home of ... Douglas Social Credit
1 October 1982. Thought for the Week:
"Doesn't any subject, whether poor or noble, have the legal
right to dispose of his capital and income so as to attract
upon himself the least amount of tax?
Lord Aitken in the Duke of Westminister case, House of Lords, 1925. |
BEGIN A LIFE LONG TERRORISTWhile large numbers of outraged Jews around the world are criticising the Begin Government because of the massacre of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Australian Zionist spokesman, Mr. Isi Leibler, is doing his best to try to whitewash Begin and his colleagues. Not surprisingly, Prime Minister Begin has thanked Mr. Leibler for his support. Mr. Leibler seeks to give the impression that it is unthinkable that Israelis could be involved in any massacres. The truth is that Begin and some of his closest colleagues have a long record of terrorist activities. When the King David Hotel was bombed in Jerusalem on July 22nd, 1946, some 91 innocent people were killed. The bombing was personally ordered by Begin. Begin's Foreign Minister Shamir was also involved in cold-blooded killing of Britain's Minister of State in Cairo, Lord Moyne, in 1944. Shamir does not deny his role in this murder. His Stern gang also was responsible for the assassination of UN peace diplomat, Sweden's Count Folke Bernadotte. Begin was born in Poland and joined the Soviet Red Army during the Second World War. The Soviet permitted Begin to leave the Red Army to go to Palestine to form the underground movement, which engaged in the terrorist campaign against the British. Soviet and Czechoslovakian aid was poured in to assist Begin's "Irgun" terrorists. Begin's record was so bad that the British offered a reward of the equivalent of $500,000 today for Begin's arrest, dead or alive. Before the King David Hotel bombing, Begin's terrorists had assassinated several sleeping British soldiers in a military car park in Tel Aviv. In December of the same year three British sergeants were kidnapped and tortured. On March 1, 1947, a bomb was planted in the office of the officers' club in Jerusalem, killing 10. On April 20th the Red Cross convalescent hospital was bombed. On July 12th, two British sergeants, Paice and Martin, were kidnapped and tortured to death with wire. The bodies were then booby-trapped. In February, 1948, three wounded Police Officers were murdered in their beds in Jerusalem. On April 10th the dreadful massacre of unarmed villagers of Deir Yassin took place, the Red Cross later finding 150 women and children stuffed down a well. The total murdered was 254, including 25 pregnant women. It was in 1977, the year when Begin became Prime Minister of Israel, that his airforce shot down an unarmed Libyan commercial airliner, with a loss of 109 lives. King Hussein of Jordan, a moderate pro-Western Arab leader whose co-operation is required for any genuine Middle East peace settlement has described Begin as a "master terrorist" with whom he would not enter into peace negotiations. Hussein has correctly charged that the U.S.A. has a "direct moral responsibility" for the Beirut massacre, and that it had created in Israel "a monster" by its massive military support. Along with other moderate Arab leaders, King Hussein has welcomed the Middle East proposals advanced by President Reagan. Questioned by the "Washington Post" and the "Financial Times" of London, King Hussein said that the Arab proposals adopted at the recent Arab summit in Morocco, certainly amounted to Arab recognition of Israel, but an Israel, which withdrew from all lands it occupied in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war - the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Arab East Jerusalem. President Reagan has the sanctions to force such a withdrawal, cutting off all further military and economic aid, without which Israel could not continue policies of expansionism, until Israel decides to agree with what is essential if there is to be any chance of peace in the Middle East. The sixty-four dollar question is whether Reagan can successfully use sanctions in the face of an international Zionist movement which has demonstrated that it is prepared to use terror and assassination to gain its objectives. |
BRIEF COMMENTSIn their never ending search to find more ways of taxing people, the witch doctors of financial orthodoxy, the economic experts, persuade their political dupes to implement the most absurd, although destructive, policies. Remember the proposal to tax newsboys on their paper sales? Still smarting from their defeat on the proposal last year to tax books, which would have cost $50 million to provide an extra $5 million tax revenue, the witch doctors still itch to impose book tax. But in the meantime they have turned to the building industry, Treasurer John Howard announcing that from July 1st next year, he will be introducing a "withholding tax" on building contactors. If this tax can be collected, it must result in the destruction of a sub-contracting system, which is a major feature of the building industry. Treasurer John Howard probably neither knows nor cares about this. We are pleased to note that the Housing Industry Association is urging its members to phone, write or telegraph local Federal Members protesting. As the international crisis deepens, reports are coming to hand of conflict between the top promoters of the One World concept. Some time back there was a major cleavage between the Rothschilds and the Rockefeller groups. Some of the American Trilateralists are in disagreement with their fellow Trilateralists in Japan, where efforts are being made to train Japanese leaders to accept 21st century responsibilities, which will involve helping to run the World State. There is also a cleavage between American and European Trilateralists, one European Trilateralist being reported as charging an American Trilateralist with being primarily a Zionist. The concept of World Government is, of course, that of madmen divorced from reality. The major threat to mankind is not that the World State will be established, but that the attempted programme could plunge the world into a New Dark Age. Mr. Doug Anthony's prison friend, Mr. Harry Miller, serving a three-year sentence for aiding and abetting the fraudulent misappropriation of $728,127 by his booking agency, Computicket, has been moved from Sydney Long Bay Jail to a low security country prison where he can apply for day leave. Miller, a New Zealand Jew, has treated Long Bay Jail as if it were his office, even using the print shop to produce posters for a cattle sale. The NSW Minister for Corrective Services, Mr. Jackson, says that Miller was entitled to be moved, in spite of the print shop incident, which resulted in three days of solitary confinement. Perhaps Mr. Miller should be released immediately and his expertise made available to his political friends at Canberra! Some of them are much more guilty of fraudulent practices than Miller. "The Herald", Melbourne, of September
24th, reports that five top officials of the central bank,
the Federal Reserve, have said that a U.S. recovery was "in
the offing". But officials stressed, in a meeting with a House
of Representatives banking sub-committee that they did not
propose to give up fighting inflation by relaxing its tight
monetary policy. It was conceded by inference that the present
recession was the result of that monetary policy, a curtailment
of the rate of new credit creation. It was admitted that easing
monetary policies now would temporarily help the economy,
but that a less stringent monetary policy would mean higher
interest rates and renewed inflation. Not surprisingly, a Federal government inquiry has urged that Australia Post retain its monopoly over the sending of letters, one of the only four suggested exemptions being when a charge of $2 or more for a letter is levied. If Australia Post continues to increase its postal charges, it will not be long before all letters will be costing $2! Perhaps at this stage the monopoly will collapse! Needless to say, the Socialists all applaud the finding in favour of maintaining the Australia Post Monopoly. In calling for a "job summit" conference between governments, trade unions, employers and welfare representatives, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal Sir James Freeman, means well. With the greatest respect to the Cardinal, such a summit would prove yet another fiasco, simply because it would be dealing with the wrong question. The true purpose of the production system is not to provide "full employment", but to provide what consumers genuinely desire with the least possible human effort. Christians should more readily than others be able to see that the discovery and application of God's truths in the field of technology, has lifted the burden of human effort on to the automated machine. If the benefits of God's truths are not to be passed to the individual in more free time, starting with a shorter working life, the only logical thing to do is to get rid of all labour-saving technology and give men picks and shovels. This would provide "full employment". From the Rockhampton Anti-Inflation
Study Group |