Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
25 September 1981. Thought for the Week: "While all these world policies derive support from half baked dupes to whom they are commended as the salvation of mankind, as for instance the League of Nations, which ensured the Second World War, only ordinary powers of observation are required to see that, always and without exception, they are devices to ensure the enslavement of what they pretend to save. Why anyone should suppose that the steady drain of initiative and power from the individual to the institution should be for the benefit of humanity made up of individuals, we have never been able to understand. Every atom of evidence goes to prove the opposite; we have more institutionalism, less safety, less satisfaction and less future than at any time in recorded history".
C.H. Douglas in "The Development of World Dominion"


At Last week's National Congress of the R.S.L. in Canberra, National president of the R.S.L., Sir William Keys, urged delegates to oppose the Victorian branch's resolution that called for pressure to be applied to force the Federal Government to change its Immigration policy in the light of necessary defence strategy. Sir William said that the adoption of the proposal would damage the League's "credibility". He said that the Victorian proposal had been surrounded by a great deal of unfortunate publicity. What Sir William described as "unfortunate publicity" was, in fact, a barrage of criticism of the Victorian Branch of the R.S.L. by a strange assortment of groups, ranging from the Communists to the liberal do gooders, and a gaggle of radical journalists.

As admitted in the recent "Four Corners" ABC-TV on the Immigration issue, those conducting the survey have been "shocked" to find that the overwhelming majority of Australians, in excess of 80 percent, are opposed to the Government's present immigration policies. Mr. Bruce Ruxton of Victoria' s Branch of the R.S.L. speaks for that overwhelming majority. The credibility of the R.S.L. would have increased substantially if it had followed the lead given by the Victorian Branch.

In his opening address Sir William Keys said a number of admirable things, expressing sentiments about nationalism and patriotism with which we entirely agree. We also agree that the R.S.L. is well fitted to regenerate some national pride. But genuine nationalism is only possible when there is a basically homogeneous people with an undergirding philosophy. However, the declared policy of the Fraser Government is to fragment Australia with "multiculturalism". As even the government has been forced to concede that at least some of the Vietnamese ''refugees'' are coming to Australia to better themselves economically, it would be instructive to know just how much nationalism could be encouraged amongst such people.

Mr. Bruce Ruxton has stated that he proposes to continue the campaign, which his Victorian Branch of the R.S.L. has launched. He and his colleagues have rendered the nation an invaluable service. We have no doubt they have set in motion a movement which eventually will reverse the present policy of what can only be described as one of national suicide.


"There is widespread opposition to Australian troops being sent to the Middle East as part of an American backed peacekeeping force in the Sinai, the latest AGE POLL shows". - The Age (Melbourne) September 21st.

We expressed our opinion some months back on this issue when the issue was first raised. We opposed the involvement of our troops in the Middle East for a Sinai peacekeeping force then, and still do. We are pleased that the majority of Australians think so, too. Israel is not vital to Australia, but the Arab world is (Malaya, Indonesia, etc.) not to mention our trade with the Arab world. Also, there are those lingering fears and suspicions that we could be being ''set up'' for something of a major military nature in which we should not become involved at all. We are right to keep out of it.


"The Federal Government will challenge the Queensland Government in court in a case involving an Aboriginal community's attempts to acquire land". - The Canberra Times, September 17th.

The Federal Attorney General, Senator Durack, has moved to intervene in the matter of the Queensland Government's challenge to the validity of the Commonwealth Government's Racial Discrimination Act, in the Queensland Supreme Court. The Commonwealth will argue for the transference of the case to the High Court. The Canberra Times article mentions that the Federal Government was spurred into action to so move because Federal legislation could be ruled unconstitutional in a State court, and also the blocking of a land transfer, proposed by a Federal authority: this is the basis of an action against the Queensland Government by a member of an Aboriginal community. This is where the challenge to the Racial Discrimination Act by the Queensland Government comes in. Furthermore, Mr. Al Grassby is no doubt finding his position and credibility impaired, with a challenge to the very validity of his Commission for Community Relations to come before the High Court.


We have received a report which we believe to be accurate, that Labor party whip Johnston and Government whip Bouchier are to attend a UN conference for "Parliamentarians for World Order". The promoters of this movement, which claims members in many parliaments throughout the world, are openly advocating the surrender of national sovereignties to a World Government via the New Economic Order. No doubt the two whips will come back with glowing reports of the UN Conference. As yet we have no evidence that any Federal Members are members of "Parliamentarians for World Order", but there should be some information on this before long. It will be revealing to see those who join.

One of Australia's most outstanding financial illiterates, Federal Treasurer John Howard, still persists with his claim that interest rates had to be increased to attract more money into the banks so that they would have more to lend. It would be instructive to know where all this money is which Mr. Howard believes funds can be attracted to the banking system by higher interest rates. Perhaps people have it in their kids' piggy banks? It is true that building societies must attract sufficient money to lend. But as building societies operate on a relatively small margin of profit, interest rates for loans being slightly higher than interest paid on deposits, why could not the banking system operate on the same margin, bearing in mind that they are empowered to CREATE OUT OF NOTHING that which they loan? The experience of the building societies would indicate that the banking system could manufacture financial credit at a reasonable profit, for no more than 5 percent at the very most.


Melbourne is the stage for one of the most important weekends in the history of Australia. Prime Minister Fraser, attempting to lead a Coalition Government, disintegrating internally, will be hosting a Commonwealth Conference, attended by former terrorists, one party and military dictatorships and will be presiding over a campaign to put Australia at the disposal of the revolutionary forces attacking South Africa, and also to further one of the most blatant acts of treason in history, the New International Economic Order. But at the same time Australian patriots from all over Australia, and a representative from embattled New Zealand, League of Rights Director, David Thompson, moved to step up a major counter offensive which got under way last week as tens of thousands of a special issue of "Electors' Voice" were streaming out.
Late bookings for "The New Times" Dinner on Friday, October 2nd, can still be taken. Ring 639749 and rush the $12.

It is appropriate that the Guest of Honour for this historic Dinner should be the famous South African journalist, author and commentator, Mr. Ivor Benson. He will have a tremendous message. Usual high quality toasts accompanied by the unique spirit of this annual dinner.

The League of Rights Annual National Seminar, starting at the Victoria, Lt. Collins Street, at 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 3rd, will hear Mr. David Thompson outlining what has happened in the revolutionary campaign against South Africa, Mr. Eric Butler will deal with the treachery of the Fraser Government in playing an active role in the campaign to force South Africa to follow the path of Rhodesia. Mr. Jeremy Lee will be pulling no punches in dealing with the treacherous role of the World Council of Churches. Then in the evening at 8 p.m. will come Ivor Benson.
Doors will be open at 1.15 p.m. to enable those attending to peruse the tremendous display of books which will be on sale. Entrance to the Seminar is $3.

The National Action Seminar on Sunday will be an inspiring day of action reports, and action proposals. Non-denominational Divine service, by the Chairman of the Christian Institute for Individual Freedom, Mr. Horton Davies, will start sharp at 9.30a.m. Lunch will be provided for a nominal charge of $2. Those accredited actionists desiring to attend should ring 639749 in order to assist with the catering. Supporters who fail to support the 1981 National Weekend are, quite frankly, failing in their duty.