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22 April 1983. Thought for the Week:
"The history of modern political society is in large measure
the history of the struggle of the ordinary citizen to exercise
some influence upon government - and of his repeated failures
to achieve that modest ambition."
Professor G. W. Keeton (late Judge) in "The Passing of Parliament". (1952) |
THE HAWKE REVOLUTIONBy Eric D. Butler C. H. Douglas once observed that modern elections are a confidence trick on the electors. Within weeks of winning an election during which he promised a wide range of tax cuts, Mr. Hawke was given standing ovation in the Federal Parliament, not by the elected representatives to the Parliament, but by non-elected people, endorsing a Summit communiqué which Mr. Hawke can now claim gives legitimacy to a programme which will not only not reduce taxes, but is more likely to increase them. Within a few days of being elected, Mr. Hawke was carefully preparing the way for what was to come. He said, "The possibility of general tax cuts is obviously very, very much less likely now in the light of known facts". The only meaning, which can be given to Mr. Hawke's statement, is that he made firm promises of tax reductions during the elections without knowing whether in fact he could implement those promises. If Mr. Hawke, who has never ceased to remind us that he has studied economics, without making himself aware of the facts he now claims he did not know, then he was highly irresponsible. If he did know the facts, then he was dishonest. Whatever the truth of the matter, Mr. Hawke misled the Australian people even more than Mr. Malcolm Fraser did with his promise of tax reductions, and with his Summit exercise has prepared the electors for a harsh August budget. The Summit demonstrated the (philosophical
and intellectual) bankruptcy of the representatives of "Big
Business". Not one of them indicated the slightest understanding
of economic realities. It was not surprising then that they
unanimously agree to the use of Keynesian financial policies
to stimulate the economy, the establishment of a "price surveillance"
bureaucracy, government job creation schemes, possibly higher
taxation, if felt necessary, instead of tax reductions, and
a return to centralised wage fixing. The Summit in essence
endorsed a Socialist strategy. It is hard to realise that only two months ago the prices and incomes agreement between the Government and the ACTU, was being attacked by Liberal and National Party spokesmen, some of whom described it as "a socialist manifesto". At the Summit representatives of Big Business and others not only now endorsed this "socialist manifesto", but in doing so dealt a major blow to a Coalition Opposition, which is increasingly been made to look irrelevant. In the absence of a much more effective opposition than Mr. Peacock is capable of mounting, Mr. Hawke may, as some have suggested, already have won the next Federal elections which I predict he will hold late next year if he feels that he could win control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Symptomatic of the thinking of many of
those representing Big Business was that of the Prime Minister's
close friend, Sir Peter Abeles, who said in his closing speech
at the Summit that the policy now agreed to in the communiqué
should become a tripartite agreement, with employers being
equal partners. Already moves are mooted to create one employers'
body as an equivalent of the ACTU. The stage is set to involve
The Big Three in Mr. Hawke's National Economic Planning Council.
Anyone who has taken the trouble to read Mr. Hawke's views over the years is not surprised by Mr. Hawke's strategy and tactics. The Summit was but a first major step towards changing the nature of Australian society and its institutions. He visualises a new style of government, which will require the end of the Monarchical system and Federalism, and a new type of economy not unlike that operated by the National Socialists in Germany. In opening the Summit conference, Mr. Hawke said it was not merely a question of reconciliation because of the economic crisis but "It goes far beyond that. It is a question of the shape of the future of Australia as we approach the end of the 20th Century." Robert Hawke, the Messiah, clearly has
no doubt that he is destined to play the major role in shaping
that future. But realities are going to demonstrate to Mr.
Hawke how they are the great disciplinarians. |
8th concerning the campaign against the League of Rights Exhibition
in the Constitutional museum, Adelaide, there has been a violent
intensification of the anti-League campaign. Under the misleading
headline, "Protest planned over Nazism Exhibition", "The
Australian" of April 15th, reported that "Members of the
South Australian Jewish community, the State Council of Churches,
the Australian Christian Student Movement, the Indo-China
Refugee Association, and representatives of Aboriginal and
other ethnic groups will maintain a day long vigil outside
the museum in protest at racism, and the housing of the display
at the museum." "The Australian" report quotes Dr. Leon Mann as a spokesman for the group. Dr. Mann said that a petition was to be collected and that the group would urge the State Government to introduce legislation preventing the use of public buildings for displays, which "showed contempt of minority groups." All those who have seen the League display know that it does not show contempt for any group, minority or otherwise. What it does is to show the type of activities in which the League has been involved in over a longer period of time. The League has involved itself in the subject of what is called "The Holocaust" because, along with a growing number of highly qualified observers, some of these Jews, it opposes the exploitation of a demonstrable hoax about six million Jews being gassed by the Germans, to advance Political Zionist power policies in the Middle East and elsewhere. Disbelievers in the hoax do not deny that there were German wartime concentration camps, that there was brutality in some camps, that large numbers of all kinds of people died in the camps, and that many Jews perished in different ways along with other people. The International Red Cross Report on conditions in the wartime camps is most objective. But there is no reference to millions of Jews being gassed. Pope Pius has been consistently smeared because he did not condemn the alleged German extermination programme. The Vatican was represented on the International Red Cross. The Weekend Australian of April 16-17th reported on the daylong rally, which even Mr. Spike Milligan joined. Adelaide television and radio stations covered the demonstration. But the League was not invited to comment. However, "The Advertiser" of Saturday, April 16th did carry a reasonable interview with League State Director, Mr. Frank Bawden, who pointed out that the demonstration had brought increased support for the League. The Adelaide media are being challenged by the League to attend Mr. Jeremy Lee's Conservative Club meeting on Friday, April 29th, when Mr. Lee will speak on "A Christian Perspective of The Holocaust". All Adelaide and near Adelaide supporters should be present with their friends. |
BRIEF COMMENTSYet another myth has been destroyed, that perpetrated by Margaret Mead, quoted as some type of god by those who uncritically accept the views of social anthropologists like Franz Boas, most of them socialists. Boaz was prominent in the American Fabian Socialist "New School for Social Research". Margaret Mead was a Boas pupil and first came to prominence as a social anthropologist with her work on the people of Samoa. Internationally respected anthropologist Derek Freeman, who worked in Samoa from 1940 to 1942 and later from 1965 to 1966, has carefully studied Margaret Mead's work and demonstrated that she had produced a myth completely at variance with the facts of Samoan history. Freeman's expose is in his recently published work, "Margaret Mead and Samoa. The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth" (Australian National University Press). |