Australia released the following statement on 5th September, 1980. It deserves close study by those who seek truth amongst the barrage of propaganda….
"Evidence of the manipulation of Aboriginal groups by Europeans was mounting daily, the Premier, Sir Charles Court, said today. "The Western Australian Government has consistently warned the Australian people of the existence of this threat to the Aboriginal people and to the peace of the total community", Sir Charles said. "Vocal critics have tried to gloss over the problem, but the evidence is now too strong and Aboriginal leaders themselves are beginning to speak out about it. When the Chairman of the Aboriginal Lands Trust, Mr. Ken Colbung, appealed for the lifting of the ban on drilling at Noonkanbah, he expressed serious concern about the manipulation of the Aboriginal people there and elsewhere in the Kimberley. His concern was based on information that had come to him over a period of months and which he investigated carefully in the Kimberley before reaching his decision. The same concern was expressed by other members of the Lands Trust at meetings in Perth and Broom.

"It is a matter of record that European activists vilified Mr. Colbung for his courageous stand and tried to discredit him. Now, the Western Australian Chairman of the National Aboriginal Conference, Rev. Cedric Jacobs, has expressed the same concern. He has called for a re-examination of the role of white advisers to Aboriginal communities and said he was 'looking at people who are out to make political or financial mileage through these positions'.
It will be interesting to see whether the Rev. Jacobs suffers the same scurrilous attacks as Mr. Colbung experienced. "The same view was expressed by Bishop John Jobst, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Broome who has spent 20 years working amongst the Aborigines in the Kimberley. In a television interview, Bishop Jobst said that white advisers with political motives were distorting the picture at Noonkanbah and misleading the Aboriginal people. He said that he was saddened to see the Aborigine used as a political pawn."
"Sir Charles said that the propaganda machine which subjected Aboriginal groups to ideological suppression was working inside and outside Australia. The international links of the movement were revealed in a television interview by Gary Foley, a director of the Victorian Aboriginal Health Services. Mr. Foley said that he had been involved in establishing a propaganda network in Europe, with a permanent office in London. It would be extended soon to the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. The network was funded by overseas sources, which he would not reveal. (our emphasis. .On Target) Mr. Foley said the network's activities were based on 'propaganda tactics' of the Southern African and Palestinian liberation groups whose violent record over the years has revolted the international community, Sir Charles said."

There is some more: we have "caught" most of the leaflet.