home of ... Douglas Social Credit
17 July 1981. Thought for the Week: "Don't
waste your time looking around for someone who is going to
do the job for you, you won't find him. If you wont do it
yourself, it is not going to be done. Take your present Members
of Parliament just as you find them and disabuse them of the
ideas that they are heaven sent geniuses, whom you have elected
to run the country for you. They don't run the country anyway,
but you let them think that they do. Your Members of Parliament
are elected to represent the common will, not the uncommon
intelligence. The proper place their intelligence is in the
ranks of the technicians who should be the servants of the
common will."
C.H. Douglas, in Dictatorship by Taxation (1936) |
CANBERRA CHALLENGED ON IMMIGRATION"The Victorian President of the R.S.L., Mr. Bruce Ruxton, has called on the Federal Government to fight an election on its immigration policies. - Sunday Press (Melbourne) July 12th. As might have been expected the media
have been having a series of field days, particularly in Victoria,
on the Immigration question. In the Sunday Press (12/7)
Mr. Ruxton is quoted: "He (Mr. Ian MacPhee, Federal Minister
of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs) has been telling British
and European applicants they can come here only if they have
the skills we require...That yardstick is not being applied
to Asian migrants - and if it was it would be a shame as those
countries need their own skilled people. Mr. Al. Grassby, naturally, has been carping on the Racial Discrimination Act (of which we'll say more below) - "the Law of the Land", as he is fond of saying. Apparently Mr. Ruxton can expect "a letter" from Mr. Al. Grassby, and no doubt Mr. Ruxton will know what to do with this. Mr. Ruxton commented: "He (Mr. Grassby) has caused more ill feeling among ethnic groups and Homegrown people than anyone else. "He's a flashy little extrovert who should take his Mao type shirts and go and live in Vietnam." As could well be expected, the United Nations Association of Australia has bought into the affair, with the President of its Victorian division deploring immigration by skin coloration - a highly emotive, highly simplistic approach, typical of United Nations do gooders. Mr. MacPhee has been strongly criticising Mr. Ruxton, and elements within the R.S.L., which share the latter's views on Immigration. Incidentally, the R.S.L. resolution criticising the Government's Immigration policy was carried unanimously: it was moved by the Waverley (Victoria) Sub-Branch of the R.S.L. Mr. MacPhee, and other politicians, and those also in Britain (Mrs. Thatcher and others) are insisting that the current British violence is not racial. Said Mr. MacPhee: "The genuine reason is unemployment and the lack of hope for the future of the individual". This is the main politicians' "line". At all costs, keep off the racial question; anything but that. This is the ugly scenario they have manufactured for themselves. As one letter writer to the Melbourne press commented, this reasoning is an insult to the traditional British worker who has never rioted in this fashion. There seems little doubt that there is conscious organisation of the rioting in Britain, but all this means is that the enemies of Britain are exploiting a situation, which has been most foolishly allowed to develop. If one inspects the photographs of the riots which are appearing in the press, there will be noticed very few white faces. If Mr. MacPhee, and other politicians are correct about unemployment being the principle cause of rioting, then why didn't this happen during the Great Depression when the unemployment rate was more than double the present unemployment rate in Britain of 11% (eleven percent)? Meanwhile, the State bureaucrats are
getting jumpy. The head of the State (Victoria) Department
of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, Mr. Rob Downey, has written
to Mr. Ruxton along the lines that his Department was on a
"collision course" with the R.S.L. Again, Mr. Grassby has
fears that the R.S.L. has been infiltrated by that dreadful
Australian League of Rights, along with the Ku Klux Klan,
the National Alliance (which no longer exists), and the National
Front (all 4 or 5 of them!). Mr. Ruxton, in typical fashion, told Mr. Downey that if "he wanted to go to war" then so be it. He'll retract nothing. That's the line to take with petty bureaucrats with their tiny axes to grind. The Victorian State Minister of Housing, Mr. Geoff Kennett, is having his sixpenth, too, waffling on about "prejudice" and "intolerance" etc. Mr. Ruxton' s rejoinder to Mr. Kennett was that: "Mr. Kennett showed his immaturity at the demise of Mr. Hamer", and that Mr. Kennett should grow up. Mr. Kennett is an able young parliamentarian, but he is very ambitious (no doubt, like most young parliamentarians) and perhaps sees himself as a future Premier of Victoria. He is mad keen to keep "on side" with the media, and other influences of even greater power. The Age (Melbourne) July 11th
Editorial, by the way, calls for the resignation of Mr. Ruxton.
We quote: "If he (Mr. Ruxton) is seriously interested in helping
to improve the nation's health, and in repairing some of the
damage he has done to the reputation of the R.S.L., the best
thing he could do now is to resign." We mentioned (above) the Racial Discrimination.
Act, under which Mr. Al Grassby operates his Commission for
Community Relations. The Racial Discrimination Bill was introduced
by the Whitlam Labor Government during its three years in
office; originally it contained definitely punitive provisions
for breaches of the Act, when law. $5000 per breach and this
back in the seventies. Also the onus would have been on the
accused to prove innocence, as the "interpretations" were
wide. With all this in mind, we only recently
came across a letter written to one of the League executives
by the late Senator Ivor Greenwood, a former Attorney General
of Australia. It was written on April 30th, 1975; when Senator
Greenwood was Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate:
I share your thought that the Government is using the power
to make laws with respect to 'external affairs' in a way that
is not warranted. I am confident, in my own opinion, that
the Human Rights Bill and, the Racial Discrimination Bill
are beyond the power of the Commonwealth Parliament to enact;
and that if they should be passed and challenged in the High
Court, they would be declared invalid. The Human Rights Bill was another that was introduced into Parliament under the "external affairs" power of the Australian Constitution, and of which the late Senator Greenwood wrote. It was introduced by ex-Senator Lionel Murphy, when Labor Attorney General, but did never pass into law: the events of December 1975 ruled that out. To round off this lengthier On Target item we quote from an article in The Herald (Melbourne) July 13th - "What Rubbish We're Hearing About This Shameful Battle of Britain - by Lynda Lee-Potter, of the London Daily Mail...."An entire army of community leaders, obtaining, lucrative, unique capital out of the disorders, are brought to the cameras to say, "if men are without jobs, violence is inevitable". What Lynda Lee-Potter, of the London Daily Mail didn't mention was racial hatred, that politician's no-no. We have no doubt that racial hatred is at the bottom of the present rioting, and furthermore, we agree with Enoch Powell, who said we haven't seen anything yet. |