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6 November 1981. Thought for the Week:
"What is both sad and equally ironic is that in permitting
themselves to be traumatised by a refuted racial myth, the
Jews of America have allowed Hitler to triumph. In doling
out incarceration and death while sweeping through conquered
Europe, the Fuhrer undid the laws of emancipation and the
process of integration for which so many Jews had so long
struggled, when he decreed, 'You are a Jew - you are not a
Belgian - you are a Jew'. Yet these are the identical words
Zionist leaders intone as they meticulously promote the emigration
to the Holy Land of Jews from around the globe, plotting their
exodus from lands in which they have lived happily for centuries.
Moshe Dayan succinctly expressed it in the New York Times
magazine; 'I am a Jew before I am an Israeli.'
Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal, American Jewish authority on the Middle East, in the summer, 1981 issue of "The Journal of Historical Review". |
'THE CHOSEN' AND THE STATE OF THE WORLDLast week's spectacle of Mr. Bob Hawke
leaving Parliament in tears, following his emotional speech
on the debate concerning the sending of Australian troops
to the Middle East, highlighted the fact that not only Australia's
future, but that of the whole non-Communist world, could be
decided by further explosive developments in the Middle East. Closing their eyes to the terrorist campaigns of Begin and others, and the fact that the Soviet Union played a major role in the establishment of Israel at the expense of the indigenous Palestinians, large numbers of Christians have been mobilised in defence of Israel - again because the Jews are presented as God's "chosen people", and it is blasphemous to criticise what the Zionists do. It is impossible to have rational discussion with any group who believe they have been "chosen". Try having a conversation with a Marxist, who believes that the proletariat has been "chosen"! In the jibe, which helped to upset Mr. Hawke, Prime Minister Fraser said that Hawke "has now embarked on the greatest betrayal of the only thing in which he ever had a really serious belief in his whole life - the people and State of Israel". Without in any way appearing to support Mr. Hawke, we raise the question of just how is the sending of Australian troops to the Sinai going to contribute to peace in the Middle East? Mr. Fraser says that the Sinai force is essential to "secure Israel's southern flank". But the only risk to Israel's southern flank could come from Egypt, and they are allegedly in an agreement to withdraw from previously conquered Egyptian territory. Mr. Fraser says that "On the basis of the confidence established at Camp David, Israel has withdrawn from approximately two-thirds of the Sinai". As this withdrawal has taken place without any international force, why cannot the final withdrawal take place in the same way? Any country contributing to a "peacekeeping" force in the Middle East can only create further hostility in the Moslem world. And when Opposition leader Bill Hayden says that Begin of Israel is the biggest threat to peace in the Middle East, he is merely stating what a number of anti-Zionist Jews are saying. Dr. Lilienthal writes that the "idolatrous worship" of Israel makes it difficult for Zionists (and their supporters) to "discern that the gravest threat to peace stems not so much from geographic expansionism in the guise of security, or from the seizure of land belonging exclusively to the Palestinian Arabs for centuries, but from ideological expansionism which views Palestine as belonging exclusively to the Jewish people. Moderate Arabs, headed by Jordan and Saudi Arabia, have made it clear that they are prepared to accept an independent Israeli State, providing that proper justice is provided for Arabs still living in Israel, that the Palestinians are provided with a self- governing homeland, and, more important, that Israel ceases to be the instrument of International Zionism. In his most revealing book, "Ropes
of Sand", subtitled "America's Failure in the Middle
East", Wilbur Crane Eveland, a former adviser to the American
Central Intelligence Agency, and a former member of the policy
planning staffs of the White House and Pentagon, summarises
the central issue of the Middle East: Mr. Eveland's comments concerning the
disastrous activities of Dr. Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers
and others in the Middle East prompt the question of how much
pressure did Kissinger and Rockefeller bring to bear upon
the Fraser Government during their recent visit to Australia.
And there was at the same time the visit of the notorious
ex-Senator Church, well-known internationalist, who addressed
Zionist audiences and met with Prime Minister Fraser. Australia's foreign policy is clearly based upon support for a "chosen" group, with further predictable disasters in the Middle East. Dr. Henry Kissinger, Mr. David Rockefeller and associates of the Trilateral Commission will then present such disasters as further evidence why the world needs a New International Economic Order and, ultimately, World Government. The Big Idea becomes clearer every day. |
REALISM ACROSS THE TASMANMr. Jeremy Lee reports from New Zealand: In a column written personally by Muldoon
in TRUTH (13/10/81) he gave his views on CHOGM: So Muldoon is one leader at least who came away from CHOGM without black boot polish all over his tongue! |
BRIEF COMMENTSFollowing his bold statement that Australia should market its own diamonds and not be co-operating with De Beers, Prime Minister Fraser quickly went into reverse - and silence. Harry Oppenheimer of the De Beers - Anglo American group, an affiliate of the Rothschilds, who works closely with the Soviet Union, no doubt let Mr. Fraser know he was getting into deep water. The admission of a former British Military Intelligence officer that he was a Soviet agent during World War 2, that he worked with Anthony Blunt and that he was guaranteed immunity from prosecution, is a blow to Mrs. Thatcher. She claimed in the House of Commons that Blunt was the only agent to have been given immunity. Clearly the big cover up in high places continues. The following letter to the Adelaide
Advertiser given the title, "Vietnam and Idealism",
by the Editor, was published: |