home of ... Douglas Social Credit
7 May 1982. Thought for the Week: "Twentieth
century history, as recorded in Establishment textbooks and
journals, is inaccurate. It is a history which has been based
solely upon those official documents which various administrations
have seen fit to release for public consumption."
Dr. Antony Sutton, in "Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler. |
VIOLENT NEW ZEALAND TOURDescribing himself as "bloodied but unbowed", Mr. Eric Butler passed through Melbourne last week on his way to a special Church Seminar in Adelaide, following an incredible three-weeks tour of New Zealand. All major meetings had to have large-scale police protection, with the forces of revolution making one last major effort at disruption at the last meeting, in Christchurch. With Christchurch's most prestigious hotel canceling the League of Rights meeting following threats, a last minute change of venue had to be arranged. In a hard-hitting media conference late
in the afternoon of the Christchurch meeting, Mr. Butler said
that sections of the media had much to answer for in the manner
in which they had encouraged the violent anti-League of Rights
tour in the same way that they had encouraged violence during
the Springbok tour. One editorial in "The Star" was
the most disgraceful example of journalism he had ever seen.
It has joined in the orchestrated cry for the resignation
of the New Zealand Minister for Police and Maori Affairs,
Mr. Ben Couch, because he had attended one of Mr. Butler's
meetings and proposed the vote of thanks. Worse than this,
he had put a donation in the plate when it was passed around.
Mr. Butler charged at his Christchurch media conference that time and time again as police either removed demonstrates from his meetings, or prevented them from breaking in, the media asked the question. "What are your impressions of all this." Mr. Butler said, "Rarely was I asked what I was trying to say." This attack apparently stung some of the media with several reasonable radio and press reports on what he said at the Christchurch meeting. Mr. Butler said in Melbourne that the
New Zealand tour had highlighted the fact that a disintegrating
economic system, resulting in large numbers of young, miseducated
and brainwashed young people who could not be constructively
employed, together with consequent political instability,
was making violence and revolution a certainty. He instanced
a New Zealand spokesman who said it was no longer a question
of if New Zealand would experience the terrorism of other
countries, but when. Some of the media coverage was good and he was invited to do a feature article for the weekly Sunday paper, "The New Zealand Times." Most of the police attending expressed keen interest, not only in what Mr. Butler had to say but also in literature. A feature of the tour had been the holding of New Zealand's first Anti-Subversion schools. Literature sales were excellent and many new subscriptions to League journals obtained. Mr. Butler said that Mr. David Thompson's
young assistant, Mr. Bill Daley, who had chaired many of his
meetings and accompanied him on the tour, was a "credit to
himself and his Christian Faith. He stood up like a veteran
and handled some ugly situations extremely well." |
THREAT OF BILINGUALISM NOW EMERGING IN AUSTRALIA"The Federal Government has taken a radical step towards identifying and adopting a second language to be spoken in Australia". - The Australian, May 3rd. In our On Target Bulletin of April 8th,
we sounded the warning given to us by an official of the Anglo-Saxon-Keltic
Review. We repeat from the quote of that issue: It's all of some subtlety: but not that subtle. The strategy is to break down comprehension, fluency, and appreciation of the English language in the rising generation of Australians, along with the promotion of one or more other languages. This is a diabolically clever way to fragment any society. The promotion and extension of bi-lingualism in Canada, for example, is causing divisions in that nation: we seem to be hell bent on even extending fragmentation in Australia. Needless to say, Mr. Ian Macphee, the present Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, is all for it; as no doubt is Mr. Al Grassby, whose father and grandfather were Chileans. As the matter is to be referred to a Senate inquiry, this gives us a starting point for action. Those Australians, who wish to learn another language for reasons of commerce, or just culture, are easily able to do so. There are colleges for language studies everywhere. The real purpose of the above is not the enrichment of culture; it is for political and social fragmentation; even if our politicians are incapable of understanding this. We again express our thanks to the Editor of the Anglo-Saxon Keltic Review, Box 186 Sandy Bay, Tasmania, 7005, for the early warnings. No doubt many supporters will wish to do likewise. |
BRIEF COMMENTSA league actionist in Philadelphia (Yes,
U.S.A.) has sent us some juicy tidbits from the Wall Street
Journal (April 15th). In the Letters to the Editor column
there is one from a "Ronald Hilton", of the California Institute
of International Studies, Stanford, California. He condemns
the "try on" by Argentina in the Falklands, and from his letter,
we quote: In an article on "International Terrorism and Double Standards", a writer, Alexander Cockburn, writes of the involvement of Mossad, the Israeli Secret Service, with terrorism in Italy. Nothing like this would get into the Australian print media: we quote from Cockburn's article (same issue of the "W.S.J."): "Experts on terrorism leap hungrily on every morsel linking Palestinians, the P.L.O., the Libyans, the Red Brigades, and so forth in international conspiracy. Silence in this country greeted the final summing up of the Rome Court of Assize last year of the circumstances surrounding the murder of the Palestinian, Wa'el Zu'aiter, in Rome in 1972. On the account of the Italian journalist, Livia Rokach, the court found the assassination to have been carried out by 'an organisation belonging to the State of Israel', which, 'is a complex, powerful and threatening organisation', which has 'unlawful preset objectives' and constitutes a 'threat to law and order'. There has been further silence about reports in Italy of overtures made by the Mossad to the Red Brigades in 1973 and 1977." John Bennett is a name well known to readers of League journals. In The Age (Melbourne) April 20th, he is quoted as stating that the Australian media are almost daily inciting racial hatred against people of German extraction. Mr. John Bennett has written to the Commissioner for Community Relations, Mr. Al Grassby, asking what action will be taken to curb anti-German propaganda". Mr. Bennett points out that many films shown on Australian television are loaded with anti-German bias. Some Are: "The Boys from Brazil", "The Night of the Generals", "Hogan's Heroes", and "Holocaust". Mr. John Bennett is an Australian representative of the Institute of Historical Review, and is on the Editorial Advisory Committee of the Journal of Historical Review. We advise that some copies of Volume Three, Number One, of the Journal of Historical Review are now available. Price: $6.00 from all League offices, posted. Mr. Douglas Wilkie, veteran current
affairs columnist for The Sun (Melbourne) adds from
his vast knowledge of foreign affairs to the Falklands "debate".
In his column (May 3rd) he comments that Argentina, a third-rate
power, gambled that Britain, a still formidable second-rate
power, would not "come plunging through ten thousand miles
of stormy sea to reassert its 150-year occupancy of a barren
sheep-run." Mr. Wilkie writes off the United Nations: "as
if there was a single example, outside the Congo, of the U.N.
ever being able to negotiate, far less enforce an end to armed
conflict." Those supporters who have not read "The Fearful
Master", by G. Edward Griffin, by doing so, will gain
an understanding of the UN's horrible record in the Congo
in 1960. Price: $4.50 from all League offices. The Russian Menace Is Closer Than You
Think |