home of ... Douglas Social Credit
15 April 1983. Thought for the Week:
"Fascism, by which name it appears to be fashionable to designate
anything which isn't labeled Bolshevism, is as a title contemporaneous
with the rise of Mussolini. It is quite easy to show, however,
not merely that its origin is identical with Bolshevism, but
that it is merely Bolshevism wintering in the Mediterranean.
Its aims are similar, and its technique, like that of 'German'
National Socialism, or PEP, is localised centralisation in
order to transfer power to International Centralisation -
as you might say "C". It is the second episode, in point of
time, in the advent of gangster Government."
C.H. Douglas in "Programme for the Third World War" |
PRIME MINISTER HAWKE'S POWER STRATEGYIn her biography of Mr. Robert Hawke, Blanche d'Alpuget deals with an incident, which took place at an International Labor Organisation in Geneva in 1978. A French delegate, Mr. Bernard Fortin, asked Mr. Hawke what he felt would be a difficult question, "What do you enjoy most?" Hawke answered, "Power!" Anyone who has taken the trouble to read Mr. Hawke's considered statements over the years are aware that Mr. Hawke has consistently urged the greater centralisation of power in Australia. He sees the present Federal Constitution as a barrier to the centralised power he seeks and his Summit Conference will be seen in retrospect as part of a long-term power strategy. Since we first warned ("On Target", March
18th) that Prime Minister Hawke's Summit Conference, being
held in the Parliament where the elected representatives of
the people should sit, was the first step towards establishing
the Corporate State advocated by both the Bolsheviks and Mussolini,
we notice that others are now also making the same point.
It is rarely that we find ourselves in agreement with Mr.
Max Teichmann, senior lecturer in politics at Monash University,
but writing in the current issue of "Australian Society
he comments that "The overall shape of the Hawke political
approach resembles that of a corporate state - big business,
big labor and Big Government carving up the cake, buttressed
by the bureaucracy...." Political scientist, Dr. Katharine West, best known for what might be described as a strictly pragmatic approach to politics, also has some fears about the Hawke approach, stating at a recent Seminar of The Australian Institute of Public Administration that "the proposed Hawke style of decision making bears more than a passing resemblance to the policy making triad of Mussolini's corporate state in wartime Italy." Several other similar statements to the above have been brought to our attention. Liberal Opposition leader Mr. Andrew Peacock has also belatedly warned of the far-reaching implication of the Summit, but the disastrous record of the Fraser Government is so fresh in the minds of the electors, that Mr. Hawke and his supporters have been able to turn Opposition criticism to their advantage, stressing that the Peacock criticism is a case of "sour grapes"; that the Opposition parties had seven years in office, leaving behind a deepening national disaster. Mr. Hawke speaks contemptuously of the "political Opposition rump" and the electors' rejection of all that the Fraser Government stood for. He claims to offer something completely new and it should be carefully noted that Mr. Hawke's Big Business friends have been amongst the enthusiasts for the Summit. Desperate people always tend to heed
the cry for a Caesar, a strong leader. The Italians accepted
Mussolini, as did later the Germans accept Hitler. Both Mussolini
and Hitler were Socialists, many of their supporters being
former Communists. They were also supported by Big Finance
and Big Business. It is not suggested that Mr. Hawke is either
a Hitler or a Mussolini, but the reality concerning power
never changes; "All power tends to corrupt; absolute power
corrupts absolutely." Mr. Hawke's "charisma", his burning
ambition "to do good", merely masks the grave danger now facing
Australia. As we write on the eve of the Summit Conference, the red warning lights are starting to flash. So far from even mentioning the basic problem of financial policy, the Summit is designed to condition Australians for what we predict will be a bitter August Budget. There may well be a Mini-Budget, claimed as essential to deal with what has been persistently featured as a type of monster, The Dreaded Deficit, which must be slayed at all costs. The only note of realism from one of the Summiteers has come from ACTU President, Mr. Cliff Dolan, who has said, "Despite the fact that we are told that the budget deficit is unusually high that is no excuse for further tightening the economy. In this situation the budget deficit might need to be higher than it is in order to stimulate the economic activity." What is called "the deficit" is merely
figures. Of itself is of no importance. What IS important
is Australia's real credit, its productive capacity. It is
that capacity which is great enough to provide every Australian
family with an adequate house, necessary household appliances,
furniture, and a supply of nourishing food. Primary and secondary
producers know that there are no PHYSICAL problems; that all
they lack is adequate financial demand. Even with unemployment
continuing to rise, Australia has no production problems.
A MINISTRY OF PEACE?Running in a number of Australian papers during the election campaign was a large advertisement sponsored by the United Nations Association of Australia, suggesting that the Australian Government should establish a Ministry for Peace. The U.N. Association claimed it had "no national, political, religious, sexist or ideological alignments". A book and an audiotape on the project are soon to be published. Every candidate standing in the recent Federal elections received a copy of the advertisement, with a covering letter, which read: "We feel confident that high on the list of your priorities is a deep concern that conflict should be resolved without violence and that the threat of war should be abolished. Indeed, it seems evident that the survival of the human race depends on this. Will you help to establish the nonviolent peace-making process at the highest level of government and decision-making? Enclosed is a copy of our newspaper advertisement on our proposal for Ministries of Peace. May we have your support? Your comments will be welcome. Your participation will be deeply valued." The-letter was signed by Stella Cornelius,
OBE, FAIM, Convener, Peace Program (sic). |
DURACK SPEAKS OUT ON CONSTITUTIONMany will welcome the turn for the better in the ranks of the Liberal Party on the Franklin Dam issue. A spell in opposition has already smartened them up. The former Attorney General said (West Australian, April 7, 1983): "the wording of all treaties and conventions that Australia had entered might need to be closely examined in the light of the Court's finding. The widest interpretation of the external affairs power would enable the Federal Parliament to legislate in so many areas that it would effectively destroy the Federal system ... "Senator Evans has made no bones about what he wants to achieve with the external affairs power", Senator Durack said. "They must be stopped before they destroy the Constitution".But who, if not the Liberals, consigned areas of Australia to the tender mercies of the World Heritage Commission treaty in the first place. |
BRIEF COMMENTSIn a series of media interviews, former Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, further confirms our consistent view that he is a man of limited ability who suffers from an invincible stupidity. He offers the incredible view that the Trade Unions are the major cause of inflation and unemployment and that given a little more time, he might have won the last elections. Zimbabwe remains one of his major achievements. And he does not rule out the possibility of a return to politics. Perhaps he could join with another disgraced political leader, Willy Brandt, now working to advance the New International Economic Order. We have no doubt that Mr. David Rockefeller might consider putting Mr. Fraser on the payroll of the notorious Trilateral Commission, where he could rub shoulders with Dr. Henry Kissinger, Lord Carrington, Edward Heath and others. |