home of ... Douglas Social Credit
13 November 1981. Thought for the Week:
"...if we grasp the fact that the essence of Communism, which
is the politics of the World State, is centralised vesting
of the planet in an organisation, expropriating and cutting
across all local and personal sovereignty, we cannot be much
in error if we identify internationalists, open or concealed,
with treason to the individual and his race and country."
C.H. Douglas in "The Great Betrayal". |
THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRYA study of the programme for the New International
Economic Order leaves no doubt that the planners behind this
programme envisage a world in which different countries are
allocated specific activities. This means that some present
activities are scheduled to be phased out. For example, the
Australian dairy industry is being steadily reduced, with
the end result that Australia will eventually be importing
dairy products from New Zealand. But in New Zealand, its textile
industry has been marked down for phasing out. It is not sufficiently
"efficient". As a declared internationalist, a supporter of the New International Economic Order, Prime Minister Fraser is indicating that he would like to adopt the IAC report. But he is faced with the political reality that any open support for the IAC report would end any chances the Liberal Governments of Victoria and South Australia may still have of surviving the next State Elections. Mr. Fraser said last week that "I think what we are after over the long term is industry that is competitive by world standards and get more and more into the business of exporting, because this really is best for Australia". The only sane purpose of exporting, of course, is so that necessary imports can be obtained. But Mr. Fraser sees exporting as a means of attempting to sustain the domestic economy; even if much of the exporting is done on credit. His anti-Communism does not inhibit his support of increasing exports to the Soviet Union. Much of the controversy concerning "free
trade" or "protection" is misleading because it ignores basic
realities. It may be true that some Asian countries, with
cheaper labour than in Australia, can, for example, supply
Australians with electronic equipment at a lower price than
for similar equipment in Australia. But acceptance of the
lower price means that Australia lacks a vital electronics
industry. |
DOUBLE TALK ON TAXATIONPrime Minister Fraser must surely be one of the greatest political exponents of double talk Australia has yet produced. While leader of the Opposition he strongly attacked the taxation policies of the Whitlam Government. On a number of occasions he has said he was going to reduce taxation. The last Whitlam Budget, in 1975, estimated that it was going to rip $17,500 off the Australian taxpayers. In Mr. Fraser's 1981 Budget, he has lifted that rip off to over $40,000 million. Mr. Fraser's Government is taking a bigger percentage of the average individual's tax dollar than any previous government in Australian history. A major feature of the 1981 Budget was the iniquitous Sales Tax legislation. But now, hoping to head off the mounting revolt against the Sales Tax legislation, Prime Minister Fraser has magnanimously announced that tax cuts are a virtual certainty next year. He said this in his address to the annual general meeting of the State Council of the South Australian Liberal Party last weekend. Mr. Fraser claimed that it was the Liberals' "good housekeeping" which made it possible to cut taxes. The commonsense taxpayer will find it hard to understand why Mr. Fraser should be so determined to impose his Sales Tax legislation if he can promise tax cuts next year. Why not simply refrain from imposing the Sales Tax legislation? Because of the hold up in the Sales Tax legislation, tens of millions of proposed new tax dollars are not being collected. But there is no suggestion that the government has any financial problems because of this. In fact Mr. Fraser says he is in the position to offer tax cuts! Mr. Eric Risstrom, Secretary of the Taxpayers'
Association cynically predicts "The tax cuts will not scratch
the surface, until they get closer to the next election".
Mr. Risstrom points out that six years ago, when the Fraser
Government came to office, a typical family, husband, wife
and two children, were paying 8.9 cents in every dollar for
income tax, including health care, while today the same family
is paying 16 cents for income tax and basic health care. |
BRIEF COMMENTSRigidly maintaining his pro-Zionist stance, Prime
Minister Fraser told the Liberal Party members in Adelaide
"it is the Soviet Union, not Israel which has continually
obstructed the peace progress in the Middle East". President Reagan's policies have already
produced the highest unemployment figures for five years.
Wage and price controls have been tried in the past, in an
attempt to halt inflation, but the results were disastrous.
Now the Reagan Administration is threatening business executives
if they increase prices. This has already had the type of
impact we have predicted. Detroit's car factories expect to
sell fewer than six million cars this year, compared with
the usual 11 million. The full impact on the economy will
be felt next year. Replying to Victorian Housing Minister Kennett, Federal Treasurer John Howard says that interest rates were not forcing people to sacrifice the dream of owning their own home. But in Adelaide last weekend Prime Minister Fraser said the government "recognised there was a problem with rising interest rates". The biggest "problem" facing Mr. Fraser is that the people Mr. Howard says do not exist, are going to vote against his government at the next elections! |